When the time entered mid-November, Nan Yi, who had always had big plans in his mind, did not forget the trivial things.

A few days ago, Nan Yi first found Fang Chong, and transferred the house in Baihuashen Hutong to a person who didn't need to introduce his name, and then found Fang Dong, asking him to help clean up the house.

Turn it into a nest, a stronghold, and give it a name——Wu Bai Ding, very straightforward, very clichéd, and lick every guest who walks in here.

"Let me tell you, I have actually lived in the hutong area for many years. To be honest, the hutong has not left me any good memories..."

One day, there was a salon-like gathering in Wubaiding. There were quite a lot of people who came, most of whom knew Nanyi now or were familiar with Nanyi before. Not a lot.

Needless to say, Wang Yan and Ma Mo must have come. Ye Qi didn't come, he had to be busy with business. Others include Ying Kai, Jiang Wen, Zheng Xiaolong, and Wang Zongjun, the future boss of Wang's Media.

At this moment, everyone is sitting around the stove in the yard, listening to Wang Yan's work in vain.

"When I was ten years old, my family moved from the western suburbs to Cangnan Hutong, Chaonei North Street, Dongcheng. In that alley, the abject poverty that can be seen everywhere shocked me.

Before that, the concept given to me by the capital was commercial streets like Xidan and Wangfujing. Who knew there were such alleys and courtyards. "

Wang Yan flicked the cigarette ash, and continued: "The area where my family lives is Chaoyangmen Chenggener, and most of the alleys there are dilapidated, which is different from Nanbatian's yard, which is well-regulated.

Most of the people in the alley were ragged and disheveled. I remember that when I went to the non-staple food store, I never saw anyone buying meat for more than 20 cents at the meat stall, and they all wanted to be fat. of.

When I was in Dongmencang Elementary School, it was an embarrassing day when school started. Many students in the class couldn’t afford the tuition and miscellaneous fees of 2.5 yuan. The teacher will make the students who have not paid the tuition fees stand up, and the bluffing and huh-hu-la-la can stand up every time, with shame on their faces, no, it should be said to be shy.

Their faces were directly thrown to the ground and stepped on. The boy sitting in front of me was the monitor of our class. He was very ordinary in his studies, but he was very active.

His father is a carpenter, and actually earns a lot, 35 yuan a month, but there are seven people in his family, all of whom have to live on this 35 yuan, and everyone knows that they get 5 yuan.

I remember that the so-called poverty line standard in Beijing at that time was 12 yuan per capita per month, and it was considered poor if it was lower than this figure.

I have been to his house, one house and half a kang, and there is a child in his mother's arms. Seeing my squad leader bring a guest, that is, I go back, and my squad leader is disgusting, and the whole thing is the same as the old society .

I didn't understand it at the time, but I also understood it later. His mother was afraid that I would stay for dinner, and their family had no rations to entertain me.

Most of my classmates who lived in the hutongs lived in difficult families, with three generations living under the same roof, no sanitation facilities, and only one tap in a large courtyard.

The room has a mud floor, and red bricks are considered a luxury.

Everyone should still remember that in the 1970s, there would be a heavy rain almost every three to five times. Everyone knows that the east of the capital is a bit lower. During the rainy season, the heavy rain would collapse some houses. I passed by on my way to school. For houses with gable walls, looking at the section of the wall, there is no whole brick at all, but half-drawn broken bricks and mud.

In the great earthquake in 1976, tens of thousands of houses in the capital collapsed, and the houses were all in the alleys. Everyone knows this.

I would say that living in such an environment, there is no happiness at all.

Fighting and cursing in the alley every day, big girls and young daughters-in-law standing on the street clapping their legs and cursing, swearing endlessly; shirtless boys play hand-to-hand and practice boxing, and there are kitchen knives in their schoolbags when they go to school. body.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are half-children serving sentences in every street gate of every alley in that area.

It is said that Chaoyangmen Chenggen was a key security area before liberation, so it can be said to have a glorious tradition. Many classmates have been stubborn since his father, and they have been playing for decades. When there is a fight, the whole family is dispatched, and the mother will pancakes and boil red eggs at home, waiting to celebrate.

As far as this kind of alley is concerned, only those who have never lived in it will think it has a cultural flavor, but if you have really lived in it, you will know the hardship of living there.

I don't even talk about the big ones, I just talk about getting up early in the morning to go to the toilet, okay, the public toilet is really full of people, you say, it's too urgent to hold back, what a joke to make?

I have seen many times that I couldn't hold back my stomach, and I pulled my crotch on the way. Once, a girl who was sixteen or seventeen almost hanged herself so shy. "

"So, what exactly do you want to say?" Nan Yi asked after Wang Yan finished speaking.

"I, I just want to say that Nan Batian, you are really thoughtful. You have set up two toilets in such a small yard. You don't have to fight for the toilet. It's just a little bad. You serve everyone. There is no one here, so I have to do it myself.”

"Wait until you have an official job and then come and talk to me about it. I'm a commoner. The country doesn't give me the right to hire workers. I want to find a nanny or a waiter. Isn't that exploitation?"

"Are you interested in talking to me? What if you really hire a waiter?"

"You pay for it?"

"You Nan Batian are really stingy."

Wang Yan nodded to Nanyi, stopped mentioning this, and chatted about other topics.

In the courtyard, Wang Suo was the central point of Duoduo, basically he was the one talking, and everyone else was listening.

This is also what it should be, not to mention that he is a person who can speak more, and many things can be said to the point, it is said that almost all the people in the yard are called by him, even if you are not called by him, you are also a friend of his friend .

This is a circle formed with Wang Suo as the core.

Nanyi thinks this is very good, as long as he is in this circle, it doesn't matter whether he dominates or not.

When everyone knew who he was, Nan Yi seldom spoke.

In fact, Wubaiding seems to have become Wang Yan's territory, a point where he meets friends. In the next few days, he will bring two boxes of wine today, bring some tea tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, he will find a Sharp from somewhere. freezer.

Freezers are rare these days and difficult to get, but Wang Suoleng got them and stuffed them with all kinds of meat.

Not only that, this stinking shameless man also moved his own bedding and occupied a room, as if he really regarded this place as his home.

Nanyi found a worker in a rolling mill, used steel to build a TV cabinet, and welded it to death in the yard. He also built a color TV and a video recorder, and made some video tapes. When you are free, you can also come here Check out the video.

Of course, all he brought were videotapes of major movies, not a single one of the smaller ones.

Nanyi doesn't care whether others will do it or not, they can make it whatever they want, just watching a movie is fine, as long as this group of people don't overplay it and do some group sex.


On November 19th, Houzi and Shanpao had found out some clues, and Nanyi had also boarded the train bound for Shanghai.

When the train was halfway, a plane flying from New York and transiting through Xiangxi had already landed next door to Hongqiao Railway Station. A fashionable lady walked out of the airport slowly and stopped a taxi at the gate. .

"Yuyuan Road, Fang Mansion."

Hong Kong, Repulse Bay.

A bloody confession scene is being staged.

Fang Hanyun, who was not a few years younger than Fang Mengyin, was sitting on the sofa, wiping his nose, and crying.

He couldn't stop crying. As the youngest of the Fang family, he used to have bodyguards and drivers when he went out, and he ate delicacies from mountains and seas, but when he arrived in Xiangtang, he ate pig food, slept in shacks, and worked as a groom.

Even marrying a daughter-in-law is just a toilet sweeper in a nightclub. Don't think that Jiang Yuncai is unstained from the mud, she is just too ugly, and she is not qualified to work as a drinking companion.

Fang Hanyun was crying, Jiang Yuncai was looking at the furnishings in the villa, Fang Fuye was observing the servants in the villa, and the security guards that could be vaguely seen, he was thinking in his heart, "These will soon belong to him, Hell, the boss who finds fault with him every day, in the near future, I will definitely show you the majesty of our Young Master Fang..."

Different from the other three, Fang Mengyin was full of disappointment at this time. The Fang family was over, and her nephew was a waste. At first glance, the nephew was fine, but the ambition in his eyes couldn't be hidden at all. Just this city, let alone his grandson Nan Yi snapped his wrists, he was not even worthy to carry his shoes.

Nan's Building.

Yuan Tianfan pinched the note in his hand, his stomach was full of anger, "The secret operation must be a secret operation, why did I catch this broken note?"

"Yuan, congratulations."

In the office, a person came over to congratulate Yuan Tianfan, but he said something nice, but his face was full of ridicule and ridicule.

Seeing his colleague's behavior, Yuan Tianfan became even more angry. He raised the note in his hand to the sky, and walked out of the office angrily.

After he turned around, the note fell lightly on the desk, revealing the two words on it - Huang Gai.

Besides, besides.

On the train, Nan Yi remembered the question Fang Mengyin asked himself: "When did you change your surname to Zhou?"

He could answer, "Right now."

"Mengmeng, stand up."

"She can't stand up."

With the sound of two voices, Nanyi helped a little girl who had fallen in front of him up, and helped to dust off the clothes and trousers.

"Little sister, are you okay?"

"Thank you uncle, I'm fine." The little girl didn't cry, but said sweetly to Nanyi.

"So strong!"

Nan Yi patted the little girl's head, and looked at a man and a woman who walked in front of him, "Be careful and take good care of your daughter."

"Thank you, thank you." The man between the two hurriedly thanked Nanyi.

"You're welcome."

Watching the men and women bring the little girl back to their place, Nanyi looked away, stood up, took off his Shanghai travel bag from the luggage rack, and found a set of cotton sweaters inside. Then go to the toilet.

It's not far from Shanghai, and the temperature has gone from below zero to six or seven degrees above zero. The thermal underwear Nanyi is wearing already feels a little sticky.

After changing clothes in the toilet and coming out, Nan Yi saw a train attendant coming over from the aisle, opened the toilet door to have a look, and then locked the door with a key.

The toilet door was locked, which meant that the pit stop was not more than five minutes away.

Perhaps the friends who lived on the side of the train tracks had an unusual experience. Holding nails and putting them on the rails, the train passed, pressed into a thin sheet, and then polished. A decent knife.

If you have this kind of experience, it is likely that you have also experienced the experience of a train driving, a piece of refreshing rain and dew being slapped on the face, and the rain and dew may be a little sweet when you lick it with your tongue.

Congratulations, the owner of this rain and dew probably has diabetes.

After washing his hands at the washstand, Nanyi wiped his hair to make it more elegant.

To say that Nanyi is incompatible with this era is his beautiful hair. What is popular at the moment is either three to seven or two to eight, or long and messy hair, which can be taken care of casually.

Both men and women, short hair is relatively rare.

Like Nan Yi, he cut his hair short, and deliberately thinned it so that he couldn't see it at all.

Not to mention the mainland, but not to be seen in the whole of Asia, his hairstyle has not become popular at all.

How should I put it, it is still in the era of "highlighting". If this hair has been done, it must be the kind that can be seen at a glance that it has been carefully taken care of to make the hairstyle stand out.

This is like the special effects of 50 cents in the future. I am afraid that the audience will not be able to see that the film has special effects. The special effects are so bright that everyone knows that they added special effects.

"Hey, this is a blockbuster movie with special effects."

To put it simply, the popular elements at this time will be more exaggerated and prominent. This exaggeration will not only be reflected in hairstyles, but also in clothing design and women's makeup styles.

It won't be long before shoulder pads and smudged blush are all the rage.

As the train arrived at the station, Nanyi sat in his seat and waited for a while, until all the people in the carriage were emptied, he then slowly got off the train.

Walking along the exit passage to the outside of the station, I saw the little girl I saw just now being held in the arms of a woman in her thirties.

This woman's face and dress were exactly the same as a little tailor named Qin Nan that Nan Yi had seen in the movie. The movie should not be finished yet, and it is impossible for someone to learn how to dress up in it, so this woman should be Qin Nan's shaper - Gong Xue.

Nan Yi will not admit that she is the protagonist of the advertising picture on the large calendar hanging in the living room of the old bungalow. As red as a fire.

After a few more glances, Nanyi continued to walk forward, came to the side of the road, looked around, and waved to a Polonaise parked on the side of the road.

The taxi driver in the car glanced at Nanyi and ignored him.

Seeing the virtues of the taxi driver, Nan Yi knew what he was thinking, took out a foreign exchange certificate from his pocket and held it in his hand, and waved it to the taxi driver. Sure enough, Polonaise stopped in front of him in a blink of an eye. .

After the three of Nanyi got into the car, the taxi driver asked, "Where are you going?"

"Paramount Theater on Yuyuan Road."

As soon as the taxi driver heard it, he kicked the accelerator, and the car flew out.

Twenty minutes later, the car creaked to a stop, and the taxi driver turned around and said to Nan Yi, "Here we are, fifty yuan, a foreign exchange certificate."

"I'll give you a chance to renegotiate the price." Nanyi looked at the taxi driver's face and said lightly.


"Before I came here, I heard that taxis here in Shanghai charge indiscriminately, the service is poor, and it is difficult to get a taxi. I have seen the first two. Sixty, you really dare to speak."

After Nan Yi finished speaking, he opened the door and got off the car, then leaned over to face the inside of the car, "Give him the money, remember the license plate number, find out where this distinguished taxi driver lives, smash the glass today, and put him down tomorrow." The toilet at home was smashed, the day after tomorrow...Master, you have a son, he should be in primary school, right?"

"You...what do you want?" the taxi driver asked timidly.

"What don't you want to do, you charge me 60, I plan to take out another 10 60 to buy snacks for your son's classmates, first eat and drink enough, and then take turns cleaning up your son;

This is not over yet, I will take out another ten and sixty, and ask any woman in your alley to act in a play, and say that your precious son peeked at her taking a bath;

By the way, there is a third "Ten Sixty", please help spread the gossip in your alley, you, I don't know the name yet, it doesn't matter, if you want to come, you will know soon.

First find out who is having an affair with you, and then spread the gossip that at a certain time and in a certain place, you and a certain woman did something shameful in this car. "

Every time Nan Yi said a word, the taxi driver trembled, and when the last sentence was finished, his face had turned very dark.

"Dang...Dang I'm unlucky, I won't charge you anymore, walk around, get out of the car quickly."

"No, it's almost 14 kilometers. I'll give you fifteen yuan. You don't need to look for it. The foreign exchange certificate is gone. Renminbi." Nanyi took out two banknotes from his pocket and threw them on the back seat, and turned to Tiger sitting in the co-pilot. The cub said, "Talk to him about the truth."

"Speak lightly or speak hard?"

"You can figure it out." Nanyi said, taking his body back from the car.

On the other side, Xiaohua has also got off the car.

Afterwards, the taxi creaked and slammed, and the tiger cub had already slammed on the door and walked to Nanyi, "Thigh, Qiaojin, I can't see it, it will hurt for a whole day, there is no sequelae."

"Well, let's go."

As soon as he got in the car, Nanyi knew that he was likely to be slaughtered. At this time, Shanghai taxis had already become famous for indiscriminate charging.

Nan Yi heard a version from Man San'er, saying that a businessman from Li Jiapo took a taxi in Shanghai and was charged a fare of 500 foreign exchange certificates, which frightened the Li Jiapo man to cancel his investment plan in Shanghai.

Therefore, just now Nanyi did not set the destination at the Fang Mansion, but at the Paramount Theater which is more than 700 meters away from the Fang Mansion.

"I'm still soft-hearted. When I encounter something difficult, why don't I smash his car."

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