Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 165 A borrowed word, very mysterious

"Nanyi, Nanyi, are you there?"

Hearing the shout, Nanyi walked from the living room to the yard and opened the gate.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?"

It was Wu Renpin's wife Wu Meifeng who came, and Nanyi welcomed her into the living room and arranged for her to sit down.

"Sister-in-law, you are here."

Hearing the movement, Liu Zhen came out of the kitchen.

"Hey, I have something to do with Nanyi here, are you cooking?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, have you eaten? Let's have some together later."

"No, I've already eaten, thinking about coming over, I made the meal early today, don't I still have two mouths at home?"

"Liu Zhen, go do your work, I'll talk to my sister-in-law."

"Okay, sit down, sister-in-law, the dishes are still sitting on the fire." Liu Zhen agreed.

"You go, don't entertain me."

When Liu Zhen returned to the kitchen, Wu Meifeng said: "Nanyi, my sister-in-law's business has stopped, and I have nothing to do now. My sister-in-law wants to ask you for advice. What should I do in the future?"

"Sister-in-law, you and Lao Wu don't have a charter?"

"Renpin said, it's better to ask your opinion, saying that you see farther."

"Sister-in-law, how much savings do you have now?"

"Sixty to seventy thousand."


Nan Yi stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then said, "Sister-in-law, treasury bills have been restored again this year, I suggest you take 10,000 yuan to buy treasury bills, and leave 10,000 yuan for your usual expenses. Xiaowei is learning to paint, right?"

"The teacher at the school said that Xiaowei has a talent for drawing, but I don't understand. If you have the talent, you should learn it. I sent Xiaowei to the Children's Palace."

"Since Xiaowei is learning to draw, of course, he should look at the works of famous artists more often to influence them.

For the rest of the money, you can take out another 20,000 yuan. In two days, I will find someone to accompany you to the National Museum and the state-run antique store to buy paintings. You can buy a few ancient and modern ones.

Once you buy the painting, take it home and hide it away. I will take you to Panjiayuan to buy two paintings that look good, but the cheap ones are for Xiaowei to play with. "

"Let's sell it at an equivalent price?"

"It doesn't have to be for sale. When the painting is worth a lot of money, you can let Lao Wu decide for himself."

Nanyi's idea was to "donate", whether to donate or not, how to donate, or to wait for Wu Renpin to figure it out by himself in the future, he will not explain it thoroughly.

"What about thirty thousand?"


"Borrow? How? To whom?"

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to ask, just pass the conversation on to Old Wu."

The conversation between Nanyi and Wu Meifeng came to an abrupt end here, and Wu Meifeng returned to her home in a daze, and told Wu Renpin what Nanyi had said.

"Meifeng, did you miss anything?"

Wu Meifeng thought about it for a while, and said, "No, I didn't miss a single word."

Wu Renpin smoked and paced in the yard for a long time before he said, "Nanyi is the one to buy the state certificates and paintings, so you can borrow them."

"Renpin, is it that Nanyi is short of money for business, and if he wants it, we will lend it to him."

"How could he be short of money? Just give us some pointers, and we can all buy a house and save tens of thousands. This 'borrowing' is not really borrowing. Forget it, you don't understand, anyway, you tell him , borrowing is exempted.”

"Understood, I'll tell him again when I buy the painting in two days. Hey, by the way, Liu Zhen and Nanyi live together. Are they done?"

"Isn't it possible? The two of them are high school classmates. They went to the countryside together and came back from the exam together. They were originally a couple."


When Xian Weimin and Man San'er arrived in the capital, the three checked accounts in Nanyi's office.

"finish watching?"

"It's over." Men San'er said.

Xian Weimin: "It's over."

"Any questions?"

"No problem, Nanyi, just tell me what you want."

"The club is about to acquire matsutake, and the liquidity in the account is insufficient, so we need to lend it to the club in proportion."

"Borrowing? Not capital injection?"

"All the lectures you attended in Xiangtang were wasted? You don't understand the difference between lending and capital injection?"

"Understood, is it reasonable to avoid taxes?"

"Then ask a fart." Nanyi said angrily, and then said: "According to what we agreed at the beginning, the income is 7:2:1, and the investment is 5:3:2. This time we will Raise 3 billion, 1.5 billion for me, 900 million for Mensaner, and 600 million for the people.”

"Master Nan, it's better to add the word Japanese Yen, otherwise I thought I was taking advantage of how big my family was."

"Don't talk about eggs, go and prepare money. This year's matsutake is doing well, and we can earn about 235 million."

"Why is there only so much?"



"Hey, Men San'er, this has turned into weeds and has become fatter. It seems to let you know how many eyes Lord Ma has."

"Master Nan, be merciful, I have writing on my back."

"Bah, I also have writing on the soles of my mother's feet."

Nanyi and Mensan'er quarreled for a while, then sat down again and began to talk seriously.

"After the matsutake business is over, let's calculate how much everyone's dividends will be. The dividends will not go out of Shanの味味 account. I use this money, and I will take it away. Your dividends, I will get from another The channel will call you."

"Nanyi, is there any new investment?"

"I want to set up a real estate club in Tokyo to invest in real estate in Tokyo. Now the housing prices in Tokyo are too high, and the risk of investment is relatively high, so I won't take you to play. Weimin, you have been to Tokyo, and the ones over there Do you know the price?"

"I know, the housing price is very high, it's unimaginably high." Xian Weimin nodded.

"For ten years or so, I may not be able to get rid of the funds for this investment, and it is hard to say how much return I will get in the future. During these ten years, there may be countless speculative opportunities. Diversify investment, you have a weak foundation, keep the money in your hands first."

"Master Nan, you don't need to explain, Weimin and I both understand that there is a good thing, you won't forget us both."

"Yes, Nanyi, you don't need to explain, we understand."

"Okay, then I won't explain. Man San'er, did you buy a house in the Lion City?"

"I bought a three-bedroom apartment. The Li family has very little slope land and the villa is too expensive. Master Nan, even if you don't call me this time, I plan to come back. I'm not used to the slope and Nyonya dishes there."

"Come back when you come back, don't stay in the capital, take two people to do the things you haven't finished before."

"What's the matter?"

"Tiger bone wine, ginseng."

"Oh, don't tell me, I almost forgot. OK, I'll leave after two days of playing."

"Remember, only old wine that has been soaked is accepted, new wine is not accepted."


"I don't want to cause more crimes."

In two days, the three people's funds were all in the account, and a loan agreement was signed.

Among Nanyi's funds, 13 million Hong Kong dollars were borrowed from Xian Yaodong, and only 25 million were transferred from Nan's investment account.

On June 6th, Ke Jianzhen came to the capital and accompanied Xianghe and Wu Meifeng to the National Museum and the state-owned cultural relics store, emptying out the paintings of modern masters in the museum.

After buying, Xianghe flew to Xiangtang immediately with the painting under the escort.

Wu Meifeng hit a dog and rode a rabbit, and hurried home with more than 200 paintings.

"Renpin, come out and help."

As soon as she reached the gate of her courtyard, Wu Meifeng yelled inside.

"I bought it back, there are so many of them." Wu Renpin walked out of the yard and asked as he looked at the huge pile of paintings on the ground.

"Originally there were more. Modern paintings are cheap, and there are only a few yuan. I think, if the price will increase in the future, ancient paintings must rise rapidly, so I bought more ancient paintings. There are not many modern paintings. .”

"What about Nanyi, he didn't accompany you?"

"He didn't show up. I went with a big sister, and an old gentleman who looked very educated followed. He helped us hold eyes, Renpin, do you know what palm eyes means?"

"I don't understand, tell me."

Husband and wife sometimes need to pretend to be stupid so that each other can show off. This is also a kind of fun and a mediator for a harmonious marriage.

"Let me tell you, this palm eye is..."

When Liu Zhen set off for Yiguo, Nan Yi also boarded the plane with her.

At this time, there were no direct flights to China, and basically they had to go to Hong Kong and Tokyo to transit. Nanyi could get off the plane in Hong Kong.

After getting off the plane, the pager in Nanyi's pocket began to vibrate, and he took it out to see that it was called him a few days ago. Some numbers he knew, some he didn't.

Sitting in the car that came to pick him up, he answered the call on the car phone in the car.

"Lu Fu, what's the matter?"

"Nan Shao, the Hang Seng Index started to fall, but that was a week ago."

"Understood, if I'm in the Mainland, if I have an emergency, I can call Wenchangwei, they know how to find me."

"Understood. I didn't realize that you were not in Xiangtang until I called out. The matter is not urgent, so I didn't look for you again."

"Keep watching, don't capsize in the gutter."

"No, we are short selling a few large-cap stocks. There are many stocks in the market. When the stocks fall again, it is easy to buy enough chips for us."


After hanging up the call with Nian Lufu, Nanyi answered other calls one by one.

Most of them were calls from potential customers. They asked Nanyi about the situation, and Nanyi appeased them one by one.

He can still appease him now, but no matter how long it takes, these ducks that are about to reach their mouths will fly away. If it doesn't work, Nanyi plans to find a business recruiter from Hu Jian's side to connect with him.

When other provinces remained ambiguous about foreign businessmen, only Hu Jian withstood the pressure and launched several large-scale foreign-invested projects this year.

The clients that Nanyi almost broke his legs and frayed his mouth can't really let them fly. Even if the investment can't be settled in Shenzhen, they have to invest their money in the mainland. This is all foreign exchange.

He picked up the two girls from school, let the servants rest, and cooked for himself. After the meal, Nanyi settled the wages of the previous month to the two girls in advance.

Nan Ruofing came first, she had already experienced Nan Yi's treachery, she brought the pen herself, and she stared at Nan Yi's writing and drawing with wide eyes, never missing a single detail.

After Nanyi finished drawing the withdrawal form, she picked up the form, looked at it through the light, and when she was sure that there was no problem, she signed it in fear. While signing, she also looked at Nanyi's face, afraid There was something wrong with his face.

"Sign it, Dad didn't play tricks. The world is dangerous. In the future, you must always be cautious."




Nan Ruofing then signed with confidence, opened her small hand, and waited for Nanyi to give the money.

Nan Yi took out a stack of 500 Hong Kong dollars from his pocket, and patted them lightly in Nan Ruofing's hand, "105 Hong Kong dollars is your wages for last month, and the rest is your father's reward."

"Dad, do you really give me so much?"

Nan Ruobing took the money and pulled it with her small hand, making the banknotes rattle.

"Ruopin, are you six years old?"

"Well, my birthday is over this year."

"After the summer vacation, you will go to elementary school. Dad will return to the capital for two days this time, and he will come back in half a month. You are also on vacation. I plan to take you back to the capital for the summer vacation."

"Okay, okay!" Nan Ruofing exclaimed excitedly.

"Come and see your mother."


The little girl's excitement was vented all at once.

"Your mother gave birth to two younger brothers for you, twins."

Li Lamei gave birth again last month. A pair of twins, still sons, gave birth to three sons to the tattered king at once. Take the initiative to bring this up.

"Oh, are you going to bring them a present?"

"Gift, Dad will prepare it for you."


"Okay, don't droop your face." Nan Yi hugged Nan Ruobing, rubbed her little face and said with a smile: "You are my eldest daughter, Nan Yi, and you will always be."

Nan Ruofing leaned her head into Nan Yi's arms, clutching his clothes tightly with both hands.

When the father and daughter are done with you and me, Fan Hongdou will come to collect his wages full of anticipation.

"Hongdou, you were full last month, and your salary should be 105 yuan. Sign here and you can leave."

After Fan Hongdou signed, he looked at Nan Yi anxiously, waiting for him to take the money.

"Hey, why are you still here, go watch TV, "Jump the Plane" has started, and my sister Zao Shi won't be able to watch it for a while."

"Godfather, you haven't paid me yet."

"What money?"


"How can there be any wages? Look, you owe me 1,000 yuan, and the deduction is 105. You still owe me 895 yuan."


Fan Hongdou was confused, and took a look at the IOU in Nanyi's hand.

"Godfather, I never borrowed money."

"You may have forgotten, look, there is still your signature here."

"But I have never borrowed money." Fan Hongdou pursed her mouth, her eyes were red, "Godfather, isn't this a payment slip?"

"Who told you it's a payment slip? It's obviously an IOU. You want to renege on the debt?"

"It's obviously a payment slip..."

"It seems that you really want to renege on your debts. It's easy to bully me, Guilinan. If you don't pay back the money, I'll kill your godfather first."

"Don't... okay, I'll give you my godfather to pay off the debt."

Fan Hongdou quickly realized that his godfather was not Nanyi or who?

"Then sell you to the ravine."

"No, I'll use my godfather to repay the debt." Fan Hongdou began to feel a little cheating.

"Hahaha, you're lucky. This time, your godfather wants you to learn a lesson. If it was designed by an outsider, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die."

Nanyi then told Fan Hongdou the mystery of the "disappearing pen", and also gave her a disappearing pen.

"This time, if you were recruited, then you have to accept the punishment. I will deduct your wages from last month, and you can collect them next month."

Fan Hongdou tentatively asked, "You really won't give it?"

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. Don't take chances."

"Okay, I'm going to watch TV." After the little girl finished speaking, she left dejectedly.

Nanyi looked at her back and laughed, "Don't blame me, I don't want to destroy your beautiful fairy tale world, but unfortunately, the real world is not as beautiful as fairy tales."

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