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"The two seniors have sensitive identities, and it is not easy to use their money."

Wang Fan continued to speak. Since they were doing things for him, he couldn't let them pay for it.

And the identities of these two people were sensitive.

The point is, Wang Fan is absolutely assured of their actions.

Whether it is their means or abilities, they are definitely first-class.

"You two, the positions and so on all depend on you two seniors."

Wang Fan said, he was confident in their vision.

"Okay, we will send a message to the master after we deal with it."

Wu Ming nodded and left with Jie Mie.

Wang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He was not used to these two people following him all the time.

""Two seniors, Martial God, I brought some goodies."

Wang Fan had just sent the two away when Li Xuan's voice appeared.

""Where are the two seniors?"

Li Xuan looked at the empty room and asked.

"What good stuff? Come, show me."

Wang Fan knew that this so-called good stuff had absolutely nothing to do with him.

"Just some things to replenish vitality."

Li Xuan shook his head and was actually ready to leave.

"I invited the two seniors to open a martial arts school.

Wang Fan looked at Li Xuan who was about to leave and said

"What? The two seniors have sensitive identities, doing this..."

Li Xuan couldn't help but speak, and Wuming and Jiemie were of noble status, how could he let them do such a thing?

"It doesn't matter. No one in Xia Country can see through the two seniors' disguise skills."

Wang Fan shook his head and told Li Xuan not to worry.

"And now the Xia State Martial Arts School is still in a mess, so letting the two seniors take action is just the right time to solve this matter."

Wang Fan believes that Wuming and Jiemie, although they are over a hundred years old, will definitely become the leaders of national martial arts teaching.

"As for other things, you don't have to worry about them." If

Wang Fan couldn't even consider it, it proved that there was nothing to worry about in this regard!

"This matter was a bit reckless. I will ask the two seniors to come back now."

Li Xuan stepped forward and said,"If there is any problem with this matter, I will be the first to take responsibility.

""Reckless things never happen in my hands. I only do things that I am sure of."

Wang Fan spoke coldly, and his aura burst out.

This made Li Xuan, who was just furious and in a state of confusion, feel like he was in an ice cellar.

He instantly realized that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a martial god!

A martial god who has been creating miracles and is invincible!

"I understand."

Under this momentum, Li Xuan gave up all the unrest in his heart.

"I believe in the two seniors, and I believe in the God of War even more."

Li Xuan opened his mouth, clasped his fists to Wang Fan, and apologized.

His attitude was too radical just now, and he was suppressed by Wang Fan's cold attitude, and then he reacted.

Now that Li Xuan has left, Wang Fan finally.

At this time, because of the collapse of national destiny and the frequent disasters in Japan


A man in his fifties stood up, extremely furious.

As he stood up, the wooden table in front of him exploded.

This man's realm was such that he could turn his aura into substance!

"Now that disasters are happening frequently in Japan, we must suppress this matter!"

The man spoke and paced around the room.

He has always been a recluse, but he has a very high status.

Even the former master of Iai Slash was just a shoe-carrier for him.

But he is in a separate Japanese club and never shows up.

He likes a quiet life, but now, the whole of Japan has begun to shake.

His position is not immune.

"Senior, I don't know how to suppress this!"

In front of this man, the one who spoke anxiously was the director of Japan.

"Humph, if you hadn't been so selfish, Japan would definitely not be like this now!"

The man glanced at the director and snorted coldly.

At the beginning, the director wanted to kill the Grandmaster of Iai Slash through Wang Fan and wipe out the Grandmaster of Iai Slash.

This was a big problem in his heart. After the Grandmaster of Iai Slash was killed by Wang Fan, he felt that he would sleep well.

But could he use Wang Fan?

Now because of Wang Fan's actions, the whole of Japan has not stopped tsunamis and earthquakes.

"That old guy really went too far, secretly cultivating his power, and even I was assassinated by his power."

The director sighed.

"Please help me, senior!"

The director begged. Japan was in such a state of shock now. If it took any longer, Japan would probably fall apart.

The first person he thought of who could solve this problem was the man in front of him.

"I have to bear the responsibility for the mistakes of you people. You should know that I have been in seclusion for many years for the sake of peace and quiet!"

The man said coldly

"If you, the senior, don’t take action, I’m afraid no one can save Japan from the dire situation!"

The director pleaded again. Japan is in turmoil now, and he has an unshirkable responsibility.

However, he has no ability to solve this kind of turmoil.

"That's all."

The man stood up. No matter what, he was from Japan.

Now that Japan was in turmoil, he also had the responsibility to help.

Now looking at the pleading director, he sighed.

"Thank you, senior!"

The director looked at the nodding man and quickly spoke

"But I don't know what solution the senior has for this matter?"

The director was very curious about the solution.

But he was also worried that this man's methods were too radical.

If there was a need for a heavenly sacrifice, this man could do it.

After all, he had killed countless lives! In the past, so many families and samurai villages were wiped out by him alone.

"Who caused this incident? Kill this person and the problem will be solved.

The man spoke, and this sentence made the director feel relieved.

"If Feng Yuxiu is killed, not only will the turmoil end, but the humiliation of our Japanese will also be resolved!"

The general director said, now because of Wang Fan, Japanese are not only in turmoil, but also, their status in the international community has plummeted.

And there are many people who humiliate them. Japanese are nothing but...

"You go ahead, I will take care of this matter naturally.

The man waved his hand and closed his eyes.


The director nodded quickly and left the room.

As the director left, the man disappeared in the room.

"It's been a long time since I took action!"

The man said, and walked into a secret room. In this secret room, there were many weapons he used in battle.

""Feng Yuxiu."

After the man said these three words, he quickly went to Xia Country.

At this time, in Xia Country,

Wuming and Jiemie had just planned the martial arts hall, and the appearance and so on were exactly the same as in their previous era.

Now they just needed to start construction and recruit disciples.

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