The Canglong Qisu Saber in Xiang Si's hand turned grey.

then the next second 1


It actually fell apart!


The crystal broken blades are like glass.

fall to the ground.


Xiang En looked at the broken knife of the hand worm.Unbelievable on the face

And the Big Dipper sword in Ren's hand

It becomes bright and flickering. ,


"This. This is the last thing that Luo Xie's soul left you!"

Meng Chuan put away the hell in his hand

Then he walked straight back to his original position.

"So handsome, master!"

Tang Sanjie and Dudu said with a look of admiration. ,

"Master Luo Xie. I will definitely use this victory!"

"Come to pay homage to your deceased!"

At this moment, Ren learned the truth again.


He held the Big Dipper Saturn sword in his hand, and his eyes were full of war.



Xiang Enyin clenched his teeth.

But luckily!

broken.It's just the biggest dragon kibble.

The other knives are still intact.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

"Hurry up and start the game!"

Shenji military division. Zhu Wen..His face was pale at the moment.

this game so far

There is no one.It was according to his plan.


The wheel continues to spin.

This time

I saw that it stayed on the word "crab".

"Okay. The title of this game is the crab!"

"Let's get started!"

Zhu Wen waved his hand."

"It's actually a question of how to solve it!

"When we first came to Shanghai, we ate crabs!"

Dudu on the side recalled the three crabs I ate in the Shangle Hotel yesterday.

Suddenly saliva came out.

"Then now, let's start the selection of ingredients

Bar! '

After Xiang En heard this topic, the corner of his mouth lightly smiled.

She pulled a rope next to her again.

It's the sound of mechanical gears turning again.

And this time!

There's a big hole ahead

It's full of crabs

these crabs

come from all around the world.

The taste, the way of eating, are all different

"Wow, so many crabs that I haven't seen,".

Dudu said with a face full of surprise.

There are at least twenty or thirty kinds of crabs in the crab pond.

Except for the most common river crab

There are many very strange existences

for example.coconut shaped coconut

It was the size of a washbasin and was red all over.

Spiked King Crab"

There are also king crabs with huge claws and a sturdy body!

There are 850 from the island country. The length is about half a meter.

Crab legs are like spiders, terrifying killer crabs.

And the elegant-looking snow ray

many forms


"Just looking at these crabs makes my mouth water!"

"Yeah! Just thinking about the snow-white crab meat and the yellow crab paste, makes people unable to extricate themselves at all."

"I don't know the two of them. What kind of dishes will they make!"

Five judges. Look down

One.It's the rebellious seven-star sword Ren L, who wears the Big Dipper seven-star sword and vows to destroy the dark cooking world.


On the other hand, she is the ruthless, yet amazingly beautiful swordsman queen, Erzhang Qingxiang.

Really looking forward to their cooking!

"There are so many crabs in Achuan, which one is the best?"

Dudu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Naturally it's the king crab"

This king crab.. also called stone crab.

The meat is delicious.

It is the best in the world.

That's why it was called Emperor Wujie s

However, it is extremely difficult to use it for cooking L.

The first is the handling, whose surface is covered with extremely high spikes.

And extremely hard.

It takes a long time just to take care of its carapace. _


【199】Zen Yin enters the concentration!A whole new level of cooking! (2 more, please subscribe!)

Just when Meng Chuan was talking, a

Xiang En in the ring moved again

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