Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 175 Common Prosperity Plan

In fact, out of the need to publicize public opinion, it is very common for businessmen to take things out of context, make a fuss, avoid the important and ignore the trivial.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica, in 1769.

When ordinary people come into the world, they cry loudly, because they know that they are just ordinary people, and coming to this world is nothing more than making up numbers, becoming "negligible" in statistics, and "waiting" in reports.

But Napoleon was not!

Like all emperors, the day Napoleon was born was a vision from heaven.

On that day, it rained red on Corgasi Island. Because Napoleon's family was poor, it rained heavily outside, and it rained lightly at his house.

The red rain slid down the dilapidated roof, drop by drop, on the forehead of the newly born Napoleon, along his high nose bridge to his lips, and then slipped into his mouth.

Napoleon, who had never opened his eyes since he was born, suddenly opened them. His eyeballs were as big as copper bells, and he shouted: "La Feng, La Feng, Corgasi will never be slaves!"

160 years after Napoleon's death, a businessman who admired Napoleon planned to build a manor to commemorate Napoleon on Corgassi Island. During construction, workers dug out a wine cellar.

There are more than a dozen oak barrels in the wine cellar (the number is to be determined, see how many old ones you can find), and the French words "La Feng" and "Napoleon Collection" are engraved on the barrels.

In order to commemorate this discovery and let Napoleon's brilliance shine on the land again, the businessman named the manor Chateau Lafeng and started to operate the red wine business.

After the name was decided, Nanyi immediately made it up, haha, recalling the brand story of Lafeng. With a brand story, you need to make some preparations to make the story sound more flesh and blood.

First, you need to find a French businessman who admires Napoleon; second, you need to find a two-hundred-year-old oak barrel and two-hundred-year-old red wine. You don’t need many, just a few bottles.

This matter must be started now, and strive to have the first batch of red wine on the market next year.

Nanyi asked Ruan Zhiping to go to the company registry and registered a company called Donglaiwu Film and Television Investment. While waiting for the approval, Nanyi went back to Wenchangwei.

"Auntie, by the end of the year, I plan to reorganize the reclamation team into Wenchang Reclamation Group, and you will be the chairman."

"Chairman? What kind of official is this?"

"Haha, it's the same as your current team leader. It used to be a team, but you are the team leader. When it becomes a group, you're the chairman, and you're still in charge of the same things."

"Oh, I thought I was promoted." Ge Cuizhu said.

"It can also be said that if you get promoted, you will manage more and more people. Not only Wenchangwei's own people, but the reclamation group will also introduce people from outside in the future."

There is one in Wenchangwei, and almost all the active ones are active, either serving the village collective enterprise, or going out to do business on their own, and they can't find a group of people who can do things.

Nanyi and Ge Cuizhu walked while talking, and soon came to the edge of the vegetable greenhouse.

"Auntie, after planting this crop, leave 20 acres, and tear down the other vegetable sheds, and use the freed land to grow flowers."

"Huh? No more vegetable greenhouses?"

"Of course we will continue to do it, but we won't do it ourselves. The fields in Wenchangwei, except those that are now planted with rice, have been changed to flowers and gardens. Let the reclamation team be close to 60 years old, and there are old people in the village to manage it. , Let them play and do it, just treat it as moving their bodies.

On the other side of the paddy field, next year, bulldozers will be called to level the field, and now the ridges of the field will be dug up to turn the small field into a large field.

If this is done, the fields will lack fertility. Go to the Great Northern Wilderness and contact the Production and Construction Corps over there, buy some black soil from train hides from them, and cover the leveled fields.

When it becomes a large field, large-scale agricultural machinery can be used. In our field, only a few people can play with it. "

Ge Cuizhu asked: "Then what about our small agricultural machinery now? It cost tens of thousands to buy everything."

"Sold it, and sold it to whoever wants it." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "By the way, don't sell out the tractor, keep one, just keep the one I usually use, and I'll buy it."

"It's a pity, they are all good machines. Our agricultural machinery is usually maintained very diligently."

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. Then, we're going to do it big. These small ones can't keep up with our situation.

Auntie, let's put it this way, the future reclamation groups will not mainly rely on their own cultivation, but will cooperate with farmers from other places.

Food, we can't touch it now, the country doesn't allow it.

We set our sights on vegetables and fruits, and carry out joint planting with villages in various places. We provide technology and original investment funds, and they plant them. We purchase them and put them on the market to build our Wenchang vegetable brand. "

Nan Yi lit a cigarette for himself, took a puff, and continued: "Auntie, the main purpose of Wenchang Reclamation Group is of course to make money, so that our life in Wenchangwei will be more and more prosperous.

However, I also have other ideas.

The Vegetable and Fruit Joint Planting Program, I'm going to call it the Farmers' Shared Prosperity Program. Within our capabilities, we will lead as many peasant brothers as possible to become prosperous and well-off together.

Therefore, in the process of our development, we must always implement the "2080 principle". We take 20% of all benefits and leave 80% to the farmers in other places.

This road is difficult to walk. Some people have to sweat and bleed, and they may be slandered, framed, and may even lose their lives. In the face of interests, there is no tenderness, but swords and swords.

Now, we are just going around in circles around Shenfeng, probably we have already encountered a lot of injustice, right? "

"Yeah, every place has vegetable sellers, and there are also ruthless people. Some places already have vegetable bullies. When we sell vegetables in the past, they will come to the door and force us to offer them cheap vegetables.

If you don't agree, the food will be stolen and robbed, and people will be beaten. Over the course of a year, several carts of vegetables would always be lost, and a few people would be injured, but luckily none of them were beaten particularly badly. "

"Normally, even if we don't take the initiative to provoke a fight, we have already touched the interests of others. Back then, Weimin and I fought several times in the commune just to grab dung. Hey, let's fight once.

So, Auntie, the reclamation group needs to expand, but not too fast, and develop in Guangdong Province first.

In the past three years, it has huddled in the vicinity of Shenzhenghe, stopped at Fushan in the west, and only reached Huizhou in the east.

This area is a place with a relatively strong commercial atmosphere, and they are all focused on attracting investment and setting up factories. Not many people will focus on agriculture. As for the land, I can't wait to turn it into a factory building, and the farmers' enthusiasm for planting will not be too high.

If you develop in these places, you can adapt it. It doesn’t have to be joint planting. You can borrow their fields and recruit farmers from inland provinces to plant.

How to avoid the risk of employment, you can ask the legal affairs in the village and let him think of a way.

As for what kind of vegetables to grow, Auntie, you have been immersed in it for several years, so you must know better than me who only talks about it. "

"I know this."

"Well, this is about vegetables. As for fruits, the current policy does not allow us to carry out joint planting, so we mainly focus on purchasing and selling. We will discuss it later when the policy is loosened in the future.

Not only vegetables, but we also need to extend our attention to aquaculture and honey.

Aquatic products, let's not consider other things, let's start with eel [eel].

Japanese people especially like to eat eel, and Fu Tiantu also has a tradition of eating eel on ugly days. They don't drink water like us in the morning. They always eat dry rice with a grilled eel, miso soup and natto.

Not only do they eat it in the morning, but they also like to eat it at other times. Japanese people have to eat more than 100,000 tons of eels every year. They just raise their own food every day, so they can't afford consumption at all.

Since 1968, Taiwan and South Korea have started farming eels, and our country, to be precise, Guangdong Province has also started farming since 1975. No matter where it is, it is mainly sold to Japan.

It is not easy to raise eels, if they are raised to death, the loss will be very large. As for the eel fry, there is no way to artificially cultivate them, and they can only be caught in the sea. We estimate that a few eel fry will cost a few dollars to buy.

But once the eel is raised well, the profit is very high. We earn more than a dozen yuan for one eel, and there may be dozens of yuan in the future.

This is a high-risk, high-investment, high-return breeding industry. If we are lucky, we can earn hundreds of millions in a few years. If we are not lucky, we will lose more than 100 million in it.

We can afford the investment and the risks, so eel farming must be done in Wenchangwei.

But we can't do it blindly. Before we start, we have to learn.

Auntie, you can ask who in the team wants to engage in aquaculture, ask first, and get a list of people who have ideas. After the new year, I found a way to find an expert in eel farming to teach them. While learning, I sent them to South Korea to visit and study.

When they have learned enough, let them go to the eel farm in Fushan to do free work. No wages are required, even if they are paid, as long as they can learn skills and experience. "

"There are not many people in the team who are educated, can they learn?"

"Then re-open the literacy class in the reclamation team, so that everyone can learn, not asking for words and ink, but everyone should at least be able to read and write. By the way, we must teach them the most basic accounting.

When it is reorganized into a reclamation group, a cultural bonus will be added to the salary structure of the employees. The higher the cultural level, the higher the bonus.

It is also necessary to engage in skill levels. Like job titles, this is also linked to wages. The higher the level, the higher the salary level.

To form an atmosphere of active learning within the group, even if what he learned is not very useful in his own work, it must be reflected in his remuneration.

To put it bluntly, even if he whistled better than others, he would have to add a few dollars to his monthly salary.

Learning never stops will be one of the corporate cultures of our Reclamation Group.

Auntie, you have to learn too, start by understanding what I mean by corporate culture. "

"Learn to learn, Auntie, I not only want to learn some corporate culture, I also want to learn foreign language, that My name is Ge Cuizhu." Ge Cuizhu spoke the vernacular English.

"Haha, Auntie, have you met a foreigner?"

"That's so unusual. There aren't too many foreigners in the city now. Last time I met a foreigner who wanted to take a photo with me. That foreigner has blue eyes and is tall, maybe 1.9 meters."

"Walan Walan? Are you sure it's not the puppet cat?" Nan Yi murmured.

"Let's get down to business, let's talk about eels, and then let's talk about honey." Nanyi brought the topic back on track, "Honey is the same as vegetables, we don't do it ourselves, and we also use the 28th principle to support beekeepers.

To keep bees, you need to move around in pursuit of the flowering season. The beekeeper has no money to make beehives, so we lend him money, and if he has no money to find a car to pull the beehives, we transfer cars from the group to help them pull them.

Not to mention making them grateful, we just need to do a good job of supporting facilities so that they can keep bees comfortably and keep them united around us all the time, so that they will not be snatched away by others.

Of course, when we have competitors, there must be many people who will be attracted by the immediate interests. People like this leave as soon as they leave, and we don't keep them.

This can be regarded as a good deed, if we can't do a good deed, we still make ourselves burst into tears.

Today, let's stop here first. I briefly mentioned three points: the vegetable common wealth plan, eel breeding, and beekeeper support, but it will take several years to really implement it.

Auntie, this time I will give you five years, and I will not give you a profit target. If you lay the foundation well, we will really work hard in the next five years.

By the end of the year, all the money in the team's account will be reserved for development. I will suggest that the village committee allocate another 300,000 yuan to you. You use this money to distribute dividends to the team members, so that they can see hope and firmly believe that farming is also possible. Can make a fortune. "

After chatting with Ge Cuizhu, Nanyi went to the port again, where Angju was still fishing.

"Nanyi, what's on your back?"

Nanyi pulled the strap on his back with his hand, and took the trumpet on his back in his hand, "This is a trumpet, a musical instrument."

"I know, the one who blows the charge."

"Yes, that's it."

"You can blow?"

"Yes, you want to listen?"


"Then I'll play it to you."

Nanyi held the ring with both hands, clasped three fingers on the piston, pointed his mouth at the mouthpiece, and blew the trumpet in a strange way.

He played the trumpet passage of "The Sun Also Rises" by Hisaishi Yasushi.

"Does it sound good?"

After playing the song, Nanyi sat beside Angju and asked.

"It sounds good, is it easy to learn?"

"It's not difficult, you have a lot of time, you can definitely learn better than me."

"Taught me."

"Okay, I'll teach you."

Nan Yi taught him hand in hand. Although Ang Ju was not able to comprehend, he was very attentive. The two of them sat by the river for more than two hours, and Ang Ju could already play the trumpet without harsh sound.

Although, it's still a long way from being tuned.

Trumpet, Nan Yi brought it here on purpose, just to get Ang Ju to learn, because Xian Weiqi is Ang Ju, he will focus, as long as he focuses on one thing, year after year, he will definitely be able to do things well .

Learn to play the trumpet first, and read the music at the same time, and then hook him to learn the suona next year.

Two musical instruments, but Fan Angju can practice to the extreme, even if his parents grow old in the future, and Nanyi's Wenchang dream collapses, Angju can still live a nourishing life with his ability to play.

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