Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1078 Our goal is the stars and the sea

Nan Yi and Chen Zongqing discussed how to fight for the number of conscription places, and after filling their stomachs again, they went back to their home, put on a thick coat, and went to the beach.

Nanchen Village has been out of water for a long time, but still has fishing boats, and usually goes out to sea to fish every now and then, and the catch is divided equally among the people who stay in the village.

When they came to the shore, Nanyi and his party boarded the fishing boat, and then the boat sailed away from the coast, stopped after two nautical miles, turned on the headlights at the bow, took out the fishy bait and hung it on the hook, threw it into the sea, and sat down. Waiting for the fish to bite on the side of the boat.

On the other side, Chen Ruiwu and Xu Mashi had a great time as the host and guest. When Xu Mashi left, he was carrying a paper bag in his hand.

After leaving Nanchen Village, Nanyi stayed in Yangcheng again. Regarding Zhuniao Garden, he asked someone to repair the bathroom for Ruan Mei. The tenant's phone call came to Xiangyu, saying that the downstairs resident complained about the leak in the bathroom because they had to knock on the floor , the tenant didn't dare to move, it's not like Nanyi was arrested by Ruan Mei.

In the evening, I had dinner with Lin Guangwei, and was dragged to Yepu by this kid. There were quite a lot of tricks, Taipei, Rolling Stone, and Huafu. At that time, I was still sitting by the river for supper and blowing water.

In the middle of the night, Nan Yi refused to accompany him, drank a glass of draft beer, and slipped away amidst a few girls calling "Brother".

Fly to Hangzhou, stay for two days, take a car to Yongcheng, stay for one day, take a ferry to Shanghai, stop for a while, fly back to Xiangtang and spend two more days with my daughter before landing in Beijing.

Nanyi didn't inform any outsiders that he was in the capital, and was nestled in an old bungalow to receive emails from "Rachel's Space Journey Laboratory" - the laboratory was about to be split up, and some people were separated to form a publicly operated space exploration company "WANHOO" ’, while others continued their covert research.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, when Zhu Yuanzhang went to Wuzhou, Tao Chengdao led a group of disciples to join him, and presented fire artifact skills. He made outstanding achievements in previous wars, and was awarded "Wanhoo" by Zhu Yuanzhang. This Wanhoo is WANHOO. In memory of him, there is also a ring-shaped volcano named "Wanhu Mountain" on the moon.

In the name of Wanhu, inherit the will of Wanhu, and aim directly at the stars and the sea!

Wanhu's top priority is to develop a more cost-effective rocket launch solution. Gaojue Satellite has established a new subsidiary, SPPe (SouthPaPa Earth). The terrain visualization system will mature in a few years, and SPPe will need to be deployed at that time. own remote sensing satellites.

In addition, Shennong Nanliang's "account-based" intelligent controller includes a series of functions such as hydrometeorological survey, intelligent terminal control, commodity tracking and positioning, and real-time monitoring of vegetation. It is being implemented step by step, and many satellites need to be launched.

[During a special period of famine, the hospital had a simple way to test whether to accept patients (starvation disease), which was to press the forehead, and the hospital would accept it if it could not be bounced back. God, that's where "quota" comes from.

There is an old saying that men are afraid of wearing boots and women are afraid of wearing crowns. In times of famine, there is nothing to eat, and if you are extremely hungry, men will have swollen feet, and women will have swollen heads (swollen to the point that their eyes are covered).

At this stage, according to traditional Chinese medicine, the male yang is on the feet and the female yang is on the head. The yang energy in the body has been exhausted, and there is no way to recover. Kidney failure and multiple complications, sorry, we tried our best.

Hungry until skinny, there is a chance to make up for it, hungry to swollen, most likely dead. It's far away again, and the text continues. ]

Nanyi nested in the old bungalow for three days without taking a step out of the hospital. While paying attention to the "laboratory", he also paid attention to Gruina Island. The × archives made new breakthroughs and developed the latest product Youth Needle. Compared with The previous injections, youth injections have better effects and can last longer. It is conservatively estimated that youth injections can bring in more than 1.5 billion US dollars in annual revenue. If an optimistic estimate is made, this number can be multiplied by 4 or 5.

So far, Nan's conservative estimate is still a very negative estimate, and the actual figure is often much larger. Therefore, another investment of Nan's has entered the stage of huge profits in the return period.

On the third night, Nanyi and Scarlett communicated about Delnan's related matters. Nande Group is already the largest comprehensive group in Delnan, developing in the fields of mining, agriculture, forestry, fishery, and retail, with 13,000 employees This figure is not worth mentioning in other countries, but in Dernant with a total population of only 434,000, one-third of the economic lifeline is already in hand.

Next, the development direction of Nande Group is not to expand, but to become a state-owned enterprise. It is not a state-owned enterprise, but it must enjoy the treatment of a state-owned enterprise. In short, it wants to monopolize certain industries.

Nanyi and Scarlett reached a consensus that Nande Petroleum will be established under the Nande Group, with two main businesses, one is to develop oil drilling platforms in the Delnan sea area, and the other is to merge gas stations in the Ternan territory.

When the gas stations are almost merged, they can use the protection of the ecological environment of Dernan and the establishment of a tourist-oriented country as a gimmick to launch "De Yi" gasoline with reduced olefin content and ethanol addition, and raise prices in disguise, and cooperate with the Nande Group in the power industry. In terms of layout, combined with the development speed of Gustav Company and Fuwu Company in the field of electric vehicles, the price of gasoline will be raised step by step, so as to achieve the goal of eliminating gasoline-powered vehicles in Dernan.

In the long run, the Nan family will control Delnan's economy step by step, and at the same time support agents to participate in Delnan's government affairs. In Nanyi's hands, the Nan family will only develop to this stage in Delnan. Let him do whatever he wants, it's just a retreat that will only be used when the Nan family is on the verge of extinction. It's useless to plan too long, you have to plan step by step, generation by generation.


When Nanyi was out of the cage, the weather in the capital had turned cold. You can wear short sleeves at the hottest point of the day. At other times, you need to add a coat outside. At night, the coat should be thicker. It was windy and whistling, and the difference in temperature between day and night could be 10 degrees.

It happened to be Saturday, Nan Yi accompanied Liu Zhen to the street, and when Liu Zhen asked about the car crash, Nan Yi only replied to her, and did not tell her the details.

The matter is indeed fast. Wu Kun and others have found out that Qianqian Real Estate intends to participate in the bidding of the Cuifeng land plot. It is good to move, so that it is convenient to spread the net. Since the opportunity arises, Nanyi plans to make a quick decision and get Tang Wei and Dong Qianqian and his wife were forced to go abroad.

Going shopping, going to Nan's house for reunion, going to Liu's house for dinner, they are not idle for two days on weekends.

On Monday, Nanyi went to work in Green Nuclear Development, Chen Wenqin was still in Fengtian, Li Weijing had turned her personal secretary into a placeholder for her title, and Nanyi was without a secretary again.

Nanyi can't live without a secretary now. He needs a secretary, and it's a male secretary. It's better to drink a little.

The position of this secretary is an employee of Green Core Development. Nan Yi sent an email to the talent team and asked them to select a person from within Nan's.

After sending the email, Nanyi stood in front of the window sill of the study, and saw that the visitor parking space planned on the open space had been fully parked, that is, on the side of the parking space, as long as there is a place where the car can be plugged in, there are cars parked there.

There are people coming in and out of the two buildings on the left and right, and the first floor below.

Nan Yi went back to the executive desk to get a list, then returned to the window sill, flipped through the list, and sighed in his heart the power of Li Weijing on TV, the green core developed into a golden lump, and everyone wanted to dig a piece away.

Within two days, the news that he has come to work will fall into the ears of those who are interested. It is unknown who will be the first to call in.

After standing for half an hour, Nan Yi went back to the executive chair and took out a new mobile phone to notify the person who should be notified that the number had been changed. Too many people knew the previous number, and it couldn't be blocked like a sieve.

After notifying them one by one, Nanyi turned off the old mobile phone, took out the SIM card, and inserted it into the table. The one looks exactly like a cordless phone, but is actually a mobile phone. It is powered by a telephone line and connected to an antenna on the roof. Signal is good.

After trying it, the call was connected, Nanyi unplugged the telephone line for power supply, and shut it off for a few days, giving the person notified space to correct the memory of the number.

After finishing all this, Nanyi handed over the old mobile phone to the tiger cub. Although there is an old name, Nanyi's mobile phone incorporates the crystallization of Nan's high-tech. If he can understand his mobile phone thoroughly, he can completely establish a Fortune 500 company. Such an important thing must be reduced to sand.

Nanyi’s new mobile phone is Motorola 8900, which is foldable and cover-type, and relatively small in size. After modification by Silver Throat, some modules have been added and some modifications have been made. The modification is not as thorough as the old mobile phone, but the security has been improved a lot. After all, technology has been advancing, and Moore's Law has never been outdated.

I didn't do anything serious about the development of green nuclear in the morning. At noon, taking advantage of the absence of visitors, Nanyi left Jiuzhangji.

On the way, Nan Yi called Fang Chong and asked him to find Wang Shuodie to find out if the other party was interested in the Cuifeng plot, and then called Li Jing to ask him for the Cuifeng plot. material.

When they arrived at Shichahai, Nanyi set up a pole to fish, and the tiger cub drove to buy food.

If Shichahai is used as a fishing place, Shichahai is almost useless. It took more than an hour for the tiger cubs to buy food, and they didn’t eat it. When the food came, Nanyi no longer held the fishing rod religiously, so he put it on the rod , Only occasionally glance at the fish float when talking about the bones.

Under the weeping willows, there is a folding table with two cars parked beside it, and three or four people are eating in front of the table. Such a scene can also be regarded as a scene. From time to time, people who look like tourists look at them for a long time, There is also a hooligan, smoking a cigarette, and people who have nothing good to say stop when they open their mouths.

"Rogue, it's quite leisurely." Nan Yi took a glance and recognized that the gangster was the gangster he knew.

Wang Yan walked up to Nanyi with a cigarette in his mouth, and put his eyebrows on the table, "Nan Batian, you'll enjoy it. If you have any wine, I'll drink some."

Nan Yi pulled out a set of stainless steel cutlery from the bag on one side and handed it to Wang Yu, "Is the money in your pocket over tossing again?"

Wang Yan took the tableware, sat on the folding chair vacated by the tiger cub, put a large chopstick in his mouth, and said indistinctly: "There is still money for food, there is no shortage of small money, and there is no shortage of food." A lot of money, I want to make "I Am Your Dad", you vote."

"You can tell me, you know who to look for." Nan Yi directly blocked it.

Wang Jue chewed twice more, his Adam's apple moved, and the cigarette went back to his grease-stained lips, "I found it, but I said I don't like it, but the money can be invested. I'm sorry buddy. I can't stand it, so I returned it at that time."

"Beating sex, then you still tell me something."

"Gong Xue is Gong Xue, and you are you. In my eyes, you two are independent. I will show you the book some other day."

"Who is the director?"

"It used to be Zhang Yimou, but now it's me."

Hearing this, Nan Yi pointed at Wang Yan's nose angrily and said to the tiger cub: "I will see this grandson beating him once in the future, and you will treat me as if the money was blown by a strong wind. If you can be a director, I can be a director." Admiral of the Fleet."

Wang Yan said dissatisfiedly: "What's the difficulty in being a director? I want to be the kind of director who is not tired. I have an overall grasp. When other people bring things out, I say yes or no."

"Fuck, there's no one in your pocket, but you don't have a teacher for the role of the boss's father." Nan Yi said sincerely: "Stop making trouble, you are already a negative example, even if I'm foolish enough to believe you I'm a movie genius, as long as your name is on the film, I can't invest money in it, and anyone who is related to you may be taken down at any time, and the risk is too high."

Without being in the bureau, Nanyi can feel the wind of purging the humanistic spirit, and the literary works of film and television should be shifted in the direction of "positive energy". The previous works that satirize social reality are unlikely to appear openly in the future, and they are the most famous , the works are full of gray and black, and it is strange that Wang Yan, who makes enemies everywhere and has a big mouth everywhere, is not corrected.

"You don't like your brother so much?"

"Yes, I'm not optimistic. If you want to listen to me, stop for a while. Don't jump like this. If others see that there is no movement, they may change the target."

As Nanyi said, he took the white wine that the tiger cub brought from the car, poured out two lunch box lids, handed one to Wang Yan, and drank it all by himself. The white rice wine brought back by Yongcheng was not much wine. Vigorous, you can drink it as a drink.

Wang Yan sneered, "Brother is the one who never retaliates when scolded. Whoever provokes trouble will kill him."

"Then you ask for blessings. When you can't eat, come to my yard and hum Erren Zhuan. When I make dog food, I will make an extra serving for you, and I will add two eggs for you."

"Nan Batian, your mouth is really bad." Wang Yan laughed loudly.

"Honestly, rascal, if you want to be a director, go outside to find money, coax some local rich man to invest a few million for you, don't go looking for weights."

"Don't underestimate people, without you and the weight, I can get investment in minutes."

The conversation between Nanyi and Wang Yan could not be called speculation, nor could it be said that they broke up on bad terms. Wang Yan is a person who will not die until the Yellow River is reached. The road is not completely blocked, and he will continue to toss. It is not his character to avoid the edge , somersault is a kind of necessity.

the next day.

Nan Yi was about to go to work in Green Nuclear Development, when a woman came to the old bungalow, and she said it was January 1, 1983. Hearing this special day, Nan Yi invited the woman into the living room with a cold face.

It was a bad guest, so Nanyi didn't talk about etiquette. He didn't make tea for the seat, and didn't ask the woman's name. He said directly: "The child's nickname is New Year's Day. That year, I was already planning to have a child. I couldn't register for New Year's Day, and it would be better if his lips were sent abroad for surgery, so I sent New Year's Day abroad.

New Year's Day is now in good health and living a prosperous life. Three years ago, I even set him up as a child-in-law. The future father-in-law is a high-ranking official, and the future mother-in-law is doing a lot of business. New Year's Day and her future wife are studying together, and the two get along very well. Well, no surprises, the two of them will get married. "

Nan Yi deliberately looked at the woman, "The clothes and jewelry are good, and they cost ten to twenty thousand. If your purpose today is to get your child back, I can help you.

From the first day of adopting New Year's Day, I have guessed that there will be today's meeting, so I have a record of every penny spent on New Year's Day, and there are invoices for relatively large amounts.

I don’t count the feelings I poured into New Year’s Day, let’s be straightforward and only talk about money, it looks like 3.07 million US dollars, wipe off the odds, you give me 3 million US dollars..."

Seeing that the woman was about to open her mouth, Nan Yi hurriedly said: "Don't rush to talk, I said, there is an invoice, not to mention every transaction, at least 80% can be traced back, I can provide witnesses, wait a moment."

Nan Yi took out his phone and called Mumbai, passed it on by the housekeeper Diwaman Walmart, and had a direct conversation with Nan Jiawu on New Year's Day.

"New Year's Day, the woman who seems to be your mother is here, do you want to talk to her?" Nan Yi said, holding down the volume button on the side of the phone with his finger, turning the volume of the call to the maximum, and then turning the phone towards the woman half-empty delivery.

After the phone was quiet for a while, the voice of New Year's Day rang, "Dad, I don't want to see you."


Before the woman could call out the word "Dan", Nanyi cut off the call quickly.

Putting the mobile phone away, Nan Yi said to the emotional woman indifferently: "Twelve years ago, you gave birth to New Year's Day, but you abandoned him... This word is not very accurate. It should be said that you precisely picked me as my wife." Being taken advantage of means that you still have some feelings for New Year's Day, but you are not responsible for his life, and you have no plans for your own life.

When you don't understand, you covet sex in bed, once, twice, maybe dozens of times, your face flushes, your soul screams, it's so cool, youth and love are all in your hands, maybe there is still The thrill of stealing. "

When Nan Yi was talking, he kept staring at the woman's face, paying attention to the changes in her expression, "Oh, no, maybe, the other party is a married man. Seeing that you are about the same age as me, maybe a year or two older than me, it seems that you can Say you are a bit intellectually beautiful, so maybe you are from the 78th or 79th class of Peking University or Qing University?

Oh, the class of 79, it turned out to be my school girl, no wonder, it seems that I was known in school.

People like you have a shrewd mind. If you know how to deceive others, you have to deceive the people around you. If things don’t go well, you will cry, and the pear blossoms will rain. The likelihood of consequences would be much smaller. "

Nan Yi gave a thumbs up, "I have to say, this is a top-level conspiracy, even if I know it in my heart, I have to look at my junior sister's affection, so I won't make things too difficult for you.

That's enough, I won't mention the matter of child support. He is twelve years old this year on New Year's Day, and it will take twelve years until he graduates from graduate school. He received an elite education since he was a child, so it's a pity that he gave up halfway.

It’s okay if you want to take your child back. Even if you save some money, you still need $200,000 a year on New Year’s Day. Go back and think carefully about whether you can afford this money and whether you are willing to bear it.

Don't talk to me about New Year's Day because you were pregnant in October, and it was a piece of meat that fell from your body after all the hard work. If you really had such a strong maternal love, today's scene would not happen..."

Nanyi's continuous accusations were like machine gun fire, leaving no room for women to intervene.

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