From July to August, the weather in New York is getting hotter and hotter.

Chen Qiong also worked for Scarlett for a while, Nan Yi and Scarlett were quite satisfied with her work performance.

However, perhaps because the weather is too hot, many people want to peel off a layer of skin.

Chen Qiong may also have a body that is afraid of heat, and the clothes are cooler and cooler.

Today, she came to clean again, wearing a very loose T-shirt on the upper body, which was matched with a basketball vest, with a large neckline and large cuffs, and a pair of denim shorts on the lower body. It was cut off by herself again, and it was almost the same as Qi Na's short skirt.

Nanyi was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Chen Qiong was wiping the long table where the TV was placed, with her butt facing Nanyi, shaking it deliberately, with a strong sense of rhythm; when she finished wiping the long table, she started wiping again On the coffee table, the wide neckline is drooping, and the mystery is looming.

This is not over yet, she still has a solid grasp of the tune of holding the pipa half-covered, and from time to time she deliberately frees up a hand to hold the neckline.

Well, why does this posture look so familiar?

By the way, isn't this "Sadness reveals that no one takes pictures in the hemisphere, focus on the law of teasing according to the chest"?

"Miss Chen, you must be very tight right now. In this case, I will pay you a little salary in advance, and you can buy a housekeeping uniform and some labor insurance supplies." After Nan Yi finished speaking, he took out 200 US dollars and put it on the coffee table, and his eyes were fixed again. to the TV.

Chen Qiong looked at the money on the coffee table, and then recalled Nanyi's words. She naturally understood what Nanyi was implying.

She was ashamed and ashamed, and she mustered up her courage to dare to do such a careless thing, but she did not expect to be exposed mercilessly by others.

"Am I not beautiful?" Chen Qiong began to doubt her own appearance.

Nan Yi doesn't care what Chen Qiong thinks, even if he is a scumbag, even if he has thoughts about her, Nan Yi will not do any tricks under Scarlett's nose.

What's more, Chen Qiong didn't grow up with Nanyi's aesthetics at all. Well, even if it fits his aesthetics, Nanyi wouldn't influence his money-making plan for a woman. Unless it's his blood, no matter what kind of god it is, it's impossible to take away more than 5 million US dollars from him.

For Nanyi, love is very sacred and should not be mixed with dirty money. Chen Qiong made it clear that he wanted to keep a little money for him. This love is too impure, and he would rather not have it.

After watching the TV shopping channel for a day, Nanyi didn't see much of it. He is too rational, and he doesn't have any impulse consumption. He can't grasp the psychology of the kind of people who would buy such products on TV.

The formation of the mind control team was sped up, Nan Yi thought for a while, and then went upstairs to see his son.

In the evening, when Scarlett came back from get off work, Nan Yi told her about Chen Qiong.

"Understood, I will pay more attention to her in the future." After listening to Nanyi's words, Scarlett didn't take it seriously.

"Adjust your work schedule. I'm going to Tokyo in a few days. You can spend more time with your children."

"How long are you going?"

"Not necessarily, there are several plans that need to be implemented, and it depends on whether it goes well."

"Not too long, I don't want to stay at home with the kids, Adam, I'm a career woman."

"Try to."

The next day, Nan Yi went to several psychological clinics and paid a high fee to chat with a psychiatrist and consult them about the psychological problems of TV shopping consumers and mail order consumers.

After going to more than a dozen companies in a row, I tape-recorded the psychologist's analysis and listened to it several times. It took Nanyi three to five days to summarize a psychological analysis report on impulsive consumption behavior.

Then I found some very successful Amway direct sellers in New York, and humbly learned from them their strategies and experience in tackling problems with customers.

Then I went to listen to several lectures on marketing and success, and learned about Amway marketing and Kodak marketing methods. These two marketing methods were not summed up internally by these two companies. The company is famous.

Compared with domestic cats and dogs who can talk about success in the future, the country here is more professional. At least those who dare to give lectures have all had successful cases besides fooling leeks into paying tuition. understand the applause".

Studying everywhere, adding summaries, and combining his marketing experience in his previous life, it took Nan Yi 20 days to come up with only more than 30,000 words of "Nan's Fudge Secrets", and sold the secrets to Nan Yi for 3 US dollars. After Ruo Fing, fearing that she would find out that she was being cheated to find a debt, Nan Yi hurried away with a bucket.

According to the established routine, the domineering president is in the first class cabin of the handjob, and next door is either a silly white sweet Cinderella, or a pure and innocent female star who still has her first on-screen kiss.



What went wrong? Why is the rich woman sitting next to Nanyi, or the rich woman of a seed sumo wrestler?

When this rich woman fired Nanyi for the first time in 1983, he still couldn't help it.

"Ma'am, what is your job?"

When the rich woman saw that Xiao Xianrou was hooked, she quickly said domineeringly: "I have several strip clubs in New York and Las Vegas."

Nanyi automatically replaced "several rooms" with "nine rooms". When she owned 18 rooms, she made a calculation and realized that her assets were too small to be worth his sacrifice.

"Oh, what a coincidence, my boyfriend also owns a bar, can you give me a business card, we can get in touch when we get back to New York."

When the rich woman heard the word "boyfriend", she instantly lost interest in Nanyi, turned her head to the other side, and began to pretend to be asleep.

"That's rude."

Nan Yi muttered, holding the book in his hand and continuing to read.

The trade unions in the United States are not easy to mess with, so the "flight attendants" of the Chinese airlines are more difficult. Not only do they have to work on the plane when they are young, they have to continue to work after they are thirty, and they will not be transported to a harmonious society. .

There are very few newcomers to the flight attendants on the plane. They are all aunts who have joined the job more than ten years ago, or married people. There is no such thing as a flight attendant, only a flight lady.

Naturally, Nanyi didn't have the chance to sing "Secrets My Stewardess and I Have to Tell". Before the plane landed at Haneda Airport, there was no bang bang, bang bang, or shouting slogans with a hideous face on top of a cloth .

"Ikeda-kun, does my Japanese have a Tokyo dialect?"

When Nan Yi got into the car outside the airport, he faced Ikeda Karikyo who was sitting in the back seat.

"President, your Japanese has a Kanagawa accent." Kariki Ikeda said respectfully.

"Ha, it's normal, I learned my accent from Secretary Uto." Nanyi laughed, and then became serious again, "Have you prepared the materials for Tsutsumi and Seibu Group?"

"It's ready, and it will be placed in the president's mansion."

"very good."

After finishing speaking, Nanyi shut his mouth and looked at the scenery outside the window through the car window.

The car drove all the way, and the scenery became better and better. Soon, Mount Fuji, which was white on the top and black and gray on the bottom, came into view, and it became more and more clear.

The convoy drove into a small road and finally stopped in front of a Japanese-style garden by Lake Kawaguchi under Mount Fuji.

"President, according to Secretary Uedo's request, the Ikeda Club bought several Japanese-style and European-style courtyards here, and the property rights are all in her own name." After getting off the car, Ikeda Karikyo led Nanyi to the courtyard, "This courtyard is the best of them all. I've had someone clean it and add daily necessities to it."

"Well, Ikeda-kun has worked hard. By the way, during the Japanese period, call me Nagao Wanji, don't make a mistake."


Ikeda Karikyo took Nanyi around the courtyard. There were several maple trees planted in the front yard, and there was a Japanese-style pavilion in the center. There was nothing unusual inside the building, a typical Japanese-style architectural structure.

The backyard has a hot spring bath surrounded by a bamboo fence, a bath surrounded by pebbles, and an area with a wooden floor on the side, with a water intake through which the hot springs drip into a large mouthful of water in the tank.

There is no need for Ikeda Karikyo's introduction, and Nan Yi, who loves learning and has more than a dozen Japanese teachers, naturally understands how to use this tank.

Standing in the backyard, overlooking Mount Fuji, I feel very comfortable.

"Ikeda-kun, can horses be raised here?"



The scenery is so beautiful, if you don't come to ride Mount Fuji, you will be blind.

After admiring Mount Fuji, Nanyi and Ikeda Karikyo sat in the gazebo in the front yard. After Nanyi finished reading Tsutsuaki's materials, Ikeda Karikyo began to report on his work.

"President, the 200 million US dollars transferred from the second phase has also been exhausted. Now the Ikeda Club has owned many real estate properties in Ginza, Shibuya, and Shinjuku areas, and also owns land in 927 towns, mainly in the Tokyo business district. prosperous area.

If the chairman has no new funds, the real estate and land currently held by the club can be mortgaged by the bank. "

[Remarks: 1 town = 10 square meters ≈ 9917 square meters, 1 square = 10 mu ≈ 991.7 square meters, 1 mu = 30 steps ≈ 99.17 square meters, 1 step [ping] = 10 combined = 400/121 square meters ≈ 3.3058 square meters Rice, 1 close = 10 scoops ≈ 0.33058 square meters. ]

"Well, what is the current average price in Shibuya and the central area of ​​Ginza?"

"The average price in Shibuya is 2.2 million yen per walk, and the commercial real estate in the central area of ​​Ginza is about 12 million yen. The price fluctuates rapidly, and the price changes almost every day."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "I just came here today, take a rest first, let me think about the matter of funds, and I will give you an answer later. Mr. Ikeda, you don't have to stay here, go back first."


After Ikeda Karikyo left, Nan Yi continued to sit in the gazebo and think.

"The funds of Nanshi Holdings Investment can no longer be mobilized to Tokyo until the capital exit channel is opened, but the funds of Pan American Holdings Investment can be invested here after the introduction of shareholders.

Even if the funds of the father of the country are lost, the cabinet and the Ministry of Finance will not dare to stop them in the future.

Shan の Taste didn’t pay dividends last year, but they can pay dividends once in October, and they can mobilize almost 60 million US dollars, which can be used for investment, which can also avoid a lot of taxes.

The kind of tax avoidance activities in the past cannot be done often, and devils are not fools. I can't catch you at one time, and I have done too much, so I just open the file and stare at you to see how you play tricks. "

If you can't look at the subscription results, you will lose your mentality when you look at it. At the beginning of tomorrow, no matter what kind of votes come, don't be willing to vote for me until the end of the month.

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