Nanyi really understood, what Pei Shiyi said was not too new.

In order for their daughter to marry into a wealthy family, their parents have built their daughter up to the standards of a wealthy wife from an early age. Nanyi has heard and seen this kind of thing in his previous life.

"Moving the ancestral tomb to change the fortune is known all over the country and sent to a good university."

"You want to know how to get people into good colleges?"


"How much property does the owner you mentioned have?"

"There should be tens of millions."

"That skinny horse... oh no, what kind of talent did that daughter learn?"

"I have dabbled in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"How's the level?"

"Let me ask." Pei Shiyi was quiet for a while before he said again: "It seems very ordinary."

Listening to Pei Shouyi's tone, Nanyi knew that his level must be very average, otherwise he could have considered the path of art special tricks. This is the avenue laid out in the open, and a well-off family can take it.

"Forget it, let me tell you a clear way. If you want to enter my place, ask the boss to prepare 2 million. The money is donated to the school. The school will prepare a special recruitment quota for the daughter. Entrance is easy and exit is strict. , Whether she can graduate or not is up to her.

If you are not sure about graduating, you can go abroad to study in your junior year. In short, the school has no problem accepting her, but it will not lower the graduation requirements.

This is the first point, and the second point is to let the club run a team competition, put her daughter in the team that is expected to win the championship as a substitute, and coat the daughter with a layer of gold, so that the school can recruit specially.

Finally, let me make another advertisement. There is a Lincoln University in New York in the United States. There is an elite class for undergraduate, master, and Ph. Send it to him and let him connect by himself. "

"Thank you, Nan Sheng."

Nan Yi chuckled, "Boss Pei, you really care about your apprentice."

In the 1990s, Pei Shiyi's annual income had entered the million ranks. The older he got, the more handsome he looked, and the accumulated client resources in his hands were also increasing, and most of them were rich and wealthy. You can earn tens of millions a year by eating offerings, there is no need to do such a bad job, so Nanyi guessed that he was probably doing it to support his disciples.

"My dear niece."

"No wonder, if your niece's business is successfully completed, you let her come to me, and I will give her a good idea."

Pei Shiyi was overjoyed when he heard the words. The good idea that Nanyi said must be a very good idea. He wants to tell his daughter and let her fight for it. The niece he was talking about was actually his own daughter, and it was only because he and his daughter had different fates that he adopted him to his elder brother since childhood.

After finishing the call with Pei Shiyi, Nan Yi checked the flight and learned that there was still a plane to Yiwu today, so he went back to the old house to pack some luggage and rushed to the airport.

As the end of the semester was approaching, students were preparing for the exam. He, who taught elective courses, had nothing to do, so he might as well take a quick trip.

After boarding the plane through the security check, and getting off the plane and exiting the station, within three hours, Nanyi and Miao Xiaolan were already standing at the exit, embracing a capable and elegant woman.

"Brother Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Pannan, you've grown up."

"Brother Yi, my son is about to graduate from college." Yan Pannan said angrily.

"Hehe, you look too young, I'm still in a trance, almost suspecting that I'm in the 80s."

Yan Pannan chuckled, "Brother Yi, my car is parked outside, and I'm staying at my house tonight."

"It's fine to stay here. I've already booked a room in Yindu. I have to eat food. I haven't tasted your cooking yet."

"Then give it a try this time, I'll make some special dishes."

As Yan Pannan said, he took Nanyi's arm and pulled him to his car.

Although she doesn't see each other often, Yan Pannan always remembers Nanyi in her heart. She has never forgotten that she can have today thanks to the 20 catties of national food stamps and 100 yuan that Nanyi gave her at the beginning, and she stole it herself. The Donghe meatloaf that Yi helped pay for.

Without this capital, she would not be able to do business, and she would not be able to gradually grow from a young age, and in the process of growing bigger, Nanyi helped her several times at critical moments. forget.

Get in the car, drive a long way in the direction of the urban area, then enter the urban area, turn a few intersections, cross a bridge, and arrive at the third district of Jiangnan in Jiangdong. style villa front.

Yan Pannan invited Nanyi to sit in the living room, and she went into the kitchen by herself.

After more than an hour, Yan Pannan prepared a table of dishes, and she invited Nanyi to the dining room in good spirits, and took out a bottle of good wine to drink with Nanyi.

Along the way, although Yan Pannan has gone through hardships, his development has been very smooth. After expanding from a small factory to a large factory, after moving the factory to Yiwu, he developed into Yuyan Jewelry Group step by step.

Yan Pannan has a great desire to make money. After becoming a group, she is no longer satisfied with just making low-end jewelry with meager profits, and starts to learn from Swarovski to enter the field of high-end jewelry.

In 2000, Yuyan's high-end jewelry became famous abroad. Since then, Yuyan, a new star of jewelry, has been rising, and orders have continued to flow. Yuyan's success made Yan Pannan a world-renowned jewelry queen, but although she won the battle beautifully, it opened up the garden of her inner desire. She wants to make more money, even if she does whatever it takes.

In 2003, Yan Pannan discovered that a diversified business model is the kingly way to accumulate wealth in a short period of time. She established a real estate company without hesitation, and at the same time spread the net in Internet services, financial investment, ecological agriculture and other fields.

It has to be said that these years have entered the bonus period of the real estate industry. Yan Pannan's active transformation has indeed taken the lead in the market. Coupled with his conservative management style, the group has made a lot of money.

But at this time, Yan Pannan was a little lost. She actually regarded Nanyi as a goal, thinking about making her strength close to Nanyi as soon as possible, or even surpass it.

Now, she is planning another business expansion of Yuyan Group. She is very confident in herself. After this expansion, she will definitely be a few steps closer to Nanyi.

Compared with Yan Pannan's full confidence, Nanyi, who has known the business of Yuyan Group, is not very optimistic about its future. It is developing too fast and there are many hidden dangers. He readily agreed to Shi Dongning this time, and he also came to Yiwu to meet Yan Pan. South reasons.

After toasting once, Nanyi said tactfully: "Pannan, life goes by day by day, and business is done bit by bit. You can't become fat if you eat one bite. Don't walk too fast."

Yan Pannan heard the persuasion in Nanyi's words, but she didn't take it seriously, "Brother Yi, Yuyan Group is doing well now, with good development in all fields, and there is no problem, I am planning to expand further. "

"Pannan, you chose to expand at this time, which already shows that Yuyan Group has a lot of problems. The global economy has long been integrated. Whether there are problems in North America or Europe, we will respond here.

Your jade face has been exported since the 1980s, and you have many customers in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, but you seem to be unaware of outside news. The global economy is like a spider web. No matter which thread has a problem, it will at least affect the other spider threads connected to it.

Last year, our country's total foreign trade was 1.76 trillion US dollars, and the export value was 969.08 billion US dollars, of which the export value to the United States was 203.47 billion US dollars, and the export value to the EU was 181.98 billion US dollars. The sum of the two accounted for 3.977 billion of the total export value %..."

Nanyi waved his hand, "I won't go into details about other data, you should know all of these, if you don't know, then you should reflect on whether you are competent as the chairman.

Let me give you a suggestion, don't think about expansion this year and next, but shrink, keep a little more cash on hand to deal with possible crises, and wait and see in the next year before considering whether to expand. "

Yan Pannan frowned, "Brother Yi, which country's economy is in trouble?"

"Don't ask me this question, you should find out for yourself. Doing business these days not only requires understanding the industry you are in, but also has a global perspective. If there is no problem in the industry, it doesn't mean that you will be successful." no problem.

Pan Nan, you are a master in the field of jewelry, and you can rank in the world. Although I heard from Shi Yan that the profits of jewelry have become less and less impressive these years, but your volume is large, and you have considerable income every year. Yes You have a very stable cash flow, this kind of money that is guaranteed, you have to hold it, take it well. "

Far East Trading has cooperated with Yan Pannan to sell jewelry in the Middle East a long time ago. Although Far East Trading has long neglected the jewelry trade, the cooperation has continued. Far East Trading knows a lot about the jewelry industry.

Nanyi's emphatic emphasis made Yan Pannan fall into thinking, and he became absent-minded when eating. Nanyi didn't want to explain things too clearly. Yan Pannan is the chairman of a large group, so he must have a big picture. If not, It will be a matter of time before it goes down, even if there is no accident this time, there will be accidents in the future.

It’s better to go out early than late, the hole won’t be too big, and it’s easier to turn over. When the Yuyan Group reaches a scale of hundreds of billions and then blows up, there is no room for rescue. There is no point in filling such a big hole.

It is not too difficult to blindly pursue the expansion of the company without seeking benefits. It is not too difficult to borrow from banks and other financial institutions for expansion. A company with a valuation of hundreds of billions came out, but it was carrying tens of billions of debts behind it. Long-term, short-term, and perhaps a short-term debt of two or three billion, would cause the collapse of the Snowball Empire .

As far as Nanyi's analysis of Yuyan Group is concerned, Yan Pannan has the intention of snowballing, trying to be glamorous and burdened with debts. This is not the attitude that a company should have.

After dinner, Nanyi didn't spend the night at Yan Pannan's house, but stayed in Yindu for one night. The next day, he didn't choose to drive by himself, chartered a car or took a bus at the passenger station, but ran to the train station to take a black car.

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