Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 259 Every step of the way, every step is a win

Z Fund, Z is the initial letter of Zero, representing the first fund from scratch.

In addition, of course, F funds and S funds will be launched...

Maintain a delicate balance, wrap a little shit in candy, use the funds of customers to make money with them and myself in a good year; if you encounter a bad year, you will really have to return the money of the big family and the money of the small family Thirty-seven points.

There is no regret in making a decision, and you must admit that you lose. After all, investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

Nan Yi also asked Tuo Scarlett that there would be at most ten shares per person for the Z Fund, and he wanted to maximize the influence of the Z Fund.

If the Z Fund is rounded up by a few people, then he will still be messed up.

Scarlett went out to the big office to announce that Nan Yi was sitting in the small conference room looking through the fund's employee information.

After Scarlett took over the Craig Fund, none of them resigned voluntarily. This had to make Nanyi carefully screen and kick out unqualified people.

It turns out that the old Craig must be mainly responsible for the losses caused by the Craig Foundation, but some employees of the Craig Foundation must also be responsible to some extent.

Nanyi was looking at the employee information. In the big office outside, after Scarlett announced the establishment of the Z Fund, it immediately became noisy.

Guaranteed funds are nothing new, and other fund companies have also done so.

In fact, it is not difficult to achieve the promise of capital preservation. Assuming that the initial size of a capital preservation fund is 100 million U.S. dollars, it is necessary to ensure that the capital will not be less than 110 million U.S. dollars after three years.

To achieve the goal of capital preservation, the fund company will calculate how much money needs to be allocated for capital preservation based on the three-year time deposit interest rate in the market.

If calculated according to the annual regular interest rate of 4%, to make the assets reach 110 million U.S. dollars in three years, only 89.8 million U.S. dollars of investment is needed to achieve the goal of capital preservation.

The remaining 10.8 million US dollars can be used to invest in high-risk and high-return investments.

Even if they lost everything, they did not violate the promise of capital preservation. If they made a profit, they would have the opportunity to earn ten times or a hundred times the profit of the 10.8 million US dollars.

After the maturity, the fund company can still make a profit of 900 million U.S. dollars by settling with customers at a fixed rate of return, even if it is doubled.

Of course, it is impossible for fund companies to give customers such a high return.

Precisely because there is not much psychological burden, fund companies dare to participate in ultra-high-risk investments, travel lightly, often achieve good results, and the fund can also gain a good reputation.

It's just that people's desires are unlimited. If you succeed once or twice, you will feel that you are very good. There is no need to "protect the capital" of the client's funds, and directly invest all the funds in high-risk, high-yield investments.

If you fail the first time, you will become a pauper at most, and everyone will beat you; but if you succeed once or twice, you will really fall into the abyss and push yourself to the roof.

The Z Fund will also push Nanyi and Scarlett onto the roof, but unlike others, the roof they climbed on is only 10 centimeters high.

Hey, being idle is also idle, just dancing and playing.

The Z Fund, which was originally intended to be made public, became well known on Wall Street after only half a day.

The investment banks just expressed their concern, and guessed where the raised funds will be invested by the way; but the fund is crazy, there is no such thing as playing, generally speaking, if the fund wants to cheat and invest funds into a fund product, it must its packaging.

It is impossible to tell the client about the capital-guaranteed difference investment, but we will tell the client that our fund has designed a set of stable investment methods, investing in well-known stocks such as General Motors and Boeing with relatively stable stock prices;

Add some oil, hedge funds and other investments that most people don't know much about, so that your fund looks very high-end.

But how does the Z Fund work?

Just throw in your money, don't beep, let alone ask me what I would do, I'm not in the mood to explain it to you. You just wait five years later and get out with your principal and earnings.

To put it simply, the Z Fund uses Scarlett’s reputation as a guarantee, and only connects with upper-middle-class funds. Clients don’t have to worry about Scarlett cheating them. Although Scarlett doesn’t use her own assets as a guarantee, her reputation Far more than 500 million US dollars.

Who asked her to poke the Cox family, Scarlett Gold Company, and Pan American Holdings in the back?

No matter which party is involved, Scarlett's reputation can't be seen to be damaged. If she messes up, the three families will naturally cover her up. Not only the principal is guaranteed, but the rate of return is also guaranteed intangibly.

If the client only gets back the principal after five years, the comprehensive evaluation of Scarlett and the forces behind her will drop. Instead of this, it is better to bite the bullet and spit out another 300 million to make up for the rate of return.

On the same day, the shareholders of Scarlett Gold Mine Company called Scarlett one after another to inquire about the Z Fund. Scarlett only said: "I will personally guarantee the compensation."

It is enough to have this sentence, and the shareholders are relieved. In order to show their friendship, many shareholders promised to buy some.

A total of 2,500 funds have been subscribed for 500 shares before they are officially announced. There is still a subscription limit, otherwise the shareholders can give Baoyuan directly.

The next day, on the second page of the "Wall Street Journal", on the inconspicuous position, there was a section the size of dried tofu that published a soft article advertisement issued by Z Fund.

This makes it easy for those who want to invest in Z Fund to search for the customer hotline of Scarlett Fund with a magnifying glass.

Then, Scarlett Fund's customer service hotline was immediately overwhelmed by potential customers.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. This theory is well understood by Chinese people who are above the middle class. Those who have a lot of idle funds will invest their funds in high-risk, medium-risk, and low-risk areas in a certain proportion to ensure Your own funds will not be wiped out.

Generally speaking, the middle class tends to be more conservative in investing, which is different from the bottom-level risk-taking investments. They will never spend a negligible two dollars for a long time in a high-risk field that may or may not have a return.

Funds like Z Fund, which can outperform bank and government bond interest rates and have very low risk, are the best places for their low-risk investment budgets.

It is also easy to understand why she came up with a low-risk evaluation. After all, Scarlett's status is not ordinary now, and her credit valuation is not generally high.

This is not a penniless pauper patting his chest and using his own life as a guarantee to borrow hundreds of thousands. This is a very heart-wrenching answer. Dividing tens by the same tens still doesn't work.

Clara Mendes, after the old Craig jumped off the building, she took over the company's affairs, and she also assisted Craig Jr. to maintain the company's business, so that the company did not collapse so quickly.

She has feelings for the Craig Foundation, or the old Craig, because Clara is a graduate of Columbia University, and the old Craig is her mentor.

Therefore, even if she can't get her salary temporarily, she will stay and manage the clients' accounts according to their needs, and she also presides over the fund return work.

Clara, just hearing such a name will give people the illusion that she is a beautiful woman.

In fact, Clara is not only ugly, but also very ugly. The freckles on her face are pitted, like the moon, especially there is a mole on the left side of her face, and there are three moles on it. White hair, curvy, very long.

Nanyi has actually seen several people with moles on their faces, and has always been curious that if they don't cut off the long hairs on their moles, wouldn't a few long hairs make their shortcomings more obvious?

Asking this kind of question is too hurtful, so he never asked it, and never got an answer.

It was as if Nanyi and Clara were sitting face to face now, and he didn't intend to satisfy his curiosity, so he kept this question in his heart.

Sitting next to Clara was a middle-aged man with a bald head, bald in the middle, only a little hair remained at the temples, and a high nose bridge, comparable to the lying Pinocchio.

His name is Moore Buchanan, and he and Clara are old Craig's right-hand men. The former glory of the Craig Fund was built by them assisting old Craig.

"You two take a look. The first page is the list of layoffs. The people on this list will be laid off today. I will let the company's legal counsel talk with you. The compensation that should be given is in place. They go as soon as possible.

The list on the second page is the waiting list. I will give them a one-month observation period. If their performance does not satisfy me this month, they will also be dismissed. "

Nanyi handed the two lists to Clara and Moore. After reading the first list, Clara said, "Adam, there are several people who joined the company when the company was established, right? ..."

"Clara, first of all, the company is not a charitable organization, so why should we keep people who can't bring benefits to the company? Secondly, they are all veteran employees for several years, but their performance is still so bad, which means that they are not suitable for the job. This job.

If they rely on the basic salary alone, their income can only maintain the basic expenses of the family. Instead of spending time here, it is better to get a plumber's certificate and a mason's certificate. If they do these jobs, their income will be more substantial.

The moment the company was acquired, our BOSS Scarlett was already standing on the edge of the cliff. When you interceded for them, you pushed Scarlett a step forward.

They can get a new job if they are unemployed, but if the company goes bankrupt, Scarlett can only jump off the building like old Craig.

If I say that the company wants to improve the treatment of the two of you, but bind your interests with you, will you agree, Clara, will you plead again? "

When Moore heard Nanyi's words, he was calm and his expression didn't fluctuate; Clara's expression changed inexplicably, obviously she was struggling in her heart.

"If I want to be so rich, I will definitely donate as much as I want", "If I am the boss, I will definitely donate a little more to the employees", these are the most simple ideas of most utopian philanthropic entrepreneurs.

But if you really want the ancestral grave to smoke and let him become an entrepreneur, hehe, his thinking will become more simple. With this money, he can change to a bigger house, go abroad for more trips, and have more lovers. Isn’t it good? ?

They all eat whole grains, and none of them are Guanyin Bodhisattva. If one of them really had such a high level of awareness, gods and Buddhas would have been flying all over the sky long ago.

The two words of generosity, most people will feel that they are very lonely, and they will often insert the three words "of others" between them, and let them hold hands and hum together: "Ah, the five rings..."

How to improve the salary?

Clara and Moore are now in the ranks of Scarlett's top management, and one step further, they are partners. Didn't Clara want to miss the old love, that's fine, use your own money to support them.

Nan Yi didn't wait for Clara to make a clear statement, he continued to say: "The company will launch two more funds: K Fund and F Fund; 5% of Scarlett Gold Company's shares will be injected into K Fund , the overall valuation is 2.5 billion U.S. dollars, 1000 U.S. dollars a share, divided into 2.5 million copies for sale.

Without any guarantee or commitment, it is only used to bet on the listing of Scarlett Gold Mining Company within three years, and cash out after the valuation soars; after three years, if the bet loses, 5% of the shares will be divided into 2.5 million shares, which will be purchased by Fund customers claim according to the number of fund shares they purchased. "

Nanyi wanted to raise funds from retail investors, but didn't want to actually distribute the shares.

Retail investors saw that although the valuation was a bit high, they could still take a gamble. I don't even look at who the shareholders of Scarlett Gold Company are, and most of the shares are in Scarlett's hands. Scarlett's gold has appreciated, and Scarlett personally earns at both ends.

If it becomes waste paper, Scarlett will be the first to fill the hole, and the shareholders will definitely tear her up.

Buy a few copies and keep it aside, it’s a good deal to gamble that Scarlett’s gold will rise to a sky-high price. If you lose money, there are so many rich people in front of you. If you lose, you will lose them first.

"This is the K fund. Let me talk about the F fund again. The F fund is a high-risk fund. The return rate we promise is between -50% and 45%. We charge an annual fund management fee of 3% and share 30% of the profit. profit sharing.

There are two funds, the K fund is drought-flood guaranteed income, and the F fund has a lot of risk, but the return will also be great. The two of you decide who will manage which fund. "

"Adam, if I manage the F fund, how much dividends can I get?" Moore asked.

"Management dividends are 0.7%, withdrawn according to the funds raised, and if you raise 100 million US dollars, you can get 700,000; your people are calculated as commissions based on 2.3% of the funds raised, and if you raise 100,000 funds, they can take away 2,300 US dollars. "

"This commission is not high. There are too many fund commissions on Wall Street that are higher than this." After hearing this, Moore was not too satisfied with this commission.

"I know that although it is a high-risk fund, I dare to promise you in private that the annual rate of return will definitely exceed 40%. Of course, I will say so in private.

As a strategic consultant of Scarlett Fund, I don't have any basic salary guarantee, and everything depends on profits. Without profit, I won't get a dime for my hard work, so you can rest assured that I am even more concerned about the profitability of Scarlett Fund.

Therefore, when promoting F funds to the outside world, you may wish to give some personal promises and guarantees. Please note that it is "private". Like other funds, the company will not make any promises to customers.

Although there is no promise, I don't mind if you go to families like Vito Don Corleone [Godfather] to raise funds, as long as they don't give black money, we are also happy to provide financial services to them.

They don't need promises. If we lose their money, their gunmen will come to us and ask for an account.

Take your time to think about it. The closure period of the F fund is three years. After three years, the client's funds can be redeemed. If you want to redeem early, you can only give 30% of the principal. They like to redeem.

I think you should understand when to tell customers about this last item, which customers need to be told, and which ones only need to be reflected in the contract.

Okay, now, you can go out, let me know when the discussion is over, and then move, Guys, time is money, don't waste each other's money, the damn sun, beach, beauties, and yachts are still waiting for me . "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he looked down at the document, not caring that Clara and Moore were still sitting there in a daze.

The two thought to themselves, "This young yellow-skinned monkey is too Wall Street."

After sighing, Clara and Moore looked at each other before standing up and walking outside.

Nan Yi continued to look through the information. What he had in his hand was the information about the Tiger Fund. The Tiger Fund has achieved dazzling results in less than two years since its establishment, with annualized returns of 67% and 75% respectively.

The information also shows that Tiger Fund is in contact with Jones Hedge Fund, the world's first hedge fund. Jones Fund may hand over most of its assets to Tiger Fund for management.

Nanyi has an idea to secretly hand over part of the funds returned by the F fund to other hedge funds for management, Tiger Fund or Quantum Fund, he has not yet made a choice, maybe both will invest a little.

Scarlett Fund also needs to share risks, and all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

It is a bad idea to cheat customers, earn high profits, give customers an explanation, and get high commissions from customers. This is the most perfect result.

For the rest of August and the first half of September, apart from taking time out to attend a school interview, Nan Yi spent almost all of his time in the Scarlett Fund.

Just as Scarlett expected, Fund Z raised enough funds to close the deal in a week. As soon as the funds arrived, 200 million US dollars of them flowed into Hong Kong, and another 300 million US dollars flowed into Tokyo to be taken over by Ikeda Club. Needless to say, The 300 million must be used to buy land and real estate.

Nanyi lent 300 million in disguise to the Ikeda Club at an annual interest rate of 12%.

Tsk tsk, this sentiment is really amazing!

Whoever invests in this kind of fund is like his ancestors smoking cigars on their own graves, and the smoke can be as thick as they want.

The situation of the K fund is not bad either. Customers subscribed very enthusiastically. Although the funds raised are not much, there is still a long way to go before 2.5 billion.

The F Fund is not easy. The Scarlett Fund has no glorious history and no well-known achievements. There are many high-risk funds, so why do you have to invest in a new fund?

Clara almost pulled out the three hairs on her mole, her intestines were almost green with regret, why did she choose the F fund, and how good it was to manage the K fund.

Nanyi is very dissatisfied with the fundraising progress of F Fund. It took more than half a month to raise 5.6 million US dollars. What is this money enough for?

Looking at the report Clara handed in, Nanyi almost told her to go home and eat himself.

However, after thinking about it quickly, Clara was originally a managerial talent, not a business-oriented talent, so it was a bit difficult for her to be in charge of the business.

Nan Yi sat in the office tapping his fingers, pondered for a while, and then walked out of the office. When he passed the front desk, he greeted Jane again, "Hi, Jane, you are so beautiful today, are you free tomorrow?" , I invite you to dinner."

"Hi Adam, I'm free, what time?"

"Make your mouth cheap!" Nan Yi slandered, and said to Jane with a smile: "I can't tell you right now, I will tell you tomorrow."

"OK, I'll wait for your news."

There is no way to escape this meal, and tomorrow I have to master a measure, so that Jane can understand that it is just colleagues eating together, and there is no other hint.

Going downstairs and sitting in his car, Nan Yi said to the colonel, "Do you remember the black man with the child in Central Park last time?"


"Look up where he works now and find out how he is doing. In addition, there is a seafood salesman named Belfort on Long Island. Find him and ask him if he is tired of dealing with those fish and shrimp every day. If Tired, ask him if he would like to work on Wall Street."


"Drive, it's time to pick up the two babies."

Amen started the car and drove towards Maria's private school, and arrived at the gate of the school after a while.

Nan Yi checked the time, and there were still five minutes before school was over, so he sat in the car and waited. The weather in New York is quite hot today, so he won't stand outside in the sun.

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