Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1087 Maintaining Stability in India

Nan Yi, who is in India, is working on maintaining stability for Priyanka Sharma, and accompanied her to watch the Indian Folk Olympics in Kiralepur village on the outskirts of Ludhiana, Punjab.

The so-called "Indian Folk Olympics", since it has the word folk, is naturally not an official one. At first, some farmers entertained themselves during the slack season. Later, because of the frequent occurrence of some unimaginable and thrilling competitions, more and more spectators , received more and more attention, and more and more players came to participate, and finally it was dubbed the Indian folk Olympics.

Although India has only won one Olympic gold medal since 1900, people in other countries do not understand, but in Nan Yi's view, this is probably because the Indian people think that the Olympic Games are too simple and not challenging. Events such as the Indian folk Olympic Games came so unimaginably, that it is impossible for Olympic seed players from other countries to even get a chance to play here.

In fact, Nanyi has been fascinated by this wonderful Olympic Games for a long time, but has never had time to come and watch it. This time, by chance, I brought Priyanka to the scene to experience it for myself.

Although the venue for the Olympic Games was relatively simple, the enthusiasm of the audience was very high, and they came to watch the games in groups early on.

After looking at the list of competitions, Priyanka, who had watched the folk Olympics, excitedly said to Nan Yi: "Adam, our luck is really good, the first competition event is equestrianism, and this event is not held in every session. "

Equestrianism is not uncommon, and can be seen in many places, so Nan Yi couldn't help frowning and asked: "Equestrianism is very common, suitable as an opening show?"

Priyanka shook her head, "Adam, the equestrianism here is completely different from the common equestrianism, you will know after watching it."

Sure enough, as soon as the player entered the field, Nan Yi was shocked.

In common equestrian competitions, a rider rides a horse in an obstacle course, but here is a rider who controls three horses at the same time. The rider must hold three reins at the same time and control three horses to run at the same time, and The rider does not sit on any horse, but stands on the horse to complete various actions, and has to keep the three horses from getting out of control. This difficulty is really beyond imagination.

Seeing Nanyi's stunned expression, Priyanka smiled and said, "Adam, what's up, it's exciting, isn't it different from the usual equestrian show?"

Nan Yi nodded, "It's really different, who thought about this project, holding three reins at the same time, are you not afraid of accidents?"

"It's not that dangerous. You can let go in case of emergencies, but the difficulty of this event is indeed very high, so not every contestant will participate in this event." Priyanka explained slowly, and then muttered: "This year's players are not very good."

Just as Nan Yi was about to say something, he saw another contestant appearing on the stage, an old Sikh man in a big turban, much more powerful than the guy who just appeared on the stage. He was holding three reins, but this old man was actually biting the reins with his teeth, holding a knife in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, just standing on the galloping horse, doing various performances for everyone.

"Very good. This old man is very suitable as a special effects actor. He should be able to perform dangerous actions on horseback with ease."

At the beginning, the Nan family quit the film and television industry because their interests were not large enough, and now they are planning to re-enter because of the reason of assisting other projects. Shows and chick shows push talent to a higher level.

"Adam, if you want to find such a strange person, there are plenty of them here. You can wait and see the next game. The players will definitely not disappoint you." Priyanka smiled mysteriously.

According to the customs in India, Priyanka and Nanyi are actually husband and wife, but they both regard each other as partners by coincidence, and there is no relationship between the two parties. When Nanyi comes, the two will have a For some activities between husband and wife, Nanyi is not there, and Priyanka devotes herself to work.

However, as she grows older and enters the edge of wolves and tigers, Priyanka also has needs, and this demand can only be met by Nanyi, otherwise, not only Nanyi will not agree, but the Sharma family will not agree .

That being the case, when getting together, it's better to be as close as a lover and not make trouble for yourself.

Competition or performance, as Priyanka said, there will be more strange people in the next event, and this event shows the bite force of the players.

The middle-aged man in purple clothes who was the first to appear on the stage fixed a bicycle with a long wooden rail, and then picked up the wooden rail and the bicycle with his teeth. This performance received lively applause from the audience.

The first one was amazing, but I didn't expect the second bearded middle-aged man to be more brave. Although he looked thinner than the first purple-clothed middle-aged man, he actually used his teeth to lift two bicycles at the same time.

The two bicycles were connected together with a strong thick rope. The bearded middle-aged man bit the thick rope, and then he picked up the two bicycles with his teeth.

Next came another tall and thin guy, but this time there was no bicycle on the field, but as soon as he came out, the audience cheered thunderously. Nanyi asked Priyanka curiously, "Is this person famous?"

Priyanka cheered and replied: "Imran is the star figure in this project, and everyone is naturally excited when he appears."

"There is not a single bicycle on the field, what is he going to perform?"

"It's been said that he is a star, if he only shows how to pick up the bicycle with his teeth, wouldn't it be too disappointing to everyone's expectations." Priyanka said disapprovingly.

"What is he going to bite?"

Priyanka pointed to a colorful truck in the distance, "Adam, did you see that truck?"

"I see." Nanyi replied casually, "Don't tell me that Imran is going to pick up this truck with his teeth."

Priyanka shook her head, "Of course it's impossible, but based on his past performances, he should be planning to tow this truck away with his teeth. I don't know how many meters he can tow it today. I'm looking forward to it."

"Isn't it the first time he performed this kind of performance?"

Towing a truck with teeth, whether on TV or at the scene, Nanyi has had the experience of observing, but that is a domestic player, I don't know if the Indian player can make him shine.

"No, he has performed many times." Priyanka replied indifferently.

Sure enough, Nanyi saw Imran tie a strong rope to the front of the colorful truck, then squatted and lunged, biting the rope with his teeth, and then, a miraculous scene appeared, the truck weighing at least five tons It was actually pulled by his teeth, and dragged for at least fifteen meters.

Nan Yi couldn't help but praised: "The mouth is really good, if it were someone else's tooth, it would have fallen out earlier."

"Originally everyone was worried about his tooth loss, but it seems that Imran has some special skills. He performed it many times, and nothing happened."

With the pearl and jade pulling the truck with the teeth in front, it is not so unusual to use the teeth to pick up the long ladder with the teeth and stack the bricks more than one meter high with the teeth.

But the next project made Nanyi a little confused. I saw that the colorful truck that Imran dragged with his teeth just now was actually started. It was obviously a prop for the next project.

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