Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 38 The Next Generation

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Nan Yi climbed up a tallow tree, sat on a branch, held a pen and paper, looked at the entire area of ​​Wenchang, and drew a rough topographic map.

When he was done, he drew a mark at a certain location and descended from the tree.

"Uncle Xian, I took a look. This is the most suitable place to build a primary school. No matter where you go from the brigade to this location, it's not too far away. Moreover, it's also far from the center of the village, so teaching won't be greatly affected."

"Nanyi, do you plan to build a primary school or finish primary school?"

"Of course it is a complete elementary school. I hope this school is different from other elementary schools. Let children go to school at the age of five, with early childhood education first, and enter the elementary school curriculum at the age of seven.

In addition to the three courses of mathematics, Chinese, and ideology and morality, courses in English, music, physical education, labor technology, farming, computer, and martial arts are also offered.

Others are compulsory, and computer and martial arts are minors. It is up to the children to decide whether to study or not. "

"Although I don't understand the other things, it's never wrong to learn more; but this farming, letting children go to school, isn't it just to let them jump out of the farm, why teach them this?

Besides, do I still need to learn this?

Which child in the brigade didn't grow up helping out in the fields. "

Xian Yaodong really couldn't understand Nanyi's offering of farming courses.

"This kind of farming is different from farming. Although I call it farming, it doesn't mean that it is like working in the fields like we used to. The course I want to teach, more precisely, should be called agronomy.

We used to plant the land and knew when to plant seedlings and when to harvest. But why do this at this point in time, not in other months, how many people in the brigade know?

Isn't it according to the tradition left by the past, and there is still the teaching of the agricultural technicians of the agricultural technology station?

The children in the brigade will basically not stay at home to do farming in the future.

Just because they don’t work in farming doesn’t mean they don’t need to know how to do farming. Since they come from a farming family, they have to look like farmers and don’t know how to do farming.

In addition, I also want to let the children suffer a little bit, let them know how hard it is to farm the land, and in order not to farm the land, they will study hard. "

Nan Yi rubbed his hands, took out an unopened pack of cigarettes, opened it from the bottom, took out one for Xian Yaodong, and put another in his mouth.

"Uncle Xian, have you ever seen where there is no distinction between grades and grades?"

"No, rice seedlings are divided into three, six or nine, let alone people." Xian Yaodong said without hesitation.

"Well, nothing is equal for everyone.

Look at this tree, the root is thick and the top is thin. Doesn't it want to grow as thick from head to root?

It wants to, but it can't.

Because only when it grows like this can it better receive light and absorb nutrients from the ground, and it can live.

If children want to live a better life for themselves, they have to suffer more than others, and suffer first. "

Nanyi put his hands behind his back, looked at Shenzhen Bay not far away, and chanted: "No one asked under the window for ten years, and once he became famous, the world knows it. 4050 is the foundation, 60 is the frame, and 70 is the frame. Weatherproof, 80 for the interior, 90 for blessings.

Starting this year, anyone who is admitted to a university can get a reward of 5,000 yuan; a reward of 3,000 yuan for Baozhong, 1,500 yuan for public-funded technical secondary schools, and 1,000 yuan for Pugao.

For other honors obtained in the school, there are rewards of different amounts. Specifically, you can discuss and come up with a charter.

The rewards are given in the name of the brigade, but the money is paid by me personally. "

"How can I ask you to pay the money, let the brigade department come out." Xian Yaodong hurriedly said: "The brigade department can't pay, so I should pay. I am so good that my surname is Xian."

"Hehe, Uncle Xian, although my surname is not Xian, I treat myself as a member of Wenchangwei, and it's okay for me to contribute money, so there is no need to argue about this matter. I will pay for the money."

"That's not okay. Since you paid for it, you have to let the children remember your kindness. I have to let the children know that you paid for it."

"Well, you can say it if you want, but not now, tell them in two years. Now, being too rich is not a good thing, and I don't want to be in the limelight."

Apparently, Nan Yi never thought of being an unknown hero. He paid the money just to let everyone remember his goodness. When he needs to employ people in the future, those who are rewarded by him will have to come and work for him.

Even if Xian Yaodong didn't mention telling others that the money was paid by Nanyi, Nanyi would guide Xian Yaodong to stop holding back and tell everyone loudly with his own dissatisfaction.

Alas, Xian Yaodong is too knowledgeable, which makes Nan Yi lose another chance to pretend to be aggressive.

It's a pity that Nanyi has already thought up all the lines that will be used in the future, yes, it is invalid, change it, and use it in other places in the future.

"Okay, then tell them two years later, the brigade will bear this false name first."

"Come on, let's go and have a look at this place, and let me tell you how this school should be built."

The two came to the place marked by Nanyi. Nanyi began to talk about his plan, "There is a big wall around the outside, and there are two gates at the front and back. The school is fully closed management. Only teachers and students can enter. Parents are not allowed to enter." I was notified by the school that I could not enter.

The wall, from here to there..." Nanyi pointed to the distance, "The front half is a small area, and the back half, I plan to build an orphanage.

Most families are patriarchal, expecting a boy for the first birth and a boy or girl for the second.

What would they do if the first child was a girl, or if the child was defective and wanted to have more? "

"Well, what you're talking about is a possibility, and there's another possibility, which is to throw the child away and pretend that you never gave birth.

Those who are heartless will throw them into the grass on the side of the road or on the hillside, regardless of whether their children can live or not; those who have not yet lost their conscience may leave a token or note for them and throw them at someone else's door. "

"Do you want to help the children? How many people in the country will throw away their children, how many are there, and you can help so many?"

Nan Yi said sadly: "If you can help one, it counts as one. Besides, the country will not ignore it. I will just be a substitute to check for omissions and fill in the vacancies."

Hearing people's persuasion and having enough food, the number of money has been reduced a little.

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