Sayuri Hagiwara took a fruit from Nanyi, broke off the peel, took out the pulp inside, and handed it to Nanyi, "We eat the pulp, and the peel can be used to fry tomatoes."

Nan Yi took it, and asked Tianxian for a dagger, cut off the skin that had been bitten and crawled by insects, and handed the cleaned one to Sayuri Hagiwara, who took it and immediately put it in her mouth, and then exclaimed with an exaggerated expression :"tasty."

Nanyi smiled, peeled one for himself, and brought it to his mouth to take a bite. The comprehensive taste mixed with milk, durian, and jelly immediately hit the taste buds.

Seeing that Nanyi had eaten, Sayuri Hagiwara asked expectantly: "Yongwei-kun, is it delicious?"

"The taste is too complex for my liking."

Nan Yi told the truth.

"It's a pity, I like its taste very much." Sayuri Hagiwara said regretfully.

"You can eat more if you like." Nan Yi pointed in one direction and said, "I see a piece of chestnut over there. Is there an owner?"

"No, anyone can pick it."

"Lily sauce, the candied chestnuts you made are delicious, let's go pick some chestnuts and make them."


The two walked for a while and came to a slope where chestnut trees grew. The ground was not densely covered with yellowed leaves. Between the leaves lay splinters that had been split, and some of them had splintered from the splinters. Chestnuts that ran out.

"Give me the hat."

Nan Yi asked Sayuri Hagiwara if she wanted a straw hat, then patrolled the ground for a while, found a convenient branch, took the branch to the side of a thorn ball, stepped on the thorn ball with the sole of her shoe to make the crack bigger , The branches were inserted and picked, and the chestnuts rolled to the ground.

Seeing this, Sayuri Hagiwara put away the Tongcao fruit in her hand, asked Nanyi to return the hat, bent down and picked up the chestnuts on the ground and put them into the straw hat.

The two worked together, one picked and the other picked up, and in a short while they picked up more than 30 chestnuts, and the straw hat was already full.

Nan Yi asked for a straw hat from Sayuri Hagiwara, picked up a chestnut, and said with a smile: "Lily sauce, ten years ago, I supplied more than half of the chestnuts on the Japanese market. There is no way to do it. You Japanese have learned the skills and went to Huaguo to order by yourself.”

"Is it the taste of the mountain?"


"It's a pity. I used to like to buy the abalone fruit of the mountain flavor. Every fruit is very full. I bought it for four consecutive years, but it changed in the fifth year. There are always a few bad fruits in one serving, so I will buy it again. I haven't bought it."

"That's right, I don't know very well, Shan の Taste Club was sold by me a long time ago."

Nanyi didn't go deep into the topic of the taste of mountains, so she asked Sayuri Hagiwara to walk around the whole mountain. On the way, she picked a lot of edible things. When the body was full, the two of them walked down the mountain. It is willful and quiet.

The eye-catching small pieces of farmland are spliced, seldom horizontal and vertical, and there are few patterns similar to the word "Tian". Most of them are irregular patterns, triangles, trapezoids, and fans, and they are uneven. The colors in the fields are slightly different, there are blue and yellow, patchwork.

When the rice harvest is approaching, a gust of wind blows, and the ears of rice scattered in the field sway with the wind.

Across the fields, the eaves of the tiled houses are arranged irregularly, but the orientation is roughly uniform, and the appearance and size are very different, full of irregular beauty.

After passing a small stream, the two of Nanyi entered the village. Almost all the houses that came into view were second- and third-story single-family buildings. Many of the houses looked old, and they were counted in units of a hundred years. Although the houses are old , but it's well positioned and has a very clean look.

The houses are all in a typical Japanese style. The design is mediocre, and there are no bright spots, and no houses with a sense of design. Almost every household has flowers planted in the courtyard and the front entrance, and they are carefully pruned.

Compared with a few years ago, Nanyi feels that the appearance of the Japanese countryside has not changed much. Whether it is planning, green plants, or small-displacement trucks visible on the roadside, it remains the same as before.

Compared with domestic rural areas, apart from the different architectural styles of the two countries, they are actually very similar. The same per capita arable land is not much, and there is not much mechanized operation. The same spring planting and autumn harvest are also not big harvests. Significant annual income.

After passing through the village and returning to Sayuri Farm, Nan Yi and Sayuri Hagiwara went into the kitchen together.

Sayuri Hagiwara put the chestnuts in the water first, then took over the wild vegetables washed by Nanyi, chopped them, stirred them in the batter, put them in the oil pan for a while, took them out with a shovel, and put them on the plate It's cool.

In about ten minutes, the chestnuts came out of the pot. Nanyi was holding the chestnuts, and Hagiwara Sayuri was holding the tempura. The two went to Ruyuan outside the house, sat on the ground, peeled the chestnuts with a knife, and ate the tempura while eating.

After the chestnuts were peeled, Sayuri Hagiwara took them to the kitchen and found a clay pot to soak, and added a handful of plant ash to the pot. The chestnuts needed to be soaked overnight to get rid of the astringency, so there was no way to eat them today.

After the chores were done, the two continued to sit on Ruoyuan, watching the sunset quietly.


If Nanyi is the sun at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, then Nan Ruobing is the sun at eight or nine in the morning. He is at the most suitable age for playing. What is wrong with playing is why he wants to play career, and he is very good at it.

So much so that both Fortune and Forbes magazines have noticed her, and Rachel Nan's name and photo have appeared on the inside pages of the magazines. I believe it is only a matter of time before she is on the cover.

Amongst others, everything is easy to handle. Mingyuan Capital has acquired 20% of South’s shares, and has made an appointment with Mark Andreessen, the founder of Netscape.

When Andreessen received a call from Nan Ruofing, he was both surprised and pleasantly surprised. South Browser and the company behind it, Nantianmen, are simply outliers in the Internet world. Its products are famous.

The South browser has a unique design idea that transcends the times, and has a high market share that can be achieved without much effort. It is simply the number one enemy of Netscape.

SSP, SouthScript, CSS, SouthSQL, Sublime, three languages, a relational database management system, and a code editor are simply one of the cornerstones of the WEB, and if you open one of the comment documents at will, you can see that there are A paragraph - design thinking comes from Adam.

Who is Adam?

Adam is an active promoter of the Internet, and countless Internet-related organizations have received donations from him; Adam is an advocate of Html standards, and Tim Berners-Lee, the father of Html, personally admitted in public that he has received Adam's contribution, and there are quite a few labeling rules suggested or provided by Adam.

Adam can be called the foster father of Html.

The foundation of WEB is Html, and the five "S" are the cornerstone. The role of Netscape browser is to explain the content built by the five "S". mad.

When he was overjoyed, Andreessen told this matter to another soul figure of Netscape, who is also a partner and investor of Netscape, Jim Clark (he contributed money, and Andreessen contributed technology), Clark Also ecstatic.

Jim Clark is a great person. He is not only a scientist in the computer field, a master in the graphics field, the founder of Silicon Valley Graphics Company, but also a famous investor in the computer field. He encouraged Andreessen to establish Netscape.

Clark was impatient. He was in New York, and he was very impulsive to find Nan Ruofing before the appointed time. Compared with Andreessen, he focused more on technology, and Clark paid more attention to the stock price of Netscape. , if the news of Netscape's acquisition of South spreads, the stock price may soar to more than 300 US dollars.

Moreover, Rachel Nan from Celebrity Capital actually came forward to the South browser, and the other party is probably not here for cash. Netscape has a shareholder of Celebrity Capital, which is also good news for Netscape, as long as the other party is not a big lion. Open your mouth.

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