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"Tomorrow, we will attack Shaolin!"

Upon hearing Wang Fan's voice, countless people in the cabinet were frightened!

"Shaolin, one of the most powerful martial arts schools in the Xia Kingdom, he wants to kill Shaolin? He is really crazy!"

Major General Li Tianlong seemed to be going crazy. He widened his eyes and thought Wang Fan was really a lunatic.

"I have a deep connection with Shaolin, and that place is not so easy to deal with."

Wang Chao's eyes were sparkling. He had been involved with many secular monks in Shaolin Temple and knew how terrible it was.

All martial arts in the world come from Shaolin!

Although it is a very exaggerated statement, just this one sentence can explain the horror of Shaolin.

"Even I would not dare to go to Shaolin alone. Shaolin has a deep heritage. Even if it has declined in recent years, it is not comparable to a mere master."

At this time, Wang Chao kept thinking in his heart.

There is no master after the nation.

That is relative to the people.

But for Shaolin Temple,���The highest hall of martial arts in Xia country, is it applicable!

In Shaolin Temple, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

At this time in the cabinet.

The officer in the highest position suddenly had an inexplicable light in his eyes:"Shaolin is now involved in too many places, and even wants to go public recently. If Feng Yuxiu has some strength, it would be good to rectify it."

"I'm afraid that he won't be able to come back alive!"

The commander was actually very dissatisfied with Shaolin.

Shaolin certainly produced some people who were beneficial to the country.

But overall it was just that.

In history, whenever the court was in turmoil, Shaolin would close its gates.

And when the Nine Nations met in martial arts,

Shaolin and Wudang didn't take any action at all.

This also led to the failure of the"Nine Nations Martial Arts Meeting" that year, and the Xia Kingdom signed an unequal agreement on martial arts.

Even when Western martial arts halls collectively invaded the Xia Kingdom, occupied the Xia Kingdom, and established their own sects, Shaolin still didn't stand up!

It is precisely because of this that the Shaolin heritage has been preserved so well.

Because no matter what happens, he They have all been watching the show.

It's none of their business, so just stay out of it! There have been a series of events such as wars, martial arts competitions, and invasions by Western martial arts schools.

They have never taken action!

Even if the foreign cavalry trampled all over Xia Country, they would not take action.

However, Wang Chao practiced some Shaolin Kung Fu, but they sent people to abolish Wang Chao's Kung Fu.

Wang Fan has never shown his Shaolin Kung Fu.

Otherwise, Shaolin would also send people to abolish Wang Fan!

As soon as these words came out, people around were silent.

And soon, a woman appeared in the cabinet.

This is a beautiful woman who looks very young. After walking in, her eyes explored around,"Huh? Where's Feng Yuxiu?"

"He left.

Li Tianlong was actually a little afraid of this woman.


At this moment!

After leaving the cabinet, Wang Fan walked around in Zijing City as if no one was around.

Zijing City was heavily guarded.

But that was for other people, for him, it was nothing.

Walking in the cabinet,

Wang Fan also thought about the next step.

"The trip to Shaolin was extremely tedious. Now I have killed the top martial artists in the six major fields, and only the Shaolin horizontal training master is left."

The goal given to Wang Fan by the system is very simple.

The top martial artist!

As long as he kills the top martial artist in the six major fields, he will naturally get this title.

But now, Wang Fan knows that there should be many hidden martial arts masters in this world.

For example, Wang Chao.

At this time, Wang Fan quickly asked the system

"System, besides Wang Chao, are there many other martial arts masters in this world?"

The system responded quickly to Wang Fan's words.

"That's right, host. As you become stronger, you will find that this is actually a world of national martial arts. In addition to the well-known film and television characters that you can play, many other strong people are available."

"However, they are hiding in the dark. Whether you can encounter them depends on yourself."

The system's words made Wang Fan excited.

In this case, he would not have to worry about not having an opponent!

At this time, Wang Fan quickly took out his mobile phone.

He planned to send a Weibo

"Shaolin Temple, see you tomorrow!"

Wang Fan sent out these six words, which immediately caused a stir on the Internet.

"Feng Yu Xiuzhen is going to challenge Shaolin!"

"One person challenges Shaolin? Are you kidding me?"

"Oh my god, I heard that because of what happened to him, a lot of people went to Shaolin to challenge them, but one by one they all had their legs broken and were thrown off the mountain!"

"Hiss... The monks in Shaolin Temple are a group of cannibals."

Netizens were immediately excited.

Although they were also curious about why Wang Fan was not captured after defeating Xia Guowu.

But now, they didn't care about that, and only focused on Wang Fan's challenge to Shaolin.

However, they didn't think that Wang Fan could really challenge Shaolin Temple successfully!

After all, through Wang Fan, they also began to gradually know the power of Shaolin Temple.

With the popularization of many netizens.

And because Wang Fan brought about the"national martial arts fever", many monks in Shaolin Temple actually registered various accounts and have gained countless fans on the Internet.

After hearing the news that Wang Fan was about to challenge Shaolin, they immediately began to speak out one by one to take advantage of the popularity.

"What Feng Yu learned was my Shaolin Kung Fu, but now he wants to challenge Shaolin, which is a heinous crime!"

"That’s right, he beat our Shaolin lay disciple Xu Xiaodong to death, and he still doesn’t repent and even wants to attack Shaolin. Do you really think that there is no one in my Shaolin?"

"We in Shaolin punish evil and promote good. Feng Yuxiu must be punished for such evil today!"

These people said one after another.

Then, the Shaolin monk Erlong spoke directly.

"At that time, I was about to kill Xu Xiaodong, and I stole my reputation. Feng Yuxiu, you and I have a cause and effect relationship."

"You and I are bound to fight, so why not choose any other time but tomorrow!"

"I have recently mastered the Luohan Fist, Iron Crotch Kung Fu, Shaolin Stone Grip Palm and other skills. I will definitely beat you to death tomorrow! Bring glory to Shaolin!"

The words of Shaolin monk Erlong caused a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet again.

Monk Erlong is actually very popular on the Internet and has many fans.

But when he challenged Xu Xiaodong before, he was scared and ran away, so he didn't dare to fight, which was a disgrace to the Chinese martial arts world.

Fortunately, Wang Fan took action, and took action as Feng Yuxiu, which saved the Chinese martial arts from losing face!

Instead, it refreshed people's impression of Chinese martial arts.

With the escape of monk Erlong, his famous program"Wulin Feng", his own reputation, and the reputation of Shaolin Temple were all greatly affected.

That's why he said he wanted to challenge Wang Fan!

"Holy shit, fighting Feng Yuxiu? Is he crazy?"

"Xia Guowu is a master! What is a master? He is at the same level as Sun Lutang, the martial god of the world, Li Shuwen, the master of the Baji magic spear, Du Xinwu, the master of the magic leg, and Li Jinglin, the warlord. But Xia Guowu was knocked down by him with one punch. Erlong actually said he wanted to challenge Feng Yuxiu?"

People thought Erlong was crazy! He was simply looking for death.

However, at this time.

In the Luohan Hall of the Shaolin Temple in Songshan.

An old man in a cassock looked at Erlong with a serious expression.

Beside him, there were several other bald monks!

"Erlong, this time you challenge Feng Yuxiu, it is very dangerous, that is why we will pass on our skills to you."

"This will cause great damage to both of our bodies. You must destroy Feng Yuxiu and make our Shaolin famous."

"The dignity of our Shaolin cannot be violated, and Feng Yuxiu seems to have a wonderful martial arts. Remember to cripple him, and then bring him to Shaolin so that we can take away his martial arts."

This old man is an abbot of the Shaolin Mingjin peak.

He is also the master of the monk Erlong.

However, Erlong is not his direct disciple, but a registered disciple.

For the same disciple, the difference between direct and registered is very big.

But today Erlong has an important mission.

That is to capture Wang Fan, bring him back to Shaolin, and take away his martial arts!

"If he really kills people in Shaolin, what will happen? It will really tarnish the purity of Buddhism."

"He has practiced many powerful martial arts. If we destroy him and plunder these martial arts, our Shaolin Sutra Library will become more prosperous.)"

"Especially since he seems to have practiced the skill of Eighteen Falls with a Touch of Clothes, which has actually been lost for a long time. This is of great benefit to my Shaolin."

"Shaolin Temple is planning to recruit more disciples recently, and then go public to raise money. This time, you will do a great job in bringing fame to Shaolin!"

At this time, another abbot also said slowly, with an inexplicable coldness in his eyes.

Wang Fan is of great benefit to them.

Erlong's challenge to Wang Fan is just the first step.

First, use Wang Fan to become famous, and second, abolish Wang Fan and take away his martial arts!

Why do they have so many martial arts in the Sutra Library of Shaolin Temple?

One is to hide themselves when the world is in chaos and have nothing to do with them, and the second is to use the name of a famous and upright sect to take away other people's unique skills.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying that all martial arts in the world come from Shaolin!

At this time, they continued to teach Erlong.


This is not fantasy, but using the hidden strength of the warriors and the mind method of the Shaolin Esoteric Sect to transform Erlong's body.

It is bad for both of them.

However, they don't care. After all, Wang Fan's strength is too strong.

And it was the next day.

After the monk Erlong obtained the secret method to impart his skills, he was full of confidence.

At the foot of the Shaolin Temple, he was about to fight with Wang Fan!

And threatened that he would kill Wang Fan today!

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