"Boss, there is an urgent call from Xiangxi."

After dinner, Nan Yi made a cup of tea and was sitting outside in the gazebo to enjoy the cold wind. The school belle hurried over and handed him the microphone.

Upon hearing this, Nan Yi hurriedly took over the microphone, "I'm Nan Yi."

"Nansheng, the old lady's convoy was attacked just now, and the old lady's wrist was slightly scratched."

"Did the other party shoot?"


"Several people?"


"How many are left?"

"One ran away, leaving one dead and one wounded."

"The one who hasn't died can't die, understand?" Nan Yi said coldly.


"Grandma was the only one in the car at that time?"

"There is another guest, Wu Zaisheng, from London."

"London..." Nanyi pondered for a while, and asked, "The messenger took over?"


"Oji or CID?"


"Find the inspector and Sha Zhan who are in charge of this case. I hope they can investigate the case carefully. In addition, send someone to the hospital to protect the injured."


Click, Nanyi hung up the phone, and called a page from Xiangxi, leaving a few numbers.

Handing the microphone back to Xiaohua, Nan Yi fell into deep thought.

"Chen Songqi, the families of those gangsters in Chinatown." Nanyi quickly thought of people who had enemies with him, and then quickly eliminated them.

Chen Songqian couldn't protect himself, now seeking revenge from his grandma would not help him at all, the case of Jianing in his previous life was finally settled, he didn't need to go to prison, and he didn't have that much hatred for Nanyi and Fang Mengyin.

If it was the family members of the gangsters in Chinatown, the Columbus apartment in New York was probably the first to be attacked, and according to the colonel, the organization he was looking for was not small and could not be provoked by the forces in Chinatown.

His own enemies, get rid of these two parties, and Nanyi can't think of a third one.

That being the case, it may not be for Fang Mengyin and Nan Yi, it may be for that Wu Zaisheng.

Thinking of Wu Zaisheng, the list of members of the Wu family came to Nanyi's mind.

"Is it Wu Fuye who wants to kill his nephew, or is it his cousin? Or...Wu Zaisheng is playing tricks?"

Nan Yi thought, and his face became very gloomy, "The flames of the battle for the succession are actually burning on his own head. No matter which Wu is responsible for it, as long as the surname is Wu, I will uproot the Wu family and let you steal it. Duo, I will dance on your grave and sing "Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years"."

Tap, tap, Nan Yi knocked on the stone table in the gazebo, "If you are really from the Wu family, you can't act recklessly. The Wu family has developed in London for more than a hundred years, and the rotten boat has three thousand nails.

The noblewoman Catherine Boleyn I met last time should be in a state of distress by now. Don't worry, brother Adam will come to rescue you soon, and lend you my strong arms to rely on. "

Since Fang Mengyin's injuries were not serious, Nanyi didn't have to rush to Xiangtang to visit her.

After receiving the news from Nanyi, the Phantom has already moved to investigate the details of the three attackers; on the Peace Dove, the colonel has rushed to London with a dozen team members. The team members were drawn from various teams. Special Forces from Eagle Country.

They are familiar with London, and it will be more convenient for them to act.

The next day, it was raining lightly, Nan Yi put on a raincoat in the living room, took out five dice and threw them into a bowl, the five dice added up to count "11", Nan Yi ran into the garden through the back door, Then run to the street outside on the right.

Human thinking has inertia, and the thinking mode will be relatively fixed. If Nanyi consciously arranges the daily running route, it will be easy to fall into the calculations of the caring people. After a few days of continuous observation, you can find out the rules inside.

Once you have mastered the rules, you can calmly arrange "accidents" and wait for Nanyi to hit him.

Now, Nanyi depends entirely on God's will, without adding any subjective thinking. He himself doesn't know which route he will run every day, so let others deduce it.

Of course, Nanyi is not worried that there will be a sniper rifle waiting for him in the country. What he does is nothing more than forming a habit, and he can maintain this caution no matter where he is.

It's still the same sentence, the more calculations, the less danger, it seems to be useless, and he may not encounter what he is worried about in his life; but there is only one life, as long as someone else succeeds once, his life is over.

Comparing your heart with your heart, if Nan Yilai is responsible for planning the assassination of a very difficult target, he will have sufficient patience, first list all the action rules of the target, as long as the target's action trajectory overlaps many times, the target is basically Dead.

After running back, I took a hot bath first, and then ran to the kitchen to cook the glutinous rice balls wrapped yesterday.

Scoop it into a bowl, pick a chopstick of lard, add a proper amount of soy sauce, and sprinkle some chopped green onion. The aroma of lard mixed with the aroma of hot green onion can arouse people's appetite.

Scoop one up, blow it with your mouth, and take a big bite. The skin of the glutinous rice balls will stick to your teeth, sticky, and when you lick it with your tongue, the stuffing inside the skin will fall out.

Just as Nanyi was about to chew, Gong Xue, who was carrying two travel bags, had already stood in front of him.

"It's so early, have you had breakfast?"


"Would you like to eat it? The glutinous rice balls are delicious. The vegetable soup noodles outside [with freshly fried spinach, fried tofu, etc.] sell for 20 cents now. My glutinous rice balls have more ingredients and taste better than vegetable soup noodles. Four for one The bowl, it’s 50 cents for you. After you finish eating, if you wash all the pots and pans, it will be 20 cents cheaper for you.”

"I eat."

Gong Xue didn't know why, but when she heard Nanyi say that, she felt a little angry.

"Okay, please sit down, guest officer, one honored guest, a bowl of pearl and emerald glutinous rice balls made by Qianning Palace, after eating one bowl, Li Lianying's tongue twitched, after eating two bowls, Li Lianying's intestines were rotten, and Cixi blushed like sixty. Miss."

Nanyi walked into the kitchen, and soon came out with a bowl of glutinous rice balls, put it in front of Gong Xue, then sat down and continued eating.

After swallowing two more in a hurry, he slowed down his eating speed. The skin of glutinous rice balls is made of rice flour, which is not easy to digest, so he can't eat it too fast.

"Tangyuan, glutinous rice balls, should be round. Why is your glutinous rice ball shaped like a tumbler, with a point on it?" Gong Xue picked up a glutinous rice ball with a spoon, and asked curiously.

"You really asked me this question. When I was a child, I saw adults do it this way, and I learned it this way when I was studying, but I really didn't think about why. Some questions are particular, and you can't ask them casually. Little one, you will understand when you grow up."

As Nanyi said, he couldn't help laughing out loud, too many times, he was not ashamed to ask, but was blocked by adults with this reason.

When I grow up, I understand that this is really the answer to the panacea.

"I'm thirty years old this year." Gong Xue frowned.

"Stand at thirty, don't be confused at forty, you will understand when you are forty, good boy, don't ask, eat yours. When you came here, no one noticed, I don't want outsiders to know that you live here. "

"I drove to the corner of the street and walked over."

"That's good, are you going to film today?"

"No, the rainy day scene has already been filmed. It's raining today, so the crew is resting."

"That's just right. I heard that a Chinese film "First Blood" has been introduced. Is it released in theaters?"

"It seems that it will be released next year. The film needs to be edited and copied. I have already seen it when I watched the film internally. From the audience's point of view, it is a good film, but the artistry is not strong."

""Lv Bu and Diao Chan" is artistic enough, but is there any audience who likes to watch it?"

["Lu Bu and Diao Chan", a 1983 stage art film, Beijing opera, is almost a performance on the stage filmed with a camera. ]

"But isn't film an art form? Can it be considered a film without artistry?"

"You don't need to discuss art with me. I don't understand art. I eat well. If you want to wash the dishes, you can wash the dishes. If you don't want to wash them, you can soak them in the sink. There are a few rooms on the left on the second floor. Do you want to sleep? Which room is optional, eat slowly."

As Nanyi said, he took his bowl to the kitchen, then walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

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