After two days of ordinary days, Nanyi went to school to hold a meeting. The theme was about declaring national scientific research projects. Nanyi was not qualified to take the lead in the application, and he was not interested in helping others. He just went through the motions and pretended to listen carefully. When the leader speaks, he will immediately disappear as soon as he leaves.

Nanyi does not fight or grab at the school, does not compete for allowances, subsidies, title selection, teachers' apartments, does not participate in candidate training courses involving additional subsidies, does not have the qualifications to lead graduate students and does not want to take them, and naturally does not have thesis guidance subsidies. After seven deductions and eight deductions, the actual salary of about 2,500 yuan plus a class fee of 120 yuan is very Buddhist.

It is not easy for Buddhists to provoke enemies. There must be people who slander his colleagues, but there should be no people who regard him as an enemy for the time being. Who will be full and support a person who is full of Buddhism and has a deep background.

After leaving the school, they turned a corner to Zhongguancun and called Tang Laidi out to have a meal together. They were just reminiscing about old times and did not talk about business.

It has been a long time since Nanyi didn't worry about the matter of Jingda Feilong. Ever since Li Weijing arrived, Yanxin Investment has taken charge of his personal assets. Li Weijing is very capable and manages everything in an orderly manner.

In the past ten years or so, Yan Xin has invested heavily in investment and investment, and has created a huge industry. Judging from the asset figures on the Forbes rankings, Nanyi's ranking can be guaranteed to be eighth to seventh, and it can exceed tens of billions. .

After two thousand years, Nanyi has never worried about money. He just grabs flowers and never misses every time. He even has leisure time to divide his private assets into several irrelevant parts——Snow Mountain Trust Dividends , Xinxin investment, rent, school salary, part-time job.

Two thousand years later, seeing housing prices soaring, I endured it several times, but Nanyi still couldn't hold back, and entrusted Huang San'er to buy it from north to south, with more than 200 more books bearing Huang Xia's name in his hand. Ben, there are villas, apartments, and ordinary houses. The house is placed in the inheritance agency. I don’t ask what the price is for renting out. Anyway, I will give it to him for 2.6 million a year.

Nanyi didn't go into detail about how much money he has, it's impossible to calculate, it changes every minute, just like he bragged in class, he did invest money in the stock market, but the actual figure should be in the name of foreign capital 3 Entrusted to Fan Hongdou, Quan Jun invested 100 million, and invested 20 million in Sunshine Investment of Zhao Tianyang. From February last year to the present, the book profit has been 2.6 times.

Going back to the Beijing University Flying Dragon itself, Nanyi had already designed the general direction back then, and the groundwork had already been laid out. The details were not that the Beijing University Flying Dragon could not intervene for a long time. As for the accounts, Li Weijing had to worry about it. There is no need to go overboard.

Inadvertently, Tang Laidi mentioned that Liu Daqiang asked her to catch up with her not long ago. Nanyi didn't care much, but told Tang Laidi that if Liu Daqiang asked for his contact information, he could give him his number.

In a blink of an eye, Nan Yi stood in class again, telling the students about Iceland, which had been announced in advance in the previous class.

"Everyone knows that Iceland has become one of the most developed countries, but who knows exactly when Iceland became a developed country?"

"Mr. Nan, it should be 1994, the year Iceland joined the European Economic Area." Qin Tao stood up and replied after permission.

"No, I think it should be 1996..."

"the year 1995."

Seeing the students below arguing, Nanyi had no choice but to press his hand to calm everyone down, "Okay, let's not discuss this issue for now, no matter what year Iceland enters the ranks of developed countries, it will not affect our research on it. However, for those of you who study economics, it is necessary to understand this issue.”

Nanyi wrote down the words "developed countries" on the blackboard, "This question is the first homework of today's class. When you finish the homework, you might as well break away from vocabulary explanations and think about and outline what you have in mind. A fantasy picture of a developed country."

As he spoke, Nanyi wrote three lines of triangular distribution on the blackboard, "The Bank of Iceland, New Kipsin Bank, and New Iceland National Bank are the three largest banks in Iceland. They were privatized in 2002 and brought the country If things become private, it is natural to get the moon first if you are close to the water. This sentence applies everywhere.

I will not mention the names of the owners behind these three banks for the time being. I am an internationally renowned economist. What I say may affect the international political and economic structure and the country’s diplomatic relations. I must be cautious. Maybe my One sentence will be the fuse of a world war. "

Nanyi's words made everyone laugh.

After making noise for a long time, Nan Yi continued to give lectures.

"During the Middle Ages, there was a manuscript called "Landnámabók", which was translated as a national book or settlement book. "Landnámabók" recorded in detail the names, anecdotes and family ties of more than 3,000 earliest Icelandic settlers, and also listed the settlers. The selected more than 1,400 settlements are one of the earliest historical works in Iceland and even the Nordic region.

According to the book, Iceland has a history of about 1100 years. For those who study history, Iceland is already a country with a long history, and there are many things to study. But for you, Iceland is a very young country, you only need to know it from 1958.

If you stood on the streets of Reykjavik in 1958 and yelled "fisherman", probably more than half of the people would turn their eyes.

Iceland is a country not suitable for the development of agriculture. In the past, fishery was its pillar industry. Before 1975, most of Iceland’s population of about 200,000 was fed by cod and herring. The whole country is closely related to fishery. Fishing, at least half of the people have to go hungry.

In order not to be hungry and to compete for fishery resources, Iceland and the United Kingdom have had low-intensity conflicts at sea for quite a long time.

Fishing depends on the weather. You may cast a net and you will have half a year's ration, or you may encounter bad weather, no harvest, or even die in the belly of the fish.

Since we depend on the sky, it is unrealistic to think of a good life. At the same time, Europe was undergoing industrialization, and the life of Europeans was booming. They lived a good life with upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones, and made great strides towards Four modernizations. "

Nanyi's words made the students laugh again.

"In contrast, Iceland has very little industry. The land is not suitable for the development of agriculture. It can only develop animal husbandry. It can be self-sufficient in meat, eggs, and protein. Vegetables, fruits, and staple foods are all imported.

In the late sixties, Iceland fell into a severe economic crisis for the simple reason that herring stocks did not migrate from the Norwegian Sea to Icelandic waters in those years, as was customary in the past, and this led to the emigration of thousands of Icelanders abroad, mostly Sweden, the rest emigrated to Canada and Australia.

Seeing that their own country's economy is so fragile, a small herring will destroy Iceland. People of insight naturally want to change and find an iron rice bowl for Iceland.

For ordinary people, filling their stomachs is the top priority, which is higher than morality and law. The herring economic crisis has given Icelandic fishermen a very strong sense of crisis. They urgently need to enhance their ability to resist risks, that is, in a limited time. Make more money.

What should they do? "

Looking at the small eyes full of classrooms looking forward to the answer, Nan Yi picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea calmly.

"In some foreign sociology books, a word, involution, has appeared frequently. You can look up its explanation yourself. I will only give you an example. In order to flatter me, Qin Tao invited me to eat in the cafeteria. Two meat and one vegetarian, Du Wenhua took a look and took me directly to a five-star hotel off campus, where he ordered a table full.

Xue Xiaomin, who came late, wanted to come up with something new, so she took me to Dubai and opened eight tables at the seven-star Burj Al Arab..."

Nanyi looked at Xue Xiaomin, "Student Xue, please listen carefully, there are eight tables, not seven tables, not only that, but student Xue also invited 108 female singers from the Arabian song and dance troupe to sing "The Woman Down the Mountain is a Tiger"..."

Before Nanyi could finish speaking, the classroom burst into laughter again, and Xue Xiaomin, who was the center of the vortex, laughed even more.

"If you are going to play in the forest, please remember that you must go with at least three people, and the partners you find must not run as fast as you. If you are unlucky and encounter a blind bear, don't think about resisting. Just use all your strength and run as hard as you can. Xiong Xiazi's appetite can eat up to two people at a time. With two preys, it won't chase the third.

If you run faster than others, you will be more secure than others. If you are quoted in market activities and sell the same product, your price is cheaper than others, and you will naturally sell more quickly and more.

That's what Iceland's fishermen think and do. They compete to drive down prices, which eventually leads to unprofitability and a depression in the fishing industry.

Seeing that everyone's life is getting more and more difficult, the people of insight in Iceland can't sit still, and they will knock on their heads, and they will start one after another. After tossing for a long time, they can't come up with a good solution.

I can't figure it out, so I can only ask for foreign aid, so the Icelandic government invited a group of European financial experts to design a very trendy game to privatize the fishery. "

Nanyi turned around and wrote a few more words on the blackboard.

"Allocate a quota according to the amount of fish caught by each family in previous years. For example, Qin can only catch 10 tons of fish in previous years, Xue can catch 15 tons, and Du only has 5 tons. Then the quotas for the three of them are 10 tons and 15 tons respectively. ,5 tons.

If Mr. Qin only intends to catch 5 tons this year, then the remaining 5 tons quota can be sold to Mr. Du, or the 5 tons quota can be capitalized, which can be used as collateral to borrow from the bank, and can also be packaged in fancy ways. Quotas disguised as financial derivatives.

Student Xue, are you from Chuncheng? "

Xue Xiaomin: "Yes."

"Have you ever heard your elders mention Clivia?"

"I heard from my father that he bought a lot back then. He bought them when they were not worth much, and they cost one yuan a pot. My yard is still full of Clivia."

Nan Yi nodded, and wrote sideways on the blackboard, saying, "Since the time when we humans were still wrapped in animal skins, economic activities have started, and in ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, and the Xia and Shang dynasties, financial bubble economies have already begun to appear. .

Of course, most people prefer to regard the Dutch tulip event as the earliest case of financial and economic bubbles. If you think about it calmly, you will find a very interesting phenomenon. In fact, all the national regimes in the world are playing economic drumming game.

I won’t mention the specific cases. You can think for yourself. That’s the reason. I am a world-renowned economist, so I have to be very cautious when speaking. Eight years ago, some people were playing with the hype of IC phone cards.

As long as the students here are willing to work together, you can completely set off a new financial bubble. For example, the meal card that each of you has can be used as a commodity for hype.

The ones that get accidentally stained with cabbage soup can be classified as second-class products, the ones that are stained with braised pork broth can be classified as first-class products, and those that fall into the toilet and then fish them out and use them again are terrible, and they can be classified as first-class products. Rare rare treasures, if you don’t fry them for more than 100,000 yuan, you can only say that you have failed very much, and you don’t understand economics at all. "

The serious class was turned into a stand-up comedy by Nanyi. The students would laugh out loud every few minutes. Each of them either made their stomachs hurt from laughing, or laughed until their liver trembled.

In order to prevent the students from laughing out loud, Nan Yi moved slightly in a rigid direction for the following content.

"After the privatization of the fishing industry, Icelandic fishermen ushered in a good time. Many fishermen sold their quotas and got a lot of wealth out of thin air. Among them, the fishermen who did better in the early days became multi-millionaires overnight.

The sudden wealth has changed the entire society in Iceland. People all over the world are the same. Once the wealth is free, they are willing to spend money on their children so that they can receive the best higher education.

Therefore, after the 1970s, most of the new generation in Iceland have received higher education, and even doctoral education has reached the level of popularization. After all, the population is small, and it has only broken through 300,000 this year. The average weight of the

The popularization of higher education has led to a new problem. Iceland is so small, there are not many industrial and mining enterprises, and there is not much room for development. It is impossible to allow all graduate students and graduate students to return to fishing on the boat.

Prior to this, the privatization of the fishing industry made Icelanders see the charm of finance. Just making a rule can create something out of nothing. Therefore, most people in Iceland have a consensus that educated young people are allowed to engage in finance. After all, finance can Not limited to tiny Iceland.

Another reason is that the ancestors of the Icelanders, the Vikings, were rich in risk factors. To engage in finance is to take risks. Icelanders are really not very suitable for finance. "

Nan Yi wrote another name "David Odson" on the blackboard, and drew a horizontal line under the name, "David Odson, when he was young, he was very obsessed with "Liberal Economics". Liberalism advocates that the economy is completely determined by the market without any government intervention.

Oderson graduated from the Law Department of the University of Iceland in 1976, and immediately entered politics. He served as the mayor of Reykjavik from 1982 to 1991, and then as the Prime Minister of Iceland. In terms of political views, he opposed the European Union and advocated integration into NATO. Is a big fan of American imperialism.

Since he came to power, he has treated the whole of Iceland as an experimental object, experimenting with the liberal economics he has always been obsessed with, privatizing a few industries, and four years ago, privatizing the banks. "

Nan Yi pointed to the names of the first three banks written on the blackboard, "Three years ago, in 2003, three banks, Bank of Iceland, New Kipsin Bank, and New Iceland National Bank, began to enter Wall Street. Sitting in Wall Street offices with Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan bankers, smoking cigars, drinking coffee, and talking about the world economy.

As far as I know, before 2000, in Icelandic universities, most of the teachers who taught financial knowledge were only knowledge acquired in school, and their stomachs were quite rich in knowledge. For example, when it comes to the planned economy, they can learn from ten A few big dots, hundreds of small dots, explain the theory and operating principle of the planned economy in a straight-forward manner, but if you ask them what time the supply and marketing cooperatives open and how the products are displayed, they will shake their heads and tell you frankly no. Know.

Most of the relatively new knowledge points are imported from the business cases summarized in Harvard Business School. Among the imported methods, there is a kind of outsourcing layer by layer. The actual front-line personnel responsible for collecting and summarizing are actually Harvard students.

My niece used to do this kind of outsourcing, and she made a lot of money. She can earn more than $2,000 a summer vacation... Ah, by the way, my niece is a chemistry major. "

Noisy again!

"The above paragraph is just a joke, I just want to let you know that the financial elites of Icelandic banks cannot be compared with those of Wall Street. One is to summarize theories in practice, and the other is to learn the theories summarized by the former.

Just like some of you classmates and I are sitting together, drinking Longjing, and discussing the skills of playing Nanyi lively, maybe some classmates will comment on my acting skills, ah, Mr. Nan, your performance is too jerky, and the way you speak The eyes are wrong, Nanyi's eyes should be like this..."

"Hahaha, oops, no, I can't laugh anymore, hahaha..."

"It's a pity that Mr. Nan doesn't talk about cross talk."

"If Mr. Nan talks about cross talk, I'll join him every day."


"After hooking up with Wall Street tycoons, the Icelandic elites got the truth as if they were enlightened. Wow, it turns out that doing finance is just speculation. The enlightened elites returned to Iceland and began to advocate the Wall Street model they knew. And shouted the slogan of making Iceland a European financial center.

The slogan is big and inspiring, but the elites are the elites. They actually know that Iceland can’t compare with Wall Street. Wall Street can do many businesses, but Iceland can’t. So, no matter how fancy the services provided by Icelandic banks sound , their core business is actually tax avoidance.

Tax avoidance is definitely what many wealthy people in Europe just need. The reason why Iceland can stand out from many tax havens is because Icelandic banks have strategic cooperation agreements with Wall Street investment banks. No matter where the money comes from, Icelandic banks can be very convenient. into the Wall Street market.

The international oil price has been soaring, the subprime mortgage market is thriving, the United States has been a hot spot for investment in the past two years, a large amount of European funds have flowed into Iceland, and then flowed into the United States and other regions through Iceland, real estate in the United States, European teams, Danish airlines, Norwegian Banks, etc. In recent years, there have been many large-scale acquisitions involving Icelandic banks.

Among the various acquisitions and investment cases, there are voluntary behaviors of customers, as well as Icelandic banks absorbing European funds with high deposit interest rates, and the government encourages Icelandic people to borrow from banks for various investments;

Among the loans issued, a large part was granted to the agents of the bank shareholders, and even the agents of the bank itself, that is, the left hand loaned to the right hand, and most of the loaned funds flowed into the US subprime mortgage market.

It just so happened that global asset prices have soared in the past few years, and Icelandic banks seem to be very profitable. From 2002 to the present, the scale has increased dozens of times, and it has reached nearly 170 billion US dollars. "

When Nanyi said this, the students in the classroom understood it completely. Nanyi went around a circle, but he was still talking about subprime mortgages.

"There are still two minutes before the end of get out of class. We will stop here today. We will not be in the classroom for the next class. We will go to the teahouse. I will invite everyone to drink Pu-erh tea made from Yizhaofeng's century-old tea bricks. The tea bricks were made by me more than 20 years ago. I bought it, and it cost me half a month's salary."

"Mr. Nan, how much is your tea brick worth now?" Du Wenhua asked.

"I don't know. I haven't used it to estimate the price. Tea is for drinking, not for speculation. The price is not important. Students, don't stop me today. The next class will be mainly for chatting. If you have any questions, please ask me." The discussion can be put in the next class, I wish you all a happy weekend and see you next week."

After leaving school, Nan Yi flew to New York and went to a house in Great Neck Garden to attend the meeting of the Magic Coin team.

Cryptocurrency is a project that Nanyi has been thinking about for a long time. He has never played this kind of thing in his previous life, but for him who has a long-term idle fund in his hand, he will definitely have a certain understanding of cryptocurrency.

After half a year of observation, he finally came to the conclusion that cryptocurrency is a field without referees. It is difficult to grasp the idea of ​​​​the "master" for a long time, and take advantage of the trend to act as an accomplice to cut other leeks and divide it by himself. Run one or two.

It’s no fun to be an accomplice. If you want to be the master who makes the rules, make good rules and control the harvesting frequency, you can put yourself in an invincible position and harvest leeks comfortably for a long time.

So there is "Evil Mage Coin Group", which translates to "Evil Mage" coin group, and "Evil" will be hidden from the outside world, taking the meaning of "Mage" as a magician. The combination is "MageCoin", magic coins, and It is called Margot.

"PaPa, do you think the current rules are okay?"

An audience is an audience. The house where Nanyi and Nanyouqiong father and son are holding a meeting is next door.

"I'm not good at mathematics. I can only understand most of the above formulas. Someone can give me a more popular version." Nan Yi put away the PDA in his hand, stood up and said, "Come back with me to talk, or tomorrow." Make an appointment?"

"go back."

"Let's go."

The father and son returned to Scarlet Manor in their own cars, lit a bonfire on the pier, set up fishing rods, sat by the bonfire, drank and chatted.

"I read your medical report on the plane, so be a little restrained."

"Hmm." Nan Youqiong shook the wine bottle, "I just met a new girlfriend, and I played a little crazy."

"Actor? Singer?"


"Wow, you're good at looking for thrills, be careful."

"The gun is kept."

The thinking of the father and son is on the same channel, and Nan Youqiong can fully follow the rhythm of Nanyi's thinking.


"PaPa, the interests and ties of magic coins are very large. It is not something that the Nan family can eat. We need a partner."

"You have already started an internship as the helm of Nan's. You can decide who to cooperate with. However, I suggest that you bring in the CIA. If the value of magic coins is to be recognized, the best breakthroughs are drug dealers, arms dealers, and terrorist organizations. , intelligence organizations, political figures who defected to the motherland, etc., with the CIA, it can not only add a firewall, but also facilitate the promotion of magic coins.”

"I think so too. After confirming the partner, I will go to the CIA to discuss the relationship."

"After a while, when the things in the early stage of the magic coin are straightened out, you get out of it and let a special person take charge. Its benefits are not enough to make you pay too much attention to it."

Nan Youqiong nodded, "Ruojin called me last week and asked me to borrow money."

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