In his opinion, even if Wang Fan knew about the trap, he would still arrive. After all, this is the fearlessness of the God of War. No one can do anything, and they are all hostages of the Xia country. Wang Fan's character will definitely take action."

This method can be tried. You do this!"

The US general director said.

It is not advisable for too many people to know about this matter.

Although the whole United States will know about it in the end.

But at that time, it is time for the rice to be cooked.


" The general director's confidant nodded.

This was his opinion.

Now that it was adopted, he was naturally very dedicated.

If his proposal was successful, he would not be treated as an obedient dog all the time.

At this time, Wang Fan saw a message on his mobile phone.

This message was to execute the Xia country criminals at noon tomorrow.

Even the location was written clearly on it.

It was just a matter of positioning and Feng Yuxiu.

Come quickly, we have set a trap for you.

Wang Fan smiled.

Provoking himself, or treating himself as a fool? However, this content only made Wang Fan smile.

If it was an ordinary Xia countryman, Wang Fan would definitely take action. After all, Wang Fan would not watch innocent Xia people get hurt because of him. But now, the rapid development of Xia country has made the United States extremely wary, or in other words, the United States does not dare to do such a thing. If it does so, not only will the Americans in Xia country suffer a disaster, but the United States will also suffer revenge from Xia country.

So the United States' current approach will only fail. This is naturally not because Wang Fan is afraid of the United States' trap. After all, the United States' trap has always existed from the beginning. But these criminals, no matter what country they are from, Wang Fan will not take action. Although Wang Fan will not watch others being implicated for himself, these criminals themselves are guilty, and Wang Fan will not do things to help the evil.

At noon on the second day, all the criminals were executed.

You know, it has been a long time since the United States has carried out the death penalty by shooting.

This is a trap, and it is also a declaration to the world to save his own face.

""Son of a bitch!"

When the news of this incident reached the Xia Kingdom, everyone started to curse him.

"If you can't catch the God of War, attacking the Xia people like this is simply a loss of the style of a country!"

At this time, even some leaders couldn't help but speak.

But the Xia country did not move, because these people, indeed, are criminals.

"How is it possible! Feng Yuxiu didn't make a move!"

In the United States, with such a big commotion, they thought that Wang Fan's character would definitely make a move.

But until now, Wang Fan still hasn't appeared. The many troops they prepared, etc., have no effect.

And because of the preparation of this place, the other deployed troops, etc., have a vacancy.

"Aren't you sure that Feng Yuxiu will show up?"

The director looked at his confidant and said, if this thing went wrong, the director couldn't blame it all on himself.

Since it was the confidant who proposed it, let him take the blame.

"This matter is indeed unexpected."

The subordinate lowered his head and said

"Well, you don't need to say anything more, go and accept the punishment!"

The general director waved his hand and said.

This confidant will be in danger for one minute if he stands here. After all, so many senior executives are eager to find a punching bag because of the shame of this matter.


The confidant breathed a sigh of relief. There would be no punishment for leaving this room.

"We cannot figure out all aspects of Feng Yuxiu. This time, it is a lesson for us."

The director sighed and said

"I'm afraid we have offended Xia Country in this matter. We still need to think about how to give Xia Country an explanation."

Another senior executive spoke up, but it was not about Wang Fan.

"I have already solved this problem. Now the most important thing for the United States is to kill Feng Yuxiu in the process."

The general director spoke, and now he wanted to pull out Wang Fan's tendons and bones.

"Isn't it better to arrest all the suspected Xia people than to execute the criminals?"

At this time, a senior official spoke up.

"This is indeed effective, but this will really anger Xia Guo. Xia Guo is no longer the same as it used to be.

The US President sighed. He had thought of this method.

"What's there to be afraid of? We won't kill them. We'll even treat them to good food and drink. We'll just put them under house arrest."

The director smiled and said, he had thought about this problem a long time ago.


The director bowed his head

"This method is feasible. We have not done anything excessive to the Xia people. Even if Xia retaliates, they can only put our people under house arrest."

The senior official continued

"At this time, Feng Yuxiu would definitely not be able to control himself and would take action. After all, criminals and ordinary people are two different concepts."

Wang Fan would not take action because of the criminals, because he would not do anything to help the evil. If you are guilty, you must bear the responsibility.

But if ordinary Xia people are under house arrest, they are really innocent people who are implicated because of Wang Fan.

In addition, Wang Fan is fearless, so this matter will definitely make him take action.

"I'll thank you for your hard work in this matter."

After thinking about it, the general manager said to the senior executive who made the proposal.


The senior executive nodded and immediately prepared for this matter.

"Xia Guo Wu Shen Feng Yu Xiu killed thousands of American soldiers! Among them was the American martial arts master, innocent American people, we in the United States must bring this man to justice!"

"However, Feng Yuxiu was extremely cunning. He used disguise to blend in with the Xia people in the United States. We were forced to check all the Xia people one by one!"

At this time, the United States once again released a message.

This message was the information that made the Xia people angry.

After all, the people who were shot and killed before were criminals. Although the Xia people knew that this was an excessive measure by the United States, they could not say anything. After all, they were guilty.

But this time, they touched ordinary people in Xia!

"You are talking nonsense! The martial god's disguise technique can even change bones. Why don't you check all the people from the United States one by one!"

Under this message, everyone commented.

At this time, even the top leader of Xia country noticed this message.

"The United States must give Xia an explanation!"

These are the words of the diplomatic spokesperson. This incident has angered a country.

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