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"You two are going to get what the seniors here need. It's normal that you don't know them. After all, you are not a frequent visitor here."

Wang Fan said

"Yes, this is normal. After all, I don't have the qualifications to land on these three islands."

Li Xuan's confidant nodded and said

"Take me to the military district first."

Wang Fan said, now he wants to meet Li Xuan


Li Xuan's confidant nodded and accelerated forward.

"For so many years, we have never entered the land of Xia Country. Is the development so fast now?"

The nameless old man was surrounded by tall buildings and various high-tech things. He couldn't help but speak.

They have been on the three islands, and their thoughts have been out of touch with the world.

However, the three islands are the most suitable for people like them.

If the two of them hadn't recognized Wang Fan as their master, they would probably never leave the three islands until they died.

"The current Xia Kingdom is well worth a look.

Wang Fan nodded. The current Xia Kingdom is completely different from when they left. There are already many new and interesting things.


Wuming nodded. Although they were old, they had never stopped exploring.

Now that Xia Country was developing so rapidly, they also wanted to watch it.

"Three of you, we are here."

At this time, after a round of detours, they have arrived at the military area.

This guy is also very smart. Although he still thought that Wuming and Jiemie were servants, they are also half-step masters. With so many seniors guiding them in the future, they will definitely be masters. It is always great to give them some face now.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Wang Fan said, and got out of the car with Wuming and the other two, and walked towards where Li Xuan was.

"You are back. Did you gain anything on the three islands?"

Looking at Wang Fan coming in, Li Xuan stood up to greet him.

"Of course, I have gained something, but I don't need to elaborate. Today, when I return to the military area, the special forces training just needs new fighting skills."

Wang Fan said, what he gained on the three islands is not only the secrets of national martial arts, but also swords and the like.

Behind him, there are even two people who have just been taken in as servants, Wuming and Jiemie.

"Who are these two?"

Looking at Wuming and Jiemie behind Wang Fan, Li Xuan asked.

The venom in his eyes was far more vicious than that of his confidants.

Now he only took a glance and knew that these two people were definitely not simple!

"Senior Wuming and Senior Jiemie."

Wang Fan did not hide anything and spoke the truth directly.

After all, Li Xuan knew about the existence of Wuming and the others.

"What? Senior Wuming and Senior Jiemie?"

Li Xuan frowned. This made him unbelievable.

However, as a martial god, Wang Fan would never deceive him.

"You two, put the disguise technique aside for now."

Wang Fan spoke, Wuming and Jiemie nodded and canceled the disguise technique.

"Li Xuan greets the two seniors!"

Li Xuan saw the two people who had cancelled their disguises and quickly saluted.

"No need to salute, we need to trouble you for leaving Mishima this time."

Wuming waved his hand and said

"I don't know why the two seniors are willing to join the world this time?"

You should know that if it weren't for the important things that Xia Country needed them to do, these people would never leave Sandao.

But this time, the two of them actually took the initiative to go ashore!

"Because we both recognize the God of War as our master, we will follow him wherever he goes."Wu Ming did not hide anything. At his age, he would admit it generously as long as he did it.


Originally, the two people took the initiative to go ashore, which made Li Xuan extremely unbelievable.

Now after Wuming said this, Li Xuan was directly shocked!

He even stood there for a while, and waited for a while before reacting to what Wuming said.

If Wang Fan recognized them as the master, although Wang Fan was the Martial God of Xia, he could accept it.

After all, Wuming's seniority and age, etc.

"Senior, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Li Xuan smiled bitterly and said.

He knew that Wuming would never say anything false.

"You don't have to think too much. When we leave Mishima, no one will know our identities."

Wuming said, without giving a direct answer.

"Li Xuan understood this point. After all, the two seniors had just arrived in this conference room. I couldn't recognize them even though they were face to face at such a short distance."

Li Xuan nodded and said.

He was very confident about these old seniors.

He had experienced so many things at his age, and he had no shortcomings in many aspects.

Although he lost to Wang Fan in the end and worshipped Wang Fan as his master, it could only prove that Wang Fan was a monster, but it could not prove that they had shortcomings.

""Seniors, please come with me to see the special forces training."

Wang Fan said as he entered the training ground.

"The God of War is back!"

"The instructor is here!"

After Wang Fan left, everyone trained desperately, not wanting to waste any training time.

But no matter how they trained, they always felt that they had reached a bottleneck.

They also knew that if they wanted to break this bottleneck, they could only wait for Wang Fan to return and be taught by Wang Fan to break through the bottleneck.

So now that Wang Fan has returned, they are all very excited.


All the special forces soldiers were in uniform and respectful.

Some of them were extremely nervous.

"How is your training going?"

Wang Fan looked at the physical fitness of these special forces and knew that they must have worked hard.

"Report!" a special forces soldier shouted


"Although we have trained hard, there is still a gap between us and what the God of War taught us!"

The special forces soldier said, somewhat flatteringly.

But what he said was also the truth.

"We now need further guidance from the instructor, otherwise I'm afraid we will never get anywhere near this point!"

The special forces soldier continued to speak, and Wang Fan knew that this sentence was the point he wanted to make.

"When I return today, I will teach you the fighting skills I have prepared. You must watch carefully."

Wang Fan nodded and began to teach.

With Wang Fan's teaching, a day passed quickly.

At this time, with the arrival of night, Wang Fan's teaching ended.

With Wang Fan's teaching, all the special forces above the bottleneck felt that their eyes were suddenly clear!

The God of War is the God of War. It only takes a few words to solve the problems that they have not figured out for decades.

Wang Fan is too strong, a height that they can hardly reach in their lifetime!

""Two seniors, let's go and rest first."

Wang Fan said, walking towards the room.

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