Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 195 What exactly are you going to do?

Not to mention, Emma is really capable, serving dishes one by one, auspicious prawns, lychee meat, sliced ​​conch conch, drunk pork ribs, a few more typical southern Fujian dishes, and vegetable salad, and the soup is also a Western-style vegetable soup , can be regarded as the combination of Chinese and Western.

The staple food...fortunately, instead of frying, it is a whole boiled potato.

"Adam, you can eat."

After the dishes are arranged, Emma will come to invite.


When arranging the seats, it was natural that Man San'er took the main seat, Nanyi was arranged by Emma in the upper left seat, and she herself sat in the upper right seat opposite Nanyi.

The table wine prepared by Emma is sparkling wine from Hambledon. It is red in color and should be sparkling wine, but it can also be classified as champagne.

The tableware on the table is also very interesting. Each person has a stainless steel spoon with a pair of chopsticks. There is a male spoon in each dish bowl, and there is a pair of real male chopsticks in the middle, which are a little longer than ordinary chopsticks.

"Adam, you're welcome, please feel free."


Nanyi picked up the serving chopsticks and put a lucky shrimp in his own dish, then put on his own chopsticks and stuffed the shrimp into his mouth. Before he tasted anything, Nanyi gave a thumbs up.

"This is the most authentic Hokkien cuisine I've ever eaten in my life."

It's not a lie, it's the first time in Nanyi's life to eat Hokkien cuisine, and the best Hokkien cuisine can be eaten on the shrimp in his mouth.

"Thank you, eat more if you like."

Emma was overjoyed by Nanyi's praise.

As for Nanyi's true evaluation of Geely Shrimp - cooked.

Heh, sure enough, one shouldn't expect much from the culinary skills of the Eagle Countrymen, as there is no culinary talent in their genes.

"Emma, ​​what major did you study in college?"

"Food Engineering."

"working already?"

"No, I just graduated last year and was preparing for my interim year, so I met Liuyi, and then I..." Emma pointed to her slightly bulging stomach.

"It's a pity that it made you miss the established plan."

"It doesn't matter, I plan to give birth to a child and let Liuyi take care of me. I will continue my intermission year."

"Is there a goal?"

"I plan to visit several countries in Asia, and then go to Eagle Country. I was born in Lijiapo, and I haven't been to Eagle Country yet."

"sounds good."

"Master Nan, you're right. She's planning to leave after giving birth. She's gone. What will the child eat?"

"Even if you eat milk, you can still grow up. What's more, if you have money, you can find a wet nurse."

"I still hope that my child will grow up on my own mother's milk." Men San'er said with a bitter face.

When Nan Yi heard what Men San'er said, he shut up. Meddling with the affairs of other people's husband and wife is the most stupid behavior. If it's done, it's over, and outsiders who are troubled will not be left behind.

"Liu Yi, we have already agreed, don't stop me."

"The baby needs milk."

"Adam's proposal is very good." Emma said lightly.


The two came and went, arguing about the issue of the child's breastfeeding.

Nanyi was listening on the side while drinking vegetable soup. The quasi-couple really didn't treat him as an outsider until Nanyi had already filled his stomach, and the argument between the two was not over yet.

It seems that the two have argued several times about the child. Fortunately, both sides were quite restrained and did not escalate the argument into a quarrel.

After sitting for a polite time, Nan Yi left.

Send Nanyi out of the gate, inside the closed door, Men San'er and the two are still arguing.

"Let's go, you've worked hard, and if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, you can serve meals in turn." Nan Yi walked up to Dai Wen and said.

"Boss, it's okay, just eat later, it's easy to have accidents outside."


Back at the hotel, Liang Huiwen was still busy in the study. Nan Yi walked over to see that she was analyzing and recording the characteristics of each district in Lijiapo.

"have you eaten?"

"Not yet, Nan Sheng, take a look, this is my analysis." Liang Huiwen picked up the notebook.

"No hurry, I'll watch it tomorrow, and go to the restaurant for dinner first."


Liang Huiwen tidied up and left the study.

Sitting in the seat vacated by Liang Huiwen, Nan Yi picked up a copy of "The Biography of Gandhi" by Lien Shih Sheng and read it.

In the next three or four days, Men San'er was the guide, and Nan Yi and Liang Huiwen followed, and they visited Lijiapo's entire island.

Judging from the planning of Lijiapo's science park and industrial zone, the ambitions for electronics and biopharmaceuticals can be seen.

In Nanyi's imagination, the biopharmaceutical research institution should be in the deep mountains and old forests, with a few white coats, doing bad things to the animals in the cage. If the camera is aimed at a snake, it will be a python blood orchid. If it is aimed at an orangutan, That was probably Caesar.

After choosing and choosing, Nanyi still prefers to establish the third biopharmaceutical research institute in Choa Chu Kang.

The name of the third biopharmaceutical, Nanyi is taken from the allusion of the third Bian Que, but if it is called the third Bian Que Biopharmaceutical, it is too directional, simply, Nan Yi puts Bian Que in his heart and directly intercepts the "third Bian Que" ".

The English name is The Third Pharmaceuticals, or TTP for short.

"Huiwen, go to the EDB [Economic Development Bureau] tomorrow to find out about the Ministry of Trade and Industry [EDB's superior agency]'s plan for Choa Chu Kang. I'm looking at the land of Wenchang Chicken Farm."

On the way back, Nan Yi and Liang Huiwen were talking again.

"Nansheng, I think the flower garden beyond the chicken farm is more suitable."

"Hehe, you just think that the chicken farm smells bad, but the flower garden looks pleasing to the eye. If the chicken farm is removed and planted with green plants and flowers, our research institute will also be pleasing to the eye. I also chose the chicken farm because it is called Wenchang. It's a kind of fate."

"I don't know if the EDB will approve us to establish a research institute in Choa Chu Kang."

"After trying it out, if Li Jiapo wants to plan us into a science park, we can only compromise. Who will let the support for biopharmaceuticals here be strong, and the taxation will also be preferential."

"What if EDB wants to use land and tax incentives to buy shares? There have been such cases before. If EDB proposes, should I discuss it in depth?"

"You don't worry too much. Apart from the 10 million US dollars in the account, what else can people covet about our TTP? It's clear, there are no well-known biopharmaceutical experts, and it is not an international pharmaceutical giant. If you ask EDB to take a stake, they will all Not necessarily happy."

Nan Yi said that it doesn't matter if EDB has the idea of ​​buying shares.

It could be an institute in another country, or it could just be an institute that exists on file.

"Nansheng, it's time for us to put the recruitment of medical experts on the agenda."

"Let's recruit a few more pragmatic research directions first. Don't provoke those who are anti-cancer or leukemia. They are too poor. We still can't afford those great masters.

Cancer-specific drugs are our long-term goal. When the third biopharmaceutical has profits, we don’t know how much money we will burn if the profits are invested in research in proportion. "

"Nansheng, how do you plan to plan the third biopharmaceutical?"

"As long as I get back my investment, within 30 years, apart from my post salary, I don't plan to get a penny of dividends, and 70% or 80% of the annual profit will be invested in drug research and development.

Thirty years, with an average of 500 million US dollars a year, I plan to burn 15 billion, and use the money to burn an international pharmaceutical giant. "

"Nansheng, I have a saying, I don't know if I should say it." Liang Huiwen said after considering it.

"In the future, you can say whatever you want. No matter what sounds nice or not, I will allow you to say it, and I won't take my anger out on you. If you listen to it, you will be clear and you will believe it, but you will be dark. I am not the kind of Li Shimin who murdered his brother and imprisoned his father, and wanted to tear down Wei Zheng's tombstone." The king of five shorts.

Hehehe, comparing myself with Li Shimin, I think highly of myself, anyway, that's what it means. "

"Then let me just say that we are involved in too many fields, which are broad and complex, and we have not sunk into one industry for intensive cultivation, which is not good for the future."

"Today, since you asked, let me tell you a little bit about my plan. Dewin, find a place with a good view to park."


Dewen quickly found a place to park the car. Nan Yi and Liang Huiwen got off the car and walked slowly along the beach.

"The earliest enterprise I established was Swallowtail Butterfly, why did I choose to be in the apparel industry?

The apparel industry is a light industry with small investment and high output. I have studied the industrial structure of several countries in Eastern Europe. The heavy industry is particularly developed, but the light industry can be said to be negligible.

If you pay attention to the international situation and the domestic situation in several countries in Eastern Europe, you will understand that the situation in several countries seems to be calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

Once there is turmoil, the disadvantage of the short board of light industry will be very abrupt.

Why is the swallowtail butterfly clothing factory positioned as an OEM enterprise?

In order to support people, I don't know when the favorable market in Eastern Europe will appear. We can't wait for the market to appear, and then temporarily set up a garment factory and recruit people temporarily.

Therefore, the swallowtail butterfly has to rely on OEM to support itself, and gradually expand the scale of the factory.

In this way, even if my judgment is wrong, the swallowtail butterfly will not die; if my judgment is correct, we can bite the fattest piece in Eastern Europe.

You don’t need me to say about creative real estate. You should also understand that the overall international trend is good for real estate, and my ultimate goal is the mainland.

In summary, the economic development model of the Mainland can be classified into the category of population economics.

More people means lower labor costs, international competitiveness, and the potential to become the world's factory; more people means stronger consumption power. As long as people's lives are better, the consumption power of the mainland will definitely shock the world.

I can assert that for a long time to come, the mainland's economic development will revolve around population.

If you go back and look at the statistical data released last year, and study the current per capita housing area in the mainland, you will understand that housing reform is imperative.

Then, if you think about it again, what is the best engine to drive population and economic development? "

"Real estate, its development, can drive the development of heavy industry and light industry at the same time, and indirectly create countless jobs."

"Infrastructure plus real estate development can not only create jobs, but also allow wealth to circulate. Wealth that does not flow is a pool of stagnant water. Once funds flow, taxes can be collected repeatedly, and the national treasury will be rich.

Only when the treasury has money can it increase investment in infrastructure, education, health, and military, which in turn will stimulate the economy to soar again...

The easiest way to do things is to imitate, learn from the advanced experience of others, and improve it according to your own actual situation.

So, who do you learn from? "

"Europe and the United States, and maybe Japan."

"Well, as far as real estate is concerned, creative home ownership will become a major profit point for us in the future. No, it should be said that it will soon become our profit-making machine."

"Tokyo and Kazuo?"


Nanyi nodded, bent down and grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and rubbed it in his hand.

"Besides, the Far East Trade, the original intention of my establishment of it was to open a channel for Wenchangwei to export, and it was also to facilitate the purchase of foreign goods and some pocket money.

Later, changes in the situation in the Mainland forced me to do art business. I knew that I could make money in this area, so I could do whatever I wanted, including straw weaving in Wenchangwei.

In fact, straw weaving is not suitable for Wenchangwei at all. In terms of ingenuity, how can it compare with the people in Jiangnan? The straw weaving business would be more suitable in Jiangnan.

But people have their own distance, and under the premise of some choices, I prefer to keep the profits in Wenchangwei. "

Taking out a teacup from his briefcase and taking a sip of water, Nan Yi continued: "In the document I gave you, there is a plan about the Patriotic Group..."

"I understand that. This group is prepared to manage the industry in the mainland in the future."

"Yes, in the future, most of the industries in the mainland will be merged into the Patriotic Group for centralized management. The industries in the mainland will be separated from other industries in the future. Apart from having the same boss, there will be no connection, and there will be no capital exchange. .

Let’s talk about Good Childhood Group, which is a toy manufacturing and sales group.

Just as it sells toys, in fact, it is also a toy that pleases me in my mind. It is just to make me happy. It's as simple as that, and you don't need to treat it as an industry.

SPP [Nanguang Paper Industry], this is to cooperate with the waste collection business in mainland China and Japan, ah, it should be said recycling business, to support the recycling business and another industry.

There must be a way to digest the recycled waste books and newspapers and sell them to other paper mills. It is better to establish an enterprise that produces paper products.

Recycling business and paper business can be said to complement each other and walk on two legs.

As for the Chinese supermarket in the country, it is to serve as a springboard for entering the country, and it is also a means to appease Xian. Xian Weile is our land reclamation cow in Yi country, and I have to give him some explanation.

Most of the shares in those three Chinese supermarkets will eventually be transferred to him.

Is there anything else I left out? "

"Wakahashi Catering and Yama no Mi, dispatched by Ikeda trainees."

"Ruobin's catering is very simple, and it still revolves around real estate. I have already said that the other day; the dispatch of Ikeda trainees is even simpler, just to make some quick money. Japan's economy is good and labor is expensive. Now many Japanese people also I don't want to take up some jobs that are too dirty and tiring.

But the salaries of these positions are not low, Japanese people are not willing to do it, and people from other countries are willing to do it.

The young people in the mainland cities don’t talk about it, but they talk about the strong labor force in the countryside. Apart from farming at home, they don’t see much money all year round, and the channels to work in the city are also blocked.

They also want to live a good life and marry a wife, so what should they do?

Going out, going to Japan, going there, doing the same heavy work, but can they get the money?

What they earn on a daily basis can be equivalent to their income from farming for two years in one day, and can be equivalent to a month's wages of urban workers.

I go through the formalities for them, help them arrange a place to live, help them find a stable job, let them suffer a few years abroad, and then they can go back to become a household of 100,000 yuan. I charge them half a year's income, which is not too much, right? ?

Counting them 10,000 yen a day, it is not too much for me to charge them 1.8 million yen, right?

After deducting the cost, it would be nice to leave half of the profit.

If something happens to them in Japan, should I help?

Injured at work, the employer refuses to admit it, should I help them find a lawyer to file a lawsuit?

If you mess with Yakuza, do you want to help them make peace?

Although, I can't help for free, I will charge a little fee. But there are no relatives or reasons abroad, and someone willing to take care of them is the greatest happiness. "

Nanyi waved his hand, "I'm getting too far, let's get back to the topic. The dispatch of trainees is a good business that can make quick money. As long as the currency exchange rate between countries exists, this business can continue.

Now we are only focusing on Japan, but in the future we can expand our business to Europe and America. Of course, it’s okay even if you can’t expand, the dispatch of trainees can make a little bit of money.

The original intention of Shan の Taste is because I know that Japanese people have a huge demand for matsutake, and there is a huge price difference in it. In less than a year, I earned more than 150 million US dollars in profit. If I don’t do this kind of business, what kind of business will I do?

Moreover, it is also a springboard for us to enter Japan.

This year, we won't be able to eat much matsutake cakes, but no matter how little, we can still make a profit of 10 to 20 million US dollars. With the addition of wild vegetables and dried fruits, a profit of 40 million US dollars a year can still be expected.

Moreover, once Japanese people cooperate with you, unless the cooperation between the two parties is very unpleasant, they will not easily change suppliers, and Yama no Taste can maintain long-term development.

Why not do a company that can continuously generate profits without investing much energy?

In the short term, the things we have to do will still be very complicated. Wherever there is profit, we will go wherever there is profit. If we can make a fortune, we will make our cash pool more and more abundant.

As for the long term...

You already know biopharmaceuticals, but have you guessed another field? "

"Nansheng, you attach great importance to everything in Wenchangwei, but I found that you are actually most concerned about the original reclamation team, and now the expanding reclamation group; coupled with some recent actions, it indicates that you are deploying the grain field."

"Hehe, Nan's real pillar industry is not dabbled at all now. What I really want to do is still in my mind. Whether you think about it or not, don't worry about it for the time being. It's not time to exert your strength yet. .

By the way, after returning to Hong Kong, prepare 20 million Hong Kong dollars in cash for Rebecca; another 20 million will be transferred to the account of Fanshengzhi Research Institute, and the 100-acre land will first ask the engineering team to build the wall . "


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