Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 168 The Muse's Kiss

Matsutake's business is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Scarlett made two round trips between New York and the capital, and Dabifan's business has started to get on the right track.

From the art store to the plane flying to New York, Da Bifan has already spent 4 million US dollars on purchases.

Whether it is Shenzhen Guofa, art stores or art factories in various places, it is like Chinese New Year, and they have all become foreign exchange earning pacesetters at once, how could they be unhappy.

A Dabifan project is not enough to be used as a reason for Nanyi to stay in the capital for three months. Just when Nanyi wanted to start a new business, he received a call from Cen Balcony.

"Nanyi, just after receiving the instructions from the superior, the big boss in the province let go, and he can do whatever he wants. Do you understand this?"

"Uncle Cen, does this mean that our work has returned to normal?"

"Yeah, it's recovered. Come back quickly and reconnect with the merchants you contacted as soon as possible. Let's form a group to go back to Shenzhen."

"Uncle Cen, I can't go back now. I just received a message that Naiji plans to move their factories in South Korea and Taiwan to our country. I heard that they have already decided to open factories in two cities. It's not yet decided."

"Nicky? Produce what?"

"Naiji is a foreign brand that produces sports series. They produce all kinds of basketball shoes, football shoes, and clothes. It is a very famous brand. Uncle Cen, you may have seen it in Xiangtang. It is the English The letters NIKE."

"It's this one. I've seen it. It's a big sign. So what's your progress now?"

"Not yet, I found out that they have an office in the capital, and I plan to visit. If I see someone here, Uncle Cen, you may have to come here immediately. I am too young, and people leave The mouth of the ministry, if I come out for an interview, they will definitely not talk to me."

"Okay, you should find out the situation first, if you need me to help you call immediately, I will be your strong backing." Cen Yangyang confirmed it first, and then changed the subject, "But, if it doesn't work, you should hurry up When I came back, I couldn’t miss the watermelon and lost the sesame seeds.”

"Yes, Uncle Cen, I'm here as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi began to think about how to get in touch with Naiji's people.

As he said on the phone, Naiji is always in contact with the ministries and commissions. If a small character like Nanyi comes to him rashly, he may not take care of him.

Go find Scarlet later and see if she and Phil Knight can get involved.

Nan Yi rushed to the Friendship Hotel and talked to Scarlett about it.

"My dad has a little friendship with Mr. Phil, but your matter is too small for me to beg my dad to open his mouth. Adam, I'm sorry, I can do nothing about this matter." After hearing Nanyi's words, Scarlett said Tan Tanshou said.

"I see."

The matter of Nanyi is indeed not big, and there is no interest relationship with Scarlett yet. She can't afford to use up a favor from her Taylor family for this matter.

"May I borrow your Taylor family nameplate?"

"No, at most, I will lend you the name of Scarlett Taylor. Adam, you should focus on our common business. You don't know how much it can bring you in return, do you?"

"Miss Scarlett, what's your title?"

"CEO of Dabifan, you don't need to remind me, Mr. Chairman."

"I promise, I won't delay our business because of other things, oh, mutual business. As for that, we give each other private space?"

"Dell!" Scarlett walked behind Nan Yi, rubbing her nose on the back of his neck, "I'll be back in three days, and I'll basically stay in New York for the next year, Adam, will you fly over to see me? "

"I'll see you after Christmas, and take care of something."

"Hmm." Scarlett put her face on Nanyi's back, "If you don't say the last half of the sentence, I will be happier."

"Would you believe me if I said I made a special trip to see you?"

"No, but I don't mind if you lie."

"Hehe, I'll pay attention next time."

Scarlett leaned on Nanyi's back, with her arms around his waist, and the two stood there shaking left and right.

The next day, Nan Yi, who was about to get up early in the morning, was dragged by Scarlett to sleep for two nights. By the time he could get up, it was almost noon.

Looking at Scarlett who was killed by him on the bed, Nan Yi shook his head and went to the bathroom to wash up, went back to the old bungalow and changed his clothes, stopped a car and went to the negotiation building in Erligou, beside the Xijiao Zoo.

The Negotiation Building was a very unfamiliar place to the people of Beijing a year ago. Even now, few people except taxi drivers know about this place.

This is all because the negotiation building used to be a secret place, and a very secret unit worked here, where it negotiated with large foreign companies and introduced advanced technology.

This unit is called Zhongji, and most of the imported chemical fiber technology is to solve the clothing problem of 870 million [72 years] people, and to let the people progress from "hard work" to "hard work".

Up to now, CNTIC is no longer a secret unit, and the negotiating building has also lifted the veil of mystery.

There is a counter in the negotiation building. There are many letters to different companies on the counter. Every day, personnel from the offices of major foreign companies in the capital will come to check.

If you have your own letter, you will open the counter and take out your own letter.

In the letter there are demands for various commodities, foreign companies are required to provide quotations, and the people of the foreign companies will pass the information to the branches of Xiangxi or Lijiapo. Negotiations in the Negotiation Building.

Nanyi just came to this magical counter to see what foreign companies have offices in the capital.

The negotiation building is a gray building with a height of six floors.

After getting off the car, Nan Yi took a look, then walked to the entrance of the building and took a look inside. He saw many foreigners with high nose bridges, so he retracted his gaze, stepped back a little away from the gate, and stood at the intersection where the gate must pass. wait.

After a while, a foreigner with a briefcase in his hand walked towards Nanyi.

When Nan Yi saw it, he quickly judged the nationality of the foreigner through several ethnic characteristics. After he had a clue in his mind, he greeted him and greeted him in German, "Hi, sir."

"Hello." The foreigner was surprised and replied in German.

"I'm Nan from Shenguofa, may I ask who you are?"

"Siemens, Bei Yinsi."

As soon as he heard that it was Siemens, Nanyi lost interest in an instant, and the possibility of letting Siemens invest in Shenzhen was very slim.

"Hello, hello, we have a lot of preferential treatment for foreign investors..."

Whether there is a date or not, let’s talk about it first, blah blah blah, Nanyi explained Shenzheng’s investment promotion policy again.

On the other hand, Nanyi will also observe Bei Yinsi's expression, obviously, he is not interested in what Nanyi said, but out of politeness, he didn't go away directly.

"This is my business card. If you want to go to Shenzhen for a research visit, you can contact me."

"Okay, I will contact you if necessary." Bei Yinsi took a look at Nanyi's business card, stuffed it into his pocket, and said politely: "Sorry, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."


After Bei Yinsi left, Nanyi continued to stand where he was, waiting for his next target.

It's just a pity that he didn't get off to a good start. In the next three hours, all he encountered were heavy industry companies, such as ABB, General Electric, Mitsubishi, and Johnson.

These enterprises are not suitable for Shenzheng, and they are too big for a small role in Nanyi.

I stayed at the entrance of the negotiation building until 3:30, and I didn't see any foreigners coming out. Nanyi lost the first battle, so I could only make a big strategic shift in desperation.

After leaving the negotiation building, Nan Yi went to the Friendship Hotel.

"Have you had lunch yet?"

Knocking on the door of Scarlett's room, Nan Yi saw that Scarlett was still wearing pajamas.

"No, I drank a cup of coffee and ate a few biscuits. The person who will replace me will arrive tomorrow. I am writing the handover report today."

"Well, go wash and change your clothes, and I'll take you to dinner."

"Where are you going?"

"Last year, a new Jiale Chinese and Western restaurant was opened at the west entrance of Ganmian Hutong on Dongsi South Street. The chef used to be the chef of the club. I heard that the business is good, and many people go there every day." Nanyi walked to the cabinet, I took a can of Coke from the refrigerator on my own.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't been there. You never dared to go out with me before. You only called room service, which made me have to accept the thrill of cheating. Why did you think of asking me out for dinner today?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Nan Yi poured a mouthful of Coke and said with a smile.


"I had a bad start in the afternoon and chose a wrong place."

"So, you want to use dinner time to start your work?" Scarlett asked dissatisfied.

"No, it's mainly to have dinner with you, and work is just by the way."

"Adam, you are such a boring man."

Scarlett spat, but turned around and walked to the bathroom.

After a while, less than an hour, Scarlett stood in front of Nanyi wearing a set of red dresses and turned around, "Adam, how are you?"

"Perfect, ordinary women can't control this color at all."

Nan Yi glanced at it from top to bottom. Scarlett put on a dark pink dress, her sophistication was concealed, replaced by sweetness.

Dark pink, this is a color that is difficult for women to control, and most women will look tacky in clothes of this color.

"Of course, I'm not an ordinary woman." Scarlett said arrogantly, and then asked: "Would you like to wash up, I forgot to tell you yesterday, last time I went back to New York, I bought you some clothes. "

Nan Yi raised his hand, smelled his armpits, stayed in the sun for a few hours, and stayed in the air-conditioned room for a while, the sweat on his body was dried up, and he smelled a little sweaty.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower."

Nanyi came out after taking a shower, and Scarlett had already put her clothes on the bed.

"Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?" Nan Yi picked up the T-shirt on the bed and pointed to the English word "Yu Guo Meng" on it.

"Isn't it good?" Scarlett covered her mouth and smiled.

"Very bad, get another one."

Nanyi crumpled up the T-shirt and threw it into the trash can beside him.

"All right."

Scarlet spread her shoulders, went to the closet and brought Nan Yi another set of clothes, this time it was a serious short-sleeved shirt with thin trousers.

Nanyi took the clothes and smelled them, and there was a smell of laundry detergent on them.

"You don't need to smell it, it's already been washed, and I washed it myself."

"Isn't it in the washing machine?"

"Well, I put it in the washing machine myself." Scarlett said, walked to Nanyi's side, helped him tidy up his collar and trousers, and touched Nanyi's chest and waist, " You have such a good figure, you can't show your muscles at all when you put on clothes."

"It's called wearing clothes to look thin, and undressing to look fleshy, so go ahead and have fun."


Scarlett rolled her eyes, and badly kissed a lip print on the pocket of the short-sleeved shirt, "This is the cursed kiss of the Muse. If you betray me, the three-headed dog will crawl out of hell and take you Get bitten to death."

"Are you sure it's not the Kiss of Judas?"

"Don't talk about that, I hate that art student who failed the exam, I hate that bug, I hate that inhuman scum." Scarlett said with a look of disgust.

"Okay, I take it back, it's time for us to go."


As soon as she walked out of the room, Scarlett took Nanyi's arm, but when she got out of the elevator, she let it go naturally, taking care of Nanyi's scruples invisibly.


Dongsi South Street, at the entrance of Jiale Chinese and Western Restaurant.

When Nan Yi and Scarlett arrived, there were already many cars parked at the door, and there were many foreigners sitting or standing in or beside the cars. It seemed that the business was going well, but there was still a queue.

"You wait here, I'll send a wave of business cards."

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