Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 220 Make it extravagant

Qiantangsheng's bee farm is on the edge of a valley near the outskirts of the linden trees. The valley here is very steep, as if it was a hole cut by a sword fairy of Shushan with a flying sword. The slope is bare and no grass grows.

Just as Nanyi was developing his imagination in a bizarre direction, Qian Tangsheng directly pulled back his fantasy.

"Have you ever seen something like glass that reflects light on a slope?"

"I see."

"It's pyrite, also called scorodite. When the sun shines on it in summer, it will emit a garlic smell. I have seen this slope spontaneously ignite without fire. It should be because the phosphorus content here is also high. In rainy days, as soon as it is washed away by the rain, the phosphorus will be exposed and spontaneously ignite when encountering air."

"Brother Qian, it's boring for you to say that. You should say that there is an ancient tomb below here, and some important person is buried there. Every night when the moon is full, there will be ghost fire, and there will be ghost soldiers in the valley below."

"Nanyi, how can a staunch materialist believe in these messy things, we have to believe in science."

"I don't know if the end of science is theology, but the end of a top scientist must be a magic stick. In his later years, Newton discovered that there were more and more phenomena that he could not explain, let alone sum up a set of formulas and principles.

Therefore, he firmly believed that there must be a God in this world, and he classified those unexplainable phenomena as miracles created by God. "

"It can only be said that manpower is limited. He can't explain it. There must be newcomers who can explain it. Every era has its limitations. Scientists are also human beings, and they can't break through some shackles."

"Brother Qian, you speak very philosophically. Why didn't you think about taking the exam in 1977?"

"I like it here, and I want to spend my whole life here. People are too complicated, but I still like the simplicity of animals. It's good to deal with bees and animals in Changbai Mountain.

I met wolves in the mountains, but they didn't attack me; I also met Siberian tigers, but they didn't eat me either.

There are often black blind people who come to steal honey, and they will destroy the beehive at first. After a long time, there is a tacit understanding between me and them.

They will come once every two weeks, and I will put a catty of honey under the tree, and they will eat it separately, and will not come to destroy the beehive. They will leave after eating, and they will come again after half a month, and so on.

Before hibernation, I will prepare them a little more so that they can survive the winter. "

"Brother Qian, you don't hunt, do you?"

"No, I don't have a shotgun, and I don't play tricks. If I want to eat meat, I can buy it from a hunter. I only eat wild boar, and I don't eat meat from other wild animals."


"I've seen alive and kicking ones, but I can't put my mouth down if I want to eat them. Pigs are different. Maybe it's because I have formed a subconscious mind that eating pork is natural since I was a child. Eating pork will not make me feel guilty."

"Haha, poor pig."

After finishing chatting, Qian Tangsheng walked to the beehive, opened a beehive, pulled out a partition from the inside, pulled a piece of bee comb from the top, patted off the bees on it with his hands, broke off a piece and handed it to Nanyi.

Nan Yi put it in his mouth and took a small bite, a burst of natural sweetness exploded in his mouth, he hurriedly gave Qian Tangsheng a thumbs up, and then took out a lunch box from his backpack to put the remaining honeycomb Put the spleen in.

Qian Tangsheng took a look, and handed over the one in his hand, and Nanyi put it away together.

After putting away his backpack, he walked a little closer to the beehive and bent down to look at the world inside the beehive.

The hexagonal honeycomb of bees and the nest of ants with complicated routes are all things that Nanyi was very curious about when he was a child. He once fantasized that he would become a bee or an ant and visit their nests.

Qian Tangsheng saw that Nanyi was interested, so he introduced to Nanyi the functions and principles of the various components in the beehive, and also explained to Nanyi the pyramid-shaped power structure of bees.

"The bee colony is composed of three types of bees, namely the queen bee, the drone bee, and the worker bee, each performing its duties and cooperating with each other. The main function of the queen bee is to lay eggs and reproduce offspring, and the main function of the drone bee is to mate with the queen;

Worker bees have to go through four life stages of young bees, young bees, mature bees, and old bees.

The labor behaviors of worker bees generally include: tending, brewing honey, collecting powder, collecting honey, guarding, etc.; young bees, worker bees who have been out of the house for 1-5 days; young bees, worker bees who have been out of the house for 6-18 days; Bees are mainly active in the nest, and are collectively referred to as office bees.

After 18 days, the worker bees are mature bees, and they are mainly engaged in collecting living materials of the bee colony outside the nest, such as nectar, pollen, water, and salt.

Worker bees that have entered the old age have mostly worn-out hairs on their body surfaces, darker body color, and appear thinner. They are mainly engaged in collecting water, collecting salt, and guarding the nest door.

In the period of lack of nectar, the old bees will form a stealing team to steal the nectar of other bee colonies. If they are discovered, it will trigger a fight between the two bee colonies. Therefore, the old bees rarely survive to old age and basically die. In the fighting.

The bees have a tacit understanding. It must be the old bees who rush to the front line. The two armies confront each other. They play the role of death squads, usually injuring the enemy by one thousand and themselves by eight hundred.

The nectar here is definitely enough, but every time before winter, there will still be fighting between beehives. I think it may be similar to an allusion I saw in a miscellaneous book. "

"What allusion? Bricks to seal the grave?"

"Have you seen it too?"

"I haven't seen it, but I heard it from others. It is said that in some areas in ancient times, when the old man reached a certain age, he would be sent to a pre-prepared tomb. His family would send him food, and a brick would be sealed for each meal. , until it is completely blocked.

This statement is rather absurd. Even if you put aside ethics and morality, and only look at labor, when you were in your hometown in Qiantang, how many old people did you see working without moving?

As long as he is not paralyzed on the bed, which old man can't make enough food to fill himself? "

"That's right, in our village, if the old man refuses to go to the field one day, the family will know that his day is coming. Otherwise, as long as he can still move, which old man is not working hard, doing more or less, so that he can eat enough. .”

"Yes." Nan Yi sighed, and said, "Brother Qian, how many bees do you think can be raised at full capacity with this linden forest, and the ice flower and holly you mentioned?"

"It's okay to feed 2 billion bees, but if we really raise so many bees, the quality of honey will definitely not be as good as it is now."

"With 2 billion bees, the annual production of honey is more than 1,800 tons. This is too much. Rare things are more expensive. If you really need so many, your honey will not be able to sell at a high price.

Brother Qian, in addition to sending your honey to be inspected, I will also send it abroad to find someone to taste the taste. If the foreigner likes it very much, we don’t want to talk about whether to buy it or not.

I will invest money, you will manage, expand the bee farm, and get 5,000 beehives, you will be responsible for raising, and I will be responsible for selling, and each of us will earn half of the money. "

"Okay, I like to keep bees. If I want to raise more, I just need to find a few more helpers. This kind of beekeeping does not require a lot of work. It will not be too tiring for one person to take care of 50 beehives."

"Well, there are some things that I want to say first. If you want to sell honey at a higher price, you have to make a brand. For example, the West Lake brand is considered a big brand in your Qiantang. If it is not a good product, it is not qualified to be branded as West Lake.

To make a good brand, needless to say, the quality of honey must be good. There are still many aspects that need to be paid attention to. For example, the honey cannot easily flow outside. Some people who can’t stop it will give it away when they need to, but others can’t.

Those who help us with beekeeping at that time can give them welfare, money, meat and fish, but they can’t give them honey.

If everyone can eat our honey, those who spend a lot of money to eat it will feel that our honey is not so rare, and the value will drop, and we will not be able to sell it at a higher price.

Like Xueha and Dongzhu in the past, our honey should be a tribute that only nobles in the palace can enjoy. "

"Only sold to a few people?"

"Yes, only sold to a few people, only sold in a few places."

Nanyi intends to make the honey raw in Qiantang into top luxury ingredients, and cooperate with the three-star Michelin restaurant, such as pan-fried honey lamb chops, steaks, and chicken chops, as long as they use their honey, they can be sold at sky-high prices.

Put it in the vegetable market and sell it. You will not only have to bargain hard to buy a catty of honey, but you will also have to spare two bee chrysalis. At the end of the test, you will eat half a catty. If you dare to beep, they will say something to you: "Why are you so stingy, a rural person..."

Not to mention the vegetable market, Nanyi does not intend to let this honey be listed in the country for the time being. First, go to Europe and the United States to fool the rich people who want to wrap a vegetable with gold leaf. Food" Japanese people.

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