Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 114 The Amazing Nanchen Village

"Hahaha, you are Nanyi, right? Weizong often mentions you in his letters." With laughter, a middle-aged man came over.

His face is thin, his hair is well-groomed, his eyes are bright, he wears a mandarin jacket in the style of the Republic of China on his upper body, a pair of loose trousers on his lower body, and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet.

From his body, Nan Yi couldn't see the smell of a farmer, but he had a strong smell of a superior.

"Hello, Uncle Chen, I'm Nanyi."

"Wei Zong has already called me and said that you will come in the next two days, so I will have someone waiting for you here. Come on, don't squat here, come to my house for tea."

Chen Zongqing walked up to Nan Yi, helped Nan Yi up, and asked, "Who is this?"

"Zuo Can, a veteran, is protecting me."

"Oh, it's your bodyguard, then go to my house for tea together."

Chen Zongqing took Nanyi and the two to the center of the village. The layout of the village was flat and stable, imitating gossip. There was a circle of houses along the wall, and the middle was in the shape of a circle. The center of the village was Chen's ancestral hall. .

The outer circle of the ancestral hall is divided into four directions: east, west, north and south. There are four houses, two large and two small. The south is the entrance of the ancestral hall. No one lives in the house.

From the houses on the east, west, and north sides, Nanyi could see the smoke from the cooking.

Looking at this layout, Nanyi can basically infer that there are three houses in Nanchen Village, Chen Zongqing's house is in the east, which is probably the big house, the second house is in the north, and the third house is in the west. The three houses live in three heads.

The three houses live together. It seems that the cohesion of Nanchen Village is very strong, and there is no major conflict between the three houses.

"Nanyi, this is my wife, Cai Shufen, from Baiche [shē] Village." Chen Zongqing took Nanyi into the yard, pointing to a woman who was busy in the yard.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Nanyi."

"Hello, hello, hurry up and sit in the main room, and I'll make tea for you." Cai Shufen said in a courteous manner, shaking off the water on her hand.

"Yes, Nanyi, let's go to the main room."

The three sat down in the main room, and Cai Shufen quickly brought over the tea bowl.

After exchanging pleasantries, Nanyi said: "Uncle Chen, I saw many families in your village have motorcycles along the way just now. It seems that your village is quite rich."

"It's nothing. Everyone in the village is willing to do it. In the past two years, everyone has started a small business. They have indeed made some money. It can't be compared with Wenchangwei. Others don't know that Weizong is a soldier with you. He knows it well. Our Nan Chen The village takes the small road, and the one you Wenchangwei walks is the golden road."

"That's right, I'm not too clear. I'm an outsider, and my surname is not Xian. I'm not too clear about Wenchangwei."

"Hehehe." Chen Zongqing smiled, and did not continue the topic, "Nanyi, what are you doing here in Hailing?"

"It's nothing. I heard that the economy here is very active. I'm just studying economics. I wanted to come and have a look and confirm what I learned."

"Oh, put what you've learned into practice."


For a while, Nanyi couldn't tell whether Chen Zongqing meant something, or whether his cultural level was not too high and he used the wrong idiom.

The two of you came and went, without saying anything nutritious.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Nanyi didn't even propose to go for a stroll in the village. After dinner, he sat in the yard and went to bed early.

Lying on the bed, Nan Yi's mind was running at high speed, chewing over and over the conversation between him and Chen Zongqing just now.

It is certain that Nanchen Village is a village where all members participate in smuggling, otherwise there would be no need for such strong security, and the village would not be so rich.

It's just that I don't know what kind of water flows through Nanchen Village, and what kind of goods it takes.

After thinking about everything he should think about, Nan Yi closed his eyes.


In the middle of the night, Nanyi's ears moved, he opened his eyes, and narrowed his eyes to look at the dial.

"Eleven o'clock."

Zuo Can sat up from the bed, staring at Nanyi, "Do you want to go out and have a look?"

"No, go on to sleep."

Nanyi could already hear a group of people gathered outside, and then the sound of footsteps went away. They should be walking outside the village, probably to the beach to pick up goods.

The night is silent, and people sleep.

Nan Yi got up at seven in the morning, passed the main room to wash up in the courtyard, and saw that breakfast was already on the table.

"Nan Yi, wake up so early?"

"It's still early, Auntie. Where's Uncle Chen, has he gone out?"

"No, he always gets up late, and he can't get up until nine or ten o'clock. Nanyi, you eat first after you wash up. I've already eaten."

A farmer has to sleep until ten o'clock, needless to say, he must have worked all night last night.

"Okay, Auntie."

After Nan Yi washed up, he sat in the main room.

Cai Shufen prepared a lot of food, the main food is mixed salty porridge, kway teow noodles, and there are many side dishes for porridge, dried radish, pickled cucumber, tribute vegetables, olive vegetables, water tofu, sweet soybeans, pork rice dumplings, vegetables Preserved eggs, a large table was filled to the brim.

Nanyi gave Zuo Can all the kway teow noodles, and put a small pot of mixed and salty porridge beside him. Nanyi likes to drink porridge, and this Chaoshan porridge is a must.

For Nanyi, in summer, it is best to have porridge in the morning, and then porridge for dinner, with some pot stickers, cakes, cakes, etc., and more than a dozen fresh side dishes.

Nutritious and not very expensive.

Cai Shufen walked into the main room when Nanyi and the two were eating about the same.

"Nanyi, you must go to the city when you come to Hailing. Our place is not very peaceful. Last night, your Uncle Chen told me to find two people to accompany you."

"That's really troublesome, auntie. I went shopping in the city yesterday, and the scene really scared me. Without the company of you locals, I really dare not go again."

"It's not so exaggerated. If there are people from the village following you, no one will trouble you." Cai Shufen said with a smile: "You are almost done eating, I will call people over first, and they will take you with you. Don't eat dinner outside , Auntie will cook for you whatever you want to eat."

"Hey, Auntie, you're good at cooking. I love to eat anything. You can give me something special, so I can have a good time."

"Hehehe, Nanyi, you can really talk." Cai Shufen smiled happily, "Okay, Auntie will make you some special dishes, so that you can eat your tongue."


After Cai Shufen finished speaking, she walked out.

Nan Yi stared at her back, and felt that this Aunt Cai was not simple.

"My surname is Cai, Baiche Village, isn't this the famous drug control model village in the future?" Nan Yi thought secretly.

After a while, Cai Shufen came over with two young people. Nan Yi glanced at them, and both of them showed fierce faces. Judging from the posture of swinging their arms, they should have been practiced.

"Nanyi, let me introduce you..."

The following article will refer to Lu Ping and Hai Ping, all about Hai Ping, there is no way, the chapter has been locked, and it will be troublesome to change it. April 9, 2022

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