"Hello, my little princess, do you know who I am?"

"I know, you are too grandma."

Although Nan Ruofing was unfamiliar with Fang Mengyin, seeing the kind smile on Fang Mengyin's face, she didn't have much fear or timidity.

"That's right, I'm the grandma, come, grandma will give you a red seee."

"Thank you, grandma."

Nan Ruobing took the red envelope from Fang Mengyin's hand, turned her face to Nanyi, raised her hand, "Daddy, here you are."

"You keep it for yourself, and then secretly open it later to see if there is much money in it. If there is less money, you can use it to buy food. If there is a lot, Dad will make you a piggy bank. You can save it for yourself and buy whatever you want in the future. .”


"Little monkey, discuss the size of the lace in front of me, take it, this is for you."

Fang Mengyin handed another lai see to Nan Yi.

Nan Yi took it, and rubbed it with his fingers, but he didn't feel that there were banknotes inside. He glanced at the corner, and there were two bumps. He rubbed his fingers, "Grandma, you are really generous, just two five cents [gross]?"

"Hmph, that's quite a lot. Do as the Romans do. Laisha means meaning, not red envelopes."

"Interesting! You're so embarrassed. You don't think it's boring. Tell me, what do you mean?"

"What about the tongue twister with me, can you give me another try?"

"Don't dare! As for you, the rice is so thin and you brought it here empty-handed, so you can get the New Year's Eve dinner."

"Earth stove?"

"if not?"

"No, Allah doesn't know how to cook earthen stoves, and I haven't cooked for a year. In Xiangtang, I hired a cook. Her family is originally from Shanghai. She knows how to cook local dishes, and the cooking is pretty good."

"Come on, Ruoying, let's cook, your grandma is a classy person."

"Ruoping, don't go, stay and talk with grandma, and let your father do it by himself."

Nan Ruofeng's small eyes first glanced at Fang Mengyin, then at Nanyi, unable to make up her mind.

"You accompany grandma, I will go by myself."


On New Year's Eve, apart from the fact that Nanyi uses ten main ingredients to make sixteen dishes, there are not many new ideas, and it is not much different from other families in the world.

It’s just that the food may be a little better, um, and the house is a little bigger.

Generally speaking, it is still an ordinary family.

On the first day of the first lunar month, I got up early and set off firecrackers to open the door. I put some leftover rice from last year in the pot, added some water and heated it up, and filled my stomach with eight-treasure vegetables.

After breakfast, the three of Nanyi sat in the hall, cutting red paper to make red see packets.

"Is one hundred enough?"

"It should be enough. There are only a few dozen children in the brigade. There shouldn't be too many people coming to pay New Year's greetings today."

Nan Ruofing was responsible for stuffing 20 cents of banknotes into the lai sees, Nan Yi squeezed the paste to seal the lai sees, Fang Mengyin inserted cypress leaves into each lai see, the three of them worked together quickly.

"Could it be too much Erjiao? You're ruining the market for Lai See."

"It's also the first time for a foreigner to celebrate the New Year here. This year, the seal will be bigger. Next year, I will seal as much as others will seal, and I will follow the market."

After all the relics were sealed, Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing out.

The two went directly to the sun-drying field of the brigade. The little monkeys who got up early this morning to pick up firecrackers at the door of each house, and other children were all here.

As soon as they saw Nanyi, everyone's eyes lit up and they gathered around.

"Uncle Nan Yi."

"Uncle Nanyi..."

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, line up, everyone has it."

In Guangdong Province, it is usually in the same brigade. During the first month, if you see someone with a lower seniority, you have to give someone a red seee, which is regarded as auspicious.

This tradition has always existed, but in the past few years, everyone's life was tight, and parents who knew numbers would teach their children not to wander around the village during the first month.

After a long time, the children will concentrate on playing in the grain drying field at this point in time, and will not go to other places.

In this way, the embarrassment of adults is avoided.

If the money is loose, the seal is good. Yes, you can come here on your own initiative and give a round to the children; if the money is tight, or you don’t want to give it, then stay away from the grain drying field.

Because of this unwritten rule, when the children saw Nanyi, they knew that he was here to seal the prize, and they were naturally excited.

"Your, your... have you got it?"

Nan Yi glanced around and saw that every child was holding a red see, and some of them wanted to open it to see how much money was in it; Ang Ju stood far away and looked over here.

"For Qi, why don't you come over?"

"No, Mama said, I'm very old." Ang Ju shook his head and said.

"Oh." Nan Yi calculated that the rewards he had just distributed were less than fifty, so he said to Ang Ju: "Since you are old, you are an adult, and you should give everyone a reward. You must have forgotten to prepare these. Give it to you first, and you send it to everyone."

Nan Yi couldn't help but put the rest of the laishi into Ang Ju's hands, and then pulled Nan Ruofing away.

In the corner, Nanyi watched Ang Ju seal the red seees for the children, and the children also circled around him, shouting, "Ang Ju, give me one, give me one."

Ang Ju's laughter was the same as before, it still looked so silly, but every angle was filled with the word "happiness".

Bringing Nan Ruofing to Xian Yaodong's house, he saw that Xian Yaodong had just come back from the outside, carrying a pole on his shoulder, with a food box at one end and a bamboo basket at the other end of the pole.

"Nanyi, are you here so early?"

"I'm afraid it's too late, you don't have the money to seal the prize."

"Haha, how is this possible. Ruofing, grandpa will give you a lai see." Xian Yaodong chuckled, took out a lai see from his pocket and handed it to Nan Ruofing.

Nan Ruobing took it, and said in his mouth: "The spring breeze is ten miles, He Qing has a good day, peace and joy, and your wish is fulfilled! Grandpa Yaodong, Happy New Year!"

"Well, well, happy, Ruofeng, you are happy too. It's different to be educated, and the daughters you bring out are all educated and sensible."

"Uncle Xian, did you celebrate the New Year at home by yourself yesterday?"

"No, I don't fire every Chinese New Year. Uncles and brothers will take turns asking me to have New Year's Eve dinner together. I'm a widower, it's too deserted."

"Auntie has been gone for twenty years, right?"

"Exactly twenty years."

"Uncle Xian, twenty years is enough, let's continue with one more."

"I also thought about it. When Ayu left, I was only twenty-five years old, and I was a strong guy. Sometimes in the dead of night, I really miss women. Who doesn't want to have someone who knows the cold and the hot around me.

But I can't, whenever I want to continue the string, Ayu's face will appear.

That year, everyone couldn't eat, and Ah Yu happened to be pregnant at that time. Pregnant women should eat something nutritious, but I can't help it, I can't help it..."

Xian Yaodong beat his head with both hands, as if his energy was taken away, he squatted down weakly.

Nan Yi stood silently by the side, and when Xian Yaodong woke up from his grief, he handed him a cigarette and helped Xian Yaodong light it.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Xian Yaodong continued to talk...

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