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"This is impossible. His technique just now was clearly not very good!"

Hearing the drunken arhat's words, Master Jiemie raised his head and looked at Wang Fan's faster hand speed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Wang Fan's technique just now was obviously not very good, even clumsy. Just by looking at his technique, he knew that Wang Fan had not studied this aspect at all.

But now Wang Fan's technique has become extremely flexible in such a short time.

Could it be that Wang Fan has learned it by himself in such a short contact?

Master Jiemie shook his head and dismissed this idea.

The technique of puppet making requires hard training and a high level of talent.

It is impossible for him to learn it by himself in such a short time!

"His speed is getting faster and faster!"

Zui Luohan frowned. He had just noticed this.

He just thought that he had finally found Wang Fan's weakness.

But in such a short time, Wang Fan's hand speed has already caught up with Master Jiemie's hand speed!

In fact, Wang Fan's hand speed is still increasing.

It is very likely that he will surpass Master Jiemie's hand speed in the end!


Wang Fan pieced the pieces together, and there was a sound of bones joining together.

""Crack, crack!"

The hands of Master Jiemie and Wang Fan kept making sounds.

It takes a long time to make a puppet.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

But this place was as bright as day.

Because Wang Fan and Master Jiemie had no intention of stopping.

The two of them wanted to make the puppet in one go.


In the blink of an eye, a night passed.

All the old men here were masters or above.

Although they were all over a hundred years old, their energy was still very strong!

"The core has been manufactured, and the rest is much easier."

Wang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and moved his fingers.

He felt a little tired, not only in his fingers, but also in his brain.

If Wang Fan had fought all night, he might not have felt anything.

But manufacturing this puppet is laborious and brain-intensive.

Now that the core has been manufactured after a day and a night, the next thing will be much easier.

After all, fur is the simplest thing.

"As for the outermost material, let me think about it."

Although the inner core is the most important.

But this outermost material is also very important.

Just like Wang Fan has so many kung fu, if the body is not strong, it is still useless.

Wang Fan's body, even bullets can't do anything, fight, with the moves, no one can beat him!


Wang Fan disappeared from the spot.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to commit suicide?"

An old man looked at Wang Fan who was leaving and said

"It was unlikely that he would give up. After all, the splicing that Feng Xiu had just done was not inferior to that of Master Jiemie."

The drunken arhat shook his head. In his eyes, Wang Fan had no shortcomings at all!

It was impossible for Wang Fan to give up automatically.

"The master should be looking for materials."

Wuming spoke from the side, and the address at this time had changed to master.

"Looking for materials? Aren't all the materials in this room?"

The old man frowned. You know, the best materials on the three islands are in this room.

It can be said that half of the best materials in Xia Country are in this room.

Because for these old men, Xia Country knows them as national treasures, no matter what their requirements are, they will try their best to meet them.

"The master is different from ordinary people, and his ideas are different from ours."

Wuming also shook his head. He didn't know what Wang Fan was thinking.

"That's true."

The drunken arhat also nodded. He couldn't figure out what Wang Fan was thinking.

"Take action"

"The master is back!"

Wang Fan was very fast, and in just a short time, he had brought back the materials he needed.

"What is this?"

Everyone frowned again.

Because what Wang Fan was holding was the trap they had just set.

It was also the net made of unknown material that Wang Fan had used to shrink his bones.

"What is he going to do with this thing?"

No one knew what Wang Fan was going to do.

After all, although this net was extremely flexible, it was very soft.

It was not suitable for use as a puppet. It was like a person without bones, who could only lie limp on the ground.

"Do we really need to use this material to make the puppet body?"

Zui Luohan was increasingly confused about what Wang Fan was doing.

"It's started!"

Wang Fan moved his palms again, and the unknown material was squeezed in the middle by Wang Fan with two extremely hard materials.

At this time, Wang Fan gathered his strength in his body and began to bombard the two extremely hard materials.

Even Wang Fan jumped up and used the Buddha Palm and so on.

"It's almost done."

Wang Fan landed and said

"He actually blasted such a hard material into powder!"

All the old men spoke in disbelief.

Wang Fan's method was too abnormal.

At this time, they also began to feel lucky that they had not fought with Wang Fan just now.

In addition to humiliating themselves, they might even suffer heavy injuries.

""Not bad!"

Wang Fan looked at the trapped net and nodded with satisfaction.

The net at this moment was completely different from what it was just now.

Although it was torn apart, the ligaments were still connected and the possibility was too small.

But Wang Fan did the opposite and completed it.

"He actually used a method."

A soft thing, even a sponge, will become extremely hard after being squeezed to a certain extent.

Now Wang Fan is using this method.

What Wang Fan values is the toughness of this material.

Wang Fan uses this material to wrap the core.

Such a tough material can protect the core very well!

As long as the core of the puppet is not severely damaged, even if only one arm is left, it can fight!


Wang Fan looked for materials again.

At this time, Master Jiemie was slower than Wang Fan and had just finished the core.

Another day and night passed, and both of them installed limbs on the puppet.

Only the final details were left.

This was two days and two nights of high-intensity manufacturing, and even the old man who was watching was a little tired.

But Wang Fan and Master Jiemie still showed no signs of stopping to rest.

This detail was the last step, and the most critical step.

This step directly affected whether the puppet could move, etc.

This last step took another day and night.


Wang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the puppet in his hand had been completed!

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