After Nanyi and Liu Jiajia finished talking, seeing that the conversation between Che Xi and Li Haixin was still going on, he didn't wait any longer, but asked Liu Jiajia to tell him to "go first".

The alley is not narrow but there are many cars. The cars are parked at the entrance of the alley. Tonight there is a wind blowing along the entrance of the alley.

Perhaps it was because of the blowing wind that Zhao Qinger's drunkenness came to her head. Not long after she got in the car, she began to moan, restlessly looking for a more comfortable position with her head resting on the back of the chair. After a while, she found Nan Yi's arms, With two arches, a comfortable humming sound came out of his nose.

Nan Yi glanced down, then turned to Miao Xiaolan and said, "You will send her back later, leave a note after she settles down, and explain that you are the one who sent her home, um... the details including undressing also explain Down."

Miao Xiaolan nodded.

[I am sick, in fact, I can write about the misunderstanding, but I can't persuade myself to give Nanyi a wiser. ]

A new day begins.

Nanyi sent an email to Smith Company, entrusting it to find a CEO candidate for Master Pictures.

Smith Company has been rooted in the mainland for more than ten years. It started this kind of business when most people didn't know what headhunting was. Today, it has become a well-known headhunting company in the mainland. Its competitors are McKinsey, Korn Ferry, etc. international giants.

It has to be said that Nanyi is a little bit proud of his original arrangement. Most of the groups under the EPC serve the EPC and at the same time establish an independent commercial company to undertake business abroad.

Nowadays, each group has its own unicorns (asset valuation, etc.) worth more than $1 billion).

The Emotional Policy Committee, a top-level management organization that originally relied on Nan's investment funds, has not only achieved self-healing, but also turned over huge profits in reverse.

After sending the email, Nanyi devoted all his attention to writing the thesis, screening materials, making data tables, making belly drafts, etc. A series of tasks were carried out in an orderly manner. From the busy mid-March to the first ten days of April, it took more than two weeks, and Nanyi had the drafts of three papers.

Immediately afterwards, he flew to London again, stayed with Nan Ruojin for two days, made a detour to Birmingham, visited economist Richard Connolly at the University of Birmingham, and discussed with him the ideas of three papers.

The two sides talked very happily. Connolly gave Nanyi not only good advice, but also gave him a thesis title. There is reason to believe that the pass rate of Nanyi's three papers plus one paper is infinitely close to 100%.

In addition to teaching at the University of Birmingham, Connolly also had a part-time job as the editor-in-chief of a magazine. Coincidentally, the magazine he worked for was "Post-Communist Economy" that Nanyi wanted to contribute. The editor-in-chief was optimistic about the paper and did not publish The possibility is probably not too great.

After it was over, Nanyi returned to the capital and concentrated on writing his thesis behind closed doors.

It took another week to complete three papers eloquently, two of which filled in "Yi Nan" in the column of the first author and corresponding author, filled in the names of Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin in the second author, and the remaining one only in Fill in your own name in the corresponding author column, and leave the others blank for now.

Called, called the recipient of the Peregrine Falcon Express, sent the first two papers, and pressed the remaining one first, and rushed to the fourth issue of this year (eight issues a year) first, and it could be published SSCI naturally does not consider SCI.

Nanyi has already changed his goal, from the original two SSCI and two SCI to four SSCI and one SCI, since he has received a title gift equivalent to the invitation, he naturally doesn't mind writing more one.

It took two days to formulate the direction of data collection for the remaining two papers, called Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin, explained how they searched for materials, and let the two discuss who is the first author of which paper by themselves.

There is nothing to do here for the time being. Nanyi went to the construction site of Sikad Chemical Laboratory to pay attention to the progress of the construction. Then, he met with Xie Yongchuan, the final CEO candidate confirmed by Smith Company, and a new addition he brought. Agent Xie Weiwei.

After reading the information, Nan Yi knew that not only did they have the same surname, but they were also from Hengdian. One was born in 1975 and the other was born in 1977. They are not related to each other. They are not from the same village, but alumni who graduated from the same junior high school. .

It is said that the two had no contact before they joined Pickup King Film and Television to work together. After becoming colleagues, the two complemented each other and made Pickup King Film and Television flourish. It's not too high, and it took three visits to the thatched cottage to poach people here.

The meeting place is arranged in a mixed-use commercial and residential building on South Xinhua Street. It is called a building, but it has only three floors. The commercial and residential buildings are not mixed together. The house is divided into two sides, the south side is residential, and the north side is commercial. The exterior of the building looks a bit shabby , is also a bit worn out, and the location is very average, but it has a very prominent advantage, cheap.

The house was rented by Nan Yi through an inheritance agency. It was his first time here today, and he only knew that he rented the entire third floor, with an area of ​​about 320 square meters, and the rent was only 160,000 a year.

Nanyi and his second boss, Zhao Qinger, arrived half an hour earlier. The two went straight up to the third floor. When they opened the door of the office, they saw a rather large room. There was no partition on the entire third floor, and there was an unobstructed view. There were wires, water and water reserved, and the doors and windows were complete. , nothing else, not even a light bulb.

Zhao Qing'er glanced over, with a disgusted expression on her face, "Master, this place is worse than my pigsty."

"Let's just do it. Starting a business is hard. You have to spend a penny in two. If you can save it, you can save it." Nanyi said, walked to a wall, kicked his leg, and the ceiling was already off. The paint spattered to the ground, kicking off a lot of dust.

When the smoke cleared, Nanyi pointed around and explained to Zhao Qinger how to decorate.

"The wires are not good, they are too thin, change them to thicker ones and re-arrange the wires. Pay attention to the layout of the sockets. The area here needs 4 sets of 5 hp air conditioners, and each corner needs a 16A socket..." Nan Yi said, suddenly stopped , "Hey, why am I telling you this, you girls can't listen to water and electricity at all.

Let me tell you, starting a business is difficult, and money must be calculated carefully. I will help you find an all-round master. You should listen to other people's opinions. The budget is only 250,000 yuan. You have to get everything right. "

"Ah? Let me do it?" Zhao Qing'er exclaimed.

"It's not for you to do it. The specific work is handed over to the new general manager. You just need to be responsible for following the whole process." Nanyi looked at his watch and said, "He should be arriving soon, so I don't have time to tell you too much. In short, Master Pictures will be managed by you in the future, and you must learn how to be a boss as soon as possible.

Speaking of renting an office, it may be directly rented from the property company, or it may be sublet from other companies. Fees, if you don't come to the interview in person, no matter whether you rent in or out, there may be problems of concealing part of the transfer fee or taking kickbacks.

There is no perfect person in this world. People have greed to some extent. As long as it is not too much, you can turn a blind eye to this kind of thing and pretend that you don’t know it. But you can’t really not know it.

Just like He Shen, he is a corrupt official, very corrupt, but at the same time he is a capable minister, able to do things, and can accomplish great things. Such a person should be used when there is no one to replace him. , When there is someone who can replace him, you have to rely on the book in your heart to restrain him, and wait for a smooth transition, whether to gently expose it, or kill the monkey to make an example, depends on your own choice. "

"Master, it's killing chickens to make an example to monkeys."

Nan Yi said angrily: "You little girl, you can't read, you only went to a technical school, you have neither education nor culture, and I, a professor, even used you to correct me. I said that I am a capable minister, and I don't need to describe it as a monkey." , do you use chicken?"

"Uh..." Zhao Qian'er stuck out her tongue.

Nan Yi put Zhao Qing'er's shoulders, "Girl, you have been in the crew before, you should know that the people in it are all good people, the company needs to make a profit, so I can't give you practice, wait for you to practice the basic skills more solidly in the training class, When you are admitted to the combined undergraduate and master's program in any school, you can go back to play tricks, practice hard and earnestly in the crew, and train yourself to be a good person."

"Master, shouldn't one be more sincere?"

"Okay, don't bullshit with me, you are really insincere, don't you know? If you are a sincere person, why do you have to jump into the dung tank? Go home and study hard, and you will be a civil servant in a few years. Put on a black hat and sincerely do something good for the common people."

Nan Yi pinched the bun on Zhao Qing'er's face and twisted it into folds, and said: "Don't tell me your sincerity with your mouth, little girl, you are only so good at it, I can outsmart you by pulling out the hair on my leg, and I can use all my cleverness to beat you." If it’s not enough, pretend to be stupid, and I’ll let you pretend.”

Nan Yi's hands twisted clockwise and anti-clockwise repeatedly, and Zhao Qing'er's face was constantly deformed with his movements, and she screamed in pain.

"Master, it hurts so bad...let go...please..."

Nan Yi let go of his hand, and touched Zhao Qing'er's cheek, "Okay, don't look pitiful, how much force did I use, don't I know?"

Zhao Qing'er's eyes became watery, her mouth was deflated, "But, it really hurts."

"Oh, dear apprentice, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, master will take you to drink pearl milk tea later, and put an extra pearl."

"I don't want pearls, but coconuts."

"Okay, as long as you like."

After coaxing for a while, Xie Yongchuan and Xie Weiwei arrived.

Generally speaking, headhunters recruit talents for clients. After success, they need to charge between 20% and 35% of the final candidate's annual salary. The proportion depends on the role of headhunters. The greater the role, the higher the success fee charged .

In terms of fees, Smith Company does not give Nanyi any preferential treatment, because Master Films is still a small company without an office space, which not only discriminates, but also increases the difficulty of finding someone for Smith Company to a certain extent, so, The success fee is directly based on the highest ratio.

Nan Yi offered a million-dollar annual salary, that is, he needed to pay 350,000 to Smith's company, plus Xie Weiwei's extra, a total of 500,000. Xie Yongchuan and Xie Weiwei could understand this situation.

Moreover, there is a two-way choice between Master Pictures and them. In order to hunt them over, Master Pictures will naturally show off their muscles - Huang San'er.

In the list of shareholders of Master Films, there is Huang Saner’s name, accounting for 30% of the shares. In the cake that Smith’s company drew for Xie Yongchuan, Huang Saner is the boss of Master Films. He intends to be the hands-off shopkeeper, and doesn't care about Master Pictures' affairs at all.

Xie Yongchuan was naturally tempted to have a financial backer, no matter what to do, and ample room for development. This is a good platform for him to display his talents, so when he came to the third floor and saw the post-war Iraqi style office, he did not show any disappointment. I just wondered that Huang San'er, the shopkeeper, shook his hands so thoroughly that he didn't even see his face.

Nanyi didn't keep Xie Yongchuan's questioning for too long. As soon as he entered the greeting session, he introduced himself: "I am Nanyi, the real boss of Master Pictures, and she is Zhao Qinger, my apprentice, who holds 50% of the shares... Don't think in a wrong way, a disciple is a disciple, if it is not easy to understand, you can treat her as my daughter."

Saying that, Nan Yi's eyes flicked across the faces of Xie Yongchuan and Xie Weiwei. The former stayed longer, while the latter swept away. Xie Weiwei's appearance is hard to describe in words, and not looking at her is probably the greatest respect.

Nanyi thinks it's pretty good. A woman with a negative appearance score can make a name for herself in the workplace, which is enough to show that her talent should not be underestimated.

Beauty is the stepping stone for many women in the workplace to enter management positions, and it is a big bonus item. After all, shopping malls are still dominated by men, and men will give greater tolerance to beautiful women.

When Nanyi and Xie Yongchuan shook hands, he said: "Mr. Xie, don't think that Huang Xia doesn't take you seriously because she didn't give you a chance. In fact, Master Films has nothing to do with her. I just let her use her name so that I can recruit you, Mr. Xie." This great talent is also convenient for going public in the future."

"Let? Not please?"

The word "Let" shocked Xie Yongchuan.

"The superior asked his subordinates to name him? What is the identity of Nan Yi in front of him?"

Nan Yi had a panoramic view of the changes in Xie Yongchuan's eyes. He smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Xie, you will know some things later, let's talk about the business first."

Xie Yongchuan straightened his face, "Mr. Nan, please tell me."

"It's not a talk, it's a discussion." Nanyi pointed to the place on the ceiling where the paint came off just now, "The conditions here are not very good, but the advantage is that it is cheap. I just told Qing'er that the budget for decoration, including the purchase of office supplies, is only Two hundred and fifty thousand, everything can only be kept simple.

Mr. Xie, I will leave the decoration to you, and at the same time, you have to manage a project, I have an idea..."

Nanyi explained the idea of ​​a sitcom, "This project is going to be a good start for Master Pictures, and I don't plan to invest a penny, ah, I can't say that I can't say that I can't say that I still have to pay for the entertainment in the early stage. .”

Xie Yongchuan heard the string song and knew the elegance, "Mr. Nan wants to find the coal boss to invest?"

Nan Yi nodded, then pointed to Zhao Qing'er, "Master Films was opened for her, Mr. Xie, and Manager Xie. Qing'er is the treasure of Master Films. Not only can she not be harmed, but she must To make her popular is not to be rotten, but to be well deserved.

This is my only additional requirement. The other is the normal operation mode of a company. The two are responsible for the company's management and profitability. place evaluation.

I can guarantee that the efforts of the two will be rewarded in excess. Salary, shares, everything is easy to negotiate. "

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