Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 237 I want you to die

On the first day of July, Nan Yi took two little girls to see Zuo Can's two babies.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, they saw a little old lady arguing with Zuo Can.

"Just follow me, the older one is called Brother Pan, and the younger one is called Brother Lai. In the first half of the year, Xiaofang will be able to have a second life. You should work harder and give birth to a big fat grandson for mom."

"Mom, I like my daughter too. I can't marry such a spoiled name. I've already chosen the names. My sister is Zuo Mei and my younger sister is Zuo Lan."

"Son, don't you listen to your mother?"

"Mom, it's my daughter."

"Okay, the wings are hardened, and the ability is growing, so I won't listen to what mom says, your daughter, then you can figure it out yourself, mom will go..."

The little old lady couldn't compete with Zuo Can, so she left angrily.

Zuo Can scratched her head, but did not chase after her mother. Nanyi stepped forward and handed over the things he brought.

"My daughter is very good. She is a merchant and a bank, and her life is prosperous."

"I'm fine, it's my mother... oh."

"For the elderly, it's understandable if you want to have a grandson. But if you give birth too frequently, women will age quickly. Let Xiaofang take a break first."

"I understand." Zuo Can nodded.

"Uncle Zuo, Uncle Zuo, can I see my sister?" Nan Ruoying moved to Zuo Can and shouted.

As soon as Nanyi turned his head, Fan Hongdou had disappeared. He asked Liuzhi who was standing beside him with his eyes, and Liuzhi showed Nanyi the ward.

Nan Yi nodded, turned his eyes away, and waited until the noisy children's steps were over before he found a space to enter the ward and chat with Xu Xiaofang alone.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, the two girls didn't bother me, they came out right away."

Xu Xiaofang's complexion was fine, as if she had suffered a crime.

"You look pretty good." As Nanyi said, he took out two folders and said, "This is a share transfer document for a company called Nanguo Hongdou. If you sign on it, 1% of the company's shares will belong to you." is you;

This one is a shareholding certificate. I also gave Hongdou 2% of the shares. She is underage, so you will hold it on your behalf. When you recover, go to Xiangtang to open an account, and the annual dividends Just hit your account. "

"Red beans are fine, but I can't take them. Nanyi, let's forget about mine." Xu Xiaofang pushed one of the folders back.

"Take it, don't be polite to me, this share is not given to you for nothing."

Nanyi pushed the folder back, and did not explain why it was not given for nothing. He thought the time had not yet come.

"I still can't ask for it. You help me bring the red beans. Every time I see her, it is better than the last time. She is now the same as the well-educated young lady on TV. If I bring it myself, I will definitely not be able to bring it." That's it. I didn't even thank you, how can I take your things again. "

"Sister Xiaofang, I raise red beans, and I just want her to help me when she grows up. You should be able to imagine this. So, I still owe you, so you just take it, don't refuse."

"You raise her, and she should repay you in the future. I know you will not treat her badly. If it weren't for you, I don't know if Hongdou can grow up.

Even if she can grow up, she is just a country girl. In the future, she will only be able to farm at home and marry an honest man. With her original illness, she will not be able to marry a good man.

You have changed her life against the sky, how can I take your things again. "

People are different. With Xu Xiaofang, they can reason with each other in a friendly manner, but with Li Lamei, they can only be calculating.

The two quarreled and quarreled, and in the end, it was Nan Yi who lost face, and Xu Xiaofang signed the document, and the shares were considered to be given away.

After leaving Xu Xiaofang's ward, Nanyi asked the two little girls to stay in the hospital first. He called Liuzhi and Grasshopper and walked all the way to the east bank of the Pearl River estuary, looking at the sea from the river.

"There are quite a few brothers and sisters in your two families, right?"

"Yes, boss."


"Well, I want you to do something, this thing is very dangerous, no, it should be said that after seven or eight years, you will become very dangerous, and you may die at any time. This thing is done, it will be beneficial to me, and it will be beneficial to you. It is beneficial to you, and it is also beneficial to the country, do you dare to do it?"

"Boss, you have agreed, our lives are picked up on the battlefield. If we die, we will die. In the worst case, we will lose it on the battlefield." Liuzhi said.

Nanyi looked at the grasshopper.

"Boss, I am the same."

"Okay, in order for you to better save your own lives, after a while, you will go to the training camp in Israel to participate in training. I will only give you money. How to get to Israel and how to join the training camp are all up to you."



The two of them really understood that Nanyi was clearing up his relationship with them.

"A soybean contains 40% protein and 20% fat, which is 2.5-8 times that of cereals and potatoes, and the protein content is twice as high as that of pork and eggs. It can be called plant meat and is the main source of protein in our country. source.

Tofu, soy milk, yuba, fermented bean curd, soy sauce, bean paste, and cooking oil are all soybean products.

In industry, soybean is the main source of lecithin and stearic acid, and lecithin is widely used in industry, medicine, papermaking, and leather; stearic acid is a necessary substance for ore flotation agent and soap candle.

Oxidized soybean oil made from soybean processing can replace mechanical lubricants, and mixing soybeans with alcohol can make artificial rubber, liquid fuel, printing ink, etc.

The waste after soybean oil extraction is also the highest quality protein feed in animal husbandry.

The earliest main crops in our native land are five kinds: millet, millet, rice, wheat, and bean. Among them, soybeans are soybeans, which have appeared in Northeast China since prehistoric times, and became an important food alongside millet in the Warring States Period.

"Mozi" mentions that "cultivating crops and trees gathers millet", and "Xunzi" says that "industry and commerce gathers millet instead of plowing the field."

The meaning of these two sentences is very simple. It means that soybeans are as important as rice to our civilization, regardless of the length of planting history or the breadth of social value. "

Nan Yi pursed his mouth, opened the purified water and took a sip to moisten his throat.

"The former Secretary of State Kissinger of the United States once said that whoever controls food controls all mankind. You two are also from rural areas, and your knowledge of food is not bad. You should understand this sentence .”

Both Liuzhi and Grasshopper nodded.

"From the Warring States period until the Qing Dynasty, we have always been the world's largest producer of soybeans. Soybeans are not like rice and wheat. It seems that without soybeans, we would not be hungry.

But it was not the case. In 1957, during the first Canton Fair, we had no industrial products that foreigners could appreciate. The only things that could be exchanged for foreign exchange were handmade textiles and grain.

What was the state of our grain production in that year? You should have heard that it was impossible to export rice, wheat, and sweet potatoes.

The only thing they like is soybeans. Our soybeans do not use fertilizers or pesticides. Foreigners like them very much. They want as many as they have.

Let's put it this way, the Canton Fair can continue to be held, and soybeans are the first to contribute.

This is not the first time that our soybeans have been exported. In fact, before the Sino-Japanese War, soybeans had always been one of the main export materials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Japan and Southeast Asia were the main importing countries.

Little devils want to eat natto. There are many people in Southeast Asia who go to Nanyang, and they want to eat tofu.

The Sino-Japanese War was defeated, the Beiyang Fleet sank, and our soybean export was controlled by devils. A company called Mitsui \u0026 Co. shipped our soybeans to Europe.

At that time, when Europe was experiencing a shortage of linseed for oil extraction, our soybeans could be said to have sent charcoal in a timely manner. Oil extractors throughout Europe were amazed at the quality of our soybeans.

Under the operation of Mitsui \u0026 Co., our soybeans were transported to the UK again. I don’t remember the year, it was around 1910. Anyway, since then, the oil mills in the UK have been using soybeans for crushing production;

From England, our soybeans spread rapidly across Europe and later to the United States.

Over the next 20 years, our soybean exports grew rapidly.

Let's put it this way, the ability of the old Zhang family of the Feng family to fight was terrible at the beginning, and they were always defeated when they fought against anyone, but they were able to lose and fight repeatedly. What did they rely on?

It relies on the export of soybeans, which can be exchanged for real money for the Feng family.

Why did the Huanggutun incident happen?

It was because Zhang Mazi wanted to build the railway. You must know that after the Russo-Japanese War, the railways in the Northeast were all in the hands of the devils. If the things in the Northeast wanted to be shipped out, or if the things outside wanted to come in, it all depended on the devils.

The same is true for exporting soybeans. If a catty of soybeans is shipped out, the devils will take 70% to 80% of the money sold.

Zhang Mazi was born as a bandit, how could he bear this idleness?

When he thought about it, his mother said, there is no railway, so I will build one myself.

In 1925, the preparations for the Fenghai Railway began. It was completed and opened to traffic in 1928. Four months after the railway was opened to traffic, the devils saw that their benefits were gone. How could this be tolerated? , Blow him to death, definitely blow him to death.

No, Zhang Mazi was killed by the bomb.

On the day Zhang Mazi died, Zhang secretly returned to Fengtian without eggs, and took over the power of Fengtian. I don't have much to say about him, but only one thing, that is, he pulled the United States into chaos in the Northeast.

With the support of Laomei Capital, Fengtian built three more main railway lines. These three main lines completely replaced the Nanman Railway controlled by the devils, and Fengtian also publicly declared that HLD Port is the main port in the Northeast. HLD bought soybeans in Hong Kong, which completely angered the devils.

The South Manchuria Railway represents the interests of many people in the devil, whether it is the shit emperor, the cabinet, the devil's chaebol, or the high-level military, they all have interests in it.

At that time, it was the world economic crisis, and life in Japan was not easy. Most of the wealth looted in Northeast Asia had to be used to support their country. Once the income here is cut off, they can't stand it, whether it's public or private.

You all know what happened next. In fact, the devils were not ready at that time, and they did not have enough financial resources to launch a war of annihilation of the country. Just like the Sino-Japanese War, they once again gambled on the fate of the country.

At that time, the Feng family could be said to be strong and powerful, but those bastards were not so cowardly, and risked the death of the old Zhang family to fight with the devils vigorously...

Forget it, it's impossible, this country doesn't belong to his old Zhang's family, so he still cares about it, let's keep his family's wealth first, and then he is willing to sacrifice himself for others.

The family is the world, the family is the world, not being in charge of the house, and taking care of the world, the people have to be the masters of the house..."

Nan Yi calmed down his emotions, and continued: "In 1902, Li Shi, the son of Li Hongzao, the minister of the late Qing Dynasty, went to study in France. He found that Europeans at that time were completely unaware of the role of soybeans, so he recruited a group of tofu in China. Workers, traveled across the ocean to open a bean product factory in Paris, mainly producing tofu and soy milk.

In 1914, when World War I broke out, the supply of milk in Paris was cut off, and they could only choose to use soy milk instead of milk. Li Shizeng hit his luck like this and made a lot of money.

Let's not talk about Li Shizeng, let's talk about the group of tofu workers who were recruited. Although these people are basically illiterate, they can't be moved because of poverty. They are quite patriotic.

Based on Li Shizeng's factory, these workers built a work-study school in France, attracting a large number of domestic students to study in Paris. Among them, there are two very special people. Do you know who they are? "

"I know, both are great men."

"Well, we have a good life today, and soybeans can be credited. It is said that in the second year after Zhang Mazi died, an American named Morse boarded our country with an ocean-going flight. His purpose for coming is very Simple, it is to find our soybeans, observe and learn about planting knowledge.

For three years, Morse traveled continuously in the Northeast to collect samples of soybean materials. At that time, we were in the midst of foreign invasion and warlords fighting, and no one realized the value of soybeans.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that farmers have not been taken seriously. It seems that "agriculture" is ranked second, but this farmer does not mean farmers, it only represents agricultural products, that is, food and cash crops.

Whether it was Shang Yang's reform of Shang Yang, Han Wudi Liu Che's farming system, Wang Anshi's Xining reform, Zhang Juzheng's one-whip law, it seemed that after the reform, the country became prosperous and powerful, but the peasants themselves did not get any great benefits.

Farmers are still farmers, and they still have endless royal grain and endless corvee. Only after liberation did the peasants really straighten their backs.

Well, that's a long way off, let's get down to business.

At that time, farmers were not taken seriously, and few people would talk to farmers on an equal footing. Suddenly, a foreign devil came and not only talked to them on an equal footing, but also handed over every detail and asked for advice humbly.

If I were the farmer who was consulted by him at that time, I would also give out all the soybean planting techniques and the points that need attention. When will the knowledge of farming be worth money?

In this way, Morse spent three years in the Northeast, collecting more than 4,000 samples, each of which involved a large number of planting techniques and seeds, and even had photos of the growth cycle.

Three years later, Morse returned to America, taking with him all of our valuable soybean seeds and five thousand years of farming know-how.

Morse vigorously promotes soybean planting in the United States and shares our farming technology with American farmers. Because of what he has done, he is also known as the father of American soybeans!

Under the impetus of Morse, the United States saw the value of soybeans and strongly supported the planting of soybeans. In two years, the production of soybeans in the United States surpassed that of Japan.

After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, in order to cut off the food imports of the United States, they ordered a ban on the sale of soybeans to the United States from their homeland and the Northeast;

In order to ensure a stable supply of soybeans, the United States has issued planting subsidies to farmers. As long as they grow soybeans, they can receive subsidies. In addition, brochures are distributed to farmers everywhere.

It read: 'Remember, growing soybeans is helping your country defeat its enemies! '

In the face of their own economic interests and national interests, American farmers have abandoned corn and planted soybeans instead. After another two years, the soybean production in the United States accounted for 60% of the world's soybean production.

Thus, soybeans entered the American era!

In 1954, under the authority of Eisenhower, the United States officially promulgated "Public Law No. 480". Through this law, the United States can provide food assistance to food-deficit countries around the world through sales, loans, and donations;

The food will be settled in the currency of the recipient country, 25% of the proceeds will be used for food transportation and marketing, and 75% will be given to the recipient country in the form of loans or gifts, but US supervision is required.

Did Eisenhower act like a kind person who is selfless and dedicated? "

"Boss, our old company commander told us that there is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests." Grasshopper said.

"Well, that's almost what it means. I haven't finished talking yet, so I will continue..."

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