Why are they still moved by Ren's cooking at this moment?

Ren seems to understand Xiang En's suspicion

"Because cooking, you have to be careful

He pointed to his heart and said lightly.

In front of him, it seems that he recalled some things about him and Xiang En back then.

_(PS. The original form of the judges are Du Yuesheng and Jinrong Rong. For those who want to know more, you can watch the movie "The Emperor of Shanghai" L)_


【203】My heart is empty!One sword breaks all methods! (2 more, please subscribe!)

a few years ago

He just added a dark cooking world.

Although young.

But he soon showed his extraordinary talent.

At only 20 years old, he broke through the realm of super chef.

to know L

This dark cooking world also has its own assessment agency.

And it is far more strict than the light cooking world.

Able to break through to a super chef at the age of [*].

It was a remarkable achievement to have noticed this rough jade.


Yes, a Lin-level chef was dispatched.to guide him.

And the one who was dispatched to come, is not someone else

It is Yizhangqing at this moment: Xiang En

Xiang En is also very talented

Otherwise, he wouldn't have reached the Lin-level chef at such a young age.

When two geniuses meet, there will naturally be some sparks.

Ryan had her teachings.

Culinary skills are improving rapidly.

But at the same time"

His character, also under the influence of Xiang En, became arrogant and arrogant.Evil froze.

And after 30.

The reason why he went to find Luo Xie and asked him to help build that set of seven-star knives.

In fact, it is also from the teaching of Yizhangqing Xiangen.

This is why Xiang En can easily find Luo Xie who fell off the cliff.

because then l

She was monitoring Ren's movements not far away. ,

But fortunately!

Ren woke up in time.

He discovered the dark cooking world.control over the mind.

Get out of it in time!


Xiang En has already fallen deeply into it.

Simply unable to extricate themselves.

She simply forgot the true meaning of food.

I also forgot my vision.

Right now, she is just a rogue who is loyal to the dark cooking world.

So L

Regardless of her cooking, several layers of obstacles are set up

In His Chef Mystery: The Heart Attack

will shatter in an instant

Can't have any effect at all.

Rennes is double and like a torch.


Also quite straight.

There is a strange light all around

This light makes the guys in the dark cooking world.Feeling very eye-catching.

It's like a man on the back.

But for Meng Chuan and others, it was extremely warm.

as warm as the sun

"Is this the profound meaning of Rennes?

Dudu looks at Rennes at the moment

It reminded me of six years ago.

The appearance of Lei En when he first arrived at Yangquan Restaurant

At that time, he...was not quite tall yet.

all over

Next, full of desire for cooking.

Innocent and kind"


The two figures gradually overlapped.

The former Ren, completely returned

Mengchuan's mouth fish.also revealed

And right now!

Those judges also gradually came out of the food fantasy.


Their eyes looked a little red

Wipe the tears on your face with gauze.

People began to comment.

"Let's start with the taste of this dish!"

"The flavor of this Snowflake Hibiscus Crab Fight. It's amazing."

"The crab meat, which is as tender and thick as silk, and the yellow, which bursts out of the mouth when eaten, is famous and extravagant!"

"More smooth and smooth. Thick and thick crab paste!"

Kang Baidu said with a look of emotion

In his food fantasy, there are no more vigorous love stories.

Just let him recall - under yourself. Childhood paradise.

Therefore, he is very interested in this crab fight.

The taste, the memory is more profound.

"Plus that crispy fried crab shell!" All the goodness of crab.all pop up

"That crab torrent L is like a flood, sweeping over!"

"It's a rare taste in the world!"

Feng Jingyao also praised e

"That's right!"

"Not only that" poured an indescribable spiritual power!"

"So we ruled unanimously!"

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