"Henry, are you from Giverny?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's a coincidence. You are from Giverny, and your surname is Monet. This is also a kind of fate. I heard that you like acting very much?"

"Yes, sir."

"But no one appreciates it?"

"Yes, sir, I've been in Hollywood for five years, and I've done countless tricks, and my lines don't exceed twenty lines."

"Your name is Henry Monet, and you happen to be from Giverny, so you must be familiar with Mr. Claude's deeds.

I need you to play the role of the president of Dabifan Art Company. You want to make others think that you are a descendant of Mr. Claude, but you can't say it directly with your mouth.

One principle: give false impressions, neither admit nor deny. "

"Sir, are we going to deceive people?"

"Yes or no, Mr. Henry, you have the temperament of a superior person, which is suitable for playing the role of a person of relatively high status, such as nobles, politicians and the like.

It is precisely because of your temperament that my boss needs you to act as the president. You can rest assured that what you are going to do is not illegal and will not get you into legal disputes.

Two years, the contract between us only needs to be signed for two years, you can not only get a CEO's salary, but also hone your acting skills.

In addition, after two years, we will give you the opportunity to find a starring role in a movie, and the investment will not be less than 1 million US dollars. "

"Sir, are you sure it's not illegal?"

"I am sure and sure that the only danger is that you may be spurned by others, just because you have not mastered the scale of performance, and you are caught pretending to be Claude's offspring.

In order to make your identity more full and impeccable, we will buy a modest manor in Giverny and rename it the Monet Manor, the manor of the Monet family. "

"What do you mean, I introduce myself as a descendant of the Monet family in Giverny, and through familiarity with Claude's deeds, let others mistake me for a descendant of Mr. Claude?"

"Yes, whether you perform well or not, everything depends on your acting skills. If you can't even play this role well, I suggest you change careers."

Henry clenched his fist and said, "I will definitely be able to act well."

"Very well, you have three days to figure out the role, and after three days someone will send you to Yangcheng. Goodbye, Mr. Henry."

Nan Yi got up from his chair and left the Peninsula Hotel where Henry lived.

"Nansheng, why bother to find this Henry? If you need a foreign president, you can find an experienced one in Faguo. Now the oil painting market is in a downturn, and many people in this industry have lost their jobs."

As soon as she got in the car, Liang Huiwen said.

"Industry experience and vision can find someone to assist Henry. I need his aristocratic temperament. Art, in the West, will never be priced if it is not linked to the aristocracy."

"Indeed, if Henry puts on the costume of a medieval aristocrat, his temperament will be even better. So, Nan Sheng, do you actually want Henry to be the president forever?"

"Hehe, almost. The reason why he is so obsessed with acting now is because he has never seen Qian Hao. When he has money, he will understand that the opportunity to perform should not be too simple. There is no need for him to beg hard. It’s just a matter of throwing money at it.”


"Qu Jing, Qu Jing, your telegram."

Yangcheng, Hepingli, the postman shouted outside Ou Jing's home.

"It's coming, it's coming." Drumming, Ou Jing ran out of the house and asked the postman, "Where's the telegram from?"

"Deep pot."

"Thank you master."

Ou Jing took the telegram, unfolded it and looked at it, only to see that the telegram read——June 2 arrived in Yangcheng, looking forward to warm hospitality, Nanyi.

"This Nan Yi, originally told him not to come, but now he will come without saying a word." Ou Jing muttered, and then looked embarrassed.

Nanyi and Cen Yangyang said that they would set off that afternoon, but in fact, he just used a cover. He didn't set off on the same day, but on the third day, that is, on June 1st.

And he didn't go directly to Yangcheng. After passing the checkpoint, Nanyi went directly back to Wenchangwei.

"Stop, don't move, where do you work?"

"I work in the fields."

"Aren't you in Hong Kong, why are you back?"

"Come back on a business trip."

"stay How long?"

"Just stay for one day, I'm going to Yangcheng tomorrow."

"That's a pity, I just happened to be on duty today and couldn't leave." Chen Weizong said regretfully.

"It's okay, I will stay here for a few days before I return to Xiangtang."

"Success, let's talk about it when you come back." Chen Weizong leaned into Nanyi's ear and said, "My dad asked me to thank you for the news."

"You don't need to say thank you, that's all right, I'll go back first."

Leaving Chen Weizong behind, Nanyi went directly to the village committee.

Passing by the grain drying field, I saw that there were treated straws drying on them, as well as some woven straw sandals.

Looking at the straw sandals, Nanyi smiled knowingly, walked over and took a pair of straw sandals to look at.

"Nanyi, why are you squatting here? Everyone is waiting for you."

"It's all right, let's take a look at the straw sandals here. I said Uncle Xian, the straw sandals are too poorly knitted, and you have to pretend like that to fool people."

"No way, we are barefoot here in summer, and few people wear straw sandals. Of course, the craftsmanship is not good."

Nanyi picked from the pile of shoes and picked out a decent pair, "Just follow the standard of this pair. If it is worse than it, let someone take it back and set it on fire."

Nanyi handed the shoes to Xian Yaodong, rubbed his hands, and walked to the village committee first.

"Nanyi, you are here, look, these are made by the villagers." Walking into the office of the village committee, Xian Yaohua greeted him and said.


Nan Yi nodded, and walked to the desk. There were all kinds of straw products on the table, including coasters, storage baskets, cushions, baby baskets, floor mats, slippers, and straw bags.

Picking up a coaster and looking at it, and smelling it, Nanyi frowned and said, "The thatch is not dry enough, and neither is the corn husk. Where can I buy it?"

"Guangxi province."

"Go to the north to buy, the weather there is dry, the corn varieties are different, the corn husks are drier and more transparent. Also, the handwork is not good, and the dyeing is not good. Uncle Yaohua, look, this blue, Red, speckled all over, and here the corn husks weren't tight either.

Talk to the women in the village, don't deal with it, these things are cheap and sell for tens of dollars, and the expensive ones can be sold for hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. To sell them at a higher price, the craftsmanship must be good.

Let them pay more attention, the manual cost of five coasters is worth one month's wages of workers, and one bag can be worth three or four months' wages. "

"The manual cost is so expensive?"

"Well, I plan to divide the plan into 433, villagers 4, villages 3, and village committees 3, so that the villagers can get more benefits. The quality must be good, and I plan to make a brand out of it."

Nanyi put the straw weaving back on the desk, turned around and said to everyone in the office: "Secret, secrecy, secrecy, you must keep it secret, and tell everyone in the village that we are making straw sandals, not straw weaving.

This matter must attract enough attention. Once our goods start to export, people will definitely follow suit when they see that the money is so good.

So, no matter who asks, we all make straw sandals and sell straw sandals. These straw weaves are just for the outer packaging. "

"Okay, I will inform everyone." Xian Yaohua agreed.

"Auntie, it's already June, and there is only half a year left before the time we agreed on. How much money does the reclamation team have in their accounts?"

Ge Cuizhu said proudly with a smile on his face: "As of today, the reclamation team has 530,193.57 in the account, and there are more than 70,000 receivables outside. There will be no major expenses in the next six months, and I expect to make another hundred thousand yuan in profit. .”

"Very good, you can achieve this kind of result in 23 months, Auntie, you have already exceeded the task. This year is considered to be a bad year for us, and this is finally some good news.

The reclamation team will maintain the status quo until the end of the year, and then we will see the direction of the wind in the next six months. When the meeting is held at the end of the year, we will discuss the future development direction of the reclamation team and the issue of the team's internal dividends. "


Nanyi picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of tea, "In the past two years, Han Guoren has worked hard. Without him, the garment factory would not have developed so well. It is not his responsibility to see the market this year.

Demerits will be punished, meritorious service will be rewarded, Jimin, how much money is there in the garment factory's account? "

"In March, I just took out a sum of money. At present, the garment factory still has 1.725 million in its account."

"Reward Han Hanren with 400,000 yuan, and Xian Xiuyun with 200,000 yuan. Those who agree don't move, and those who disagree raise their hands." After Nan Yi finished speaking, he looked at the people in the office, waiting for everyone's reaction.

Half a minute passed, and no one in the office raised their hands.

"Okay, then this resolution is passed, let's move on to the next topic..."

In half a day, I went through all the things in the village, and the time came to one o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as the meeting was over, Ge Cuizhu said to Nanyi: "Nanyi, go to Auntie's house for dinner. I stewed the elbow in the morning. It's been a few hours here, and it must have been stewed."

"No, Auntie, I'm going to visit the cafeteria, and then I'll have dinner at your place."

"Alright, I still have time to make some more dishes."

After leaving the village committee, Nanyi walked along the path in the village to the center of the village.

Originally, the village gave the old people over 60 years old a monthly salary of oil, rice, noodles, and meat, but as the number of people going out to do business in the village increased, and with the addition of rags and cigarette butts, the number of middle-aged people in the village was even smaller. Many young and old were left behind.

Many old people are not very good at craftsmanship, so the village decided to set up a cafeteria to provide meals for the elderly and preschool children under the age of four in the village.

The elderly are free, and children have to pay.

Children aged four to thirteen belong to the starting line plan and enjoy the nutritious meals provided by Wenchangwei Wanxiao.

The standard of nutritious meals is very high, and each child spends 2.7 yuan a day on food. With regard to this food standard, it can be said that there are only a handful of countries in the country that can achieve it.

"Auntie, is there any left?"

Nan Yi came to the cafeteria and walked to a woman in charge of the cafeteria.

"Yes, Nanyi, you haven't eaten yet?"

"Haven't eaten yet, grab one for me."

"There is still a little bean sprouts left. The rice is about two bowls, and it's a bit cold."

"It's okay if it's cold."

"Then I'll call you, do you have a meal ticket?"

"No, owe it first."

"Okay, there's only half of the bean sprouts, so you'll be counted as a dime for your meal." The woman said, took a ledger and opened it, pointed to a place and said, "Register here."

Nanyi took a pen and wrote "Nanyi owes 10 cents for the meal ticket" on the account book, "Auntie, remember it."

The women only know a few words after being literacy classes, but they still know the word "one", "Nanyi, the canteen accounts are settled every three months. Before the account is settled, you have to return the meal ticket."

"Okay, I'll leave tomorrow morning, and I'll ask Uncle Yaowei to bring over the meal tickets."


The cafeteria does not accept cash. If you want to eat, you have to buy a meal ticket from the cashier Xian Yaowei. Moreover, during meal times, the cafeteria does not entertain anyone other than the elderly and children.

Others can eat in the cafeteria if they want to, come over after the meal time, if there is any leftover, they can buy it, if there is no leftover, then they can only watch.

Nanyi ate four taels of rice with bean sprouts in the cafeteria, went to the sink to wash the rice bowl, greeted the woman and left the cafeteria.

In the afternoon, I went to various households to show the women in the village how to make straw weaving.

Before it was completely dark, Nanyi went to the port again.

Ang Ju is still fishing here, still using a straight hook, and his eyes are still focused.

"Wei Qi, when did you sleep this year?"

"Twenty-eight years old."

"Do you want to marry a wife?"

"Everyone says I am Angju, who will marry me."

"Any pot can be equipped with a lid. As long as you don't dislike it, it's okay to find someone with a physical defect."

"Am I qualified to dislike it?"

"The qualification is probably there, but I don't want you to use it." Nan Yi said quietly.

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