Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 987 1087. I am repairing cultural relics in the Forbidden City

Nie Wei had filmed a documentary for the Bauhinia Museum before, but that time was quite turbulent and he was not the main shooter. In that documentary, Nie Wei was more responsible for the music, which was still questioned.

However, this time Nie Wei came to the Bauhinia Museum again, also to shoot a promotional documentary for them, but the treatment was completely different from the last time.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the museum, Shan Zhang led a group of young staff to welcome Nie Wei. When he arrived at the conference room, everyone present was holding a notebook like elementary school students. When they saw Nie Wei come in, they immediately applauded and welcomed him.

Nie Wei did not come alone. He certainly could not be the chief director of this documentary. According to his plan, he could only be the director of one part at most, and the rest would need to be handed over to other professionals.

When Wang Zhonglei knew that Nie Wei was going to shoot a documentary for the Bauhinia Museum, he also strongly supported it. Although this kind of documentary does not make much money, it is indeed a good opportunity to earn a reputation. What's more, the cooperation is still the Bauhinia Museum, and Wang Zhonglei also attaches great importance to it.

So this time Nie Wei came with two young directors from Huayi, one named Shan Xiaoyu and the other named Hu Lan.

"This is for our family, and this Ms. Hu Lan is really young and promising." Shan Zhang did not despise the two young directors brought by Nie Wei. After Nie Wei finished introducing them, he immediately greeted them warmly.

Shan Xiaoyu and Hu Lan certainly did not dare to be arrogant, and quickly responded politely.

Nie Wei sat down, without those hypocritical courtesies, directly inserted the USB drive into the computer, and began to play his own planning case.

"Many of you here are uncles and aunts I know and are familiar with, and many of them even took care of me when I was young, such as Uncle Lin. I remember that when I was a child, he liked to scare me with jokes the most. He told me which palace had ghosts, and then told me which insect was poisonous. Although it turned out that these were all made up by him in the end, it left a huge shadow on my childhood."

Nie Wei's opening remarks made everyone laugh, and Uncle Lin smiled and pointed at Nie Wei, the child he had watched grow up.

"Of course I'm not saying this for revenge." Nie Wei brought the topic back to the topic with a chuckle: "Because I grew up in Zijing City, I have deep feelings for this place, which is why I was able to write music like "Memories of the Forbidden City" before."

Nie Wei's words made many people at the scene look relieved, and everyone's eyes looking at Nie Wei gradually became warmer.

Just as Nie Wei said, he is a child who grew up in Zijing City.

His mother left all her youth in this palace. From graduating from college to now, when she is about to retire, Su Qing has spent most of her time working here.

The same is true for Nie Wei. Before he went to school, he followed Su Qing to play here almost every day, eating apricots and plums here, feeding wild cats here, smelling the fragrance of flowers, and stepping on the snow. It can be said that every corner of Zijing City has Nie Wei's memories.

"So please believe me, since I have accepted this task, I will not treat it perfunctorily."

"Xiao Wei, of course we believe in you."

"That's right, Xiao Wei, just do it, we will all support you."

"Thank you, uncles and aunts. Since you have seen that everyone supports me so much, I can also talk about the next plan." Nie Wei smiled and turned on the projector. Everyone at the scene was also stunned by Nie Wei's words.

Because everyone felt that they seemed to be confused by Nie Wei's words and agreed to something extraordinary.

"I decided to shoot a documentary for the Forbidden City this time. This documentary is divided into three parts, and the three parts are divided into several small parts."

"These three parts are the palace part, which mainly introduces the characteristic shapes of the major palaces in Zijing City and related historical figures and stories, and the scenery part, which is the beautiful scenery of Zijing City in four seasons, each with its own characteristics. I hope to record them."

"And the last part, which is what I mentioned that I need the help of uncles and aunts, is also the part that I will be responsible for personally, that is the cultural relics part."

"Xiao Wei, do you want us old guys to be guest commentators? What we say may not be as good as those professional commentators." Shan Zhang originally thought that Nie Wei asked them to help with something big, but he didn't expect that it was just to shoot cultural relics, and he immediately said jokingly.

And this is not without reason. Let these cultural relics experts present identify and repair ancient objects. They are good at it, but if they are asked to speak, they must be clear about the ins and outs of these things, but it is not certain that they can tell them in an interesting way.

In this regard, those professionally trained commentators are more powerful.

"Uncle Shan, don't be anxious. If we just shoot cultural relics, how can I show my plan? After all, almost every documentary of your Zijing City has cultural relics in it. I won't copy others' ideas."

"Eh? Then what else can you shoot?" Shan Zhang was also amused, and wanted to know how Nie Wei wanted to shoot.

"I won't shoot those intact ones. This time I want to shoot the process of uncles and aunts repairing cultural relics." Nie Wei didn't keep anyone in suspense and said directly.

"Repair cultural relics!?"

As soon as Nie Wei said this, everyone at the scene was surprised. In the past, documentaries shot cultural relics, all of them picked those precious and intact ones to shoot, but no one had ever thought of those damaged cultural relics.

But this Nie Wei actually went against the grain and wanted to photograph and repair cultural relics. Everyone present suddenly understood why Nie Wei had been asking them to support him just now. It turned out that this matter actually had something to do with them.

"Xiao Wei, would it be interesting to photograph the restoration of our cultural relics?"

When Nie Wei heard someone asking a question, he quickly looked over and saw that it was someone he knew. It was Wang Lan, a lacquer restoration expert.

"Aunt Wang, have you ever heard of 'craftsmanship'?"

"As industry becomes more and more developed today, many craftsmen have been gradually eliminated by machines, and many craftsmanships have declined or even been discontinued as a result."

When Nie Wei said this, many people present looked lonely, because many of them relied on craftsmanship to make a living, and many of them were facing the crisis of having no successors to their craftsmanship.

“So this time I want to photograph the restoration of cultural relics. Firstly, I want to show it to the world and let them see the restoration process of world-class cultural relics. Secondly, I also want to show the skills of the experts present, promote the spirit of ingenuity, and let the audience intuitively understand this The daily status of work and understanding of everyone’s belief in inheritance.”

"Okay!!!" As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, Shan Zhang immediately cheered loudly.

His expression was excited and his pupils were red, because Nie Wei's simple words penetrated deeply into his heart. Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, only the skills of workers are passed down from generation to generation. As a craftsman who grew up in the new century, he felt deeply in his heart. I have the deepest experience with this kind of inherited belief.

What Nie Wei wants to express through documentaries is also what he desires most.

He does not want this inheritance to be cut off, but hopes to continue passing on this skill like his ancestors did, and pass it on forever.

There was thunderous applause in the conference room. It was obvious that those present also agreed with Nie Wei's idea.

For the next two hours, Nie Wei was explaining to the people on site how to shoot the cultural relics chapter that he was responsible for.

"When the time comes, I hope that the Bauhinia Museum can cooperate and select some cultural relics that have some restoration value and have historical stories. Uncle Shan, when the time comes, you can make a table of the selected cultural relics and select a few representative works of each type. When the time comes, I will screen it again. In addition, I also hope that some experts can cooperate and let us take pictures of daily life..."

"Otherwise, I'll just take pictures of Xiao Su." Someone said jokingly.

"Then you can discuss it with my mother in person and see if she is willing." Nie Wei is not afraid of these uncles and aunts' jokes. If they can really say that his mother Su Qing agrees to the filming, Nie Wei will be eager to do so.

After the meeting was over, Nie Wei said goodbye.

However, this meeting is just the beginning. Later, the Bauhinia Museum will discuss the production costs of the documentary with Huayi. In addition, Nie Wei will plan the project in more detail and hold many meetings at the same time. Explain the rest of the content clearly to everyone.

Fortunately, there is still a long time to prepare for "Interstellar". Nie Wei only has time to deal with this documentary, so he doesn't have to worry about being in a hurry.

Shu Chang visited the desert for half a month before returning to Kyoto.

When Nie Wei saw her again, he felt unrecognizable for a moment.

"You're getting darker and thinner. Why don't you feel bad about yourself?" The moment Nie Wei saw Shu Chang at the airport, she ignored the curious passers-by and the eager reporters and immediately stepped forward to hold Shu Chang in her arms.

"I'm quite healthy, husband, and there are so many people here." Shu Chang was a little shy, but she felt happy from the bottom of her heart. The warmth in Nie Wei's arms was something she had been looking forward to day and night. She didn't expect that she had just Got it as soon as we got off the airport.

In the past, Nie Wei's feelings were always very reserved, but today, Nie Wei hugged him in front of the large audience. The distressed energy in her words made Shu Chang feel as if all the fatigue in his body had disappeared, and his whole body The eyes are bright and bright.

Can Nie Wei not feel distressed?

Shu Chang is a girl with naturally fair skin. When she was an actress, many of her peers were envious of Shu Chang's fair, satin-like skin, but now.

Shu Chang has turned darker. This is not a mere word. She has really turned darker. She is darker than a girl with normal skin color. Especially standing next to Nie Wei, whose skin is also fair, the color difference is quite obvious.

And losing weight is not an empty word either. Nie Wei, who was holding Shu Chang, could clearly feel that his wife had lost a lot of weight around her waist. It looked like she had lost at least five or six kilograms, not to mention ten kilograms.

Shu Chang used to live a pampered life in the manor. He had already weighed over 100, and his face was rounder than when he was an actor. But this time when he came back, he lost weight again, and he looked even thinner than when he was an actor. As weak as the wind, Nie Wei was really distressed.

For a moment, Nie Wei even wanted to pull Shu Chang away and tell her to stop being a producer.

But when he thought that Shu Chang was working so hard to do this work, how could Nie Wei bear to speak and embarrass Shu Chang, so when the words came to his lips, Nie Wei swallowed them back in his stomach.

"Oh, I did lose some weight, but it was healthy. In the past, I could hardly walk a thousand steps a day in the manor. Now that I am a producer, I can walk less than 20,000 steps a day. Sometimes More."

"To be honest, after this period of time, apart from being a little tired, I feel that I am in better spirits."

"Sure enough, people still need to move more. I think my idea of ​​becoming a producer is really right." In the car, Shu Chang took Nie Wei's hand and comforted her.

Nie Wei couldn't help but laugh. Shu Chang's words were obviously because she was afraid that she would worry about him. She might also be worried that Nie Wei would interfere with her work.

"Okay, how many days will you stay at home this time?" Nie Wei smiled and changed the subject, but he already felt that during the time when Shu Chang was home, he must get some precious ingredients to nourish her body.

"About five days? Husband, it's not that I don't want to stay longer, I'm really anxious. The sooner I prepare here, the sooner you can start filming the movie. Everything should be done as early as possible. This is the principle you taught me."

"Oh, I didn't say anything." Nie Wei glanced at Shu Chang and answered calmly.

Shu Chang looked at Nie Wei's indifferent look, but felt a little empty in her heart. She was a little guilty because she couldn't stay at home longer, and now she suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

Women always hope that men can always want them to be around, but what does Nie Wei's attitude mean.

"Hubby, you didn't even try to keep me?"

"I'm supporting you in your work, aren't I?" Seeing Shu Chang's angry little mouth pouting, Nie Wei couldn't help but laugh.

"You're still laughing, I see you're happy, happy that no one cares about you when I'm not at home, right? Men are all heartless." Shu Chang saw Nie Wei still laughing, and she was so angry that she stretched out her hand to twist Nie Wei, but firstly, she couldn't bear to use force, and secondly, Nie Wei's muscles were stiff, so she couldn't twist them at all.

So this twist was more like tickling, and Nie Wei didn't get hurt at all.

"I support you in your work, isn't it good enough? How about I say one more thing to you, I wish you a smooth job in the United States?" Nie Wei hugged the petty Shu Chang tightly in his arms, and said jokingly with a smile.

Shu Chang was about to lose her temper, but suddenly she was startled, looked at Nie Wei in confusion, and asked a silly question: "How do you know I'm going to the United States?"

"Nonsense, I'm the chief director of the crew, and the boss of the company, how could I not know your next inspection place."

"Oh, yes." Shu Chang heard it, and then she reacted, and couldn't help laughing.

"But this time we won't be able to see each other for half a month." After laughing, Shu Chang felt a little sad. Although it was for work, she was actually more reluctant to part with Nie Wei than Nie Wei.

"Who said we can't meet." Nie Wei looked at Shu Chang and suddenly said.

Thanks to Chang Ge Youying, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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