All of this is not a scam.

Someone did it on purpose!

There will be chaos in any circle, and there will be people who are not worthy of the light anywhere.

Leigong Tai Chi and Master Ma are just some clowns, and the real strength, like Wang Fan and Li Tianlong, are basically rare!

If they come out, they may kill people.

Real kung fu is used to kill people. Even if you control it, everything you learn is a killing skill.

Killing skills are born for killing.

It is not comparable to those martial arts routines. For example, there is a self-defense technique that evolved from martial arts, which is so fierce.

That is when you and someone are fighting on the street.

You can hold his head tightly, and then hit him towards you, and then make your hands into palms and hit his two ears!

He will lose his fighting power instantly.

And if you use a little more strength, he will at least have a ruptured eardrum.

This is kung fu! The real killing skill.

Seeing Wang Fan and Li Tianlong fighting with the red tassel spear, many people immediately felt their blood boiling and couldn't help themselves.

After seeing the fight between Wang Fan and Li Tianlong, they were even more surprised.

In the video, Wang Fan threw the spear directly.


The spear in the video suddenly came to Li Tianlong's chest.

Then it nailed Li Tianlong to the wall. No matter how Li Tianlong tried to block it, he couldn't resist it!

Buzz... a crisp buzzing sound.

Li Tianlong was actually nailed to the prop wall.


He spat out blood.

His face turned pale, and he looked at Wang Fan in disbelief.

Netizens who saw this scene were also shocked. The spear in Wang Fan's hand was so powerful! Not only could it penetrate a person directly, but it could also pierce through the wall?

"As far as I know, Feng Yuxiu used slippers to break a wall and crack the ground with one foot. This was because the contractor there used fake and shoddy materials when making the floor and walls."

"This wall of props should be the same."

Someone came out to popularize the science, but it still couldn't cover up the shock in people's hearts.

Because of the moment when the spear swept past.

They still feel numb when they think about it now.

And something even more shocking happened soon.

After Li Tianlong on the wall roared, he actually pulled the spear out of his body and jumped down from the air.

Looking at Wang Fan, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"The person who should die today should be you!"

After he said this, he continued to wrestle with Wang Fan, and then the two of them fought head-on.

The sword that Wang Fan had just unsheathed!

And the red tassel spear in Li Tianlong's hand.

Full of murderous intent, every move was aimed at the opponent's vital points.

And any killing move, the two of them could easily resolve

"Oh my god! If this killing move was mine, I would be stabbed to death with one sword!"

"I'll be shot to death."

"But the two of them seemed to be able to predict each other's next move!"

"Wow, especially Feng Yuxiu, his movements are so smooth and his eyes are so cold!!"

"What kind of scrap metal is this? I have three swords at home, but my father sold them for scrap metal. I am so angry!"

Netizens were shocked.

There is actually Kung Fu in this world.

And it is such a gorgeous Kung Fu.

This is different from the killing moves Wang Fan used to kill people before. The battle between weapons makes them feel full of blood at a glance!

And the explosive fierceness on Wang Fan's body makes them feel a little numb and terrified.


Wang Fan used the swords, guns, sticks, swords, axes, whips and hammers on the weapon rack to continue fighting with Li Tianlong!

The wounds on the two people's bodies are getting more and more.

But the two seemed to be unaware of it. In the end, Wang Fan picked up a utility knife on the ground and drew it out of the sheath.


He grabbed the spear in Li Tianlong's hand, and then used his hands and body to firmly hold his red tassel spear, and his body kept moving towards Li Tianlong.


His utility knife instantly passed, leaving a wound about seven inches long on Li Tianlong's neck.

"The ancients said that if a weapon is an inch longer, it is an inch stronger; if it is an inch shorter, it is an inch more dangerous!"

"It turns out that this is true."

At this time, people couldn't help but cover their mouths and exclaim, and then there was an inexplicable enthusiasm in their eyes.

This action is so cool!


Deng Guokun is the owner of a weapons shop.

He mainly does some business of making weapons.

But now, his shop.

Business is bleak and it is about to close down.

In fact, he is very reluctant to give up, because in the National Era, his family was once a big weapon dealer in the area within a radius of ten miles, and many people said that his weapons were good.

But now no one comes to buy weapons.

One reason is that weapons are of no use at all. If they are used to shoot film and television dramas, they may still be used, but they are pitifully few.

The other reason is that what is the use of ordinary people buying weapons? Do you put them at home as a collection?

Nowadays, these things have long been forgotten.

"Maybe these things have really become a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, ah!"

Seeing that there were no customers yet, the shop owner Deng Guokun stood up and stroked a long sword on the weapon rack of his shop.

The long sword was shining and looked very sharp.

It was a pity that now, this peerless sword that could kill countless enemies in the past was no longer useful!

Suddenly, the shop owner felt a little strange.

Because several young people came to his shop.

""Boss, do you have any weapons for sale?"

As soon as they came in, these young men, who seemed to have come by chance, looked at the boss with enthusiastic eyes.

The boss was stunned.

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