Wang Fan's moves were beyond his comprehension. What he could learn from the video was only Wang Fan's evilness and strength.

It was right to abandon the sword, but trying to figure out Wang Fan's moves was a suicidal act. When

Wang Fan attacked with his Heavenly Divine Kick, the American Grandmaster's face changed drastically.

He knew that if Wang Fan attacked, he would definitely die without a burial place.

If he was hit by this kick, he might not even be able to keep his body intact.

He immediately propped up the ground with the rapier in his hand, and used the rebound force to quickly retreat.

He managed to avoid Wang Fan's attack, but even the aftermath made him feel the vibration of his body.

"Twelve-Way Tan Leg!"

Wang Fan's divine kick didn't kill the American master Alba, but he was injured.

Now Wang Fan used the twelve-way Tan Leg to block all of Alpha's escape routes!


Alpha started fighting now, and only then did he realize how abnormal Wang Fan was. He couldn't be described as a master at all! Too strong!

Now he used his rapier to block Wang Fan's twelve-way Tan leg.

Every time he blocked, he could feel the rapier in his hand about to break away.

Now his wrist was swollen because of blocking Wang Fan's attack, and now, he had only blocked three times.

But he had no place to hide, and no way to retreat.

Wang Fan's attack was swift, and his body movements were not as good as the original ninjutsu master.

If he wanted to dodge now, he might be killed directly.


Wang Fan's fourth kick kicked the American master far away.

He fell to the ground, but a smile appeared on his face.

No matter what, he was now out of Wang Fan's attack range.

But before he could adjust his state, a huge force suddenly attacked him from top to bottom.

He looked up suddenly and saw Wang Fan attacking.

""The Buddha's Palm!"

Alpha frowned. If he was attacked by the Buddha's Palm, he would probably be turned into a meat pie.

"This Alpha is only good at talking nonsense on the Internet, but in real life, he is so unbearable!"

A woman spoke up. She is a die-hard fan of Wang Fan.

When Alpha slandered Wang Fan on the Internet, he wanted to find this person and beat him up.

Now it has finally come true. Although it was not her who did it, it was still cool to watch.

""Do you think that troll can take the beating?" another man answered.

You hit hard online, but in reality you are just in the first grade of junior high school.

This is a true portrayal, and Alpha is a living example of reaction.

"The main reason is that the God of War is too powerful. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be a match for this American master."

Of course, there are also people who make very comprehensive analyses. They don't deny Alpha's strength.

But in front of Wang Fan, all the strength is nothing.

"The power of the God of War is terrifying, and indeed no one can resist it."

Another man agreed. So far, Wang Fan has never been able to defeat a general.

"The American master's initial provocation on the Internet was an act of seeking death, and it also laid the foundation for his current beating."

Watching Alpha being beaten up, without any ability to resist, the people around him were extremely satisfied.

Alpha was now under the pressure of the Buddha's Palm, and he couldn't even dodge.

Because this pressure was too strong.

So he knew what would happen if he was attacked, but this time, at least he would have a complete body.

"Explode it for me!"

He had no other choice but to detonate the bomb he had prepared in advance.


The huge force of the explosion directly evaporated the surrounding air.

Alpha on the ground lost his life in the explosion.

As for the people of Xia Country around, some of them were killed in the explosion!

Some were also seriously injured.

Fortunately, there were a large number of policemen waiting in Xia Country, who could try to save some lives.

Now it really proved what the police said that watching the excitement would cost you your life.

""Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

At this time, all the uninjured people quickly began to help the injured!

And Wang Fan, who was under the explosion, also disappeared from the battlefield after the explosion sound disappeared.

"The American Grandmaster! Too despicable to use such means!"

Wang Fan was not injured. On the one hand, his body was strong, and on the other hand, he dodged in time.

But now his clothes and so on were in tatters.

"Since you did this, you lost your life, but the United States will have to pay for your actions!"

Wang Fan snorted coldly. This incident made him extremely angry.

This was the first time that such a situation occurred in a battle.

Even if the Japanese ninja master had an evil fighting style and attacked the Xia people, he would not use bombs!

Wang Fan could hear a lot of whistle sounds. Because of Alpha's despicable behavior, so many innocent people lost their lives!

"The Americans actually detonated a bomb! Causing a large number of casualties among the Xia people!"

At this time, the TV began to report this incident.

Around Tianmen, everyone reacted at this time.

Wang Fan was the first target of the bombing!

They were so far away, but they suffered such casualties!

Wang Fan, who was in the middle of this range, would not be in any serious trouble!

After all, no one had seen Wang Fan until now!

""Hurry, hurry! Go and find the God of War!"

The few people who were not injured quickly entered the battlefield and began to look for Wang Fan.


Now that Wang Fan has left, how can they find Wang Fan?

"Martial God!"

The people around cried out in grief. Could such a despicable villain as the Grandmaster of the United States actually use such means to make the Martial God lose his life?

After all, although they understood Wang Fan's perversion, they did not believe in their hearts that Wang Fan could resist such an explosive force!

At this time, Wang Fan naturally would not have thought that the people under Tianmen had begun to commemorate him.

And it was also at this time that a Weibo quickly pressed the content of the Weibo that Alpha detonated the bomb, causing many innocent people to be injured or killed.

This content is naturally that Wang Fan disappeared in the explosion!

Naturally, many people below questioned this Weibo, after all, Wang Fan's body has not been found now.

But soon a video appeared, and Alpha's body was not found either!

They were proving that such an explosive force would not leave a body at all.

Of course, at this time, the police also began to piece together the bodies.

But in the end, they did not succeed at all

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