"Amako, stay back..."
I look at this one worryingly. I look at Mr. Alk with his sword in his foresight, telling him to stay away from Amako. armor covering his entire body. At first glance it seems to be just armor, but the blow to the array hangs a spell of resistance that is almost nullified.
You can assume that a blow using a limb, and the shock that accompanies it, will also be deactivated.
And, if it does, there is a method of stopping it with a weaponized attack, a murder weapon that kills Mr. Alk, but it's too dangerous to help him.
"- Then"
As things stand, if you can't do anything, explore the means to help him in the fight.
To do so, we have to stay away from him and launch an attack. Avoid, reciprocate with your hand and find a live path at the end of it.
Stick your right hand forward, rest your left hand on your back, and take your right foot forward by only half a step so that you can move it at any time. Respond to any attack that comes.
"Come on!!"
As he responded to my voice, he shook up his sword and slashed him here as he proceeded.
In contrast, I catch the sword firmly swung down in sight and slightly deviate to the right by hitting the right fist with the armor inserted at the tip of the sword.
A small spark scatters as the flaming sword and armor come into contact.
That is what I say to him, who opens his eyes slightly with a vain eye.
- And while it's good, the inside freaks me out.
Even though dealing with a blade is only a fear in itself, it is quite stressful to have to go out of your way to engage in unfavourable melee fights.
But no one but me can help Mr. Alk.
Never back down for him or for us.
"I have to. - Eh!"
Avoid the sword flowing to the right by turning it into a sideburn and squatting a waved blow.
At the same time as that behavior, I entered the nostalgia, pulling his shoulder armor thoughtfully and slapping a knee kick in the abdomen.
I don't think so. I see his armor, but it doesn't work.
Apparently, the blow from holding your body down is also within resistance.
I notice Mr. Ark gathering magic in his hand, and I quickly distance myself.
Don't let it blow you away with magic again. I was almost unharmed earlier, but I'm not unharmed if I get slapped in the face or anything.
Mr. Alk will be slashed again before I get back in shape.
"Why don't you give me some time to rest!"
A red-hot sword flies through the firepowder, waving it over and over again over this way. Avoid those that can avoid that attack, and those that can be played with your hand and armor, stay intact and protect them thoroughly.
Hot. Every time he waves his sword, he can't breathe, and a stinging irritation runs on his skin.
But whatever it is, I will continue to be attacked.
He plays the slaughter with the armor of his right fist with a weight that is swung down diagonally as he rotates, avoids the spikes released in the form of protrusions by twisting his body, and prevents all the breathless and continuous attacks that are released one after the other with his hand.
But the right arm that was guarding the sword was hot - eh!?
I'm getting red fever!?
Seeing the area on the back of his hand and the area on his arm discolored red, he hurriedly removes his armor and throws it to the floor. I would have definitely broken it if I had kept it on, or I would have just had a big burn.
I'm not burned, but I still can't do anything to get it over and over again.
If you were dealing with a normal sword, you would have talked differently......
"Whoops, whoops... at all, fire is a pain in the ass"
Hanging a healing magic on his right hand, breathing, he shifts his sword away with the armor of his left arm.
"Huh... hmm?"
In the meantime, I saw his arm tremble slightly.
With that, his movements are getting somewhere. Seeing him like that, I made a certain guess.
"Is there a limit to your health..."
inevitable problems with people moving. In my case, that limit is just a little higher than that of people, but normal people would be able to exercise almost apnea. Besides, it's only natural that Mr. Alk, who attacks me, is more fatigued than I am focused on defense.
Normally, you stay away from me here, breathe well, and try to regain strength. But the lead in his body lies with Nair. He will not stop the sword until she has fulfilled her orders.
"If not manipulated..."
You wouldn't have made me realize the limits of my health. [M]
He would have flirted with me in a technical battle I didn't like without such a muddy melee.
Transfer your gaze to Nair, avoiding his sword, which has only dulled slightly.
You look at me on the defensive side and you're in a great mood to assume I'm winning.
- I was sure. She's not very good at combat.
When I tried to eat my first blow, I was terribly frightened because I had a sense that my attack would easily bring me down.
In that case, before Mr. Alk's body breaks down, I wish I could slap her, but that's not forgiven by Mr. Alk in front of me.
"……! Yes"
Let's think the other way around.
If you can't attack directly from here, you can do it by another means.
"If you decide so!"
Once again, he returns consciousness to Mr. Alk, diving into Mr. Alk's pocket with enough force to step through the floor, slapping his fist on his chest and pushing it up as if from below.
Powers and shocks are deactivated, but the power to push them up should not be deactivated - and Mr. Ark's body, which gave rise to a distressed voice, rises slightly if that was not the wrong idea.
"Here it is!! - Get ready wo!! Neaaa!!"
"... Huh? Me?"
I glanced at her, leaking a barbaric voice, and I slammed my fist straight into Mr. Alk's armor and busted it to Nair's window.
Of course, Mr. Alk inside is intact.
But I wonder if anyone will be safe who will be crushed by it...?
"Ah, eh!? Still after me...... Ah, Mr. Alc! Stop!!"
"- Huh!!"
However, on the verge of hitting Nair, Mr. Alk stabbed his sword on the floor, braked and stopped the momentum and dropped. Mr. Alk's armor, which fell without receiving, makes a shitty noise with Gashan.
... You've been stopped, and you've been in a pretty impossible position. So you're in such a hurry?
"Hey, what's wrong with this guy... There's another way, but how much are you after me..."
What are you crazy about?
Well, fine, I'll do it as many times as I want. I thought so, and when I tried to put my fist back on again, I saw Mr. Alk rise with a groan, falling in an impossible position on the floor.
- That's working.
It's not the damage I hit.
Maybe the weight of the armor and the damage he took when he fell...?
If my guess is correct, I've learned a little bit about the spell of resistance.
"I mean, what you call the spell of resistance is really magic that allows you to be resistant to striking moves” only ”... then the story is quick. I will bump Mr. Alk into you on the instructions just now. But I'm going to push Mr. Alc until he faints."
"... you're one of them, right? I can't believe you beat him up so many times..."
Your voice is up, Nair.
I snort at her words without hesitation.
"I have to do it. One of the reasons I was so defensive was to keep Mr. Alc from slashing me and Amako. I don't want to hurt us and make him regret it, so..."
Stop Mr. Alk.
Nair, who drew a slight expression to my words, clasped his hands at Mr. Alc and moved his mouth slightly. I looked at Amako in the corner of the room, but I shook my neck sideways to see if the beast man's girlfriend couldn't hear me either.
"You really should have ended up here. For you."
"... what do you mean"
Before she answers, Mr. Alk comes forward.
I seem to have breathed a few minutes, but I'm still not moving. Whatever measures she takes, just like this -!?
All of a sudden Mr. Alk threw a big fireball out of his palm.
Stunned by the use of fire in the hall, he hurriedly creates a healing magic bullet that hits the fireball and offsets it in a way that causes it to detonate.
"Hey, what..."
We fought as hard as we could just now to keep the fire from spreading around, and suddenly we used it.
"Are you blinded...?"
Alert his sword as it is wrapped in a blast generated by a fireball. Then something comes up that sticks straight out to my neck.
By contrast, he tried to play it with his left hand, but he stuck it out against expectations, and Sole grabbed my arm in defense.
"!? Mr. Alc!!"
They attract the arms they grab and wield them with strong force.
My legs were pulled off the floor, but my arms were pulled while I was being...
"What, whoa!?"
I was thrown off the third floor.
Beneath my eyes, I can see Burlin riding and beating up on the zombies who can no longer move.
I get in the mood for watching impact footage somehow, but I get in position and land in the air.
I remember her being left on the third floor.
"Amako... eh"
I look up to throw my voice at her on the third floor, but there I see Mr. Alk grabbing the edge of the window and coming down.
I can't make sure Amako's okay if I keep dealing with him like this. No, I know that kid's fine because he's pretty nerve chart fat, but it doesn't change my worries.
Ignore it...? No, if Burlin here does something to Mr. Alk, he could kill him if he does poorly.
"Burlin, this place is fine. Go to Amako."
"I'll take care of her."
Did you hear my voice stuffed with cut feathers? Burlin, who rang out, rushed into the hall in an unmistakable foothold. Perhaps Amako will be fine if Burlin goes. I know Amako isn't the kind of soft kid who gets caught by zombies, and I'm not worried about her there.
The problem is -,
"I have no idea what you want to do."
At some point I throw that word at Nair, who is sitting on the helicopter on the roof of the Western Hall.
She looks down at this one as she turns her purple lit palms to the ground.
"I don't think I can defeat you to the point where I dropped you off the third floor. Mr. Alk has changed his place a little bit, where he can use his powers as much as he thinks he can."
Moment after moment, there was enough flame to draw a line from the sword of Mr. Ark standing before me.
Quietly as it wraps indoors, the flaming sword, which was red and shining, shines brilliantly as if it could be seen, releasing enough heat to transmit heat to this far off.
"He doesn't like the use of this magic himself. Anyway, the wretched appearance of the slaughtered opponent is too far from the path he seeks, so let's face it. I'm sorry if they cut me with this sword."
Mocking Nair.
Meanwhile, in my mood, Mr. Alk, who wrapped a burning flame around his sword, was in a quarrel with what Meena had seen in Lukvis.
So much so that the power and range are distinct, but the shape of me, the healing wizard, and Mr. Alc, who uses flames, relative outside, makes me strange somewhere.
"It's like you're burning up Nack and Meena. Then as his master, I must overcome this flame."
Swallow all the fear and fright and I smile with a hoot as I recall Nack standing up to Meena.
Hate, I already know how to attack what Nair calls the spell of resistance.
If it doesn't make sense to hit or kick, all you have to do is attack with other methods of warfare,
Besides, all I can tell you is that it was a bad idea to get me out of the house.
"You should have been advised by Mr. Ark when you thought about the operation like you were going to fight me." Don't let me fight outside. "" You should let me fight in a small room. "
"... what's wrong with that? Under the circumstances, it's obviously not in Mr. Alc's favor to be able to cause a widespread blast than you are to kick him."
"That's why I didn't know you were listening."
Don't taste me like Rose trained me to be a lifeguard.
Running is my business, not beating or kicking. You don't have to worry about stepping through the floor here, or worry about Amako getting hurt nearby.
"Mr. Alk, I'll help you now"
"Huh! Get rid of it!!"
At the same time as Nair's words, Mr. Alk wields a blast-flame-covered sword in a transverse twist and emits a flame in a fan-shaped manner. With great heat and power, I step out of the ground as far as I can and leap with the escape, jumping over the flames emitted in fans.
"- No ceilings, no walls."
Run out to the side at the same time as landing and attempt to approach from his side.
But Nair's instructions, which captured me by sight from above, put Mr. Alk to failure for building a wall of flames.
"Then faster -!"
Flip the direction of the body and use it as a boost to increase speed.
All the flames emitted in the meantime have fallen far behind me. I try to target and hit Nair as she tells me, but that's bad for dealing with me.
"Too late,...... too late!!"
I knew I couldn't be manipulated.
You can't be repeating the same attack like a robot like this.
It would also be easy to stop my leg if I used the power of scattering magic bullets that burst endlessly like Meena's, or using the method of creating my escape route and attracting them there and beating them all at once.
"All right!"
Change direction and turn to Mr. Alk.
Nair is losing sight of me, and Mr. Alk is turning to the wrong person.
Get close to him and prune your consciousness before you are noticed - ugh!
His eyes capture me, suddenly turning to me at that moment when I tried to grasp him, stuffing the distance with a breath.
Noticed, no, reacted...!?
Did his knighthood work unconsciously? Mr. Ark, who turned this way, quickly waves his sword down diagonally.
Should I back off or should I go -, I look at the looming sword and cruise for a moment, but I immediately switch my mind and put my left arm to the big right.
Intercept the flaming sword with a left fist wrapped around his hand.
Normally, it's unthinkable, but my master is a monster who crushes a steel sword with his bare hands.
"If he did it, I could do it!!"
Hit my back fist with my left hand armor with a twist on the sword that will break my head and shake me down.
I am her apprentice and subordinate, there is no reason I can't do it for the advantages of wearing my armor!!
"Ha ha!!"
The flames emitted from the sword discolor the armor red and cause it to have heat.
It withstands breathlessness and heat, yet does not weaken the force put in its arms.
"Break it!!"
Bikiri, along with the feeling of a jaw entering the roots of her body, shakes off her back fist as it is.
The blade, which was wrapped around the blast flame, snapped from the roots with Bachin, and pierced the ground while leaving behind the remnants of the flame.
"- It hurts a little!!"
It's not over yet.
As I approached Mr. Alk one step closer, I grabbed the part that hit his arm and chest collar, not beating or kicking him.
This is the way to live against the spell of resistance.
That's a shock outside of a blow. That is, throwing moves.
It's not judo or aikido, just pure force moves to lift Mr. Arc's body -,
"Oh man!!"
Strike the ground with momentum.
There is a huge crack in the ground, and the noise of glitter and armor rings.
Though I was heartbroken by his sad voice, I confirmed the stun and I let the healing magic flow and heal the damage of the throw.
I slammed him to the ground, taking care not to drop him off his head for once, but it seemed like a shock enough to stun him.
"Phew -"
Breathe slowly as you take your hands off Mr. Alk.
The idea of throwing it and then healing it might be a good idea.
The healing punch heals while beating. But this is a trick to throw and then heal.
"Name it, healing throw"
What a practical move you have knitted......
... and nevertheless, this could have stunned Mr. Alk. I can't say I solved it from brainwashing yet, but that should be fine if we take Nair down.
"Well, and"
Throw away your left hand armor and look up where Nair is while healing magic is applied to the reddened hand.
But Nair, who was supposed to have lost a pawn named Mr. Alk, wasn't even fine dust upset by this situation. I get an extra look on my face as if I had just expected it, and I feel a chill like I'm nowhere else on her looking down this way.
"You're the only one left."
"Oh, really?"
"... no matter how many zombies you hurt, you won't be my opponent. Now you give up."
"I'm not dealing with you. If that's just a zombie, yeah. It's just a zombie."
- Wait, what's she doing with her hands on the ground?
I don't see any magical writing. It's just magic on the ground - and it looks like it's sending it right under the hall.
Are you going to revive the zombie...? If it's just a zombie, like I said, it's not my enemy. Or are you trying to bring a powerful demon like Burlin back to life as a zombie?
But no body like that anywhere - Huh!?
"Amako saw, in the basement..."
The only place I've ever seen.
A place where there would have been enough nani for that Amako to be frightened.
The moment I came to that thought, the loud crushing noise and shaking echoed from the western hall.
When I looked at the western hall with surprise, I saw the sound of something pushing up from the bottom and the sight of the guillotine and western hall hanging with the sound.
What's happening...?
A blue mass popped out of the entrance to the Western Hall as he was flabbergasted by a series of completely incomprehensible things.
"Amako! Brulin, you saved me!!"
Praise Burlin for carrying Amako and bringing him this far, but ask Amako, who got off his back, about this situation.
"Amako, what the hell..."
"... I don't want to think about it, but the arr I saw... maybe I'll wake up"
"What's gonna happen? Don't let me know."
I'm sure something bad happened, but I don't know who it is.
When he asks, Amako blues his face and looks at the Western Hall.
"I had big, sharp teeth... and in the eyes of only one, I felt an abomination that was just overflowing. Maybe that's..."
A huge hand with sharp nails popped out of the floor on the ground floor of the western hall, visible through the door to block her words. A large nail-growing arm that also reminds me of a sharper, pointed rock than a nail.
Yet another arm was forced into the hole, further widening the hole and destroying the hall was a sight enough for me to cease.
"Ha, hahahahaha!!"
Despite the fact that the hall is destroyed, Nair floats in the universe with wings grown from his back and laughs wildly.
Seeing a deviant existence, I stared at her and questioned her.
"Nea...... ugh!! What did you wake up!!"
"What woke you up? It's been decided, there's someone who can take you down."
"... eh"
I'm fanatical when I get here......
I can't believe you're trying to catch me until you wake up with something like that.
- G., Ga., V-
I heard so many plundering voices of my hair from the side of the hall.
Nani pulled a giant arm plugged in to push the hole wide, after a moment of silence - the central part of the first floor of the Western Hall flew off with the sand smoke.
Keep your eyes peeled as you prevent flying pieces of wood.
In the smoke, I jumped into my sight because...
"You're lying."
Enlarged giant forelegs.
Wings left only one wing.
Disastrous black eyes.
Large body with many scratches engraved.
I still couldn't believe the sight in front of me while suddenly suppressing my nose against the smell of corruption that allowed me to stand in.
The evil dragon traveling down the path of evil, with the unpleasant sound of a terrible sweep and leak of air, roared heavenly enough to devour us, the adversaries.
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