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"Master, why don't you use the last trick?"

The uniform training captain, Yang Bing, turned his head and looked at Wang Fan, smiling.

"Well, knee him in the back, lock his throat and press back, and he will be dead."Wang Fan said lightly.


Everyone around was shocked by this extremely changing scene!

This action, this move, is extremely coherent and sharp!

And the more terrifying thing is that they can't find the flaw of this move at all!

In other words, if they face such a situation, there is only one way to die!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shudder.

Looking at the changing moves performed by Yang Bing and what Wang Fan said, Li Xuan was stunned for a while.

Too thorough!

Every step is launched to kill the opponent.

He has no doubt that if Yang Bing really does what Wang Fan said, the training captain will really be a dead man!

And if this killing technique is used on the battlefield, what kind of scene will it be?

It's hard to imagine!

But he can guess what the enemies will feel in their hearts when facing killing machines!

"This guy... is he a killer?" Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Fan's cold face and murmured in a low voice.

Not only is his kung fu strong, but Wang Fan's killing skills are impeccable!

After releasing the training captain, Yang Bing returned to the team naturally.

However, the training captain was not able to catch his breath so quickly, and sat on the ground gasping for breath.

Although he was locked by the throat, he should have a little room to struggle before Yang used the moves Wang Fan said.

But what made him feel powerless was that he couldn't break free from the restraint of that arm at all, like an iron clamp, tightly stuck to his neck!

The strength was so great that he was frightened.

Yang Bing's victory did not cause any surprise in the hearts of the special forces who learned the killing skills taught by Wang Fan, because it was as it should be.

The killing skills focus not on sparring, but on killing!

"Okay, you guys continue training, Feng Yuxiu, let's go back to the headquarters and talk."Li Xuan gradually came back to his senses from the shock.

Then he said something to Wang Fan and walked towards the headquarters.

Wang Fan nodded and followed him.

In the headquarters, in Li Xuan's office, Li Xuan and Wang Fan sat opposite each other.

"You have seen the effect, it is time to fulfill my conditions."Wang Fan said calmly.

He had done what he should do, which was to make this killing technique play its strongest power. That would depend on Li Xuan's decision.

Li Xuan smiled and nodded, saying:"Don't worry, I am not a person who goes back on my word."

"I have discussed with other generals. This 100 million is the reward from the military region for your contribution. I will keep this 100 million strictly confidential for you, so you can rest assured.

After the two talked for a while, they also received the 100 million reward from the military region.

""Okay, the mission is complete, and I'm ready to go." Wang Fan looked at the notification on his phone, then stood up and said.

Now that the matter has been resolved, there is no point in staying here.

"Are you leaving now?" Li Xuan also hurriedly stood up. Wang Fan was a treasure to their military region. Seeing Jinshan leaving, they were naturally reluctant to let him go.

"Well, I have other things to do, so I won't stay any longer. Wang Fan nodded and said goodbye.

Seeing that Wang Fan was determined to leave, Li Xuan didn't want to force him to stay.

"Okay, then I'll have someone prepare a helicopter for you and send you out of the military area." After

Li Xuan finished speaking, he went to the desk and made a phone call, asking someone to prepare a plane to pick up Wang Fan.

After waiting for a while, Li Xuan also received a report that the helicopter was ready.

Li Xuan took Wang Fan to the airport. There were a lot of words along the way, but most of them were requests for Wang Fan to come to the military area to serve as the chief coach of the imperial guards next time.

Faced with Li Xuan's persuasion and goodwill, Wang Fan could only cater to him on the surface.

When they arrived at the military helicopter airport, Feng Xiaoxiao and the female doctor were already waiting here.

At the same time, behind them, there were several training officers.

Seeing these people, Wang Fan rolled his eyes at Li Xuan. It was obvious that the news that he was leaving must have been leaked by this guy.

In order to win him over, Li Xuan did his best.

Wang Fan waved his hand, said nothing, and got on the plane directly. At this time, Feng Xiaoxiao also suddenly followed Wang Fan on the plane

"What are you doing here?"Wang Fan glanced at her. This woman had been tracking him down since he entered the underworld. He couldn't get rid of her.

And although she was a female police officer, she looked a bit amateurish.

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't care about Wang Fan's look. She just sat there by herself without any intention of going down.


As the crowd dispersed, the propellers spun at high speed, creating waves of air.

Looking at the gradually rising plane, the training officers also saluted the plane!

On the other side, on the training ground, everyone saw the helicopter slowly taking off and immediately stopped the current training task.

The military stood at attention, looking at the helicopter, and solemnly saluted.

Judging from the fact that all their training officers had left, something big must have happened. At present, the only one who could make all the training officers in the military region pay so much attention was Wang Fan, who taught them the killing skills!

Wang Fan's teachings helped them a lot!

Although they had only been together for more than ten days, Wang Fan's myth had been deeply imprinted in their minds!

In addition, the killing skills that Wang Fan taught them might be the life-saving skills on the battlefield.

During these ten days, although the training was hard, they could understand what it meant to be in pain and happy!

As the saying goes, teachers should be treated with the highest respect!

"Farewell, Head Coach!"

On the training ground, with their blood in their hearts, many special forces shouted in unison, their voices were loud and long-lasting, resounding throughout the world!

On the helicopter, Feng Xiaoxiao heard the roaring sound below, and she curled her lips:"It seems that you are doing well here."

However, Wang Fan ignored him and just closed his eyes to rest.

Watching the helicopter gradually turning into a black dot in the sky, Li Xuan sent the others away, returned to the office, and made a phone call.

"The positioning system is always detecting the helicopter that Feng Yuxiu is sitting on. If those bastards dare to take action, then regardless of all consequences, declare war directly!"

Li Xuan's tone was very firm. Feng Yuxiu was the key to Xia's military rise. He must not die!

After leaving the military area, a voice suddenly sounded in Wang Fan's mind.

"Ding! The military district mission has been completed!"

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