Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 996 1096. Su Qing's Day

Half an hour later, Nie Wei followed Su Qing to the gate of Zijing City.

It was about 7:30 at this time, and there was still nearly an hour before the gate. The gate of Zijing City seemed a little deserted, but without the hustle and bustle, the majestic palace complex seemed more solemn.

After all, this was the royal place in the past. How could so many ordinary people come to visit?

The car did not stop, but drove a short distance and then stopped at a small road.

The photographer who followed got off the car first, and the camera was turned on at the same time, ready, just waiting for Su Qing to get off the car, and the filming of the documentary officially began.

Many people may not have thought that the scientific research department of Tang Tang Zijing Museum would be hidden in such a small alley.

In the camera lens, this alley is very narrow, because this is just an unknown small gate in the huge Zijing City, and there is no sign at the door that looks arrogant at first glance. There is only a small sign that is at most one circle larger than an A4 paper, with black background and gold characters, and three big characters "Scientific Research Department" written on it.

"Mom, relax. Just go to work as usual and pretend the camera doesn't exist." Seeing that Su Qing couldn't move her feet, Nie Wei stopped the photographer and comforted his mother.

In fact, she had taken some pictures of her work under the camera these days, but there were many people at that time, and there were many of her students and colleagues in the room. The photographer was not conspicuous inside. In addition, she was working, so it was easy to ignore the camera if she didn't pay attention.

But today was different. Su Qing was facing the camera alone for the first time, so she was inevitably a little nervous.

But after all, she was a university professor. She was not afraid of giving lectures to so many students. She was just not used to facing the camera at the beginning. After Nie Wei explained some techniques, she adjusted her mentality and soon she was not so nervous.

The shooting started again. Su Qing thought about her son's words and pretended that the camera didn't exist.

There were seven gates leading to the research department. Some were very old-fashioned padlocks, and some were electronic locks, protecting the research department layer by layer.

When watching his mother bending down to open the first and oldest gate, Nie Wei's memories suddenly emerged in his mind. When he was a child, Nie Wei's favorite thing to play with was Su Qing's keychain, because there were many keys on it, which always made him feel very powerful.

"Let's go." Nie Wei, who was immersed in memories, was awakened by Su Qing's shout. The photographer was also scared by Su Qing's sudden shout. Fortunately, he was very professional and his hands did not tremble even when he was startled.

"Mom, explain it." Nie Wei reminded Su Qing.

His voice will be erased in the later stage. In fact, in addition to the voice of the protagonist, there is only the voice of the narrator in the documentary.

After Nie Wei's reminder, Su Qing also smiled and explained to the camera why she suddenly shouted just now.

"There used to be an old saying that the Forbidden City was haunted, so when you come in the morning, you have to shout a few times, so that you can scare away the ghosts."

The photographer was scared. His hands, which didn't tremble when Su Qing was so scared just now, now felt like he couldn't hold the camera, but he didn't notice Nie Wei's snickering.

In his opinion, Su Qing has worked in the Forbidden City for 30 years. Such a great professor believes in this legend. Maybe there really is a ghost. He was thinking about whether he should shout a few times. What if the little ghosts here think that he is a soft persimmon and pick on him when he doesn't shout?

Just when the photographer was sweating, he saw Su Qing and Nie Wei beside him laughing.

No matter how stupid the photographer is, he knows that he has been fooled.

"In fact, I am afraid that there are small animals in here. Sometimes they will rush out when the door is opened. Sometimes people's subconscious reactions will hurt them. So I shouted twice to scare them away in advance." Su Qing explained with a smile.

"There are many wild cats in this Forbidden City, and even weasels." Nie Wei also added beside the photographer.

As he was talking, a sound of meowing came. When Su Qing heard it, a smile suddenly appeared on her face and she shouted "Huahua" a few times.

Then a kitten with a calico face came running over, ran to Su Qing's feet, and rubbed Su Qing's calf with its head.

Seeing this, Su Qing took out a bag of cat food that had been prepared long ago from her bag and poured it on the ground. The little cat next to her kept meowing greedily, but never moved. It waited until Su Qing finished pouring out a bag of cat food, and then it came forward and rubbed Su Qing again, and then buried its head in the food.

While shooting, the photographer always felt that this picture was particularly familiar, especially the warm smile on Su Qing's face, which made people feel more and more charming.

Until Su Qing stood up, the photographer suddenly realized that Su Qing's smile was similar to Nie Wei's. No, it should be said that Nie Wei's smile should be influenced by Su Qing.

You should know that Nie Wei's two biggest charms have always been circulated in the fan circle.

One is his clear eyes that seem to be able to speak, and the other is his warm smile. The former seems to be able to read your heart at all times, and the latter can melt your heart instantly.

Seeing Su Qing's smile today, the photographer finally understood why Nie Wei's smile was so charming. It was because he had such a charming mother who influenced him since he was a child.

He had already made up his mind that when he went back to edit the film, he must strongly suggest Nie Wei to put this clip into the main film. He felt that as long as this clip was released, Aunt Su would definitely attract countless fans.

Nie Wei didn't know the photographer's thoughts. He just felt that the little cat looked familiar.

"This is the child of Dahua who always played with you. But Dahua has been gone for seven or eight years. Now even Huahua is a little old." Su Qing said with some emotion.

Only then did Nie Wei understand the reason for the familiar feeling.

With the name "Dahua", Nie Wei's long-forgotten memory was instantly unlocked. When he knew Dahua, it was still a very small kitten. Its mother and father might be a cat in this palace, but for some reason, Dahua was abandoned.

When Nie Wei found it, it was shivering in the corner, making a series of baby-like wails.

The cat's cry sounded particularly sad to Nie Wei, and the kind string in his heart was touched at once. Nie Wei, who was only five years old at the time, held Dahua and found his mother who was still working, crying and begging her to save Dahua.

Nie Wei couldn't remember the rest of the clips of playing with Dahua, but the scene of meeting Dahua for the first time, Nie Wei remembered it almost instantly. He deeply remembered that he cried miserably that day, with snot and tears mixed together, all because Uncle Shan said that the kitten might not survive after seeing it.

Of course, Dahua was not cursed by Uncle Shan in the end, and fortunately survived and became the pet of the scientific research department. However, he didn't expect that more than 20 years later, things have changed, and the kitten he rescued has gone through its life, and even its children have grown up.

Nie Wei didn't sigh for long before he arrived at the office where the ceramics department was located.

Opening the door of the office, it seemed a bit messy inside. The shooting stopped temporarily at this moment because Su Qing wanted to tell the crew some precautions, the most important of which was the photographer. He often had to shoot at close range. If he didn't pay attention, it would be easy to bump into the cultural relics and cause irreparable damage.

The photographer listened very seriously. After all, if he really made a mistake here, he might have to throw away half his life's salary.

The ceramics group represented by Su Qing was going to repair a Tang Sancai.

This can be regarded as a very distinctive ceramic in China. Nie Wei first directed the photographer to take a few medium and close shots of the Tang Sancai horse to be restored, and then filmed Su Qing doing the preliminary work of restoring the cultural relics there.

Next is the boring moment of the documentary.

Usually, everyone watches documentaries, especially those food documentaries. The production is not bad. Once the food is put into the pot, the audience does not have to wait long to see the food on the table, but the photographer may take half an hour, an hour or even longer.

After all, there is no editing in reality, let alone fast forward.

The camera was temporarily turned off, and Nie Wei took advantage of this time to chat with Su Qing. In less than ten minutes, the first batch of ceramic department staff arrived, more than a dozen people came one after another. At 8:10, the room was no longer as deserted as when they first arrived, and it seemed very lively.

After obtaining Su Qing's consent, several interns who had just come to work in the ceramic department were signing autographs and taking photos with Nie Wei.

When they found out that Director Su was actually Nie Wei's mother, several young interns were stunned, and then their faces flushed with excitement. However, even in excitement, these interns did not make any large movements such as jumping or dancing.

On the first day they entered this restoration room, they were told to be careful in all their movements. This warning has been engraved in their bones. Even if they are excited, they dare not move too much subconsciously.

For a period of time afterwards, Su Qing clearly felt that the little girl's attitude towards her was different.

In the past, it was respect, but now there is also a sense of closeness. Even when calling her "Director Su", the voice is sweet.

Su Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this, but she was still happy from the bottom of her heart that her son was so popular.

"Sancai actually means colorful, not just this device has three colors, just like those ancient poems, similar to the Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not to say that the water in the Peach Blossom Pond is really a thousand feet deep, it's just a metaphor."

"Like this Tang Sancai, it has more than three colors, such as the green of the saddle, the black of the horse body, and the pendants are ochre, yellow, white, blue, etc."

"And so many colors have created the gorgeous effect of Tang Sancai, and it has become an important part of the history of our Chinese ceramics development."

Su Qing explained to the Tang Sancai to be repaired. These words are more for the audience who want to watch the documentary. The youngest interns present are actually professional master's graduates. They have a lot of knowledge in this area. What they lack is the actual operation of repairing real cultural relics.

Soon the restoration work really began.

The restoration work looks very interesting, with color matching and clay kneading. Because the Tang Sancai to be restored is severely damaged, and some parts are even missing, in Su Qing's words, it is no longer a simple restoration, but a creative restoration.

However, it looks like a fun job, but it is actually a test of people's concentration.

No matter how creative it is, it is also the restoration of cultural relics. It is necessary to ensure the overall integrity of the cultural relics themselves, and the content of the restoration should be as close to the style of the cultural relics as possible. This is a great test of the professional ability of the restoration master.

Nie Wei feels that his talent in art is 100% inherited from his mother.

Su Qing was very good at painting, and she was also very precise in the repair of clay sculptures like this. Thinking of this, Nie Wei thought of the artistic talent of that girl Zhou Duoduo, and it really made her happy just thinking about it. , that girl can't even draw a three-dimensional square accurately.

In fact, most of the restoration work on this Tang Sancai horse has been completed, and the only remaining problem is the missing horse tail.

After half a day of intensive repair, Su Qing first took Nie Wei and several crew members to have a meal in the small canteen of Bauhinia Museum. In the afternoon, she did not go directly back to the restoration room, but went to the reference room first. .

"Xiao Liu, help me prepare some more information about Tang Sancai Horse, print it out for me, and then make five copies. I want to use them."

"Okay Aunt Su."

While Xiao Liu was printing information, Su Qing also explained to the camera why she came here.

"Because the tail part of the horse is missing, we can only restore this Tang Sancai horse by drawing on the works of its contemporaries and imitating their style. This cannot be decided by seeing one or two statues. It requires looking at a lot of information and pictures. , and finally came up with a plan together.”

After the information was printed, Su Qing returned to the repair room with the information and distributed the information to other colleagues.

Su Qing cannot be the only restoration expert in the entire restoration room. In fact, there are four restoration masters who are also ceramics experts. Otherwise, no matter how capable Su Qing is, she will not be able to restore so many cultural relics alone. I can keep busy.

Su Qing spent part of the afternoon discussing with four other colleagues. Several interns were also busy listening, and occasionally a few teachers would listen to their suggestions.

However, by the time after get off work, everyone still had not completed a final plan. Su Qing told the camera that this plan could not be finalized in a day or two, it might be a week, or even half a month.

"After all, what we want to restore is a cultural relic, and we can't just do it casually. This is a culture that needs to be passed down, so it must be perfect."

Nie Wei and several members of the film crew were deeply convinced when they heard this.

When Su Qing got off work, the day's filming was over. The film crew left in a minibus to prepare for tomorrow's filming, while Nie Wei asked Luo Kai to drive the nanny car to take her and her mother back to the courtyard.

When we went back, the road was rarely smooth. It only took 20 minutes for Nie Wei's nanny car to arrive at the entrance of the Siheyuan Hutong.

What Nie Wei didn't expect was that as soon as he and Su Qing walked to the door of the courtyard, they heard a burst of laughter coming from inside. It was particularly familiar. Nie Wei was stunned for a moment, while Su Qing on the side had already hurriedly entered the hospital with a surprised look on her face. In the middle, he shouted happily: "Duoduo, you are finally back."

Nie Wei, who was standing at the door, was still a little dazed. Why is this girl back?

Thanks to Fantasy Park and 0773 for their generous tips.

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