The road in the mountains looks close, but it is far away when walking.

After one mile, Nanyi and the others still walked for more than half an hour. When they got outside Gaolihua's house, they happened to see a woman with a red scarf around her head and a white sheepskin jacket pulling back the thick curtain. walk out.

The sky and the earth are all white with a tinge of red, which naturally catches the eyes of others.

Nanyi's gaze was inevitably attracted by this touch of red. Through the gap in the scarf, he saw the woman's face. Her eyes were still a little delicate, but her face had been cut by the wind with a little black chapped in it. She was three years old. In his early teens, he has a very ordinary appearance and a very ordinary figure.

That must be the beauty of the soul!

"Lihua, where are you going?"

"Uncle Dashan, why did you come up the mountain?"

"I accompanied the guests up the mountain for a stroll, and I'll meet you at your house at noon. I killed a pheasant and two flying dragons on the way, so you did it all."

"There are guests..." Gao Lihua glanced at Nanyi after hearing what Pu Dashan said, "Hey, the young man is so handsome."

"This sister-in-law is being polite, I'm going to trouble you today." Nan Yi said shyly.

"It's too polite, my sister-in-law will show you something later."

"Thank you sister-in-law."

"Young man's mouth is so sweet." Gao Lihua teased Nan Yi, and then said to Park Dashan: "Uncle Dashan, please sit in the room first, and I will go to Yingzuihook to bring some firewood back."

"You go, is Tang Sheng at home?"

"Not here, I went to see the bees, and I will be back soon."

Gao Lihua left after finishing speaking, and Park Dashan took Nanyi and the others to the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Nanyi looked around. The furnishings in the house were very simple. There were two kangs, one south and one north. A few wooden boxes were stacked on the side of the south kang, and there was a low cabinet on top of the kang. It was shiny; the edge of the north kang was empty, but there was a man lying on the kang.

Hearing the movement, the man put his hands on the kang, lifted it up and looked over.

"Uncle Dashan, why are you here?"

Park Dashan didn't answer, but asked instead: "Zhenglong, how is your leg? Is it better?"

"It's still like a bear, unable to move."

"Don't worry, I heard that a miracle doctor has come to the county, you can try it."

"I won't try it anymore." Cui Zhenglong shook his head, "It's been so many years and I've seen many doctors. I don't think it will get better."

As he spoke, Cui Zhenglong tapped his leg, "I don't feel any sense at all, my leg is useless."

"Let's try it, if it works..." Park Dashan stopped abruptly at this point.

"Uncle Dashan, don't break it, I've thrown my wife out, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm a man over five feet tall, and I'm going to cover myself with a bastard. Hmph, my face is still It's not decent."

"Don't say that in the future. Tang Sheng has been with you for more than ten years. I can see how he treats you. He is a good person. Look at yourself. You are not hungry. It’s not cold, and there’s not even a boil on my body.”

"I know he is good, but I am a man, and I feel bitter." As he spoke, Cui Zhenglong burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, what kind of cat urine does a man drop."

Pu Dashan went to the kang and sat down to comfort him. He lifted the basket beside him and took a cut newspaper from it. He twisted some tobacco leaves on the newspaper and rolled the newspaper into a trumpet shape. The position was licked and passed to Cui Zhenglong.

"Take a canister."

Cui Zhenglong took the cigarette and put it in his mouth, and Park Dashan lit a match for him.

The two were talking, and it was not easy for Nanyi to participate, so he continued to look at the room. A rope was pulled from the vacant position of Nankang, and a crumpled cloth curtain was hung on the rope, and the cloth curtain was pulled together and hung on the wall .

There are still a few nails on the wall with things hanging on them.

A small schoolbag that I sewed by myself with floral cloth was hung on one nail, and a pair of gloves, also sewn with floral cloth, were hung on the other nail, with a red thread tied in the middle.

The cloth curtains on the Nankang, the small calico schoolbags, the calico gloves, and the two donkeys locked in a trough, one called a donkey and the other a wimpy donkey, one can imagine whose breed this little donkey is.

"Old man, you talk, I'll go outside."

"Don't go too far, just walk around the side." Park Dashan didn't stop Nanyi from going out, it seemed that he wanted to whisper something to Cui Zhenglong.

As soon as Nan Yi walked out of the house, he saw a fluffy yellow mass protruding from the snow not far away. It first protruded from the left side of the snowdrift, then retracted and protruded from the right.

Look left and right, and then the whole body sticks out, the head is yellow, the abdomen is also yellow, the back is black and purple, the face looks a bit like a small raccoon, and a bit like a weasel.

"Nan Sheng, what kind of animal is this?"

"Sable, a silly sable."

The sable looked vigilant from east to west, but turned a blind eye to the three people standing here, and didn't know that it was looking at wool, but it was cute to look at it stupidly.

"Give me a can."

Upon hearing this, the school belle unloaded the backpack from her back, and took out a can of Suxiu's army-supplied beef to Nanyi.

Nanyi pulled out a knife from his chest, pierced it into the lid, and cut the lid open, revealing the frozen beef inside.

Inserting the knife back, Nan Yi estimated the distance between himself and the sable, and with a little luck, he threw the can out. The can landed on the side of the sable, which startled the little thing, jumped away from the side with a sound, and looked at the can vigilantly.

I looked at it for a while, and then sniffled, probably attracted by the smell of beef. Although this little thing was frightened, it didn't go away at all.

After staring at the can for several minutes, Sable took a tentative step forward, then abruptly withdrew his feet and backed up several steps, then observed again, tried again, and approached step by step.

Forward, backward, back and forth seven or eight times, the sable came to the side of the can, sniffed its nose violently, then stood up, and looked left and right.

As if it was sure that it was safe, Sable put its head into the mouth of the can, bit out a lump of beef in one bite, and ate it with its two front paws.

"It's such a cute, stupid little thing, it's not easy to live to this day." Looking at the sables eating there, Nan Yi laughed.

Suddenly, the little thing pricked up its ears, and ran away with the can in its mouth.

Nanyi's ears moved, and there was a creaking sound on the snow. Turning his head to look, a man wearing glasses came over not far away.

"You are?"

"Hello, I'm Nanyi. I came here to play with the old man Pu Dashan. You must be Qiantangsheng, right?"

"I am, welcome to Changbai Mountain."

Qian Tangsheng smiled shyly, revealing his rough delicacy which is different from the northerners.

"You have honey in your hand, can you produce honey now?"

Qian Tangsheng held a wooden bucket in his hand, which contained white honey with a little yellow in it, and a little bit of powder, which looked a bit like lard.

"As long as there is a nectar source, bees will produce honey all year round. Although it is cold here, these bees are used to it and will come out to collect honey all year round."

"Are there flowers in Changbai Mountain in winter?"

"The snow and ice have not yet melted, and the ground has not yet thawed, the ice flowers here will bloom; there is also a parasitic plant called holly, which blooms and bears small orange-red round fruits. This plant grows in winter and withers in summer. , the two kinds of flowers just filled the gap in the flowering season of linden tree flowers."

"Then your bees don't need to be fed sugar water?"

"No, they are not short of food all year round. Would you like to try my honey, it tastes very good." Qian Tangsheng shook the wooden barrel in his hand and said.


Nan Yi glanced at the wooden barrel and saw that there were honey stains on the edge of the barrel, so he stretched out his finger and skimmed the edge of the barrel, then put his finger into his mouth and licked it.

"It tastes so good, it's the first time I've eaten such good honey."

"Thank you." Qian Tangsheng grinned.

"May I ask, how much does your honey sell for a catty?"

Hearing Nanyi's question, Qian Tangsheng showed a proud expression on his face, "My honey is good, and the price is a bit higher. Last year I sold it for three yuan and two a catty."

"The price is pretty good. How many bees do you have in a beehive, and how much honey can you produce in a year?"

"The number of bees depends on the season. It is relatively small now. By the end of June, the number will be the largest, and then the number will decrease in summer, and there will be another increase in autumn. The increased number is for wintering.

The winter is tough, and many bees will die. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number will fluctuate, but the number of bees in my beehive will remain between 35,000 and 40,000.

The nectar here is relatively abundant and the output is relatively high. A beehive can produce about 75 catties a year. "

"With such a high output, do you use a square box, not a barrel?"

"Nanyi, do you know how to keep bees?"

"I don't understand, I just learned a little bit, Brother Qian, how many boxes do you have?"

"Not many, I raised ten boxes."

"That's not too bad. You can earn 2,400 a year, and it doesn't take much time to raise bees. Brother Qian, do you usually pick up some mountain products?"

"Yeah, you can pick up a lot of mountain products and sell them for a few dollars a year, and the expenses for oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar are enough." Qian Tangsheng said with a very bright smile on his face.

Living in the mountains, with an income of more than 2,000 yuan a year, life must be not bad.

"Brother Qian, I really envy you, you have found your own paradise."

"Peach Blossom Spring can't be called Peach Blossom Spring, so I can only say that it's quite comfortable." When he said this, Qian Tangsheng's smile became a little forced, and he changed the subject, "You came at the right time, and there are some wild boar chops at home. At noon, let Lihua make honey pork chops, which are fresh and sweet, and taste good."

"That's annoying."

"Don't be polite, you are a guest when you come, and you should treat yourself well."

Qian Tangsheng stood outside the door chatting with each other, neither inviting Nanyi into the house nor himself, until Gao Lihua came back, he yelled to invite Nanyi into the house.

The lunch menu is very rich, including Feilong soup, honey pork chops, and a lot of mountain delicacies, but the atmosphere is not very good.

Park Dashan and Cui Zhenglong were drinking and talking, Gao Lihua would say a few polite words from time to time, but Qian Tangsheng became silent, just bowed his head to eat without saying a word.

Nan Yi had some guesses about Qian Tangsheng's mentality, probably he was already dissatisfied with the current living conditions of one trough and two donkeys.

His dissatisfaction should not be due to the need to support Cui Zhenglong. If he is dissatisfied because of this, Cui Zhenglong's condition cannot be so good; his dissatisfaction should come from the word "sharing".

The words "Ma Furong" came to Nanyi's mind. This famous prostitute in the capital was married to Li Lianying.

Why does Li Lianying, a eunuch, want to marry a wife?


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