Knowing from Xian Yaodong that the people who followed the Li family got nothing, Nan Yi was very dissatisfied.

Alas, professional things still need to be done by professional people. It is impossible to count on the villagers. Nanyi asked Xian Yaodong to remove the people, and then called Zuo Can to ask him to send someone to take over the matter.

After staying in Wenchangwei for three days, and on Friday, Nanyi promised to take the two little ones to camp on Saturday, and he couldn't stay any longer, so he could only return to Xiangxi with his buttocks pouted.

After going to the Liushuixiang camp for a day and a night of fun, Nanyi focused on work again.

"Zhiping, have you got your license yet?"

"It's already down."

"Then go find a newspaper and post a job advertisement, recruiting an industry insider from the Hong Kong film and television industry to be a manager."

"any request?"

"Have certain management experience, have good connections in the industry, and have certain communication channels with the bosses and directors of various film and television companies. By the way, men are preferred, forget it, and don't want this in the end.

The interview location is set at Nanshi Building, and the interview time is set for Thursday and Friday from 6:00 to 9:00 in the evening.

In addition, two female secretaries are recruited, the first one is life secretary, height and weight are not limited, age between 20-40 years old, good facial features, good health, no family history of genetic disease, good at cooking, receiving British butler education is preferred , flexible salary, annual salary not less than 200,000.

The second one, the height is not less than 65 inches, the weight is not more than 100 pounds, the age is between 20-28, the facial features are good, the education is Form 5 and above, the salary is negotiable.

The interview location of the two secretaries is next door, and you will come to me. The first and most important point is the mouth, the appearance is not important, as long as it is not scary, the work to be done is actually responsible for my daily life.

Second, one must be beautiful, the more beautiful the better, the messier the family relationship the better, it is best if one of the parents is a bad gambler, and both are the best.

To put it bluntly, I need someone who can be easily bribed. "


As soon as Ruan Zhiping left, Nanyi's pager rang. After checking the number, it was a call from Shen Guofa's office. It was probably a notification to go to work.

Nanyi picked up the phone on the table and dialed it.

"Nanyi, right?"

"Yes, Uncle Cen, are you back?"

"Yeah, this time the results are outstanding, more than 80 million intentional investments have been signed, and I have also negotiated with Naiji that they will have a factory settled in Shenfeng."

There was a hint of joy in Cen's balcony voice, which may have been praised by his superiors.

"That's great, Uncle Cen, are you going to work?"

"There's no hurry to get to work. You will wait for me at the entrance of the Peninsula Hotel at 6:00 pm tomorrow. Let's attend the HSBC charity gala and try to get to know a few wealthy people in Hong Kong at the gala."

"Okay, I'll be there early."

Cen Yangyang was actually able to get an invitation letter from HSBC. It seems that his achievements this time really made him valued, so that he was able to get this kind of resources.

After putting down the phone, Nanyi walked out of the study, out of the villa, and walked across Nanwan Road to the seaside road.

The seaside road is close to the beach, and the sound of the waves fills the ears directly.

Nan Yi walked slowly, and Yi Zai followed behind him, also taking graceful steps.

Yi Zai is very clingy, as long as Nan Yi is at home, it will follow Nan Yi.

Nan Yi is also very proud of him. Yi Zai’s work and rest are different from other cats. He will not be particularly energetic in the early hours of the morning. He will go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening. When he wakes up, he will add a meal and go to his special cat Solve the physiological problems in the toilet, and then continue to sleep.

In the morning, when Nanyi gets up, it also gets up, sticks to Nanyi for a while, plays around, and then goes to sleep. There are more than eighteen hours a day, and it spends it in naps and sleeps.

"Meow meow."

Tired from walking, Yi Zai ran two quick steps and came to Nan Yi's lap to beg for a hug. Nanyi stood still, and it climbed up along the trousers, and lay skillfully in Nanyi's arms.

While walking, Nan Yi rubbed Yi Zai's head from time to time.

Tired of walking, Nan Yi sat down on a bench by the sea and put Yi Zai aside.

"The cat is beautiful, yours?"

"My daughter's."

"You already have a daughter?" There was a bit of disbelief in the voice.


"One thing, it seems that you are not very old. You don't have to start working when you sit here at this point?"

"You are not the same."

"I'm the boss. If I say start work, I will start work. If I say I will stop work, I will stop work."


"You didn't call me."

"I didn't remember your number."

"I'm not attractive?"



"I never thought we'd meet again."

"But we have met now, tell me, is this a kind of fate?"

"Maybe it's evil fate."

"Any fate is good, here you are, put it away, don't lose it again this time."

The woman took out a business card from the Kun bag, stuffed it into Nanyi's jacket pocket, then turned around and walked towards the Saab 900-CABRIO parked on the side of the road, sat in the driver's seat, made a phone call to Nanyi, started the car and drove Walk.

Nan Yi took out his business card from his pocket, glanced at it, and flicked it with his fingers, "Zhao Shixian, interesting."


Afternoon, five fifty.

Nanyi has already arrived at the entrance of the Peninsula Hotel. It is different from the last time. There are a few security guards in black suits and sunglasses at the entrance, and there are also a few gorgeously dressed and tall women.

It was still early, and Nanyi didn't see any guests who seemed to be attending a banquet coming in and out.


At 6:37:24, Cen's balcony appeared in Nanyi's sight.

"Xiao Nan, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived, Uncle Cen, I didn't see any guests coming in and out, what time does the banquet start?"

"Seven o'clock, do you have dinner?"

"not yet."

"You are inexperienced at first glance. Although there is food at this kind of banquet, no one will take it at all. They just walk around with a wine glass, greet acquaintances, and meet strangers.

It is said to be a charity dinner, but it is actually a social place. After a while, you will follow me, and I will introduce you to the rich man who knows Xiangxi. "


wait! !

At 6:45:38:46, the guests who attended the banquet finally appeared.

Cen Yang took out an invitation letter, waved to Nan Yi, and walked towards the entrance where the gate and security check were located.

After checking the invitation letter, he followed the guidance and entered the banquet hall.

wait! ! !

At exactly seven o'clock, like a buzzer, heavyweight guests walked into the banquet hall one by one.

The first to enter the banquet hall were seven or eight real estate tycoons, then the gambling tycoons with their daughters, followed by the jewelry tycoons, all of them were tycoons.

"Xiao Nan, these are the richest people in Hong Kong. As long as we can get one of them to invest in Shenzhen, this trip will be worthwhile."

Cen Yangtai seems to be drifting away, and he has even forgotten the principle of equal status. Even if these people want to invest, it is impossible to talk to him as a young man.

Due to historical time and geographical location, the status of these people is set very high at present.

Nanyi observes the nose with the eyes, the heart with the nose, and the stomach with the heart, and the abdomen is empty.

I'm sleepy, there's no time at midnight, tomorrow's update may be delayed, I didn't have enough 40000 words yesterday, I'll try to make up for it tomorrow.

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