Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1183: Yang Conspiracy in the Shadow

The Sichun that Yi Qianxi mentioned soon came to the door, Nanyi sent someone to find Xie Yongchuan to sign the contract, and went to an investment salon by himself, where a few wealthy people who mainly focused on investment sat together drinking and chatting about investment topic.

Luo Sensen is a distinguished guest, and he was the one who gave Nanyi the invitation letter, but he followed Ruan Mei.

In a villa at the foot of Fragrant Hills, Nan Yi followed Ruan Mei into the yard, took a glass of champagne from the waiter's tray, held the glass up and looked around, and immediately underestimated the salon in front of him.

He saw several faces he had seen on TV, female celebrities, and he couldn't figure out how many lines were counted. The only one who could be called famous directly was Andy Liu, and he had to think about it for a while or couldn't think of others.

"Are you sure this is an investment salon?" Nan Yi tilted his head and asked Ruan Mei.

Ruan Mei turned her head back and said, "The entertainment industry is a hot spot for investment now, and young people also love to play. It's not surprising that there are a few female stars here."

"I'm probably behind the times. You stand here, and I'll be invisible."

"I'll leave at twelve."


Nanyi responded and stood in the corner with the cup in his hand. He just wanted to come and hear what investments everyone was paying attention to, and he was not interested in meeting any strangers.

But it was obvious that things would not develop as he hoped. He stood there for a while before someone noticed him, and it was not just one person, Liu Wendi and Che Xi who had just arrived.

Che Xi didn't come alone, she was Li Haixin's female companion.

After meeting by chance last time, Li Haixin launched a fierce attack on Che Xi, showing off his muscles, sending flowers, and candlelight dinners. Facing the pursuit of a diamond king, Che Xi persisted for a while and his heart was moved.

There is no way, aside from being fat and ugly, Li Haixin is full of strengths.

Li Haixin is just 26 years old this year, but he has been in charge of Zhaoji Steel for four years. At that time, Li's father died unexpectedly. Just settle the internal struggle and concentrate on production and market development.

In the past four years, Li Haixin has managed Zhaoji Iron and Steel to a higher level than his father's time. It is a pity that the steel industry is too cyclical. When it is in short supply, buyers are begging to buy. It's really a diving price.

In the second half of 2005, steel started from 4,800 yuan per ton, and gradually dropped to 2,000 yuan per ton in 2006. This price has already fallen below the cost price, but steel is very special. So even if the price is not good, we can only bite the bullet and continue to produce, selling a ton and losing a ton, just hang on like this.

2006 was a very difficult year for iron and steel enterprises. Eleven out of ten suffered losses. Workers in state-owned iron and steel factories were all faced with a 20% salary cut, but unexpectedly, Zhaoji Iron and Steel’s salary did not drop. , On the contrary, it has improved. In Li Haixin's words: "A person who is not suffering or tired is not a lucky person. Whoever is not rich or happy is a lucky person."

It can be said that Li Haixin is responsible and capable, but the general environment did not give him a good adaptation period. Entering this year, the steel market has not improved much. After analysis, Li Haixin believes that this wave of steel decline will last for a few more years. He has already been driven out of the market, and he has no interest in steel, and he has the idea of ​​​​retiring.

Li Haixin doesn't want to play anymore, I really don't want to play anymore, steel is not fun, and people will collect debts every now and then in profitable years, and it will be even worse when the market is bad. Out of escape and finding another way out, he came to the capital and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his favorite financial industry.

Not to mention, Li Haixin is very talented in finance. He started investing in 2004. Up to now, he has had a book income of nearly 3 billion. This is where he has the confidence to find another way out, and it is also his squandered capital.

What do you want to earn money for? Isn’t it just for spending? After arriving in the capital, Li Haixin shed the disguise of a young and steady industrialist. The financial investment boss went online, ordered Rolls Royce, private jets, and played nightly in clubs and nightclubs. .

Now, I'm about to embrace a beautiful woman again. I'm so unhappy. Who likes to work in that broken steel factory? Sow a grain of wheat, and harvest a field of sliced ​​noodles in the early summer of the coming year.

When Nan Yi and Che Xi, who was looking at him, looked at each other, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the triumphant expression on Li Haixin's face, and nodded at Che Xi, then he looked at Liu Andi, who had been looking at him for a long time, and saw that there was something in the other's eyes that was thoughtful and unsure. He opened his mouth clearly to make a "lose money" mouth shape.

Seeing this, Liu Andi suddenly realized, said something to Wang Qingqiu who was beside him, and walked towards Nanyi.


"Hi, Miss Liu."

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time. It broke your car light. Leave me a call and I'll give you the money next time."

Liu Andi ran to repair the car after sobering up last time. During the conversation with the repairman, she recalled the details of that night bit by bit. After analyzing the glass fragments extracted from the front of her car by the repairman, it was not an ordinary headlight that she hit, and she didn't know the price. But certainly not cheap.

I met here again today, and the two sides confirmed that it was enough to show that the other party was not an ordinary person, so she had no choice but to admit that she was unlucky.

"Miss Liu, the matter is over, so there's no need to mention it anymore, let's just pretend that nothing unpleasant happened."

The miscellaneous things such as custom-made, mailing, and lost work expenses add up to tens of millions, and it is still Meizi. How could Nanyi easily forget it?

Andy Liu hesitated, "Isn't that good?"

"It's really okay," Nan Yi smiled lightly, then pointed in Wang Qingqiu's direction, "Your boyfriend has been looking this way, Miss Liu, we might as well talk next time."

Liu Andi turned his face and took a look, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'll go first."

"Please help yourself."

After Liu Andi left, no one disturbed Nanyi again, he could continue to stay in it and wander off.

After three or five cigarettes, a young man suspected of being the owner tapped the cup with a spoon, and after attracting everyone's attention, he announced the official start of the salon, and those who wanted to participate moved to the living room.

As his voice fell, the men with female companions whispered to their female companions, and then walked to the living room.

After a while, Nan Yi also walked into the living room.

In the living room, there is a little red among the green bushes, there is only one woman, Ruan Mei, and all the female companions are left outside.

Like all investment salons, today’s one also started with the Federal Reserve and U.S. debt, followed by oil, gold, and then onshore RMB and offshore RMB. After talking in vain for a while, the topic began to land.

Not to mention, the things we talk about are quite practical, such as chain breakfast restaurants, convenience stores, beauty industry, mother and baby, car beauty, online shopping platforms, etc. There is no such thing as private equity funds with hundreds of billions of dollars, sovereign funds entering a certain industry on a large scale, etc. , very grounded.

After chatting about various projects, the topic turned to the stock market. It was said that during this period of time the market was rumored to increase the stamp duty, and the Ministry of Finance was forced to come out and refute the rumors: the Ministry of Finance has no plan to increase the stamp duty on securities transactions in the near future.

Some people are optimistic that the stock market will continue to be like a rainbow, while others say that the falsehood is true, and the real state is false. To refute the rumors means that the price adjustment is really going to be raised, and there may be a surprise attack.

Nanyi pays attention to those who hold bearish opinions, and also texts with Sister Chan, who advises you to invest.

Nanyi: What about the stamp duty?

Sister Tang: The market is overheated, and the country should pour cold water on it.

Nanyi: What about the range?

Sister Tang: It is estimated that the adjustment will be large. There is a piece of news that can be considered together. Pensions have started to invest in index funds in the stock market on a pilot basis. Pensions cannot lose.

Nanyi: Understood, what else can you refer to?

Sister Chang: The few wind vane funds that have been focused on have shown signs of retreating, and they are pulling up, and they will probably be shipped soon.

Nanyi: You?

Sister Chan: It's being shipped, wait and see when it's finished.

Nanyi: Most of my funds helped me invest in QDII.

Sister Tang: How much?

Nanyi: 5000.

Sister Tang: Ten thousand?

Nanyi: Yuan.

Sister Tang: The minimum sales amount for a single customer should not be less than RMB 300,000 or equivalent in foreign currency.

Nanyi: The threshold is too high, forget it. As a personal thank you, how about the Honolulu villa, with a set of 6 million, there is a lot of room for appreciation.

Sister Tang: No need, I have a share.

Nanyi: Sharing is between you and Hongdou, and gratitude is between me and you.

Sister Tang: Thank you.

Nanyi: You deserve it, let's do this first.

"I think the situation in the stock market is right now, and the bull market will continue for a long time..."

After sending the text message, Nan Yi looked up and saw Liu Andi's male companion talking freely there. According to what he said, he was very optimistic about the stock market, and estimated that he had invested a lot of money.

After listening for a while, seeing that the topic was still on the stock market, Nan Yi sent a text message to Ruan Mei, saying hello, he walked out of the living room to the outside, glanced at Yingying Yanyan, and developed a fool-like P-map software Thoughts came to mind.

After a little deliberation, software can only reflect its value if it is spread in a small circle, which limits its ceiling. Three melons and two dates are not worthy of his concern. Besides, he hates deceit. Beauty, who are you fooling?


"Just received the news that Libyan Prime Minister al-Baghdadi announced the layoff of 400,000 employees from the public sector, and forced foreign companies to hire them under the premise of providing full wages and loan benefits. The oil company controlled by our foundation has also received employment requirements."

At the meeting of the Presbyterian Church of the Jewish United Foundation, Elder Ucheved, who is mainly responsible for intelligence collection, briefed everyone.

"Scarlett, what do you think?" the deputy leader Yevgeny asked Scarlett, who was also the deputy leader.

In the past ten years, Scarlett has made significant contributions to the Foundation, and her status in the Presbyterian Church has also increased, climbing to the highest position of deputy leader.

The Jewish United Foundation has no real leader, only the spiritual leader Jehovah, and the highest position is the deputy leader. There are three in total. Scarlett is one of the three giants. The foundation has expanded to 640 billion US dollars in assets and spread all over the world. Relationship networks in various places have a significant say.

Scarlett nodded to the person in charge of operating the projector, and pointed to the projected chart after a while and said: "The oil economy that Libya relies on is a special economic form, which not only includes the scarce resource attributes attached to oil itself , The competition for interests caused by such scarce resources will become the trigger for civil war; it also includes a series of social and economic problems such as inequality and poverty brought about by the oil industry, and even political problems such as government rent-seeking.”

After switching the projection, Scarlett went on to say: "This is the growth of Libya's population in the past two decades. As of mid-March, Libya's population was 6.012 million, of which 79% were young people aged 15-35. In fact, employment conflicts For a long time in Libya, high unemployment has been accompanied by the country's economic prosperity.

This high unemployment rate comes from Libya's highly dependent oil economic system monopolized by the government. Under the pressure of government departments and a large number of state-owned oil industries, the scale of foreign companies and domestic private companies is restricted, and the society lacks manufacturing and service industries that can provide a large number of employment opportunities.

If a world-class financial crisis breaks out at this time, it will definitely have a huge impact on many resource-dependent countries, including Libya. The original jobs are far from meeting the growing domestic labor demand, resulting in a large number of unemployed and unemployed people. "

Switching the projection again, several photos appeared on the screen, "This is a photo taken by Foundation intelligence personnel in Benghazi. The streets of Benghazi are full of unemployed young people playing video games. They all have high education, bachelor's degree, master's degree , even Dr.

Since Gaddafi’s coup came to power in August 1968, he has provided citizens with free education benefits that continue to college by virtue of the wealth accumulated from the oil economy. Nearly 5 million people in the country have generally received good education, and the national quality is generally high. .

Under the strong impact of ideals and reality, dictatorship and openness and freedom, a series of psychological imbalances caused by the employment gap will make these Libyan youths living in the cracks accumulate anger in silence. "

Scarlett glanced at the venue and smiled, "Paul Collier, director of the African Economic Research Center at Oxford University, mentioned in his paper "On the Economic Causes of Civil War" published in 1998: Youth are more likely to build arms.

Especially when their income in the labor market does not meet their expectations, economic factors are more likely to lead to civil war than political dissatisfaction.

I have been engaged in the diamond trade with Sierra Leone, and I have done in-depth research on the civil war in Sierra Leone, and I have also concluded a theory: when there is a severely exclusive socio-economy, only violence can meet the basic needs of people, and the long-term employment opportunities Shortages can cause young people to revolt for wealth, status.

Well, call it a revolution if you want. "

Another deputy leader, Judah Nazareno, said: "Scarlett, do you think there will be civil war in Libya?"

"Judah, don't worry, listen to me continue." Scarlett responded, indicating to switch the projection, "In the 1980s, the Gaddafi government nationalized all private enterprises, although in the 1990s the policy was relaxed to allow private enterprises However, the remnants of the planned economy have not been completely eliminated, and the Libyan economy is still dominant today.

This high degree of centralization of the economy has led to the government's high degree of restriction and intervention in economic activities, and some of the intervention content has even been incorporated into the law. In recent years, Libya has adopted strict policies to enforce the export agency system and prohibit foreign businessmen from engaging in commercial activities in the country.

In the "Global Economic Freedom Index Report" released by the Heritage Foundation, Libya ranked 155th, slightly higher than North Korea and Cuba, becoming one of the most repressed economies, which fully demonstrates the high degree of centralization of the Libyan economy .

The imbalance problem in Libya's industrial sector has not been effectively alleviated in the long-term system reform, and will have immeasurable consequences in the future.

Since the oil economy is the leading industry in Libya, the oil and gas sector generates more than 90% of the income of Libyan nationals and about 95% of export revenue, which also makes Libya one of the least diversified economies in the world.

However, the oil and gas sector, which has created a lot of wealth for the country, has only 3% of the national workforce; The sector generates only 2% of GDP wealth.

It can be seen that Libya's social environment cannot provide corresponding entrepreneurial enthusiasm and hardware facilities. The nationalization of large enterprises and the monopoly of state-owned oil and gas companies still hinder the rapid economic development.

The highly single sector of the real estate industry makes the Libyan economy present a weak posture. Even the power politics and high per capita GDP under Gaddafi’s rule cannot conceal the fragility of its national economy and due to its over-reliance on oil economy and almost extremely single economic system, Libya cannot be like a country that develops a diversified economy. Resilience measures and adaptive capacity in response to crises.

Once a worldwide financial crisis breaks out, it will lead to a sharp drop in oil prices and partial divestment of foreign oil companies, which will undoubtedly be a serious blow to Libya, which is highly dependent on oil exports, and even mean the collapse of the entire national economy.

The unrecoverable economic structure and the accompanying coexistence of high unemployment, high inflation and political corruption have become the fuse of social unrest.

These are the problems existing in Libya's economy. Let me talk about the relationship between tribes next. "

Scarlett signaled to switch projections, "Under Gaddafi's dictatorship, the Libyan government not only failed to provide fair subsidies to non-tribal people through the oil economy, but suppressed ethnic groups in various regions in an unfair way:

The oil-rich eastern region has always been suppressed and neglected. Because the local government cannot obtain the legality and technical equipment for oil extraction, the central government and foreign companies have monopolized the local oil extraction without accident.

In the eyes of people in Cyrenaica in the east, Gaddafi's dictatorship means that the west plunders the oil from the east for self-sufficiency.

Oil extraction has brought environmental damage and friction and bottlenecks caused by negotiation, but the government has refused to provide more benefits and public services to the region. In the not-so-enlightened Libyan society, a region has insufficient income but has to bear the cost of exploitation ; In addition, the oil economy will stimulate people's capital accumulation psychology. When there is a gap between this psychology and the reality, it will become an irreconcilable contradiction between the east and the west.

Based on the awareness of fair development and the equal distribution of the benefits of the oil economy, once the eastern region believes that a civil war can obtain a better allocation of resources, it will fight for it, which greatly increases the possibility of a civil war breaking out.

32% of Libyan oil is sold to Italy, about 425,000 barrels per day, 14% is sold to Germany, about 178,000 barrels per day, 10% is sold to France, about 133,000 barrels per day, France, Switzerland, Ireland and Austria Imports more than 15% of its crude oil from Libya.

This foreign oil economy linked North and South development, and European countries, in effect, became hostages to oil exporters. For European countries that are highly dependent on imported oil, the shortage of energy supply will seriously hit their economic growth and cause financial and economic difficulties.

Especially under the impact of the possible outbreak of the financial crisis, once the relationship between Libya and various oil-importing countries deteriorates, European countries will feel extremely insecure.

Libyan oil companies are completely nationalized, and oil companies stationed abroad adopt sharing contracts. The exploration investment is completely borne by the contractor. Once the oil and gas is commercially developed, the Libyan government will enter into the share, and the interest is as high as 80%, which means that huge profits will not be retained. to the oil companies. "

Scarlett motioned to turn off the projector, she returned to her seat and sat down, "Assuming a civil war breaks out in Libya, European countries, including the United States, will definitely carry out 'humanitarian' military intervention in Libya, and among them, the most active country will be ..."

Scarlett kept a secret and didn't say the name of the country, but just glanced at the people present at the meeting.

Nazareno said: "France, there are 32 French companies operating in Libya, and they are concentrated in the energy sector, with billions of dollars of investment. These companies have long been under the squeeze of foreign companies by the Gaddafi government. To France In terms of power, driving Gaddafi out of power and replacing him with a new force will undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary.”

Scarlett: "There is no doubt that Gaddafi's international image is not good. Once the situation in Libya is in turmoil, he will not be able to win much international support. Maybe Russia will give some assistance. If I am a rebel Leader, I will promise to European and American countries that once the revolution is successful, the oil sharing contract will be renegotiated."

"After we leave, they will build schools and hospitals for you, and raise your wages. This is not because of their conscience, nor because they have become good people, but because we have been here." Yevgeny talked eloquently, "Guevara is a revolutionist whom I respect very much. I believe that Benghazi is a hot land like Rosario, where a revolutionist will also be born, and he will fight for the freedom of oil."

Ucheveld: "Do we wait or look for goal support?"

Evgeny: "Scarlett, do you think we need to step down and push the situation in Libya?"

Scarlett denied, "No need, the interests of the oil consortium are greater. We just need to plan, wait, and then share the benefits."

Nazareno: "I agree."

Evgeny: "OK, discuss the details at the next meeting."


For Nan Youqiong, he is participating in a seminar on house price trends jointly held by the financial group and the real estate group at the EPC to study the possible trends of U.S. house prices in the next few years.

Due to the existence of property taxes and laws that are not very friendly to landlords in some states, the threshold for hoarding and flipping houses in the United States is relatively high, and there is no considerable increase. The income of real estate flipping is not too high, and it cannot be a good choice for investment. .

However, as New Century Financial Corporation filed for bankruptcy protection, the news that two flagship hedge funds related to housing loans under Bear Stearns, the fifth largest brokerage and the second largest mortgage bond underwriter, suffered huge losses in private, and the collapse of housing prices was a foregone conclusion. , At this time, it is a politically correct approach to arrange and hoard houses, and it is an approach with an infinitely high profit probability.

What needs to be discussed and analyzed now is whether this kind of investment can bring huge profits, and whether it is worth Nan's large investment.

After two thousand years, Nan's financial investment strategy has been adjusted. Its own funds are mostly invested in fixed-income financial products such as treasury bonds and bonds.

Only a small part of the funds will be invested in high-risk and high-yield financial products, and one of them will make a big fortune with a small one. Moreover, this one is mainly to borrow chickens to lay eggs. Scarlett Fund, PY Securities and other institutions raise external funds to earn profit sharing and Management costs.

There are also a variety of investment models, a combination of various high, medium and low-risk investments, and a reasonable ratio of funds. It does not seek explosive growth in Nan's capital pool, but only seeks steady growth.

At the scale of Nan's, as long as there is no desperate operation, as long as the world's financial structure does not undergo earth-shaking changes, it is unlikely to cause big losses, and all investments are carried out within a controllable range.

Nan Youqiong's greatest responsibility is to continue to consolidate the foundation of Nan's family. Under this premise, various layouts, investments or speculations will be launched. He must be capable, but not too ambitious, and he must be willing to be a good fighter without great military exploits.

The big investment he presides over is stability. He does not seek to turn the investment over several times, but only seeks to recover the principal and profit smoothly, and then repeat and repeat, accumulating bit by bit.

Speculation of hundreds of millions or billions can be played around. If you make a profit, you will make a profit. If you lose money, be more conservative next time.

He is now participating in the seminar with the principle of seeking stability. If the final conclusion shows that the risk of real estate speculation will be high, Nan's will only invest more than one billion yuan to give it a try. By the way, he wants to be politically correct—— Contributing to the stability of housing prices.

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