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Fan touched the bloodstain on his face and narrowed his eyes!

""It seems that Feng Yuxiu was hurt?"

One person exclaimed!

At the same time, when he saw Wang Fan's eyes as indifferent as water, he felt his scalp tingling.

This guy is a cold-blooded killer!

He was hurt, even a little bit, what does it mean?

Everyone looked at Wang Fan, who was full of hostility, and couldn't help shrinking their necks, fearing that this god of death would go on a killing spree.

"General, Chen Shixing is so strong that he was able to hurt the head coach first."

At this time, the special forces soldier next to Li Xuan, who had previously believed that Wang Fan would win, showed a solemn look on his face.

He did not expect that Chen Shixing could actually use his fingers to represent a sword, and his strength was no less than that of the sword!

"Now you know that there are always people who are better than you." Li Xuan patted the special forces soldier on the shoulder and said with a smile.

However, there was also a trace of solemnity on his face.

He had seen Wang Fan's strength, but���I didn’t expect that there would be someone in Xia Country who could fight with Wang Fan!

""Such a strong hostility!" Chen Shixing exclaimed.

He had never seen anyone who could exude such hostility.

At the same time, he also knew that the next step was to get serious!

""Let me see your real Tai Chi sword!"

At this moment, Wang Fan's mouth corners actually curled up slightly, revealing a hint of sneer.

And in his smile, there was coldness, murderous intent, and a trace of ferocity!

Hearing this, Chen Shixing immediately narrowed his eyes. The current Wang Fan gave him a feeling, like a ferocious beast without emotions!

And just when everyone was stunned, Wang Fan moved!

He took a step forward, and the whole person instantly became as swift as a gust of wind, and in an instant he swept in front of the two people.

Like a cannonball, he rushed straight towards Chen Shixing.

Eight extreme collapse!

Grabbing hand!

In just a moment, Wang Fan came in front of Chen Shixing and scratched with a claw!

Chen Shixing saw that Wang Fan was suddenly like a ghost possessed, with an incredibly fast speed, and immediately hurriedly retreated.

But he still couldn't dodge, and the Taoist robe on his chest was directly torn open, revealing three extremely conspicuous claw marks!

At the same time, the sword in Chen Shixing's hand instantly slashed out, and Wang Fan temporarily retreated

"Ghostly speed!"

One person opened his mouth woodenly, staring at Wang Fan without blinking.

Just now, his eyes moved from left to right in an instant, but he just couldn't see clearly. He just saw a vague shadow flash by.

Not only him, but everyone who saw this scene secretly swallowed their saliva.

"Is he... the Flash?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, one of them came back to his senses and said half-jokingly.

He had never seen such a fast speed.

Even Liu Xiang, the national first-level sprint champion, would be nothing but a piece of trash in front of him, totally not good enough!

"What a strong explosive power!"

Looking at the scratches on his chest, Chen Shixing was a little horrified, but then he became serious again.

Just now, he still underestimated Wang Fan. Such a rapid speed really shocked him.

If he hadn't used Tai Chi power in an emergency, it would not be a few scratches now.

It would be a deep wound!

Wang Fan didn't say anything, but his eyes flashed with unprecedented fanaticism and terrifying murderous intent.

The cruelty in his bones was undoubtedly revealed!

And this fearless cruelty also made the people watching feel numb.

However, fortunately, the claw was directed at Chen Shixing. If it was directed at them, I'm afraid they would have been ripped open by now.

"See? Now is the real killer move!"

Looking at Wang Fan who had already started to run away, the old man in casual clothes smacked his lips and said.

This immediately made the man's heart tremble.

The real killer move has begun!

Wang Fan rushed out again, and his claws stretched out at the same time, grabbing towards Chen Shixing's right shoulder.

If this claw hits right, everyone has no doubt that Chen Shixing's shoulder bone will be directly crushed!

However, with the bloody lesson just now, Chen Shixing immediately swung the steel sword in his hand, preventing Wang Fan from getting close.

An inch longer is an inch stronger, an inch shorter is an inch more dangerous!

Long sword is superior The advantage lies in the close combat and both offense and defense.

But Wang Fan did not show any fear when facing Chen Shixing's steel sword. He grabbed the steel sword fiercely, and at the same time, he clenched his right fist and smashed it directly at Chen Shixing's face.

Chen Shixing's sword suddenly turned, but Wang Fan took advantage of the situation and rushed forward again. Chen Shixing had no choice but to turn the sword back to block Wang Fan's fist.

But this was exactly what Wang Fan wanted.

Wang Fan's left claw was always preparing for Chen Shixing's steel sword.

In the end, the steel sword was accurately grabbed, and at the same time, Wang Fan's right fist suddenly smashed out.

This is already a dead end!

"Is he going to abandon the sword?"

Everyone sighed.

In this situation, the only way to resolve Wang Fan's attack is to abandon the sword and then block with a counterattack.

But what surprised them was that Chen Shixing did not abandon the sword again as they thought.

Chen Shixing did not let go of the hilt with his right hand, but drew Tai Chi with his left hand, using softness to overcome hardness!

At the same time, his right leg kicked out instantly, hitting Wang Fan's lower body.

Seeing Chen Shixing's quick reaction to counter the moves, the audience couldn't help but sigh.

But when they saw Chen Shixing's right leg kicking out, the male audience couldn't help but clamp their legs together.

""So cruel!"

If this kick hits, he will probably be crippled.

Wang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, although he knew that his punch would surely break Chen Shixing's Tai Chi hand.

But such an exchange was too bad.

His left claw suddenly loosened, and at the same time, Wang Fan stepped back lightly.

Seeing this, Chen Shixing also chuckled at Wang Fan.

Although this move is very unbearable, as long as the effect is obvious, it's fine.

In martial arts, the move that can kill people is the strongest move!

"You want to see Tai Chi sword, right? Good! Then watch it!"

Chen Shixing's face also became cold at this time.

The steel sword in his hand hummed.

The sword broke through the air without any pause!

However, Wang Fan did not move, but let the tip of the sword gradually enlarge in his eyes.

Until the steel sword came in front of him, Wang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light.

Two fingers stretched out and clamped the sword blade directly, but the strong force from the sword blade still made Wang Fan's body retreat rapidly.

At the moment, Chen Shixing turned his wrist, and the steel sword also rotated at this moment, directly breaking free from Wang Fan's two fingers.

Then, the sharp sword light came one after another, dazzling people.

Chen Shixing's Tai Chi swordsmanship at this time was full of a fierce force.

And every sword is aimed at the vital point, attacking instead of defending!

But Wang Fan didn't want to defend at all The punch was fierce and rushed straight to Chen Shixing's vital points.

A punch for a sword!

Wang Fan's fist hit Chen Shixing's shoulder fiercely. At the same time, the steel sword in Chen Shixing's hand was also sent into Wang Fan's shoulder.

Suddenly, Chen Shixing's shoulder bone was directly cracked, and with a muffled groan, his body flew backwards.

And Wang Fan was not feeling well either. The hidden power contained in the steel sword directly broke his horizontal martial arts, leaving a horrifying blood hole on his shoulder!

After more than ten moves of fighting, both sides were injured!

The two people's fighting swept away the previous style, no longer so conservative, and the moves were fierce and fierce.

And they didn't hesitate to exchange one move for another, just to see who couldn't hold on first.

If everyone didn't know that the two were sparring, I'm afraid they would think they were mortal enemies!

"Are they both crazy?"

Looking at the two men's life-for-life fighting style, everyone was stunned.

This has completely exceeded the scope of sparring.

If they continue to fight like this, I'm afraid neither of them will survive!

At this time, after the two men's fists and swords whizzed past, the two figures briefly separated.

The cold and stern expression on Chen Shixing's face slowly faded, and was replaced by a proud look.

"I want you to watch out for the next move." Chen Shixing said.

Between his eyebrows, a sword-like sharpness shot out!

He was usually kind, but now he fought with Wang Fan to this extent.

This made him slightly surprised.

On Wudang Mountain, everyone heard what Chen Shixing said, and they couldn't help but be curious. What move did Chen Shixing talk about?

"Could it be that he is going to use his strongest move!"

One person's pupils condensed slightly, as if he had guessed something.

Soon he felt that he had guessed right. The fight between the two had reached a white-hot stage.

If they continued to fight like this, they would probably die together, so they had to let the fight rise to another level.

Hearing what that person said, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Shixing.

They also wanted to see the strongest move of the martial arts master!

At the same time, they all retreated more than ten meters involuntarily.

After all, that was an existence known as a land immortal, and the terrifying moves that erupted must be extremely terrifying!

And if it affected them, it would be bad.

Hearing what Chen Shixing said, Wang Fan's eyes condensed slightly.

"Have you ever heard of this? Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace for a thousand miles!"

A dull voice sounded softly, and Chen Shixing's pupils gradually turned dark gray. A strong wind rose around him, and a monstrous killing intent soared into the sky. The sword in his hand trembled violently!

At this moment, he seemed like a different person, as if possessed by the god of death!

"Is this still Taoist Master Chen Shixing?"

Feeling the chilling murderous intent, everyone looked at Chen Shixing with a strange look in their eyes.

Those who were doing the live broadcast couldn't help but tremble all over when they felt the chilling murderous intent, and their mobile phones were a little unstable.

Just as everyone was trembling in their hearts, a sword light as fast as lightning passed by their eyes and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

A sword light suddenly appeared, and at the same time, several illusory afterimages whizzed past, and finally merged into one!

The sword light pointed directly at Wang Fan!

Looking at the illusory afterimages, some people rubbed their eyes hurriedly, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

""Did you see the afterimage?"

At the same time, the man asked the person next to him anxiously, he wanted to prove that his eyes were not blurry!

The person he asked nodded dully, and suddenly he was also very excited!

He saw it!

That was the afterimage!

In fact, not only them, even heavyweights like Li Xuan felt that they were dazzled!

How could there be afterimages at the speed of a person?

The sword light had already arrived in front of Wang Fan.

As fast as lightning, this was the fastest sword light Wang Fan had seen from the beginning to now!

Wang Fan instantly tilted his body to avoid the heart!

But he could only watch the sword light pass through his shoulder again, bringing up a blood arrow!

""Is he defeated?"

Seeing the blood arrow bursting out from Wang Fan's shoulder, everyone covered their mouths, their eyes full of disbelief! Is this devil who entered the world by killing finally going to be defeated today!

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