"Nanyi, why are you here... Hey, isn't this Bai Feifei?"

Walking into the lobby of the Pearl Banquet, Nan Yi and Hei Funer had a conversation.

"Yes, sister-in-law, is there any private room? Miss Bai and I have something to talk about at work. "

"Yes, the innermost room is still available." Hei Mu'er replied to Nanyi, then grabbed Bai Feifei and said, "Bai Feifei, I really like your acting..."

Looking at the diners who had already turned their gazes over, Nan Yi had to remind: "Sister-in-law, there are many people, let's chat in the private room later."

Hei Fungus suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, go to the private room first."

After entering the private room and ordering some good dishes amidst some courtesies, Nan Yi knocked on the loofah seeds and started talking about the topic.

"Mrs. Wang, since ancient times, there has never been a good stepmother. I have heard about the matter of the prince. I know that this is a brat. It must be very hard for you to be a stepmother."

Bai Feifei agreed with Nanyi's words in his eyes, but he said against his will: "It's not hard, Wang Le is very good."

"Oh, that's it." Nan Yi nodded, "I have recently become obsessed with the history of the Qing Dynasty, and I especially like the episode where the nine sons win the heir. The nine elder brothers are all talented, and they each performed in their own way in front of Kangxi. specialty.

The elder brother Yinyi is a fierce character, he was deliberately cultivated by Kangxi, and he followed Kangxi to fight everywhere. When he personally conquered Galdan, Yinyi was a pioneer and made countless contributions. He conquered the world with his bravery.

But his IQ was a little bit anxious, even Kangxi said: A fool like you, who is so impetuous and obsessed with power, actually wants to be a prince?

The second elder brother Yinfeng is an orthographic character. He is the person closest to the throne. He was registered as a prince when he was less than two years old. His master is a generation of great Confucian kings. It can be said that he was born with a golden key in his mouth, and he was assigned the best master. , all high-quality resources are close to him, as long as he follows the steps, is upright, and does not make any big mistakes, the throne will be his sooner or later.

It's a pity that his failure lies in the fact that he can't go on the right path. The other elder brothers are not helping him by playing sideways and using evil forces, which makes it difficult for him to move forward. Abandoned, I have been the prince for 37 years, but I have not been able to succeed to the throne.

The eighth elder brother Yinsi is a virtuous character. Kangxi himself regarded himself as a virtuous person. Yinsi imitated him everywhere, bought people's hearts with generosity, and he was never willing to do things that offended others. The core of the Baye Party, Kangxi's boss, his second child.

His failure lies in acting too hastily. Before Kangxi recognized his old age, he showed his wisdom. There is no family affection in the emperor's family. "

Nan Yi shook his head, and then said: "Jiu elder brother Yinzhen is a fine character, he is smart, he is attached to the Baye Party, and he is also the God of Wealth of the Baye Party. His subordinates are in charge of the money bag of Jiangxia Town. A shrewd person. It's a pity that Yinzhen is more resourceful than decisive, so he can only be a military advisor at best."

Nanyi looked at the impatience on Bai Feifei's face, and immediately said: "Blame me, I am too obsessed with seeing the history, I just want to express my feelings when I catch someone, and I don't pay attention to whether Mrs. Wang likes to listen. In this way, the other elder brothers I won’t talk about it, just talk about the final winner.”

Without waiting for Bai Feifei to reply, Nan Yi quickly continued: "The final victor, fourth elder brother Yinzhen, is an solitary character. Among the nine sons seizing the throne, he hides the deepest, and he didn't show any intention of fighting for the throne at the beginning.

He regarded himself as a lone minister, and he was selfless and merciless in his affairs. He showed that he put the interests of the court first, worked for the court wholeheartedly, did not openly form parties for personal gain, and was not afraid of offending others. He was nicknamed Iron Face King.

Among the nine, his city is the deepest, and he has never shown any hostility towards the other elder brothers. The emperor, when it comes to the root, is also a human being, not a god. He can kill his closest relatives, but for his own sons, the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, and he hopes to see his sons respectful and harmonious.

Mr. Wang is a descendant of the royal family, and the character of his ancestors has been more or less inherited. Mrs. Wang, if you don't fight, you fight, and if you fight, you don't fight. "

Bai Feifei understood what Nanyi wanted to express, whether it was a superficial kind reminder, or a deep intention to persuade her to calm down about today's affairs.

Bai Feifei pondered for a while, and said, "Mr. Nan, I will follow the company's arrangement for today's matter."

Nan Yi nodded, "I'll ask you to do me a favor later. Take a photo with my sister-in-law, develop a photo and hang it in the lobby. The diners who come to eat will definitely order more dishes."

Bai Feifei smiled, "Mr. Nan, you are showing love."

"No, no, my wife likes to watch your drama very much. When my wife returns to Beijing for vacation, let's have a meal together and let her fans get close to your idol."

"Really?" Bai Feifei said incredulously, "Madam Nan likes to watch my performance?"

Nan Yi smiled implicitly, and gave Bai Feifei a positive look.

The friendly atmosphere between the two lasted until the end of the dinner. Nanyi asked Miao Xiaolan to send Bai Feifei back first, and he stayed to have a few drinks with Liu Qinglong.

Around nine o'clock, Nanyi came to Gong Xue's house in Wanwanzhuang.

The TV was on, fixed on Mango Channel, broadcasting the final of "Super Girl". Gong Xue stood in front of the table, outlining bamboo on the rice paper.

After Nan Yi looked behind Gong Xue for a while, he said softly, "Didn't you watch it yesterday?"

"I inspected the movie theater over there in Rongcheng yesterday, and I came back at night." Gong Xue wrote a few strokes on the bamboo leaves, put the pen on the pen stand, turned around and put her hands on Nanyi's shoulders, "You and Bai Feifei talked very well." How about it?"

"Cold treatment, there is no need to issue any gag orders on the crew, let them talk if they like to talk, and if there is no further trouble, this matter will be over."

"I don't think Lin Sha is a fuel-efficient lamp."

"She's a smart person. I've already given her a role, so she shouldn't be a fool."

"What role?"

"I didn't say anything specifically, just look at the arrangement, which play will give her the role of the third female and the fourth female."

"Okay, do we still need to find out who stole the ring?"

Nan Yi shook his head, "There's no need to investigate. It's not good whether Lin Sha or Wang Le is found. Be more careful in the future so that similar things don't happen again."

"I'll emphasize that at next week's meeting."

Nan Yi put his arms around Gong Xue's waist, and led her to sit on the sofa, "Does Liu Changchun know?"

"I know."

""The Rise of Great Powers" is very popular, right?"

"I know."

"It's almost the Olympics, you know?"

"I know, I know."

"Don't be impatient, just listen to me."

"Wei Rongluo, Wu Shiguang, and Xu Heng, the three of them participated in the Eighth Olympic Games in Paris, France in 1924, but in their own names; in the Ninth Olympic Games in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 1928, Song Ruhai was appointed by the Chinese Sports Association. From the United States to the Netherlands by boat to attend the games, this is the first time our country sent people to participate in the Olympic Games.

Then there was Liu Changchun in 1932, followed by two sessions in 1936 and 1948, both of which were sent to participate in sports teams, but it is not suitable to mention. Then came 1954, when our country received the invitation very late, and rushed there in a hurry, by the time we arrived, the competition was almost over.

Do I need to go on? "

"Using the Olympic Games as an entry point, make a TV series about the rise of a country?"

Nan Yi pinched Gong Xue's nose, "Old Baby, you're very smart, but it's not a TV series, it will be made into a movie, and it will be a present to the Olympics."

"I hate it, don't say old words." Gong Xue said angrily.

"Is the old Baby not nice?"

"Hard to hear."

"Hey, as long as you buy me a Ferrari, I'll risk it all and stay with you for a month. You can do whatever you want."

"For those who are younger than you, an Alto will do." Gong Xue said angrily.

"Haha, you know what you're doing, don't you have experience?"

Gong Xue clenched her fist and thumped Nan Yi's chest, "Stop talking nonsense."

The two quarreled for a while, then got back to business.

"Let someone write the script. You must keep improving. Take advantage of the Olympic fever to earn more box office. This time, all the profits will be taken back and all will be exchanged for sports equipment and sent to schools in impoverished mountainous areas."

"The publicity fee is paid separately?"

Nan Yi waved his hand, "Let's not talk about publicity, you should do a few things first. First, Wangbei Film and Television promulgated new rules. In the future, every meeting will be recorded, and then two large-capacity storage servers will be added, one for storage. Meeting video, one for backup.

The process of approving the Olympic project, the decision to exchange box office profits for sports equipment, and the process of initiating the "Giving Back Action" all require videos.

What I said was that "every meeting" should be videotaped. Don't let the people below be smart and change it to flexible execution.

The feedback action is roughly like this. From now on, I will make a film that does not require profit every year. All the profits will be used in the fields related to the theme of the film. The filming of the Olympics will be used for sports, and the filming of supporting teachers will be used to improve the living conditions of supporting teachers.

Second, the human design team under the Star Company was transferred to the Angels of the Road, and reorganized into a navy squadron, with a human design team, a self-defeating team, and an anti-mafia team.

The character design team will continue to maintain its original functions, create and maintain character designs for the artists under Star Company and Baiguang Company. If their private life is more complicated and prone to thunderstorms, add charity character designs to them as soon as possible.

Donate some money, keep the receipts, go to poor mountainous areas a few times, do some practical things, take some videos and keep them for later use. Once there is a thunderstorm, take them out for whitewashing.

This can only be remedied after the fact. As long as something happens, we will inevitably suffer losses. We should be more careful at ordinary times. Let them be quiet about the lack of a string in their brains. Look, potential stocks with two legs are everywhere. "

Upon hearing Nan Yi's words, Gong Xue was not happy, "You are too harsh, how can it be so easy to be an actor."

"Don't you don't want to hear it. There are nearly 1.4 billion people in the country, and there are more than 300 million people in the golden age. There must be a lot of talented actors, but most of them have no chance to get out of the first stage because of their family conditions and parents' knowledge. step."

"According to what you mean, you are nothing special." Gong Xue retorted.

"I've never thought of myself as a great person. It's a compulsory course for me every day. You see, tomorrow morning I will reflect on what kind of ecstasy drug I have taken, so I will treat you, who refuses to buy me a Ferrari. The old Baby is hiding in the golden house."

Gong Xue said angrily, "Do you think I'm old?"

"Well, I'm not young anymore, I'm in my early fifties, and the soil is buried up to my chest." Seeing Gong Xue's face turned ugly, Nan Yi immediately stroked her face, and said in his mouth: "Okay, old is old We are not young anymore."

Gong Xue said quietly: "Is there any woman who is not afraid of old age."

"Okay, don't be afraid. In anti-aging, we have invested billions of dollars and achieved a lot of results. It's just that these results need a long period of follow-up observation to verify whether there are major side effects on the body. .”

Nanyi didn’t tell the truth. In fact, the × file has already had a relatively safe anti-aging method, and not just one. At present, these methods have been spread among billionaires, both for cost recovery and data collection. .

The low-end blood exchange method and the high-end stem cell repair and regeneration have made great breakthroughs in technology. To be more sci-fi, the biochemical human technology that replaces all other parts except the brain consciousness has also taken a solid step. a few steps.

The money spent on Galen’s hippocampus and brain-computer interface research is not in vain. The mystery of the brain has been lifted, and the keyhole to open the door of editing has been found. The next step is to create a key to open the door .

"When will it be?"

"Come on, I once followed Sun Houzi to the underworld and added ten years of life to you in the book of life and death. Next time the Bull Demon King goes again, I will follow and add a few more years to you. Don't worry, your life There are still at least forty years..." As he spoke, Nan Yi's tone became teasing, "However, there are at most fifteen years left before he will be angry, which is great news for me."

"Come on, can I count on you?"

"If you don't count on me, who else can you count on?" Nan Yi slumped on the back of the sofa, "Come on, old Baby, ravage me hard."



It was already the next day when the two of Nanyi continued to chat about business, and the location was changed, to a store of Zhang Sheng Malatang.

After years of ups and downs, and a lot of nasty things happened in the meantime, Zhang Sheng Malatang has stumbled and developed to this day. He finally took root in the catering industry and slowly got on track, but the future is not so bright.

People's hearts are not old, and desires are hard to fill. With the soaring prices, the cost is getting higher and higher. After the joint venture of the Reclamation Group, Nanyi seldom interferes in its affairs. The raw material discounts given to Zhang Sheng in the morning are gone. Profit expectations, Zhang Sheng is slowly moving away from the original intention of the establishment.

He fished out an egg dumpling from the bowl, took a bite and threw it aside, pointed at Gong Xue with chopsticks and said, "The meat is very poor, I used food additives to increase its freshness, newbie, I didn't control the dosage well, it's too fresh. There is also a problem with the egg skin, using new technology to make a standard egg skin, saving at least six or seven eggs.”

Hearing what Nanyi said, Gong Xue looked disgusted, "Can I eat it?"

"Eat it, it's all high-tech that meets national standards, and it won't be a problem to eat it once in a while."


"Let's continue yesterday's topic. The self-hacking team and the anti-gangster team are like this. Once there are unfavorable rumors about Bei Film and Television, depending on the situation, the anti-gangster team will directly come forward to refute the rumors, or the self-hacking team will continue to add black material.

For example, A of Star Company and a certain actor/director B were photographed going in and out of B's ​​house hand in hand, or they were photographed being intimate through the window. At this time, it is difficult to say that the two of them are okay. Going the other way, throw out A and C, and D, and E's black material, bury an absolutely impossible person in it, and use an impossible fact to overthrow A and B.

Another example is that before there is a new drama to be broadcast, you can speculate on CPs starring male and female actors. In the drama, you can speculate on actresses whose roles are hostile. These tasks all belong to the functional scope of the self-hacking group.

I don’t need to say more about anti-criminalism. The media public relations and image public relations that are currently being done belong to its functional scope. By the way, the budget for newspapers and magazines will be raised next year. Once the literati lose their integrity, they will make trouble , but they are much more ruthless than ordinary people, and their food is really ugly. Who gave them the courage to dare to engage in miscellaneous activities and rankings. "

Now there are already some newspapers and magazines that were very influential in the past who hold various selections. They are not well-known, but many companies from related industries participate. It is not for the event itself, but for the purpose of completing the transfer of benefits. They are still friends when they come. In the future, if there is any negative news, we will help to suppress it. Whoever dares not come, just guess and see if they will be hated.

Which company can guarantee that there will be no negative news, especially a film and television company like Wangbei Film and Television, whose crotch is full of shit, and has to issue "masks" and "sunglasses" to these mouthpieces every year, so that they continue to have nasal congestion and blindness .

"After the rise of the Internet, the life of paper media is not easy. Some newspapers can still take the route of compulsory subscription, and most of them can only find their own way of life. What can we do if we don't want to be ripped off?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "You understand them quite well, but yes, just say me. I used to subscribe to many newspapers around the world. Subscription fees, logistics fees, etc. add up to over one million dollars a year. Less than a thousand yuan."

"Let's understand each other."

"Well, I went on to say that the Olympic project does not make any publicity about the flow of funds. The second project of supporting teachers will wait for the film to be released for about a week. Estimate the box office and put the work of improving the lives of supporting teachers first. Then Let the self-hacking group release the black material of Wangbei Film and Television, about the film itself, such as using other people's suffering for its own profit..."

"Blackmail yourself and prove yourself?"

"Yes, seize the moral high ground, put yourself in the role of the victim, and whitewash Wangbei Film and Television as an image that does good things and never speaks out. You must be cautious when implementing this step, and those responsible for self-defeating must be reliable. If you can't do it, I'll send someone over to help you."

Gong Xue shook her head, "No need, I can do it well, but I have opinions on this way of doing things, so we can't use an upright method?"

"Is my method hurting anyone?"

Gong Xue thought for a while and said, "No, I just fooled the public. We can directly announce the plan and invest more in publicity."

"Have you heard the story, I give you one yuan every day, and suddenly one day I don't give it, I am a bad person in your eyes, on the other hand, I slap you every day, and suddenly one day I don't, you will feel I'm actually not that bad."

Nanyi spread his hands, "Man, I like to find faults in good people, and find advantages in bad people. People who are more noble than themselves will be harsher in their bones. I can't wait to pull them off the altar and become the same as myself. No offense On the contrary, it is more tolerant of bad people who are beyond their own interests, forgiving such people will show their noble personality, and at the same time, it does not require any actual effort, and it is economical and affordable.”

"Bad money drives out good money!" Gong Xue sighed.

"Come on, don't be hypocritical. Likes gather together and people are divided into groups. If you can negotiate peace with me for more than 20 years, you are not a good person."

"You speak really badly. What do you mean by making peace?"

"That's the point?"

Gong Xue glanced at Nan Yi, but didn't continue to argue with him.

Nan Yi twitched his lips, and suddenly missed Liu Zhen a little bit, his bones were itchy, and he wanted to hear her say something about Nan.

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