The path that Nanyi arranged for Hadishin was not an evil path for Hardishin, perhaps because of the influence of his childhood experience, Hardicin has never been a quiet person, not very serious His business was in line with his temperament, so he readily accepted Nanyi's arrangement, and took the 32 million rupees (1 million U.S. dollars) given by Nanyi to try to take a trip to the golden waterway.

Kochha's actions are not slow. After Nanyi talked with her about the details of Labor Media, she started to contact Esser Group and was looking for a candidate for the president of Labor Media.

On the morning of the sixth day in Mumbai, Nanyi received a list of candidates for the president that Kochha was looking for. They don’t look at the names, but only look at the surnames. There are Kapoor, Bachchan, Hussain, Khan, and Dill.

For the last three, Nan Yi couldn’t figure out what to point to. He still has some points for the first two. Needless to say, the Kapoor family, he knows that there are big and small Raz, and there is the female teacher in the three idiots behind him. I don’t know the name. This family It is said that it runs through the entire history of Indian film; Bachchan, he knows that there are two actors, Bachchan and Bachchan, but other family members don't know much about it.

After looking at the list, Nanyi turned to the back page to read the candidate’s introduction. After reading Rajiv Kapoor’s information, he was directly excluded. Kapoor’s family was too powerful. Since the 1930s, the Kapoor family The three generations of women married to many powerful families, and the marriage network is so intricate that it can no longer be viewed simply as a film family.

Of course, this is not the point. The most important thing is that the Kapoor family has great influence in the Indian film and television industry.

Lavivar Badourie, who belonged to the family of Da Baqiang’s wife, was also quickly excluded by Nanyi. The Baqiang family is a relatively simple family of performing arts, and there is not much to borrow. Lavivar’s own resume Nothing eye-catching.

The third candidate is Mansur Khan, from the Hussein family. His father is Nasir Hussein, his uncle is Tahir Hussein Khan, he has an older brother and four cousins, one of whom is My younger brother's name is more familiar, his name is Aamir Khan, a former tennis player, now a little famous cream boy in Bollywood.

Mansur Khan, who studied at the Indian Institute of Technology, Cornell University and MIT, has rich academic experience, and attended all prestigious schools.

There is a saying that a person who does not graduate from a prestigious school is not necessarily a talent, and those who can enter a prestigious school are almost as good. What's more, Mansur Khan still went to three prestigious schools in a row, majoring in computer science, film-related, and economics.

In 1988, he directed the Virgo "Warm and Cold World", which was not only critically acclaimed, but also a huge commercial success at the box office, making Aamir Khan and Jushi Chawla a rising star in India, and also a star in Hindi films. The musical romance genre paved the way.

After that, he did not rush to make a second film, but started working as a screenwriter and producer. It was not until 1992 that he made his second film "The Winner Is King". "The Price of Passion", without exception, the male protagonists of his three films are all Aamir Khan, as if Mansur Khan is to escort his cousin's career as an actor.

Skipping Mansur Khan's information, Nanyi looked at the information of the other two candidates. In the end, Mansur Khan was definitely the most suitable for him, so he called Kochhar and asked her Continue to dig into Mansur Khan's information, and then ask someone to buy all the videotapes of Mansur Khan's three films.

During the interval of watching the film, Ikeda Karikyo called Nanyi and reported the list of "teachers" invited. What Iijima, Shiraishi, Asaoka, and Asakura sounded familiar to everyone, and they could compare their faces. Nanyi pretended not to know his name, and asked Ikeda Karikyo to send the photo over for a look.

No matter how much knowledge you have, you can only accumulate it and keep a low profile. You must keep a low profile, and you must not let others know that you are qualified to become a postdoctoral fellow.

When Nanyi was eating iced watermelon, enjoying the natural wind fanned by the maid with a peacock feather palm, and admiring "Cold and Warm World", Liu Zhen called him and said that the capital had already passed away. It's snowing, and she went to the Dayang Longma Ski Resort for a skiing, and the unit will organize a warm winter trip to Qiongdao, so that everyone can enjoy a little cold drink in winter.

He babbled and said a lot of trivial things.

Coincidentally, after Liu Zhen hung up the line, Zhao Shixian also called, saying that she planned to invest in the establishment of a real ski resort in the suburbs of the capital. Since there are many places suitable for building ski resorts near the capital, she predicted that after the opening of the ski resort, there will be Facing fierce competition, she does not plan to operate the ski resort for a long time, and will resell the ski resort when the cost is recovered.

Nanyi just listened and agreed, and did not express any different opinions.

There is nothing to say, so far, there is only one regular ski resort in China - Yabuli Ski Resort in Bingcheng, which is only open to domestic professional athletes and foreign ski enthusiasts, and does not accept ordinary tourists.

If Lavender Real Estate builds a formal ski resort in the suburbs of Beijing, it will actually become the first ski resort open to ordinary people in China. With this gimmick and the good spending power of the trendy people in the capital, I believe that it will soon pay back. Soon someone will follow suit with envy, Zhao Shixian's strategy is completely fine.

However, Nanyi plans to wait for the project to start. If Zhao Shixian didn't expect to build a few holiday resorts near the ski resort to avoid the "no villa project approval" regulation, and then develop some projects such as BBQ, winter fishing, and black pits, he would Make timely reminders.

Since we don't plan to operate for a long time, we have to mine unlimited profits in a limited time.

The next day after Nanyi finished watching the three films, he went to the airport to pick up Sophie Marceau to the hotel, and was imprisoned on the wall by the other party, and then endured more tragic and tragic torture than the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. .

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, the two stood in front of the window and chatted about "The Kamma Sutra: Love Story".

Nanyi learned from Sophie Marceau that this film is a project of Mira Nair, an Indian female director who stays in Hollywood all the year round. At that time, she received a scholarship from the University of New Delhi to study at Harvard. She filmed it in 1988. The first feature film "Good Morning Mumbai" won 25 international film festival awards including the Cannes Golden Camera Award that year, and was nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, which made her famous in documentary films.

After introducing the basic information, Sophie Marceau said again: "Adam, I am very optimistic about this project."

"What's the reason?"

"I had a very pleasant chat with Mira. She is a very thoughtful person. I will invest not only in this project, but also in her future projects."

It seems that Sophie Marceau and Mira Nair saw each other right.

"Oh, have you found an actress yet?"

"Not yet. Meera means to go to the UK to look for Indian-British people. It is very difficult to find actresses who are willing to play in India."

Nan Yi chuckled, "This Ms. Nair is quite sensible."

Regarding the movie, the two of them didn't chat much. After staying in the hotel for a while, the two of them started to go out on the street...

Sophie Marceau entangled Nan Yi for two days, then abandoned him like a pig, and met Mira Nair, who flew over, and went to select the scene for the film together.

Sophie Marceau is not only the investor of "Kamma Sutra: Love Story", but also the producer. During the filming, if there are no other trivial matters, she will follow the crew all the way. It's not that the producer has to do this, but She has already started thinking about self-introduction, self-editing, self-directing, and self-portrait, and she needs to learn.

Before leaving, Sophie Marceau left Nanyi with an unfinished script called "French Rose", a story based on the life of Mary Therese Charlotte.

During the French Revolution, Louis XVI was convicted of treason, and his family was tortured in prison, especially his daughter Charlotte, who was only fifteen years old when she was arrested. stripped off her clothes, and took turns beating her violently.

In the end, Charlotte couldn't stand the torture, and admitted Louis XVI's treason. Under forced helplessness, she also signed the false statement that her mother had raped her younger brother.

Because of her false appearance, her parents were executed in the end, and her younger brother Louis XVII was also treated inhumanely in prison. He could only eat one meal a day in prison, and he could not come out to defecate. Everything was in a cage. In the end, Louis XVII was tortured to death at the age of eleven.

In the end, she was the only one left in Charlotte's family. She tried to end her own life by cutting her wrists and taking poison many times, but all of them failed.

After the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, Louis XVIII came to power, and Charlotte was invited back to the palace. She regained power and took merciless revenge on those who tortured her back then. All the clubs of the faction were blown up, the pantheons of the revolutionaries were bombed, and the leaders of the revolutionaries who had been exiled were killed.

There is also a saying that Charlotte once sent people to take revenge on Napoleon's body, ordering people to urinate on Napoleon's body, gouging out Napoleon's eyeballs, and cutting Napoleon's body into ten thousand pieces, but Napoleon's tomb was guarded. It didn't work out.

Later, Charlotte got married, her husband was her cousin Louis XIX, but because she was devastated, she had nothing in her life and lived until she was seventy-two years old.

Charlotte's life has been sympathized by people. Many writers have written biographies for her. It is not surprising that Sophie Marceau would choose to film her story, but Nanyi is full of worries. Thoughts, especially clothes, this dead woman wants to take a selfie, he can't accept it.

Moreover, he didn't think Sophie Marceau was suitable to play Charlotte. If he had to choose, he would choose the female lead in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

"What's the actress's name?"

Nan Yi racked his brains for a while, but he didn't remember ever paying attention to "her" name.

Unexpectedly, he gave up. He quickly put the matter aside and stayed in the Peacock Villa to read the stories written or dictated by each Dabawala compiled by the Dabawala Association.

After the Labor Group manipulated the Dabbawala Association, it increased the treatment of the Dabbawalas. Therefore, the group has to subsidize the Dabbawala Association every year, but at the same time it also upgrades the business of the Dabbawala Association. The business is integrated into it, and in the name of making Dabawala books, solicit stories from every Dabawala.

In essence, the labor group is collecting social data. By summarizing, cross-comparing and analyzing thousands of household appliances, food, daily chores, and road customs, many conclusions can be drawn that are very effective in improving the accuracy of marketing. .

During the reading interval, Nan Yi had a phone call with Zhao Xianjie, who was studying at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. After full communication, and on the basis of respecting the wishes of the other party, he asked Zhao Xianjie to transfer to Delnan University to continue his studies after finishing this semester, and graduated Afterwards, he moved to Dernan and established a machinery industry enterprise in the local area.

I also had a phone call with Daniel Nan. This kid wanted to drop out of school to start a business when he was a sophomore. Nanyi persuaded him to return to Massachusetts to continue his studies. Now he has graduated and founded Judgment Capital, focusing on visual graphics and games. invest.

Daniel, comes from the Hebrew word "God is our judge". In popular terms, the chosen people of God refer to the Jews. According to Scarlett, Daniel has Jewish blood, and Nanyi suspects that she is lying , From Daniel, he didn't see any Jewish characteristics.

However, whether it is true or not, Daniel himself seems to have regarded himself as a Jew, followed some customs of Judaism, and got closer to some Jewish classmates, that is, to create the Judgment Capital, which includes both Nan’s and his own funds, as well as Jewish Investments from foundations and Jewish classmates.

Daniel is not ashamed of his trust in everyone, and he has a good eye. He invested in "Command and Conquer" before the release of "Command and Conquer" by Westwood Studio, which produced "Dune", and caught up with the big sales of 36 million sets. Six or seven times.

In addition, he also took a stake in the British Bullfrog Company, which has blockbuster products such as "Great Man", "Theme Park" and "God Is Crazy". It can be said that the company was instigated by Nanyi.

Unexpectedly, not long after the stake was acquired, news spread that Electronic Arts (EA) was going to acquire Bullfrog. The dictator used Bullfrog as a springboard and became a minority shareholder of EA through a share swap agreement.

Electronic Arts is an amazing game company. Through mergers and acquisitions, most of the best-selling sports games on the market have been brought under its umbrella, such as "Need for Speed", "Madden NFL", "FIFA International Football", "NBA Live 95" and so on. .

It can be said that the sanctioner's stake in Bullfrog was an unintentional deal, because Nanyi didn't know that Bullfrog would be acquired by Electronic Arts, and he didn't even know that EA's Chinese name was Electronic Arts in his previous life, let alone it. Expansion of those things.

In addition, Daniel also intends to invest in Jiafukang in Japan. This company previously had the very best-selling "Crush Mahjong" and "Street Fighter" with slightly lower sales. Now it is developing "Resident Evil" with an unknown future.

It's a pity that Jiafukang's financial situation is very good, and its sales channels in Europe and America are also very smooth. Daniel couldn't get the resources the other party wanted, and the other party declined his investment.

Now, Daniel has put his mind on Ubisoft and Blizzard.

After a phone call, Nanyi learned about the specific affairs Daniel was doing, and also updated his understanding of the game industry. Nanyi will not enter the field of stand-alone games in a large scale, but he must always keep an eye on him. He wants to plan a future that he has never seen in his previous life. Games, and also want to dig a few pots of gold from online games to start the layout of games and e-sports.

The e-sports he wants to deploy is different from the professional game teams in the general sense. First of all, his e-sports layout will only be launched in the top universities in the world, and he will absorb professional players with high IQ and high education. Secondly, His ambition is not on the game, but to prepare for the era of unmanned operations.

Just like what he talked with Uedo Masami a few years ago, what he needs is a remote unmanned robot operator, unmanned excavator, unmanned submarine, unmanned aircraft, and even unmanned spacecraft. All unmanned machines need a driver.

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