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"When the master of Iai Slash drew his sword, the wind of the sword was actually red!"

The crowd below couldn't help but exclaim.

The master of Iai Slash held the sword in his hand. This sword had not been unsheathed for more than 30 years, and there was no effect. Instead, all the blood and energy were contained in it.

The master of Iai Slash and the sword were like one. When the sword was swung, it was like a cartoon.


The samurai sword attacked, and a bloody wind blew.

This bloody wind had a terrifying smell.

Countless wronged souls seemed to be roaring in it.

"It's not the color I dyed it myself."

Xia Ren, who had just said that the master of Iai Slash dyed his hair himself, was a little disappointed.

"This knife is stained with a lot of blood, and the master of Iai Slash has been using secret methods to nourish this knife. Although this knife is unconscious, it has also become spiritual."

Below, some masters of Xia country also arrived, their eyes are still very sharp

"Ordinary people would be drawn to this sword after just one look at it. We were just too far away, and the sword wind was blocked by the God of War. Otherwise, we would have felt dizzy a long time ago."

"With this sword, the Iai Slash Master can exert 120% of his power, which is probably more than twice as strong as before."

One weapon doubles the strength of the Iai Slash Master.

"So now, in the battle between the God of War and the Grandmaster of Iai Slash, what percentage of each will win?"

A Xia man heard the words of the Grandmaster of Xia and couldn't help asking

"Naturally, it is our Xia Country Martial God, who has 100% of the victory, and the Grandmaster of Iai, who has 10% of the victory."

The Grandmaster of Xia Country spoke, and he had great confidence in Wang Fan.

"Are you so sure?"

Although the Xia people trust Wang Fan, there are many Japanese people around.

"I'm not afraid of biting my tongue."

A Japanese warrior waved his samurai sword.

"You just wait and see the result."Grandmaster Xia was too lazy to talk to him and looked towards the Jing Tower.

The figure on the Jing Tower was a height that he could never reach in his lifetime.

""Hua La La!"

The place where Wang Fan was hiding was where the Jing Tower collapsed.

The Jing Tower had no ability to resist the wind of the sword.

"This knife is soaked in the blood of tens of thousands of people, and the murderous aura contained in it is unstoppable!"

"Feng Yuxiu, you are honored to die under this sword."

Looking at Wang Fan who was dodging, the master of Iai Slash was somewhat proud.

When this sword came out, he even felt that the world was firmly in his hand.

"Killing intent? No one can stop him?"

Wang Fan sneered, he really thinks highly of himself.

""Such a strong evil spirit!"

Wang Fan's aura burst out, causing the attack of the master of Iai Slash to pause.

His sword was soaked with the blood of tens of thousands of people, but the evil spirit bursting out of Wang Fan's body was like taking the lives of tens of thousands of people in his hand.

Baji Collapse! As

Wang Fan's aura burst out, the attack had already reached


All the blood and energy were on the samurai sword.

Ordinary people would be terrified and dizzy with the murderous aura in it at a glance, but Wang Fan ignored it.

Wang Fan's physical attack on the samurai sword made the master of Iai Slash take a step back.

"This! No matter what weapon you use, you can't stop the fierceness of the God of War."

The weapon you used just now was no match for him, and it's still the same now.


This time, the sound was like the roar of a giant collision.


The master of Iai Slash was incredulous. How could Wang Fan be so strong?

No matter what kind of moves he swung the samurai sword, no matter how fast he was,

Wang Fan's fist would always hit the blade above the handle.

"He changed to his proud samurai sword, and it was even worse?"

Everyone looked at the battle scene and couldn't help complaining. I thought the Grandmaster of Iai Slash would at least show off his power.

Unexpectedly, he was even worse than before.

With such a divine weapon in his hand, he was beaten back step by step by Wang Fan's fist.

Grappling hand!

As the Grandmaster of Iai Slash retreated step by step, Wang Fan's grappling hand tore through the Grandmaster's defense line, leaving three claw marks directly on the Grandmaster's chest.

"Get out of here!"

Wang Fan used his 12-step Tan kick, and the last kick actually smashed the Grandmaster of Iai Slash into the gap between the iron pillars of the Jing Tower.

"Martial God, he has become stronger again!"

When he competed with Chen Shixing, although he was also extremely strong, he was not so abnormal.

In just a short period of time, Wang Fan's realm increased again.

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

Master Iai Slash was in a very awkward situation. He was kicked into the gap of Jingta by Wang Fan. In front of Wang Fan, his head was like a target.

He cut off the surrounding iron pillars and quickly changed his position.

"Just now, the God of War was just testing, or warming up, but now the God of War is serious."

Looking at Wang Fan who was madly suppressing the Grandmaster of Iai Slash, everyone understood that Wang Fan was just warming up.

"It should be said that the God of War is going to use his killing move."

When these words came out, the sound of everyone's breathing became smaller.

The master of Iai Slash now gave up the active attack and turned to defense.

But his Iai Slash was originally an attack-oriented one, and now turning to defense would only make him more passive.

Of course, as a master of Iai Slash, he also knew this very well, and he had his own plan.

""Ding, ding, ding!"

Wang Fan's attacks became heavier and faster!

And the hostility in Wang Fan's body also became heavier.

In the end, the hostility in Wang Fan's body even turned into a kind of attacking force!

At this time, the master of Iai Slash finally launched an attack.

He had just used the right grip method to defend himself, and also found a way to attack Wang Fan.

Attack the lower body!


He made a wrong calculation.

Wang Fan had no weaknesses at all.

Whether it was his palm technique, leg technique, or physical strength,

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

Wang Fan used the Dragon Claw Hand once again, allowing Iai to kill the master.���He opened his eyes.

Because Wang Fan had just snatched the knife from his hand, using the Dragon Claw Hand!

"Want to snatch the knife again? Impossible!"

Grandmaster Iai Zhan was very confident that this time, Wang Fan would never succeed in snatching the knife!

And the next moment, he broke out in a cold sweat, because Wang Fan's attack was not to snatch the knife at all, Wang Fan attacked the hand that was holding the knife.

He dodged quickly, he knew very well what would happen to him after Wang Fan's Dragon Claw Hand attacked his body.

Baji Collapse!

Just when the Dragon Claw Hand arrived and Grandmaster Iai Zhan was dodging, Wang Fan changed his moves and directly hit Baji Collapse.

As Baji Collapse was performed, Wang Fan's speed increased, and Grandmaster Iai Zhan was unable to dodge and was knocked out by Wang Fan's punch.

Grandmaster Iai Zhan was caught off guard, and this moment was the real moment when the Dragon Claw Hand was performed.


The scream of the master of Iai Slash made all the Japanese people feel nervous. Under Wang Fan's dragon claw, the master of Iai Slash's hand was covered with white bones.

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