Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1257 Nan’s retreat is complete

The woman introduced herself as Sha Ling Leo to Nan Yi, then hesitated for a while, and then showed her plump left wrist to Nan Yi, "Professor Nan, does my imperial green look good?"

"Sha Ling, Leo, your sister, Li Sha Ling, just Li Sha Ling, can you become more beautiful by being more fashionable? Emperor Lu, your uncle, you want to defraud not only sex, but also money in love?"

Nan Yi cursed a few times, then grabbed Li Shaling's hand and said exaggeratedly: "Sha Ling, your bracelet is so beautiful, the water is good, and the color is translucent. If you don't have '30 million', I will definitely take it." Don’t come down.”

Nan Yi specially emphasized the word "30 million" so that everyone around him could hear it.

After the initial mutual introduction, Nan Yi roughly understood that the Entrepreneur Club was composed of small entrepreneurs. They had little wealth and could easily spend millions. But if they wanted to raise tens of millions, they would have to piece together everything. Nosy, a man who can afford to wear 30 million bracelets is very incongruous in this group.

Nan Yi is telling Li Shaling, stop showing off. People who can really afford it won't wear it unless it's an important occasion. They're not afraid of bumping into each other, and they're also afraid of being remembered and having their hands and bracelets chopped off. go.

The eyes on the side were attracted by Nan Yi. Some glanced at Li Shaling's hand, then turned back to continue talking to the people next to her. Some showed a smile with unclear meaning, but also turned away after taking a glance.

Seeing this, Nan Yi had a guess in his heart. Li Shaling was very philanthropic in terms of feelings. She had taken action many times before, and almost everyone around her knew what she was.

"You don't need so much. I bought it in Myanmar and it only cost five million." Li Shaling turned the bracelet and said proudly.

Knowing that Li Shaling was someone who cast a wide net, Nan Yi was no longer in the mood to deal with it. Originally, although Li Shaling was ugly, she had a sharp eye and noticed his extraordinary qualities from the crowd. Even if she didn't like him, she didn't want to hurt others too much. Now...

Nan Yi put his arm around Li Shaling's shoulders, leaned into her ear and said, "I don't care whether you are interested in sex or wealth, but don't try to influence me, otherwise by night, everyone who eats knife-edge rice in Bangalore will know about you. There is a bracelet worth 300 million rupees. If it is true, at most one hand will be broken. If it is fake, you will be lucky if it is not cut into pieces to vent your anger. Whether it is true or false, you know best in your heart. Next time, your eyes will shine brighter."

After patting Li Shaling on the cheek, Nan Yi took his hand back, changed his position, and listened to a man selling knockoff phones talk about his business experience in India.

Li Shaling didn't show any fear after hearing Nan Yifang's harsh words, only a trace of pity and resentment, "You have such a good figure, what a pity, you must be very powerful... Threaten me, just wait for me."

Nan Yi didn't pay attention to her, but her reaction fell into Tan Chengying's eyes.


Judicial Police Department, Minister's Office, Zhao Xianjie held a glass of Mingqian Longjing in his hand, slightly raising his head and looking at the TV screen hanging from the ceiling opposite.

At this time, "Foreign News" was being broadcast on TV. This was a Chinese news column on a Chinese TV station. He had watched it every day since arriving in Dernan.

The news is broadcasting the opening ceremony of the technical assistance project of China's aid to Dernan Agricultural Technology Cooperation Center. The president, the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, and the Chinese Ambassador to Germany were all present. This aid project aims to help Dernan move towards scientific agriculture. .

Zhao Xianjie disagrees with this. The Nande Group does not lack agricultural technology, but it has chosen a green agriculture model. It grows organic food in Dernan and exports it at a high price, and imports international low-priced grain to feed the people of Dernan, so that farmers can rely on agriculture to make a living. Well-off.

"What's the use of agricultural technology? It's better to accept a few more batches of international students to reduce Delnan's education expenditure."

Zhao Xianjie muttered, took a sip of tea in the cup, opened a file on the desktop with his other hand, and scanned the neatly arranged photos on it. He saw that every photo was a half-length photo of a person, and everyone had a smile in their eyes. With a sense of hostility.

Some photos have a cross on them, some don't.

Everyone in the photo is a drug dealer in Dernan. The representatives with a cross have been shot to death in accordance with the law, while the representatives who have not been shot are still at large.

Since Zhao Xianjie became the Minister of Justice and Police, he immediately showed his iron-fist style and established the special anti-drug squadron ADSS. When Congress did not approve funding, he turned to the Nande Group to equip ADSS with 5 helicopters, 3 light armored vehicles, 7 armed off-road vehicles, 3 armed CMBs, assault boats, armed speedboats, and a series of light weapons are all available.

This kind of integrated sea, land and air equipment is simply invincible in Dernan. The entire Dernan army only has three helicopters.

After a year of training, the ADSS launched a thunderous attack on domestic drug dealers. Whether they were captured without help or stubbornly resisting, in the case reports, the drug dealers were all desperadoes, and the firepower was extremely fierce. In order to reduce casualties, ADSS had to Killing is the main method and arresting is the supplementary method.

Not to mention, ADSS has a team that does not have to go out in the field and is responsible for investigating the source and whereabouts of drug money. They don’t say it, but when handling cases, they always implement a "guilt inference" for the family members of drug dealers. They first determine that the family members are guilty and have hidden drug money. The memory recovery technique greeted him directly.

Regardless of the inhumanity of people, no one is truly innocent so far. Even if they are not involved in drug trafficking, they are still beneficiaries and enjoy the wealthy life brought by drug money.

This kind of ruthless method that harmed his family frightened the Dernan drug dealers, and those who were lucky enough to survive fled abroad. Those who did not have a cross in the photo were abroad. As long as they stayed in the country, Zhao Xianjie would never give them a way to survive.

After two years of high-pressure crackdowns, Dernan went from being a drug-infested country to having zero drug dealers, and the number of drug addicts dropped off a cliff. After getting rid of the drugs, Zhao Xianjie turned his heavy fist towards smuggling and pulled Dernan away from the Caribbean smuggling route. came out, which greatly increased the country's tariff revenue.

Then, Zhao Xianjie set his sights on public security, cleaning up various criminal gangs in the country, and showed no mercy to any force. No matter what race he was, anyone involved in gangs would be beaten. After a period of rectification, Dernan became a man who did not pick up things on the road. It has also become a very popular independent travel country in the world, and has gradually become the pearl of the Caribbean.

From drug control to combating smuggling to improving the public security environment, these are just three things. However, during the implementation process, Zhao Xianjie encountered great constraints and encountered several reprisals. It is not easy to get to where he is today.

The Nan family entered Delnan in the late 1980s. Chen Huixian was responsible for land reclamation. Zhao Xianjie continued the inheritance, starting with minerals, then entering agriculture and forestry, and gradually exploring petroleum, telecommunications, and electricity. Then he entered the financial field and established the Nande Bank. , took over the pension investment work at a great cost, and after thirty years of operation, basically grasped the economic lifeline of Delnan.

Now, Zhao Xianjie is firmly entrenched in his position as Minister of Justice and Police, and has become the leader of the Progressive Party. Next year will be the election year in Dernan, and representatives of the Progressive Party will run for election. Once elected, Nan will be the last political piece in Dernan. The puzzle is completed.

Even if he cannot be elected, it is not a big problem. The Southern Group provides nearly 100,000 jobs for the entire Delnan, accounting for about 20% of the population, and provides nearly 30% of the country’s tax revenue. No matter who becomes the president, as long as he wants to do something, he has to If you have money, you have to consider the interests of the Nande Group.

Nan's retreat is complete! (End of chapter)

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