"Low-level chefs like you are only suitable for such low-level dishes!"

Everyone follows the voice to see a

Only at this moment.

A dwarf winter melon is standing at the door.

This guy.Long fat is too ear. .

Dressed in gold and silver, like a piece of dirt

He is still holding a bong in his hand. He is squinting at the moment, looking at everyone.

Looks arrogant.

"It's you!'

When Young Lady Jiang saw the person coming, a hint of panic flashed in her eyes.

"Who is this guy?"

Tang Sanjie couldn't help muttering in a low voice

This made the dwarf winter melon hear it.

His face changed.

The two followers behind him were also furious. ,


"This is a super chef from Fujian Province"

"The reputation of Weng known as [Shark Fin Devil 1, Chef Weng!"

After hearing this introduction, the little Donggua immediately raised his head proudly.

Just the pair of mung bean eyes, swept around

As if waiting for everyone's surprised eyes

However, Meng J and several of them. Which one is not a Lin-level existence?

How can you be surprised by a mere super chef?

So it's all ignorant

"What a country bumpkin from a small place

The reputation of the dwarf winter melon. I thought everyone in Mengchuan had never heard the name of a super chef

After pouting, ignoring him

Immediately, he cast his gaze on the beautiful young lady boss.

"How is it, how do you think about it?

Na Weng's reputation is like a son of eight.Go to the face of the beautiful young lady boss

There was a trace of evil on his face

"As long as you follow me, from now on this shark fin supply will definitely be without you!"

This guy's eyes... looked at the beautiful young lady boss, and turned around.

The wicked meaning is self-evident.

"Don't think about it!"

Na Mei Shao

The lady boss. .Immediately refused.


"Imperial ladies. Don't eat or drink for a toast!"

The reputation of the dwarf guaweng can't help but look

I immediately wanted to raise my hand.Just like - slap extraction.

However, 240 is at this time L

Meng Er suddenly stood up.

Hold the drawn hand a

Then pinch lightly!

Just hear a click!

The reputation of Dwarf Guaweng immediately let out a murderous cry.

the two behind

A bodyguard immediately wanted to rush forward.

But he was stopped by Ren and Li Yanu from left to right.

"Let go, let me go!"

Dwarf Dongguaweng's reputation-sorrowed face turned purple.

Only then did Meng Chuan sneer and release the pig's hand.


"You L_"

The reputation of Dwarf Gua Weng covers his own.He looked at the crowd with resentment.

"You wait for me., Tomorrow's review meeting!"

"I have to make this store discredited

! "


By the time.

Wait until the store goes bankrupt.

Watching how the little girls escaped from their palms.

thought here.A smug smile appeared on the guy's face again.

at this time.

In Menger's mind, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

-[Ding temporary quest is on.On the provocation from the reputation of Shark's Fin Devil A Weng]

.[Task introduction, the little super chef L dares to shout in front of you l

Defeated it with superior cooking,

Defend your reputation ⊥]

[The task rewards the supreme top-level Tianyi 1l


[164] Devil Fish Shaomai!Shark Fin Review! (2 more, please subscribe!)

"Supreme Nine Heavenly Wings!"

Monsanto immediately became interested.

To know!

This shark fin is also graded.

If.This loose wings.It is the lowest existence.

Then these nine heavenly fins are shark fins, the highest level of existence.

And the reward of the system is the Supreme Rank Nine Heavenly Wings.

Just by listening to the name, you will know that it is definitely not an ordinary product.

See Meng Chuan and others did not answer.

That Dwarf Donggua thought that everyone was

He used his aching arm

Then he said fiercely

"Now, I'll give you one more chance!"

"Kneel at my feet and apologize to me, and I might even consider - get down and let you go!"

With this arrogant gesture, Ren and Li Yan were next to Jean.Can't help but laugh in anger

They squeezed their palms.

Makes a rattling sound.

I was about to step forward and teach this family a good lesson.


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