Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 17 Ten Years of Sharpening a Sword

"Is there any way to exchange Hong Kong dollars?"

"Yes, do you want to exchange Hong Kong dollars?"

Nanyi and Lai Biao met again to receive the remaining balance of 600,000 yuan.

"Yes, I want to buy stocks, Hong Kong stocks."

"You still know about stocks?" Lai Biao asked in surprise.

"I understand a little."

"I'll change it for you, but it's one to four."

Nan Yi pondered for a while, and now the official price is about one to five, and one RMB is about five Hong Kong dollars. Lai Biao's asking price is not too much. So he nodded, "Yes, but I hope the money is in Xiangsheng, and it must be reliable."

"Absolutely reliable."

"There's no need to order the money, you can change it into Hong Kong dollars for me."

"Are you sure about stocks?"

"What do you think, it's 2.4 million Hong Kong dollars, I'm not sure, I dare to take it lightly?"

"Okay, I'll find you a stock broker. You can meet him on Zhongying Street and tell him the stocks you want to trade."

"No need, I will find a stockbroker by myself. If you want to follow suit, I can tell you to buy Wharf. Don't ask me why, just get a few Hong Kong newspapers and read."

"Fuck, am I that untrustworthy?"

Lai Biao was a little frustrated.

"Boss, I already trust you a lot. With 2.4 million Hong Kong dollars, how many apartments can I buy in Hong Kong?"

If Nanyi remembers correctly, the house price in Liao Island is only less than 350 a foot, and in the New Territories it is less than 300, but in Kowloon it is almost 400.

Damn, I have to send someone I can trust to Xiangtang as soon as possible.

"Yes, you have to find it yourself, so you can find it yourself. I will tell you how to withdraw the money in two days."

"Thank you."


In a few days, 2.4 million Hong Kong dollars bought 48,200 shares at a price of 49.6, and the rest of the money was used to pay commissions, which happened to be spent.

Then, for several days in a row, the members of Wenchangwei could see Nanyi chasing butterflies everywhere, and they were still muttering, "Bosses, don't effect yourself, don't do it."

"Nanyi, I heard that this stock will lose money."

Another day, Nan Yi was drinking at Xian Yaodong's house, and Xian Yaodong said so.

"Don't panic, it's really a loss, I'll give you your share."

"That's not necessary. You took me to earn this money. Nanyi, I can see that you have a bright future. Uncle Xian, I will hand over the hundred catties to you in the future. If you let the dog catch, I will Never throw chickens out."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, Uncle Xian, I will never let you drink dry food. Let's work together to get rich together and march toward the Four Modernizations."

"Yes, four modernizations."


February 4, 1978, the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the beginning of spring.

Early in the morning, a woman yelled at the expert building in the Tongzi Building of the subsidiary courtyard of the Erhua Factory, "You son of a bitch, get up quickly, what are you doing, what time is it, and you're still asleep."

Nan Yi checked his watch, it was only twenty past five, in order not to listen to Tian Noise, he still got up.

The one who called the shriveled calf was Nanyi's mother, and she is also Nanyi's mother now. She has a nice name, Yi Jinru, and she is not bad looking. If she doesn't speak, she looks like a decent lady. .

But if you open your mouth, it will be over for you. What kind of ugly words such as shriveled, fucked up, and rotten sticks are just like buying pork in the Northeast, they come one by one.

Especially after staying in the capital for many years, he not only brought over the Northeast swear words, but also learned the tricks of the people in the capital, and combined with the national swear words from other places, hehe, whoever has tried will know.

Get up, put away the bedroll, spread out the stool that serves as a bed, open the corridor door, go to the bathroom to put the toilet and wash, everything is in order, put on your coat and open the kitchen door to go out.

Don't be surprised, it's the kitchen door.

The expert building, in the 1950s, was a tube building specially built for experts from the north, with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

Nanyi, his parents are healthy, his father is Nan Huaiqiu, an engineer at the No. Worked as a nurse in the factory hospital.

On the first day of 1978, a little granddaughter was added to the Nan family, named Nan Ruochan and nicknamed Grasshopper.

Nan's house has been changed to two rooms since Nan Yi was born.

Right now, a husband and wife live in one room, and Nanyi, who is redundant, can only live in the kitchen.

Fortunately, because of the layout of the house, the kitchen is not connected to the original living room, but has a separate door. If the kitchen is removed, it will also be a good bedroom.

Of course, this is a beautiful imagination. In fact, Nanyi is very uncomfortable, embarrassed, and embarrassed to sleep in the kitchen.

Nan's house has a bathroom, which is connected to the kitchen and can only be entered through the kitchen door.

From this, it can be imagined that if other people wake up frequently at night, will Nanyi wake up often when sleeping?

Well, frequent waking up at night is not a hypothesis, but an objective fact.

Nan Huaiqiu has a prostate problem, frequent urination and incessant urination, he can wake up seven or eight times a night, plus other people join in the fun and sleep.

So, strictly speaking, what Nan Yi said to Li Hai and the others back then was not a lie.

The Nan family is indeed very cramped.

Going downstairs, lighting a cigarette, Nanyi walked out of the family courtyard, and walked to grandma's house not too far away.

Walking into an alley and pushing open a courtyard door, two trees came into view, a jujube tree on the left and a chicken feet tree on the right.

As soon as I entered the courtyard house, there were five rooms, and Grandma Nanyi lived alone.

Nan Tieli spent his childhood here. Nan Yi was not, he was born in the expert building. As for why the Nan family is so cramped, and they still come here, of course it's because of that powerful Yi Jinru.

"Grandma, grandma, is breakfast ready?"

"It's done, I'll wait for you."

From a room, there was a soft sound.

"What's for dinner today?"

Walking into the room, I heard Zhou Xuan's "Forever Smile" playing on the gramophone.

"The person I love has a smiling face. He once gave me spring in late autumn..."

This music seems to be able to bring energy back to the old days. Sitting opposite is a lady from the Republic of China, with bright teeth and brows, and a generous manner.

"Eating sweet potato porridge today, did you eat mulberry?"

"I'm used to it, what's the matter, I get up every day, and Lennon knows it, I'm there to make fun of it."

"Forget it, you still speak Mandarin, your Shanghai dialect sounds uncomfortable."

"Hey, didn't I just want to cooperate with you, a famous lady?"

"What kind of ladies, Fang's family has been down for decades, and I'm just a little old lady now."

Nannai, Fang Mengyin served Nanyi a bowl of sweet potato porridge, and handed him a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and the two began to eat breakfast.

Huhuhu, after taking a few mouthfuls of sweet sweet potato porridge, Nanyi said, "Grandma, do you want to miss the taste of Western food?"

"Why, you want to invite me to eat Lao Mo?"

"I know you don't like Lao Mo, but what I'm talking about is authentic Western food, French food, Italian food."

"Where can I get this?"


Fang Mengyin put down her chopsticks and looked at Nanyi with burning eyes, "The business has grown?"

"Well, there is no reliable person. I want my grandma to settle down in Xiangfang. I need the cooperation of someone with the identity of Xiangfang."

"Okay, let's go, have you bought the house for me?"

"Not yet, now the villas in Repulse Bay are hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. When you go, bring a few large yellow croakers there, enough for you to buy a house there. Hire two servants. Although it is not as good as before, it is better than before." Good now."

"It seems that you have really made money, so I said, you must have inherited the genes of the Fang family. Since I was a child, I have always seen you as clever. If the Nan family really wants to develop, it still depends on you.

That is to say, your mother, who is unclear, treats the eldest son as a treasure, and the younger son as a grass, I really have to say her. "

"Grandma, forget it, let's not talk about my mother. I also bought a house in the south of the country. It turned out that a small rich man's house has a large area. You have stayed in Xiangtang for a few years. If you are not used to living, you can live with me in the countryside. go down.

When I graduate, I still want to go back there. "

"Okay, my eldest grandson can arrange it, and grandma will listen to you."

"Well, have you bought New Year's goods?"

"I prepared it early. I didn't buy too much by myself. Your dad even sent me a catty of meat. Oh, sneaky, it made me look like he was living outside."

"Haha, grandma, you don't dare to say that nonsense."

"Let me just say that, back then in Shanghai Beach, those tycoons who kept foreign houses were not as wretched as him."

"Tsk tsk, you used that word."

"What's the matter with using this word, your father, you are really your grandfather's seed, the dog left the dog, the name is not wrong."

Gousheng, it turns out that Nan's father Nan Huaiqiu's name, um, Nanyi's late grandfather took it.

Nan Gousheng, ha bah.

Later, it was Fang Mengyin who argued hard and called Nan Huaiqiu by force.

If Grandpa Nan Yi is not dead, he should be called Nan Gou Bao, Nan Dung Ji, Nan Dao Yang or something like that.

It is not difficult to imagine who gave the name of Nanyi's elder brother Nan Tieli.

"Grandma, you are not too young anymore. You can no longer be proud like the eighteen-year-old Miss Shanghai Beach. Let's put down our airs and be down-to-earth."

"Hmph, Xiaoche is old, don't you know anything. Ala danced at Paramount earlier, and that prodigal son from the Zhang family in the northeast had to watch eagerly."

"Grandma, look forward, don't think about the past. What is Paramount, I will let you live in Mid-Levels soon, dance in the Mid-Levels Club, and let those eagle kings watch."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk, eat quickly. After eating, dance tango with grandma."

"Grandma, you have put on weight, I can't move."

"You, this mouth really deserves a beating." Fang Mengyin nodded to Nanyi and said.

"Hey hey."

After breakfast, helping to rinse the bowl, and playing Fang Mengyin all morning, Nanyi walked back and forth again.

Walking in the door, Man San'er was already hissing and chewing the mutton.

Nanyi walked over and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and started to scoop up the mutton, "How many pots of meat do you want?"

"Three pots, Master Nan, it's not that you don't know, I just like this one. You are not in Sijiu City, and I often come here to eat by myself, and I eat six or seven pots at a time."

"Be a little more careful, don't be targeted by others, or the same sentence, the money is not revealed."

"You know, I can eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry. I get more than fifty yuan a month, plus the oil and water that everyone else wants, and my salary can bear such food. At most, I will be called a prodigal."

"Well, just think about it. As for the money, don't spend it recklessly. We will have a big fight in two years."

"Yes, Mr. Nan, I'll apologize to you. You let me start preparing so early, but I still didn't pass the exam. It's an embarrassment to you."

"If you don't pass the exam, you don't pass the exam. If you don't pass the exam, there are benefits. Your unit can still be prosperous for two years. It just so happens that you have to run around. In the past two years, you have been in other places to pay attention to those brains. A person who does business.

Build a good relationship with them if possible.

In the future, these people will be our sales channels. If we want to do it again, it is not retail, but wholesale, and we will hide behind and make a fortune silently. "

"But at the behest of Master Nan."

"By the way, please pay attention. Find someone who is good at antiques. Don't look for someone who is carefree, but someone who has a family, a house and children. If you are carefree, it is easy to go to extremes. If you are tired of work, we I can't hold it at all."

"Okay, I will rest assured about this matter. It's just that these antiques are not sold at a high price now. Will we make money by doing this?"

"When I go back, find a book about Hu Xueyan and read it. Let me understand what hoarding is. If you can't sell it at a high price, we can raise its price.

Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times, the words of our ancestors have already pointed out the way forward for us.

Antiques are such a pot of gold, we must dig out a few spoonfuls. "

"Yes, Hu Xueyan was the richest man in the Qing Dynasty?"

"Yes, that's the one. You have to study not only how he made it, but also how he lost it. The successful experience is important, and the reason for the failure is equally important."

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