Once, when he was still in the dark cooking world

I have heard of the horror of Zhu Wen's life and death.

The eight gates of life and death were originally Taoist skills. ,

Then.A few hundred years ago.

However, a guy in the dark cooking world turned it into cooking! Zhao Qianzhao) spread in the dark cooking world.

But this stunt is extremely difficult

If you don't pay attention, you will be seriously injured

Even more, they will die violently.

So very few people have ever learned

And this Zhu Wen, just happened to connect

become this stunt.

This has also become his signature skill.

And at this time

That Zhu Wen is immersed in his own world.

At this moment, he... has turned into that huge melting pot.

And around it.Then there are eight portals with different shapes.

these eight portals.

Respectively, open door, closed door, life door hurt door, Du door, Jing door, shock door and death door L

Once turned on.

The body will gain enormous potential.

_[The Eight Doors of Life and Death. Open 1,]

only at this moment

Zhu Wen shouted loudly.

Endless flames poured out.

All of a sudden, the eight portals were flushed out of paper. -


【205】Eight Spirit Rings!Dragon class collision! (4 more, please subscribe!)

bang on

Capsule time⊥

This Zhu Wen's long black hair stood up instantly.

whole body.Also no wind automatic.

Sleeves fly.

A terrifying momentum spread to Sigu in an instant.

"It's terrible!.,

Dudu and Tang Sanjie couldn't help trembling with fear.

And Ren and Li Yan also frowned.

Feel the evil spirit of Zhu Wen at the moment

"This guy. The intensity of opening the eight doors this time is much stronger than before.

Li Yan's voice also became a little trembling.

Before him, he had followed this guy for a while.

I've seen this guy take action

But never once has it been able to reach this level of 1

To know!

There are eight aspects of life and death for Zhu Wen.It's not unlimited.

After each use, it will cause some damage to the body L

And the more powerful the momentum is when it is turned on

The more serious the damage to the body is.

So before, Zhu Wen started life and death

Eight doors are reserved e

But this time!

He doesn't care about the consequences at all

Because if this game, he once lost.

There is no chance to open the eight doors of life and death again.

So 450 is Zhu Wen at the moment.

so at this moment

This Zhu Wen hit all the wickets open

Just for a moment!

his realm.It has already reached the step dragon level.

smell, hearing, taste, touch


all got too

increase in magnitude

when he reopened his eyes a

Among them, there is a faint golden light flickering in it.

At this moment, he has everything to do with the outside world.become more sensitive.

The whole body seems to be filled with endless power!

"Hmph. Boy⊥"

"I see next, how do you play with me!"

That Zhu Wen grinned.

A row of sharp teeth was exposed.

Like a man-devouring beast.Terrible L,


In the face of this Zhu Wen so

surface e

Meng Chuan just smiled slightly.

"Is it open? I will L."

He took the system away.

Directly selected the food profound meaning column

in the previous game

Meng Chuan was in the group chat for a day.

Let the members with profound meanings expand the food profound meaning column as much as possible.

Ice and Fire Magic Chef: Rong Nianbing, I saw this news.Couldn't help but smile slightly.At this moment, although he is already a king-level chef

But the profound meaning of gourmet food is pus

second words

I didn't say anything, I just chose

Randomly got a lot of food points reward.

And the Taicang of the Kuiba world.Liu Yiyi of the World of Magic Sword Life and Death Chess also received the news.

Neither of them hesitated.

They have uploaded a copy of their own food secrets.

So at this moment, there are a total of eight icons in the food mystery column1

This guy, Zhu Wen, has not opened the eight doors of life and death!


Then he doesn't need to be polite.

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