Before Nanyi left Jigongdang, Hua Zi, the person Huang San'er sent out to handle errands, called him.

Said that Ni Yiyang, a real estate agent in Funan, was a little interested in the "project". Nanyi immediately asked the other party what he wanted to build. Huazi replied that he was not sure and needed to contact again. Nanyi urged him to hurry up. , sorcery, as long as the land rent is paid.

After talking with Huazi, Nanyi called Lai to find out about this boss Ni. According to the information given by Fan Hongdou, Ni Yiyang's business is in Shenzheng and Funan, and his hometown is Yincheng, Funan.

Lai went to find out, and introduced Nan Yi to someone who knew Ni Yiyang better.

After communication, Nanyi learned that this Ni Yiyang's net worth is not too high, about a billion or so, but he is a man of temperament. Yincheng, his hometown, is also one of the places where his career develops. He built a manor in accordance with the style of the Ming and Qing courts. There are contiguous villas in it, and there are more than a dozen beauties living in the harem. Every day he flips the cards to decide which beauties' villas to spend the night in.

After hearing this, Nan Yi exclaimed that this old Ni really knows how to play. He had thought about this kind of thing, but because of various scruples, he could only maintain the stage of thinking, and it did not reflect reality. It's done, and the feeling is that I really regard myself as a local emperor.

Nan Yi thought that Lao Ni already enjoys the enjoyment of an emperor, and heard that he attaches great importance to the reproduction of offspring. Whenever a beautiful woman becomes pregnant, she can get a million rewards. It is guessed that the project he is interested in should be immortality or immortality.

Nanyi has some knowledge about the buildings that should be built in pursuit of immortality, but he knows almost nothing about the inability to fall with a spear. With his little knowledge, he only knows that there are temples in this area in Bhutan and India, especially the temples in Bhutan and India. On Dan's side, out of respect for Lama Drukpa Kunlie who supported them in population reproduction, a temple was specially built for him.

Does Lao Ni also want to build such a temple?

Nanyi doesn't care what the other party wants to build. As long as he doesn't break the law, he can build anything. As long as he gives the money, he can organize the children in the village to present flowers to him, pay respects to the young pioneers, or shout "long live the emperor". Ni Yi was happy and sent tens of thousands of red envelopes to each of the villagers.

Thinking of this, Nanyi found two videos from Pyongyang on the Internet, downloaded and copied them to a USB flash drive, and sent them to a store in a hurry.

People in Pyongyang are passionate, tearful, and weeping silently. No one can dislike it from the perspective of a superior. Let the villagers take time to study and study, and they must give the boss who paid the money an unforgettable experience.

Leaving Jigongdang, Nanyi came to Yangcheng, found the most aquatic product company under Wencui Group, placed an order to collect big guys, paid a deposit, and went to Zhuxian Company to place an order for garden modeling.

A store is now planting trees in a seamless manner. As long as it can be planted, it must be planted. This is to consolidate the soil and store water. When the trees grow up and the water and soil are retained, the layout design must be carried out. Trees, replant trees with non-green leaves, arrange slogans or Tai Chi gossip and other shapes through color contrast, how to arrange them depends on the conditions when the time comes, in short, patterns must be done.

A store needs to take a high-exposure route. The media is welcome to interview and film. If there is no media to go, then find a way to invite them. We must pay more attention to this typical example of changing the backwardness of the village through our own hands. Name and praise, otherwise it is easy to chill the hearts of village cadres.

Nanyi doesn't like this kind of fame, but for the development of a store, he can suppress his original intention of being a low-key economist and try his best to show his face on camera.

Just like this meeting, Peacock Satellite TV has already rushed to a store, planning to spend several years tracking and shooting one of the stories in the "Struggle" documentary "Northwest Jiangnan". The low-key Nan Yi does not intend to appear on the screen. Perhaps the audience can only hear from the villagers of Yifan shop that there is a Professor Nan like him who has made a small contribution.

"How about sweet potato syrup?"

"Yes, it's not sweet at all."

After finishing his business, Nanyi went to the district to eat here quietly.

At that time, Ou Jing's husband and wife followed Li Hai to live in the capital for a period of time. After less than a year, she couldn't stay any longer and ran back to Yangcheng to keep guarding her hotel. The two of them usually fly over frequently. Down, the cost of air tickets is only a lot more than Nanyi.

Ou Jing smiled, "You are a Yankee, don't answer with Yangcheng's standard answer."

"Listen to the truth." Nanyi sneered and said, "The truth is that your cooking skills have not improved at all, and the taste is still the same as it was 20 years ago. You are also very good, and you can still make exactly the same taste after such a long time."

"It's a good thing I don't have to cook it for you often, or I'll be pissed off by you." Ou Jing said angrily, and then said: "A few days ago, I just made dried shrimps and preserved vegetables, and I brought two jars for Liu Zhen when I left. , last time I talked to her, she mentioned it to me."

"Okay, how is the business in the store?"

"Chicken tastes like chicken and fish tastes like fish. With the good ingredients you provide, how could the business be poor? My place has long been famous in Yangcheng. Every day, customers come from other districts to eat, so I can't handle it."

"Business is so good, you really don't plan to open a branch?"

Ou Jing said flatly: "It's too tiring to open a branch. A store has six million or hundreds of thousands a year, which is enough to spend. The price of ingredients has not increased for five years. I feel sorry for it. Let's increase it."

"Come on." Nanyi waved his hand, "I'm not inferior to you. I can provide angelica in the year after I grow up, and Codonopsis ginseng in the year after. It is planted in the mountains and does not require chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The quality will be very good. When the time comes, help recommend it to other hotel owners, I plan to do pre-sales, and collect some deposits in advance.”

"It's just that you need to sell two medicinal materials yourself?" Ou Jing asked in surprise.

"It's not my business..."

Nan Yi told Ou Jing about a shop.

"You're really caring, and I'll do my best to give you a deposit of 500,000 yuan?"

"Farewell, business is business, don't mix it with other things, there is no rush for the deposit, wait until the plantation is reclaimed by the first shop."

"According to your."

I ate here at Qu Jing,

After eating at Ou Jing's place, Nan Yi then went to Sunshine's factory. Accompanied by Lin Guangwei, he tried out the first-generation hummingbird and hawk-moth sound card, leaving some suggestions for improvement, and then returned to the capital.


Back in the capital, I checked my emails. There were a few replies from the charitable foundation, some were rejected, and some asked for further details.

After sorting out the information, replying to emails, I went to Wanwanzhuang to find Sister Xingfu after I was done.

Two days later, Nanyi made an appointment with Ren Baishui, and introduced a store's free-range pig project to him.

He planned to set up a subsidiary Star No. 1 under the Yifan Group, and put the local pig project under the name of this company. Since the word "Star" was used, it was doomed to be inseparable from Star.

According to his idea, Sulai will invest first, and then invite a few celebrities to follow suit. When the cement road and dam are completed, and a store is about to take off, then a share signing ceremony will be held. "People and great return on investment.

Although Nanyi emphasized that he was talking to Ren Baishui as an investment seeker, but how could Ren Baishui, who didn't know much about Nanyi, ignore Nanyi's true identity, and Star One did have a leader and investment intentions The negotiation went very smoothly, and the two initially decided on a speed to invest 1 million in Star One, and the specific share of shares will be discussed later.

Nanyi can guide and even control the direction of a group, but when it comes to the division of external interests, it is more appropriate for the village committee to come forward.

On the second day after meeting Ren Baishui, Nan Yi invited Wang Lin to drink tea.

Wang Lin's work focus has moved to the mainland, and he has settled in the capital for a while. However, Nan Yi only met Wang Lin once when he first came here, and it was because the other party needed to open up contacts here and asked him to help make connections.

Let’s talk about the past first, and then talk about investment. After going through a set of procedures, we found the first star shareholder for Star No. 1, with an investment amount of 800,000, and the shares are still subject to negotiation.

After Wang Lin, Nanyi made another appointment with Li Xuelan. The meeting lasted for fifteen minutes, three minutes for greetings, nine minutes for nonsense and dirty jokes, and three minutes for finalizing the investment, with an investment amount of 500,000 yuan.

Call Jiang Xuanyan and ask her to tell Zhang Jing about the investment, and give her an investment quota of 300,000.

Later, Nanyi met with Cheng Dongqing, Bai Feifei, Yi Qianxi, and Ge Liuyi respectively, and gave each of them the same investment quota of 300,000 yuan. Among the four, only Cheng Dongqing was unfamiliar, so it took a while to introduce the project , Yi Qianxi said a few more words, and the other two finished it in a few words.

Since then, the work of attracting shareholders has come to an end, and the angel round will no longer attract other shareholders. There may be a round A in the future, and there will be no more in the future. Star No. 1 does not plan to go public and is unlikely to go public. There is no need for more In the round of financing, what the A round needs to raise is not capital, but the network that can strengthen the star.

Ma Hailong was asked to bring another member of the village committee to the capital, and Nanyi called Luo Tong again, asking him to send someone over to film the share negotiation and signing process at any time. Files are kept in the archives of the Fan Group for villagers to read at any time.

Nanyi wrote a manual by himself, explaining the reasons for inviting these celebrities to buy shares and limiting the amount of investment. After finishing writing, he signed his name. When Ma Hailong and Ma Hailong arrived in the capital, Nan Yi let the two of them read the manual first. After reading it, they signed their names and wrote the words "agree to this plan", and finally pressed their fingerprints.

Then, Nanyi explained some situations to the two: the valuation of Star No. 1 is 10 million, the total number of shares is 100 million, and the stock price is 1 cent. According to this stock price of 1 million, you can hold 10 million shares, accounting for 10% of the shares. analogy.

After listening to Nanyi's introduction, Ma Hailong and the two were dumbfounded. The so-called Celebrity No. 1 has no hairs, and it can be worth tens of millions. The last point is not bad. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that business can be done like this. Professor Nan can turn stones into gold.

Regardless of whether the tongue is knotted or not, everything has to be done. Nan Yi told the two of them a little negotiation skills, and sent them to negotiate.

With Nanyi's previous work, the negotiation would not be too difficult. Ma Hailong and Ma Hailong almost went through the motions. In three days, the contract was signed and the investment of 3.8 million yuan was also collected.

Ma Hailong and Ma Hailong went back to the village first, Nan Yi attended a class, and took Yan Zhenhua to follow.

Taking advantage of the free time in the evening, a store held a meeting of all villagers. At the meeting, Nanyi explained everything he had done and was doing about Xingxing No. 1. When the villagers heard that there was already a golden baby in the village, His expression was even more exaggerated than Ma Hailong's.

Strike while the iron is hot, Nanyi asked Yan Zhenhua to take out a letter of consent agreeing to Yifan Group to establish a subsidiary Star No. 1 and agreeing to absorb shareholders, and signed a pledge for every adult villager. Make up, don't miss anyone.

Then, Nanyi copied the original Wenchangwei dividend distribution system. Human dividends accounted for 35% of the dividends, and labor dividends accounted for 65%. Everyone is the same, simple and clear, and does not make complicated distinctions.

Nanyi positioned himself as a passer-by in Yifan Store, and he only planned to keep an eye on it for three years and take care of it for one year. By the fifth year, he would disappear automatically, and he would never ask about the affairs of the village again. All he has to do is to dig a solid foundation for a store, leaving the possibility of building a tall building. As for whether the building will be crooked, he doesn't want to worry about it.

It is enough to get on the horse and send it off for a while. You can't expect him to make a good meal and feed it to his mouth, and he has to endure being picked and picked.

The project of stealing vegetables from the virtual reality, before September 2010, all the villagers will live in the planning and prospect of the new house...

This night, Nanyi talked a lot, and also drew a lot of cakes, there were small cakes with a scent that lingered in front of his nose, and there were big cakes that hung in the air and could only be looked up at.

At the end, he added another small cake.

"When the tree planting work is over, the People's Great Canteen will hold a whole sheep feast, and the lamb can be made vigorously. Roast lamb, roast whole lamb, hand-caught lamb, mutton steamed buns, boiled mutton, yellow braised mutton, mutton offal, mutton pad rolls, as long as Use all the methods you have heard, so that your pee will still smell like sheep the next day, and the poop can be used to support a table."

The Jingxi dialect in Nanyi dialect and the allusions to Shi Bang Bang made the villagers feel friendly. At this moment, they felt that "Professor Nan" was very close to them, as if they were from the same township or a close neighbor.

However, Nanyi didn't take the opportunity to integrate into the consciousness of the villagers. He came and left in a hurry, and returned to the capital to continue thinking about making money.

3.8 million belongs to Star No. 1, which is earmarked for special purposes. Only the expenses related to pigs can be used for this money. It must not be used for other purposes. Once it is started, it is easy to stop the car and use some public funds to buy it for yourself. Buy a car and a golden house to raise a lover, similar shit will happen sooner than expected.

The money is flexible, but the money is rigid. Nanyi wants to build a store with a regular wall higher, so that even if someone wants to tear it down in the future, the ruins left behind will be able to protrude and not sag to the bottom.

In the courtyard of the old bungalow, Nan Yi would fiddle with the rice he had raised from the sky as soon as he came back. He stayed in a shop for a while and neglected to take care of it.

Taking pictures, recording, watering, and raising the rice to the sky again, as soon as my hands were free, I found that Yi Qianxi had come to me.

"Come for dinner?"

"No, I want to talk to my cousin about something."

Nan Yi went to the sink to wash his hands, then walked into the living room, Yi Qianxi followed, Nan Yi waved his hand, preventing Mei Zhengyi who was sitting on the sofa watching TV from standing up, and took two bags from the long table. The bottle of Kanglong Longshui led Yi Qianxi to sit down at the dinner table.

"Cousin, your place looks small when there are too many people. It's time to change to a bigger house."

Nanyi opened the bottle, took a sip of water, and then said angrily: "Whether the house is good or not, only the people who live in it will know. You don't need to worry about it, talk about your business."

"I have a student who gets along well with me, and he came out to film early, but he has never had a good chance, so he can only play some supporting roles..."

Before Yi Qianxi could finish speaking, Nan Yi interrupted, "A man and a woman? Could it be your new boyfriend?"

Yi Qianxi glanced at Nan Yi, "Cousin, who do you think I am? You asked me that, girl."

"Sibling love is also very good. Wangbei Film and Television can release a new drama, the love story between the domineering female president and the little milk dog. At the beginning, the little milk dog licked the female president in various ways, and the female president treated the little milk dog in different ways." A kind of workplace bullying and bullying, and later, the female CEO went to a chaotic area abroad to discuss cooperation, who knew that she was captured by terrorists..."

"Agent? Killer? Retired special forces?" Yi Qianxi said with a teasing tone: "Cousin, you are not old-fashioned, it is still a story of a hero saving the beauty."

Nan Yi smiled, "There are even more old-fashioned ones. The Little Milk Dog's family is a low-key business family with strong assets. It has an industrial park of 250 million square kilometers in Uganda. All the car brands in the world have his family. shares.

Before the female president was rescued by the little milk dog, she felt grateful to him, and the relationship between the two of them was a step closer, but the female president always felt that the little milk dog was not qualified to be her partner. She prefers business. A hero who looks down on the world. "

Yi Qianxi waved her hand again to interrupt Nanyi, "Cousin, you don't need to go on. According to the company's previous routine, I can guess what you will make up next."

"tell me the story."

"There is a male number two who is one of the heirs of a certain family, but he has an older brother who is very capable and has been recognized by the family. Most of the family business is not as important as the male number two. The male number two is a capable person Naturally, he was not reconciled, so he curtseyed to save the country, deliberately approached the female president, showed his heroic qualities in front of her, and attempted to annex the female president's company...

At the critical moment when the company was about to be annexed, the little milk dog stood up and resorted to various business methods for the female president, reconciled with the family, brought in the power of the family, and shattered the conspiracy of the second male lead. "

Nan Yi chuckled, "It was a little bit close. When the female president was struggling with who to choose, she was tricked by the male number two. The two had sex and became pregnant. The male second's conspiracy was launched at the wedding of Fengzi's marriage." of.

All the plots and tricks disappeared, and after the male number two jumped off the building and died, the little milk dog and the female president would often go to the male number two's house to visit the child's grandparents, and the two families got very close.

In the finale, I will show a close-up of the second male lead brother, a face full of sinister and cunning, with the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a weird smile. "

"Implying that everything that happened was controlled by the elder brother?" Yi Qianxi asked.

"No, it's just pretending to be profound, and the female audience will make up their own minds. If they guess that this is an easter egg, and there are more people ambush for the second part, then release the second part accordingly.

The domineering female president is called Long Huiqing, and she changes a set of clothes and jewelry when changing a scene.

What is the name of the little milk dog? He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. He eats a piece of chocolate every time he gets sick. Live a story:

A comrade-in-arms living in a poor area went to the city with his mother to sell eggs when he was ten years old. The native eggs were sold very well, but his mother sold them out quickly, and none was left for his comrade-in-arms. The comrade-in-arms was very disappointed. That day was his birthday. Last year, his mother I boiled two eggs for him, but there are no more this year.

How could a mother forget her child's birthday and did not leave eggs because she was planning to give her son a better one. My mother took her comrades to a canteen, and got Master Fan’s birthday instant noodles for them, and cooked them in a pot for them to eat when they got home...

That bowl of instant noodles was unforgettable for his comrade-in-arms. In his heart, Master Fan's instant noodles were the best food in the world, because they tasted like his mother. "

"Cousin, do you want to make a little sensational plot?"

"No nonsense, let the image of the little milk dog be as plump as possible, so as to catch the attention of female audiences. Stop talking, let's talk about your business."

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