Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 25 The Philosophy of Marriage

Just a few days after New Year's Day in 1979, Nanyi saw Duqiu style windbreaker in Jingdali, and also saw someone wearing toad glasses, the kind with the label on the lens that had not been torn off.

This label cannot be torn off, once it is torn off, the price will drop immediately.

I went to the reception room and got the telegram from Wenchangwei, which consisted of seven characters: One Wan, Three Wan, Two Hundred and Two.

One, two, and three respectively represent windbreakers, scarves, and toad mirrors. The telegram means that 120 scarves are not sold, and all others are sold out.

Very good results, Nanyi set the price of the scarf very high, only 120 yuan was not sold, this result is already very good.

Nanyi ran to the Post Office and sent a telegram: Send me, and quickly install the phone!

The word "give" in the middle was omitted by Nanyi, and the telegram cost seven cents a word, which can save a little money.

On Xu Qian's side, Nan Yi missed the appointment again and did not accompany her to watch "In the Silent Place".

After sending the telegram, she ran into him again when he was returning to school. In order to escape, Nanyi had no choice but to agree to watch "Hunt" with her on weekends.

Time is a very strange thing. When you want it to be fast, it will be slow; when you want it to be slow, it will walk with wind.

Nanyi also tried to negotiate with it, letting it control the pace according to the rhythm it needs.

It's a pity that no matter whether he is intimidating or luring, time is not on the clock.

It is still so lonely, it can go fast if it wants to go fast, and slow if it wants to go slow, without flattery or mercy.

On the third day after making an appointment with Xu Qian, the time came to the weekend again.

The two made an appointment in the afternoon, and in the morning, Nanyi had to go to the depths of Baihua, one to wait for Men Saner, and the other to see Nan Ruofing.

As the exam was approaching, everyone was busy reviewing, and neither Lai Biao nor Liu Zhen wanted to follow, which also saved Nanyi's brain cells as an excuse not to let them follow.

It was freezing cold, there was no heating, there were two coal stoves in the room, and Nan Ruofing was holding a hand stove in his hand. It was made of copper, and it was an object from the Qing Dynasty. It was also considered an antique.

There is a copy of "Andersen's Fairy Tales" on the table, which has not been beautified, and the older the older, the deeper the experience, the darker the version looks.

The world is absurd, and the same people are working hard to weave a dream world for children. But after the children lost their qualifications for the Children's Day, they whipped them again, smashing the fairy tales they wove with their own hands.

Nan Yi hoped that what Nan Ruobing came into contact with from the very beginning was the real world, instead of covering chicken shit with colorful icing to trick her.

A blind man has always been blind, so his ears will be trained to be very sensitive; if he can regain his sight for an hour every now and then, then his whole life will be spent waiting for this occasional hour in fear.

Nanyi held a small hammer and tapped the walnuts on the side, cracked the walnuts, broke them with his hands, wiped the crumbs into the dustpan at his feet, picked up pieces of meat, and put them in the snack box inside.

When it's time to turn a page, Nan Ruofing's hand will leave the stove, flip through the book, and then pick up a pinch of walnut meat and stuff it into his mouth, click, click, click.

Others are red sleeves adding fragrance, Nan Ruofing is a handsome man knocking on the core.

"Master Nan, Lord Nan."

"Here, East House."

Men San'er opened the thick wind-proof curtain and walked in. The two pockets of the yellow military coat were bulging, and he was holding a can of Coca-Cola in his hand, with white mist still bubbling from the mouth of the bottle.

"Master Nan, I can tell you seriously today that Laoshan Cola is indeed not as good as Coca-Cola. You should try it too."

Saying that, Men San'er took out two cans of Coke from his coat pocket.

"Do you buy it from foreign-related hotels or tourist shops?"

The reason why Nanyi asks this is because now only these two places can buy Coca-Cola.

Since 1972, Coca-Cola returned to the mainland to establish an office. After seven years, it signed an agreement with COFCO a few days ago, and was allowed to sell Coca-Cola to the mainland.

"I bought it in a hotel, okay, I saw a lot of people who are flamboyant buy it there."

"Hey, I also know how to make a show, two yuan and five cans, drinking such an expensive thing, I'm not afraid of thunder."

"Hey, what is this? Don't we all drink Moutai that costs eight yuan? When it comes to Moutai, I also heard some rumors that it is going to be adjusted again, not a full adjustment, and that it is only for the outstanding ones selected by everyone. worker tune.

I'm going to go out and give a few bottles of wine to the leaders of the bureau, so as to make a good impression first, and the capital adjustment has really started, and I can be thought of. "

"Take a break, how much can you adjust, at most let you drink four cans of Coke a month."

"Who thinks there is too much money?"

"That's true!" Nanyi nodded and said, "I didn't call you today, so you came here just to give me Coke?"

"No, it's been a long time since we had dinner together. I want to invite you to Donglaishun to cook lamb."

"Okay, no need for formalism, just talk about anything."

Nanyi's positioning of Man San'er is a business partner and subordinate, and the relationship between the two should be maintained at this level, and they will not go any further.

In the relationship between people, it is difficult to switch between different occasions.

In the company, you are the subordinate and I am the superior, you listen to me; at the wine table, you and I are brothers, no distinction is made between superiors and inferiors, there is no need to care about anything, everything can be discussed, and jokes can be made casually.

Such an ideal state is unlikely to occur.

Either for the sake of profit, or to delay the business in order to take care of the brotherhood, especially when both brothers have wives, the progress of the rivalry between the two will most likely enter the fast lane.

Nan Yi wants to maintain his leadership position. Outside of business and official business, he should not get too close to Men San'er, and should not get involved in his life.

Wait until Mensan'er has a wife, and then let his wife understand that it was me, Nanyi, who led your husband to make a fortune, and he has doubled his efforts and got rewards, so you can give me a little peace of mind.

"I have a crush on a honey, and I want to love her."

"You can just shoot the mother-in-law, why don't you tell me?"

"Didn't you want Master Nan to check it out?" Men San'er scratched his scalp and said.

"I'm a few years younger than you, and I don't understand about wives. I just want to say, if you're looking for a wife, don't look for a pretty one, but a virtuous one.

The ancients have long said that when you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous person.

As for you, when doing business in the future, you will definitely have to walk outside frequently, and there will be a lot of drinking parties. This is where you will play and play, and some things are unavoidable.

What's more, after a long time, you may not be able to control your crotch, and you have to raise a small one outside.

Things that you think look good at first, after a long time, you will get tired of looking at them; things that are not good at first will become more and more beautiful the more you look at them.

From an investment point of view, being young and beautiful is the least value-preserving thing. If it is good for ten years and bad for five years, it will wither when it is time to wither, and the rate of return is too low.

So, either find someone who will give you a hand, or someone who will take care of you. "

"Master Nan, isn't your statement a little too realistic? Love shouldn't be like this."

"How should that be?

love at first sight?

Elope with you?

Love at first sight can be understood as being unstable in thought and will, and falling in love at first sight;

Eloped with you, her parents have raised her for more than ten or twenty years, and she can ignore her parents' feelings. How high do you think this kind of woman will talk about her conscience with you in the future? "

"Master Nan, according to what you say, there is no good woman in the world."

"How is this possible? There are still many good women. It's just that it's hard to paint a tiger's skin. Some people who will become bad people in the future may still be good people now. He himself doesn't know when he will turn bad.

Tangerines grown in Huainan are oranges, and oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges. The living environment changes, and the mentality may also change.

It’s okay to fall in love, but if you haven’t been together for more than three years, don’t mention marriage lightly. And don't pretend to be another person, someone you can't do, and show your true self when you are in a relationship.

Wait for the day when you are sure that you can affirm each other's strengths and tolerate each other's shortcomings, and then it will not be too late to talk about getting married. "

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