Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1130 is as hot as fire

After finishing the sniper business, Nanyi father and daughter's Peter Pan game came to an end. They drove the car to a secluded but safe area and lived in the wild for one night. The father and daughter returned to the capital early the next morning.

Nan Ruoqi rarely came to the capital, so she didn't rush to leave, and followed Nan Yi back to the old house for a day.

The next day, Fang Chong came forward and invited Yang Anren, the sales manager of Fortuna Company, to have lunch together. He told the other party very clearly that he wanted to stay and make progress together. He was welcome. You have to be clean, and if you do small tricks, you are forced to turn your face.

In the afternoon, Nanyi, Li Weijing, Li Hai and Fang Chong sat in the cafe together and chatted about work. After the chat, Nanyi went to the airport.

"Ah Xuan."

Jiang Xuanyan was shocked, put down the MP4 in her hand, turned around, and saw a very young Nan Yi looking at her with a smile not far away.

ah! It's him! He really came!

Jiang Xuanyan's face immediately turned red, and her heart beat wildly.

Some things are obviously initiated by myself, and I am fully prepared psychologically, but when things come to an end, it is inevitable that I will be nervous.

Nanyi came to Jiang Xuanyan and asked softly, "What are you looking at?"

"From downloaded novels."

"Oh, it's time for us to board the plane."

Nan Yi naturally held Jiang Xuanyan's back, and led the people to the ticket gate.

Jiang Xuanyan raised her head slightly, looked into the man's deep eyes, as if she saw a vortex, and sucked her gaze deeply in. She was in a trance, and she didn't quite remember the word transaction.

Two days ago, when she was looking forward to the arrival of a prosperous life, she also gave herself too many psychological hints. Regarding Nanyi being a good man, some upcoming facts cannot be changed. Of course, she hopes that she needs to face Yes, it's better.

On the plane, Nanyi was holding a newspaper as always. Jiang Xuanyan, who was in the business class for the first time, looked around with curiosity. The business class of a narrow-body airliner is just like that, only the seat is slightly spacious, and the service attitude Better yet, Jiang Xuanyan's curiosity was satisfied within a few minutes. She looked away, looked at Nanyi's face for a while, and glanced at the newspaper for a while. Seeing that Nanyi didn't have any response to talk to her, she was bored , Take out the MP4 and continue reading the novel.

More than two hours later, the plane landed at the airport in Hangzhou. As soon as Nanyi and Jiang Xuanyan arrived at the exit, a little fat woman came out from the crowd to pick up the plane and took Nanyi's arm.

Jiang Xuanyan was startled when she saw this.

Nan Yi smiled and patted the little fat woman's wrist, "Yunmei, why do you gain a few pounds every time I see you?"

Qian Yunmei, Qian Tangsheng's daughter, started her own business as soon as she graduated from university in 1994. After five or six years of hard work, when her father's family property was almost wiped out, Qian Tangsheng learned from the painful experience and no longer supported her daughter's entrepreneurship. Qian Yunmei Mei's troubles subsided after a few months.

In 2001, she passed the qualification test, and An An Dandan worked as her civil servant in Hangzhou. Afterwards, she married and had children, and with her father's subsidies, everything went smoothly.

"Uncle Nan, don't worry about my weight every time." Qian Yunmei said with a drooping face.

"Haha, okay, okay, don't say, you give me the key, I won't go to your house today, give you a day to prepare, cook a few more good dishes, I will go there tomorrow night."


Qian Yunmei handed Nanyi two keys, exchanged some pleasantries and left first.

Nanyi handed over the car keys to Miao Xiaolan and asked her to drive. He and Jiang Xuanyan were waiting at the exit.

"Are you hungry?"


"Then I'll accompany you to buy some clothes first, which brand do you like?"

Jiang Xuanyan didn't know how to answer, so she could only lower her head in embarrassment, "I don't know."

"The dinner time is arranged later, and the stores of several brands have to go around."

"Okay." Jiang Xuanyan's voice was like a gnat.

After a while, the two got into the car, Miao Xiaolan drove the car to the International Famous Brand Street, Nanyi bought a cup of beef vermicelli soup from a small shop on the street, ate it, and walked into a shop with Jiang Xuanyan.

"You pick what you like, don't look at the price tag, just buy it if you like it."

"This sentence is so beautiful!"

At this moment, Jiang Xuanyan heard the most beautiful sentence from a "man" in her life.

"Can you?" She couldn't believe it.

Nan Yi waved his hand, signaling Jiang Xuanyan to go quickly, and he walked to the sofa in the rest area by himself.

Jiang Xuanyan stood there and hesitated for a while, and then a clever shopping guide went up to her. This is an old shopping guide, who has cultivated to the point of sharp eyes. As soon as the couple entered the store, she could see what was going on. , in her heart, commission has become her own integrated kitchen.

"Miss, please come with me, and I'll take you to see our new autumn style that just went on sale."

"Okay, okay."

In an emotion mixed with excitement and timidity, Jiang Xuanyan followed the pace of the shopping guide. In the past, she only dared to glance in through the door or window of this kind of store, and never dared to set foot in it, knowing that she couldn't buy it. Watching it will only increase your troubles.

An old shopping guide is an old shopping guide. When introducing the second set of clothes, Jiang Xuanyan's timidity has been dispelled, and Jiang Xuanyan has been promoted to the camp that best matches the consumer group of the brand, which makes Jiang Xuanyan feel relaxed. Confidently and boldly gestured with clothes on his body, as if he was shopping at a night market by the side of the street.

While eating beef vermicelli soup, Nanyi turned his head to observe Jiang Xuanyan again. He saw that the other party entered the state quickly, as if he had been accumulating energy for the past twenty years, just for this moment to switch to the consumption method of Qianjin.

According to his observation, after entering the society, the generation born in the 1980s generally has a higher starting point of income than the generation born in the 1970s, but at the same time, its consumption power is also stronger relative to its own income level.

Judging from the appearance, there are more and more moonlight people. Within a certain income range, earning more and earning less has little difference in changing their own situation. This generation can easily trap them by spending a lot in advance. They complain a lot and have no guts. True chapter, mortgages are like reins and bridles, and they can be driven like cattle and horses.

It is possible to conduct capability assessments among the bottom-level employees of domestic enterprises, screen out those employees who have the potential to be promoted to the middle-level, but their capabilities stop there, and formulate a system of KPIs linked to the amount of down payment advances, and advance them the down payment for buying a house, and let them back I dare not think too much about the mortgage pressure.

Before the implementation of the system, it is necessary to conduct intensive internal publicity about the incredible increase in housing prices in the future. After a few years, the employees will understand the painstaking efforts of the company.

With a heavy burden on his back, and his assets are expanding, he can always buy some loyalty.

"Heh, this is in response to the national policy. I wonder if I can get a few certificates of merit for house-buying activists."

After more than 20 years of layout, Nanguo has opened his pockets and is ready to taste all aspects of domestic real estate dividends. Not to mention directly participating in land purchase and construction, even mortgages have already stretched a foot in. Nanguo Bank is one of the four major banks that has been listed The shareholders of the three companies do not have many shares, and they do not have much shareholder power to exercise, but the annual dividends will not be less than one cent.

This is called closely following the pace of national policies, resolutely supporting national policies, and naturally guarding prosperity.

Nanyi's thoughts were running around, Jiang Xuanyan tried one after another, except for two or three clothes, she was not very satisfied, but she liked and wanted them all, but she used the arithmetic level that she had never reached Adding up all the numbers on the price tags, she got a result of 196,000. She was hesitating, and she was very entangled.

"Is this number too big? It's enough for the down payment of a flat in Shanghai..."

Just when Jiang Xuanyan was struggling, Nanyi had already come behind her and put his arms around her waist, "Have you chosen yet?"

"not yet."

The little deer in Jiang Xuanyan's heart became restless again.

The old shopping guide who had been paying attention to the eavesdropping said, "Sir, this lady..."

"I know." Nanyi said back to the old shopping guide, then bowed his head and said to Jiang Xuanyan: "I said, don't care about the price, just buy it if you like...Miss, please wrap up everything she tried .”

When Jiang Xuanyan heard the words, she quickly said, "No."

"Which one don't you want?"

Nanyi intentionally misinterpreted Jiang Xuanyan's last trace of timidity, which was as thin as paper.

Jiang Xuanyan was stunned for a while, put down the care in her heart, put a sweet smile on her cheeks, stretched out her finger and pointed to two of the clothes in the pile, and then pointed to the other, "I don't like the first two, This one is a bit tangled, do you think I look good in it?"

Nanyi glanced at the clothes, "Don't worry about it, buy it first, take it back and then slowly consider whether you like it or not."

"Twelve thousand, very expensive."

"It's okay." Nanyi pointed to the two unwanted items, "Miss, except for these two items, pack up the rest."

"Okay, sir."

The old shopping guide felt a rush of joy from the soles of her feet to the top of the sky, and she got her all-in-one kitchen.

Jiang Xuanyan was also full of joy. This kind of joy lasted from the time when the shopping guide tidied up her clothes to when Nanyi rubbed her bank card against the POS machine and made a pleasant beeping sound. Then, she zoomed in... stepped on her feet, hugged Nanyi's neck, and made a sound!


"You're welcome, let's go, let's go to the next one."

"Uh...huh? I haven't taken the clothes yet."

Nan Yi patted Jiang Xuanyan on the cheek, "It's okay, I have left the address, and the store will send someone to deliver it."

"Oh, that's it."

One after another, queuing up, the two visited several luxury brand stores, buying and buying, and 460,000 yuan was drained from Nanyi's bank card.

Money, of course, will not be wasted.

When the two returned to the car and went to the restaurant, Jiang Xuanyan sat on Nanyi's lap, her unpainted lips locked Nanyi's mouth like flames, her head tilted to the left for a while, then to the right for a while crooked.


After a long time, her lips were still unparted, Jiang Xuanyan's nasal cavity was delicate and panting, she felt that Nanyi's mouth was very sweet, like sugar and honey, completely submerged the strangeness, and made her fascinated.

After that, the plan was changed, the car did not drive to the restaurant, but directly into the landslide...

Jiang Xuanyan stroked Nanyi's well-proportioned muscles, his generous chest, his attractive eight-pack abs, and, also, countless absent and breathtaking masculine charms, and...

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