Half an hour later, Nanyi and Jiang Xuanyan were already sitting in front of the slot machine and started playing, shouting and shouting.

The one who yelled was naturally Jiang Xuanyan. She only bet each time, which was only five cents, but it could draw all her attention. Her eyes were wide open, and her gaze traveled up and down following the scrolling patterns on the screen. , as long as there is a picture of jumping gold coins, I will be excited, even if it is a machine next door.

On Jiang Xuanyan's right, there was another woman playing, with a similar style, also yelling.

Nanyi sat on Jiang Xuanyan's left side, pulled by his machine, half of his eyes were focused on Jiang Xuanyan's machine, and half was observing the strange woman beside him. Unlike Jiang Xuanyan, the strange woman was once The line is full, and the ante is three dollars.

Although three yuan is 60 times five cents, as long as you don't hit the top, even if you lose a lot, vomiting will usually come before losing everything.

What aroused Nanyi's interest was not the big bets of the strange woman, but her famous brand, sluggish body, excitement and confusion in her eyes. This is a casino, and the state of the woman can only show that she has been gambling for at least a day and a night, and there is ...

Nanyi looked at a man who had been staring at a strange woman not far away. If nothing else, this is a Junket Operator.

Gamblers with Junket Operator staring at them are either about to enter the VIP room, or have already entered the VIP room; either they have already lost their money, or they are on the way to losing their money.

A strange woman does not have the decisive temperament of a strong woman, nor does she have the domineering attitude of her ancestors. She is more like a woman who sleeps with the right person, but she sleeps lightly on the bed. The Eiffel Tower is looking for love, and life is good. Why bother Come to Omen for excitement.

Nan Yi hadn't thought enough about the strange woman, so he let his eyes relax and turned his head inadvertently, and saw an acquaintance coming straight towards him.

He could only stand up and face the person coming, holding his right hand together with the person.

"Brother Dong, I haven't seen you for a few years. I don't see you getting old. It's just that the forehead is wrong. It's red, too red."

The acquaintance is Lan Guidong. He borrowed 150 million Hong Kong dollars from Nanyi to buy a gambling hall in Omen, and he paid back the principal with interest in less than four months. It has been more than ten years since the incident, and Lan Guidong's net worth should not be high now. few.

"Hahaha, Nansheng, you look young, the same as eight years ago, you haven't changed at all."

Goodbye to Nanyi, Lan Guidong was very emotional. Thanks to Nanyi’s willingness to lend him money back then, his career in Aomen was able to start from one VIP room, and slowly became two, three, and now there are seven. A VIP hall, when it’s good, it’s billions a day, and when it’s bad, it’s six or seven billion, and you can put seven or eight billion in your pocket a year.

Lan Guidong is not a person who forgets his roots. He knows very well that without Nanyi, he would not be where he is today.

"Haha, Brother Dong, we don't need to praise each other anymore. I've only been here for a long time, and Brother Dong will be able to find me. I know that Brother Dong will definitely be close by now. Is there a VIP room for Brother Dong in this venue?"

The current casinos are generally divided into three or two areas, one is the slot machine area (Slot), this is not available in every casino, because although the profit of the slot machine is stable, but not much; the second is the gaming table area (Mass) According to different casinos, the minimum bets are also different. The minimum bet is 20, and the maximum is 100. The bonus is also relatively low. It is a place for entertaining ordinary gamblers. , it is not impossible to lose hundreds of millions;

The third is the VIP room, which can also be called the "Regal Traveling Machine". It is responsible for sending the rich back to before liberation. When they lose everything and owe a debt, they will be surprised to find that the Junket Operator who was so lowly as to help them suck their abscesses suddenly becomes a big man, and the world is reversed. If it is a beautiful female gambler, tsk tsk!

The VIP hall has a hall owner. The official name is a gaming intermediary. The hall owner contracts the VIP hall from the casino owner (gaming company) who owns the gambling license. Thirty-seven points, the head of the hall gets a small head, and also has to bear part of the tax.

The VIP room was born in 1988, but the real signs of prosperity appeared in 2002, because Omen gambling rights were opened up in this year. In 2003, the mainland opened the policy of free travel, but there was a regulation that everyone from the mainland to Omen must pay in cash. The amount carried must not exceed 20,000 RMB or the equivalent foreign currency of 5,000 US dollars. This will bring space for the VIP room and Junket Operator to rise in class, and also bring a reshuffle to Junket Operator.

Since 2003, more and more mainlanders have become Junket Operators, and soon became the mainstay of Junket Operators. Almost all mainlanders are from the mainland, and those from other regions can only stand aside.

Unlike most of the Junket Operators in other regions who came from young and Dangerous people and low-level characters, the Junket Operators in the mainland were divided into two distinct groups at the beginning. It can be summed up in the word "bluffing".

The other type is people with business acumen. They have been doing business in the Mainland for many years and already have a small fortune, but it is difficult to go further, so they come to Omen in a different way and become Junket Operators.

After doing business, there will naturally be a few friends in the business field, and friends have other friends. A good circle will naturally have a good source of customers. Starting from friends in the previous business field, a high-ranking customer will bring a high-ranking customer into his own business. After losing all the VIP rooms it serves, Junket Operator can easily reaccumulate wealth. Originally, there were only hundreds of thousands of million-level net worth, but it can jump to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in just a few months and a year.

And this kind of awesome Junket Operator was just the younger brother of Lan Guidong before he became the hall owner. It is conceivable that in the gambling circle of Omen, what kind of existence Lan Guidong is. The chances of having a slot machine area that you have nothing to do with yourself are slim to none.

The cameras in the gaming table area and the slot machine area are controlled by the casino. According to normal rules, it is impossible for Lan Guidong to have access to the surveillance footage, and he will not care about the gamblers in the slot machine area. Yi's existence, a little reasoning, the Junket Operator and the strange woman next to him are the key.

Nan Yi thought it was quite interesting, what kind of high-ranking customer must be able to alert Lan Guidong, the big boss behind the scenes.

"Nan Sheng, come to my office and sit down, let's have a good chat." Lan Guidong laughed.

Nan Yi pointed to Jiang Xuanyan, "My son, let her have fun here first."

Before Languidong appeared, he had observed the situation clearly. He knew the relationship between Nanyi and Jiang Xuanyan, and what kind of woman Jiang Xuanyan belonged to.

"Nansheng don't worry, my people will take care of her, and I will definitely let this young lady have a good time. This way please."

Nan Yi followed Lan Guidong to the office on the second floor with a one-way glass wall. Lan Guidong poured Nan Yi a glass of whiskey, and then invited Nan Yi to the glass wall to look at the gamblers in the gaming table area below , Said: "Nansheng, did you pay attention to the woman next to you just now?"

Nan Yi took a sip of his wine, "Did you notice, is it yours?"

Lan Guidong: "Top guy, the lover of a real estate boss, with seeds in his stomach."

"So what, if you have money, are you afraid you won't be able to find a woman to have children?"

Lan Guidong: "It's not the same. The boss is from Chaoshan. The company is opened in Shenzhen. He is very rich. He was injured when he was young. It is difficult to reproduce."

"No son?"

Lan Guidong: "This is my son."

"No wonder you say it's a top-notch product. Even if you give up half of your wealth, the boss will have to save his lover. Brother Dong, I don't want to know the details. I just want to know when you will swallow this product."

Lan Guidong: "It's tonight, she wants to gamble at the bottom of the table."

"How long?"

Lan Guidong: "One drags ten."

"It's such a big game, aren't you afraid that the police will catch you?"

In addition to paying 1 to 1 on the table, under the stage, regardless of the rules of the casino, gamblers and Junket Operator can privately increase the odds to 1 to 3, 1 to 5 or even 1 to 10, which is called 1 to 3 in jargon. , one for five, one for ten.

The gambling money under the stage will not be included in the turnover of the VIP room, so there is no need to pay taxes. From the perspective of business operation, this is a kind of tax evasion and belongs to the illegal category.

Lan Guidong complained: "The tax is too heavy, if you don't play under the table, I'll drink the northwest wind."

"How many yards to sign?"

Lan Guidong: "Two hundred million."

"Are you eating under the table alone?"

Lan Guidong: "And my Junket Operator."

"Hiss, Brother Dong, should I say that you are braver than Guan Gong?"

The sign code in the VIP hall is actually a credit line. The 200 million Li code signed by Lan Guidong to a strange woman is his guarantee to obtain a credit line of 200 million from the casino account. The strange woman You can use "saliva" to gamble first. Once you lose, the casino will only ask Lan Guidong to pay the bill, and will not care where the money for Lan Guidong's repayment comes from.

That is to say, the strange woman lost all 200 million, on and off the stage, a total of 2.2 billion, and the rotten ghost won 2 billion in uncollected accounts plus the cash commission that can be withdrawn at any time.

[The commission is not calculated on the basis of 200 million, but is accumulated according to the amount of chips placed on the stage. At the end of the game, regardless of whether the gambler wins or loses, Junket Operator will get a commission of 10 to 15 thousandths. In an extreme situation, 200 million miles can produce tens of billions of turnover, and Junket Operator's commission exceeds 100 million.

Of course, this kind of situation exists in theory, but it is almost invisible in practice. It is like the natural card Hu Shisanyao. ]

On the other hand, if the strange woman is so popular and wins all the way, "theoretically" he can win tens of billions, then the rotten ghost will be miserable. He must pay for the lost money, otherwise he will have no place to stand, the casino owner Those who want to become the hall master will unite to chase him down.

Lan Guidong: "I have two big investments, which take up a lot of funds, and my money is tight."

"Do you have a bomb in your hand?"

Bombs are those gamblers who have gambled to the point where they can't pay off their debts, but still want to borrow money from Junket Operator. If any Junket Operator misunderstood and took the bomb as a high-quality customer to lend money, it would be equivalent to throwing money into a bottomless pit. Not only would you not get much commission, but it would be difficult to recover the debt.

Most of the bombs are demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall. Before you (Jackbox Operator's perspective), it is very likely that he has outstanding debts in the hands of other Junket Operator or loan sharks. This means that any money he wins from gambling or earning money in serious business will be taken away by the people who are watching him in front of him to cover his debts.

Ask him to pay you back, and queue up later. Often at the end of the list, you will find that there is not a penny left in your hands.

In addition, most bombs will do anything to cheat people in order to get the gambling capital. There are many Junket Operators who are not strong enough to be dragged to death by bombs. Sometimes, when Junket Operators in the same circle establish an information exchange relationship, the important function is to prevent the bombs from using the competition between Junket Operators to cause poor communication, and cheating in the hands of each Junket Operator. .

Lan Guidong: "How could it not be."

"Are there girls?"

Lan Guidong: "Yes."

"Ask a Junket Operator to follow me, listen to me later, and take me to see how your subordinates concocted the bomb. By the way, tell me how glorious the bomb's past is."

Lan Guidong chuckled, "Nan Sheng, you care about your son very much."

Nan Yi shook the wine glass in his hand, chuckled and said, "I just don't like hugging a bad gambler. I'll call Da Li [mèng] later."

There is a Bad Debt Team under the Just Defense Group, which is not doing debt collection business, but traveling around the casinos around the world, looking for gamblers who have already gambled red eyes, cashed out or mortgaged high-quality assets, and matched with them to buy them at a low price Their assets will be realized.

This business is very profitable, but the most lucrative ones will be digested by the relevant personnel of the casino, and will not be left to outsiders at all, and the bad debt team will not compete head-on with local snakes, and only eat the leftovers that the casino disdains, although In this way, relying on the strong digestion ability of Nan's Iron Stomach, the profit is still very considerable.

Da Lian is the person in charge of the Bad Debt Team in Omen. He usually cooperates with Lan Guidong and other hall owners and Junket Operators, and he enjoys a lot in the gambling circle. Yi's subordinates, after all, everyone wants to eat delicious food. If Nan Yi doesn't come forward to say hello, it will be difficult for Da Lizhen to open up the situation here.

Lan Guidong raised his glass and said, "Nan Sheng, thank you very much, I hope it won't be needed."

After clinking glasses, Nan Yi said: "Since Brother Dong has a big deal tonight, you should recharge your batteries and I'll go out and play with my horse."

"Nansheng, if you want to play with some codes, it's mine."

Nan Yi waved his hand, "You know, I don't like to gamble, just go to the VIP room and have a look, tens of millions, it's very exciting to watch rich people gamble."

Looking at the back of his departure, Lan Guidong once again sincerely admired him. Once upon a time, he also wanted to develop Nanyi into a high-profile guest. He invited him several times, but he didn't come once. Thousands of yards, the other party will stop immediately after losing 4 million, and it is obvious to tell him, I have given you face, so don't invite again.

Lan Guidong has met too many rich people who don't gamble with their wealth, but he doesn't play with those who win or lose millions of dollars. He only knows Nanyi. There is also Da Lian, who has already done a business worth over 20 billion, with a profit of at least 30% from what he knows.

"This Nansheng is still unfathomable!"

Nan Yi is not interested in gambling, it can be said that he hates it deeply, but he is very interested in the assets of gamblers. It is better to benefit himself than to benefit others. Between buying and selling, the annual cash income exceeds 3.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, plus the assets that are not in a hurry to realize, the income can be doubled.

If the time span is extended and then averaged, the annual income can reach tens of billions of gross dollars, and about 50% of it actually falls into Nan's pocket. It's no wonder Nanyi doesn't care about how big a piece of fat is.

What's more, while having a lot of cash income, Nan's network of contacts is also expanding in countries with casinos around the world, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After Nan Yi walked out of the office, he didn't go straight back to the slot machine area, but shuttled between the gaming tables in the gaming table area. If Junket Operator was in front of the nearby gaming tables, he would stay for a short time, paying attention to the accents of the gamblers, so that he could Knowing where you are will increase your assets.

Listening around, or Wu Nong's soft words, pidgin, or sour words, spitting sheep, Nanyi will come to the mind of small hardware, trinkets, and dark coal, and occasionally authentic Beijing films and vernacular. Will nod secretly, because it is close.

Seeing that he will have to help Nan Wuwei take care of his children in a few years, Nan Yi really wants a piece of land suitable for building a children's playground in the suburbs of the capital. ——The Gambling Ghost Chapter”.

Returning to the slot machine area, Jiang Xuanyan had already changed the machine, and there was Junket Operator beside her, she was still yelling, Nan Yi came closer and saw that Jiang Xuanyan had won more than 200, which is really good record.

Nanyi came behind Jiang Xuanyan and hugged her from behind, "I won a lot, treat me to supper later."

"Okay." Jiang Xuanyan said happily, "Wait until I hit three hundred."

"Little fool, the most taboo of gambling is to set a winning goal for yourself. Nine and a half out of ten gamblers will reverse the situation when they are only a little bit short of the goal."


"Really, don't care about winning or losing, just have fun."


Jiang Xuanyan continued to sink her eyes into the screen, Nan Yi let go, and sat with the side seat for half an hour, then took Jiang Xuanyan to the gaming table area, turned around, and sat down on a table. Before customers bet on smaller baccarat tables, they just wanted to win the right to see the cards for Jiang Xuanyan at a relatively small price.

When Satan lures people into the abyss, he will always give a little sweetness, just like a new gambler who has just left the game is always accompanied by good luck. Jiang Xuanyan's jerky hand is either seven or eight or nine o'clock. Also quite high.

When Jiang Xuanyan understood what a TV set is, what it means to stand up, and what it means to blow up, her luck began to weaken. Anger, sorrow and joy flowed quickly on her face.

At this moment, Nanyi asked the people following him to regard Jiang Xuanyan as a bright light, and quietly placed a double-handed bet on her opposite. After saving the capital, he called the Junket Operator beside him to whisper a few words, and then Jing watched Jiang Xuanyan's technique of reading cards became more and more proficient.

When the night was getting darker and the time came to midnight, Jiang Xuanyan twirled the cards covered on the table, shouting "top, top, top" desperately in her mouth. , blow, blow", blowing for a long time, as if in the past century, the dot in the middle of the playing card has not been blown away by her, when the card is turned over, a 10 of spades is in sight, plus a Jack that has been turned over , add up to nothing.

Jiang Xuanyan looked at the betting chips that had been taken away, and then at her own table, which was empty. She was depressed for a while, then raised her head, staring at Nanyi with big watery eyes, "Brother Zhen..."

Nanyi was secretly happy in his heart, and said lightly: "Do you know what is a mud bet? Do you know what is a wash bet? I know you don't know now, but you will soon know that you have lost 50% just now. Wan, it's all mud."

Nan Yi waved to Junket Operator, and when the other party approached, he signaled to Jiang Xuanyan again, "Mud code, you can simply understand it as a loan, just like a credit card, you have to pay it back, you lose, you Pay it back by yourself.”

Nan Yi patted Jiang Xuanyan's cheek, "Be good for a while, don't make trouble, don't scream, just follow him."

"Brother Zhen, you, I..." Jiang Xuanyan was stunned.

Nanyi waved his hand, "I said, you must be good, go, don't be afraid."

"Brother Zhen..."

Before Jiang Xuanyan could speak again, Junket Operator had already stepped forward and locked her hands, half pushing and half pulling her away.

Looking at Jiang Xuanyan's blank and helpless eyes, Nan Yi laughed wildly in his heart, and when he couldn't see anyone, he looked away, glanced at his watch, got up and walked to the VIP room.

2.2 billion gambles are rare, and he is going to observe and observe.

After asking someone, Nan Yi walked through several compartments in the VIP room, touched the innermost premium compartment, and saw the special chips on the table. There was no long string of zeros, only a short "50" or The number "100", in the material of the chips, hides an invisible huge "ten thousand" character, which is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

The strange woman I met before was already sitting in front of the gaming table, holding a stack of chips in her hand, twisted hard, twisted out two sticky chips and slapped them on the table, and shouted, "Deal."

The croupier neatly dealt out two cards in the banker and player areas. Before handing over the banker's card, the strange woman waved her hand, "Open."

The croupier neatly opened the player's card, "The player has six points", and then opened the banker's card, "The banker has eight points, and the banker wins".

In such an instant, the strange woman's 2 million became 23.9 million, and the two chips became eight, three 100, one 50, and four 100,000.

Nan Yi glanced at the camera, guessing what kind of expression Langui Dong was behind the monitor.

The property rights of the VIP room belong to the casino, and the croupiers and security guards are the staff of the casino. As long as the gamblers sit at the gaming table, it is profitable for the casino. As long as there are gamblers coming to play in an endless stream, the croupiers don’t need to worry Unemployed, not receiving wages.

They are paid dead wages. If the gambler wins, they will not be deducted money. If the gambler loses, there will be no commission.

A billionaire becomes penniless in his own hands, yesterday he only appeared in high-end places that he could not afford to go to, and tomorrow he may kneel on the ground and be slapped in the face, the psychology of hatred for the rich will definitely be fully satisfied.

Nan Yi thought from the perspective of a croupier, and felt very happy.

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