The spit of evil dragons surrounded the mansion.
Usat, who saw the sight, jumped into his grudge as he shouted at Nair to escape.
Usato is fine because he has healing magic, he's sturdy, he's fine. Suppressing the urge to rush over and watching the situation, a black figure popped from above the curious hall.
"Kehokkeho... uhhh... uhh..."
It's Nair.
She has slightly sucked that evil dragon's temper, and she zeroes her tears as she coughs, with a bewildered look on her face and eyes in her temper.
"How unscrupulous... I can't believe you even got involved with me..."
... I don't have time for that woman right now.
Turn your consciousness immediately to those who are angry. What is happening to him now that he has entered such a poisonous space that no ordinary man can bear it?
Then, the upper part of the temper swayed slightly, something popped up.
It was Evil Dragon's huge arm that came out. But when I saw what was being held in its hands, I was devastated by the chills that made my whole body's blood freeze.
Usat, who was eagled by evil dragons.
I'm upset to see him immobile, but in the next moment that upset turned into fear.
An evil dragon swung him up like a stone and slammed him into the Western Hall.
"... ah"
Throwed to the roof of the Western Hall by a force out of the ordinary track, he broke through the roof as it was, penetrating the third and second floors and being slammed to the ground with a huge impact on the ground floor and a resounding ground sound by this one.
It can never be tolerated in humans.
If humans take that, they fall apart.
Usato's dead? - I can't accept the reality in front of me like that, and I get on my knees.
"No, this, I haven't seen... Usat in this place, he can't be hit..."
I am not predicting his death.
Haven't encountered my predicted scene yet.
As I tell myself, spinning the words, I try to loosen up towards the western hall where he would have fallen.
But Brulin stops me as we watched things together beside him.
The emotion felt by him in front of me was not anger or sadness, but something akin to trust.
"Worry, don't you?"
Blulin nodded with a good face at the word, turning towards the western hall where Usat had been dropped. There is no way Usat can do it to that extent, is that what you want to say?
I've only heard stories about how Usat and Burlin met. I fought with Usat the demon of the snake that killed Burlin's parents in a place called Darkness in Ringle, and it was the Usat master who stabbed him in the end, but it doesn't make a difference that it's a spectacular encounter.
Maybe it's because we're buddies who dived through the training ground together that Burlin understands.
Usat is not such an easy person to screw.
"That's right. I shouldn't be upset. Usato's fine, there's no way he can do that."
I've only seen him a little since I met him, but many times I've seen him awesome. I make moves that I don't think are very people, and my personality suddenly changes, and I do mean things, but he never betrayed me at one time.
It's the same now.
I have to believe it.
Trust him, I'll do what I have to do.
"Thank you, Burlin, I'm settled thanks to you"
If I go near a hall where my temper is spreading right now, I will eat poison.
In that case, even if Usat was safe, he would get in his way. So I'm here to protect Mr. Alk with Burlin as he predicts the evil dragon's movements.
Believing in his safety, I stand back and look at the evil dragon wrapped in curiosity from the Western Hall. Near the temper, a bewildered faceted Nair stares at where Usat has been slapped down.
"v...... v, ga, gahi"
At the same time you hear a deaf voice, your temper is blown away, and the evil dragon shows up. There was only one wing spread wide on its back, and I can see that it blew away the ambience.
Evil Dragon looked at the western hall where he slammed Usat and roughly shook up his arm when he sounded his throat gladly.
Are you still going to attack Usat after such an attack...!? His survival becomes desperate any longer.
I was about to raise my voice of restraint by accident, but Nair, who was flying faster than that, stopped Evil Dragon from behaving.
An evil dragon that solidifies like it was in a gold tie to her voice.
"No more attacks without my permission"
"V...... vv"
"You did it flashy. I'm going to sleep in the village today. Um, before that, after Usat's hand? Shall we bite him first before..."
In front of the immovable evil dragon, she looks thoughtful with her magical hands.
As one summed up his thoughts, he turned his face to the evil dragon again, leaning his neck in surprise, making the magic in his hand shine even more suspiciously.
"... certainly not like regular zombies, but that's all. As long as you're under my control, you're just my puppet. Unlock your abilities and you will return to being just a corpse."
Evil Dragon's body cramps. Then, from the body of the evil dragon, the same purple magic power as Nair's magic power returns to him.
It looks as if the shackles that were connecting the body of the array will disappear. Necromancers use magic to manipulate a cadaver.
If you're going by that principle, can you assume that Nair is bringing back to herself the magic she was infusing into Evil Dragon now?
In about a dozen seconds, magic falls out of the body of the evil dragon, and the movement of the body that was cramped is completely silent. Nair, who saw the evil dragon back just a corpse, exhales loudly after seeing how it was for a while.
"Phew. - Nah. After all, it's not just a corpse. What's wrong with the dragon? Usato said something weird too. You look weird. We have to get him."
I turn my back on the evil dragon and look at her, and I glance at Brulin.
Without the evil dragon, only Nair and the zombies will be left behind, and if that's all, even me and Burlin can defeat him enough. I feel like I've seen it, and it seems like it takes a lot of magic for her to make Evil Dragon a zombie again, and in the meantime, there's no way I'm going to bump her out.
... slightly, I can't help but feel that I am thinking like Usat, but this would be the best solution in the current situation.
Take a leg to the Western Hall so she doesn't notice.
But in the middle of it, the evil dragon's naked eye behind Nair moves into sight.
"... eh"
Pink black eyes with moonlight in them.
As soon as I saw its eyes twitch, I eagled Nair, whose evil dragon arm suddenly lifted her back.
"-!? then why!?"
"Shackles ha, consumer eta. Out of the way na magic mo out taita. Out of the way na brave mo kill sita"
More than that, Nair should have unzombified the Evil Dragon. But how can Evil Dragon be in motion?
"Thank you Sulzo Necromancer. You three hundred years after Gassou Rasana Keleva ha decayed Chitaik Mama Dattazo"
"Resurrect!?... you must have been a corpse!! Seriously, there is no soul in the dead flesh!! Where is your soul...!!"
"Chilanu. Sonnakotohado demoyi. I hakoni exist sulkotoni weird walinai"
Keeping Nair in its hands, the evil dragon, with his large body upright, laid eyes in a direction that looked around him. Did Nair, who is in the hands of Evil Dragon, also see what was in the direction Evil Dragon was looking at, turning that face bright blue?
In the direction where the evil dragon is directed, there is a village.
This is where Nair spent her time as a village daughter.
"Kono Shini Rebi, Suttanaraba I Noyarkotoha One. Destruction Da, All Equal Ni Kills"
"Oh, that's mine, please, don't do anything"
Nair said that all the time to the evil dragon tilting his neck.
"You, Nittotte, human, Habait, Darrow? You Nofatto, Ano Village Perception Etairzo, Assocha Food Bank Da. Kudzu Koga Livestock Noyoni Hega Food Warrel Order of waiting Chinagara Waste Na Raw Over Goth Location Da"
"... Oh, yeah. That village belongs to me. It's a food bank, so I hope you don't get your hands on it."
Nair, told by Evil Dragon to do so, had the look of a bitter bug chewed up.
But evil dragons laughed with their noses at her words like that and caged their strength in the hand that grabbed her.
"Ugh, gu..."
"Relationship nai, colos, ano village mo country mo continental mo all broken"
"Stop... don't touch me. Am I the one who brought you back?"
"V, gah...... chiluka. Bat-style Ga"
The evil dragon, who grinned uncomfortably, threw Nair onto the third floor, which became a blowout of the Western Hall, as if to throw the trash away as it were. Squeezed by the evil dragon, unable to move, she was slapped straight onto the floor on the third floor and disappeared from view.
I don't know why she sheltered the village with any emotions, and I don't want to know.
There's no need to worry because the root cause is on that woman, but now that Nair has been hit, which was the only way to stop Evil Dragon, the situation is hopeless.
"What can I do?"
Even if I make a prediction to face it, I see the end of it all being killed by evil dragons.
When Evil Dragon looks at us, he is seen in a dreary black eye and his body stops moving as if it were in gold bondage.
It kills me, the moment a word like that passes on my head -, the walls on the ground floor of the western hall where Nair was slapped earlier blow up from the inside and something pops up.
Something about it shook up a weapon fitted with something like a blade on the spear, and I wanted to think through the jaw of the evil dragon in front of me.
"Just in return ah!!"
Evil dragon leaning big and sideways.
White team clothes in the wind.
A spear fitted with an ax-like blade held in its hand.
Lifting the great spear gently, he steps down to the ground and turns this way.
"Are you all right?"
I'm glad he's here.
But when I saw his - Usat's face, I spewed out a different word than joy.
Whatever it was, his face was transformed into a bloody, horribly swordswallowing eye.
That evil dragon slapped me into the hall, and I managed to stay conscious even though I was exposed to a terrible shock. If you look down, the body buried in the rubble, if you look up, the hall blew brilliantly out to the sky.
What a brilliant blow it took. It hurts all over my body because of you, I can't move. Oh, my God.
For now, keep hanging the healing magic, get rid of the debris that is interrupting the movement of your body, and when you stand up, the pain runs on your right shoulder, which does not rise from earlier.
Did the shock of the fall just take you off your shoulder?
Rose and I have been through several dislocations in training, but this still hurts the most. Whatever the healing magic, it doesn't heal on its own.
Place your left hand on your right shoulder and chew your teeth to withstand the pain.
Once you cage your strength in your left arm and re-fit your cockroaches and bones, use instant healing magic to heal your sore shoulders and their surroundings.
Turn your arms around to see if there are any major injuries besides your shoulders.
There are no other visible wounds. Cut off your head a little. Blood is the only thing that's bleeding, but not so badly.
For me, experiencing the same kind of power in Rose's training, that blow is still within okay range.
... That's not funny. It's not funny at all.
"My body is fine, but can I take him down..."
The poison is troublesome, but he's also smart.
I was reminded that I didn't want to have a weak win on a positive offense at a time when my offense didn't make sense. I wish I had a weakness or something......
Second, I remember the notebook I brought out of Nair's study.
I did hear that the previous brave man jumped into his mouth and knocked his heart out with a blade from inside. That means an attack from inside should be effective.
"But evil dragons are zombies. Your gut can't be moving."
Plus a corpse that's been abandoned for hundreds of years. What a rotten gut. It could be collapsing through it.
- No,
"Wait. Then why did I hit you..."
... you need to check again.
Maybe we can defeat Evil Dragon in the same way as our predecessors.
If that's the case, let's go outside right away.
As he tried to get the rubble at his feet to the exit that passed outside, the armor barely kept its shape on the side fell, and the great spear in his hand made a tall sound and fell to the ground.
"... this is"
Halvard over two meters long, it weighs quite a bit whether it was something the older man was using or if you hold it, it has an iron core inside it.
... how much do I have to prepare for them?
Luckily, it weighs just fine for me to wiggle - Huh!?
"Hey, what the fuck!?"
With Halvard in my hand, I hear something fall over the hall.
No way, I thought, and when I went into a room nearby and looked out the window, there was an evil dragon at the end of my eyes and nose. Besides, there are Amako and the others at the end of that gaze.
"Not if it's too long...!"
That bastard, now you're going to try to get your hands on my people...!!
Once distanced from the window, hold the halvard on his shoulder with both hands.
I can't afford to go through the entrance and exit. I'm gonna break it like this!
Wave Halvard to the horizontal girdle as he forces. Glass and walls scattered with loud crushing noises, and my eyes jumped out without setting my eyes on them, and I rearranged my weapon and jumped on Evil Dragon at once.
"Just in return ah!!"
And slap Halvard in the full swinging mood on the lower jaw of the evil dragon who was lying on his side. Did the unintentional blow work, a few sharp teeth smash from the lower jaw of the evil dragon and fall to the ground.
"Are you all right?"
Without distracting himself from the evil dragon, he calls out to make sure Amako and the others are safe - but for some reason, Amako looks at my face and turns her face bright blue.
Look at people's faces. I wonder how they react.
While being slightly irrational about her reaction, she attempts an immediate attack on the Evil Dragon.
He was already up and staring at me with hateful eyes, distracted from his mouth.
"Mada Raw Kiteitanoka, Brave Ga!!"
"Ha!! I've been rapping for a long time!! I've got lizards!!"
Beat Halvard with both hands to the flank of the Evil Dragon, avoiding the claws wielded by the angry phase. But it also plays just like a fist, and it doesn't work.
I knew I couldn't even use a blade, how hard it is, this guy.
"If this!!"
He switches his weapon to his left hand and throws the healing magic bullet generated in his right palm continuously into the eye of the evil dragon and crushes his vision. Along with a small bursting sound, the evil dragon whose vision was crushed wields his arms at our samurai lol with a scream of confusion.
But it doesn't hit me when I immediately turn around his oblique back.
"Oh man!!"
Keep the kick in the back leg of the evil dragon and let it unbalance and roll.
Dossingly rocking the ground, the evil dragon giant falls and falls. At that moment, when I saw Evil Dragon's chest exposed to defenselessness, I stabbed Halvard to the ground and fleshed to Evil Dragon unarmed.
"If I think right - - -!!"
Unlike the first time I punched my fist in, I punch the palm bottom into the chest of the evil dragon.
Because I'm not caging so much power, it doesn't do much good - I turn suspicion into certainty into a definite heartbeat I feel in my hands.
After all, this guy's heart is moving.
I don't know why, but the thing is for sure, there's a clear weakness in this guy. Then, in the same way as our predecessors, if we enter this guy's body and destroy his heart, we can defeat him.
"Then hurry up......"
The moment I try to move to my mouth, avoiding the hands and feet of evil dragons trying to get up, my legs become powerless and my body becomes unbalanced.
... Couldn't it be completely cured yet...!!
Is it because you have used too much healing magic and strength so far, the healing magic effect and my judgment have become much dull!!
"You! He and Jiyouni, I!!"
"... chip"
Besides, he found out about the operation. It's a knockout tactic, you must have realized at first sight what I was trying to do. That's the only annoying thing about thinking being simple habit and smart...!
To avoid getting into the body, or tongue-in-cheek at the evil dragon, which began to release a higher concentration of spirituality from his mouth, he retrieves the halvard he had stabbed nearby and leaves the evil dragon and falls back to where Amako and the others are.
"So, are you okay?!? Usato!!"
Amako rushes over.
Answer her words as she kneels and hangs the healing magic back on her body again.
"... To be honest, you're not doing too well..."
Maybe the poison and the injury just now are sounding more than I think. It's still the spare time that's slowing down the rate of recovery that's so certain. I had an anomaly in my leg that I thought was completely cured by the evidence.
This does not allow you to enter a body with a high concentration of temper. Maybe my healing magic will run out before then, and I'll be dead.
"... what about Nair?"
"She was hit by an evil dragon... and she couldn't seem to stop the evil dragon"
Wasn't she good, too?
Do you want me to tell Amako and Burlin about the weaknesses of evil dragons quickly for now? You have to think of the next step before he comes too close to me. [M]
When she tells her that the weakness of the evil dragon is the heart, although it is a big mess, she gives her expression.
"I see my heart is a weakness. But how do you attack...?"
"That's the problem. Look at him... I'm being cautious when I figure out I'm going for the heart. I know that's all that matters if you give it back, but the only way to get in is if he's on guard and he can't get in."
I really should have decided earlier, but... I really don't like the sweetness of my stuffing.
... I can't help but regret it. Attack his heart somehow.
"One or eight, or I'll stick it in your mouth ready for poison..."
"I'm so tired that I can tell... I don't know if I can help you. Don't take any steps..."
"But I can go beyond poison... no, I'm sorry"
Look at Amako's face, who looks sorry for this one, and change his mind.
Self-sacrifice is not an easy path to choose. I have to live and travel again for her and for mine.
Besides, I don't know what Rose will see if she finds out she's about to throw her life out of herself. Going into the afterlife is going to bump me out.
Let's explore another way, it's time for the opponent to make a move and fight like he always does...
"Usato, my lord..."
Unexpectedly, I heard voices from behind.
I didn't think so. Looking back, there was Mr. Ark who rose up in support of Burlin.
You've been unraveled from brainwashing, and that eye is lit with a definite light.
"You're awake! Mr. Alc!"
"Yeah.... I know the situation. I was conscious while being manipulated... And when I heard about you earlier, I figured out how serious things were."
Saying so, he took off his obstructive armor and stood up, and he looked at me with his eyes where a strong will could glimpse.
"I have an idea."
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