"Forget it, save the poor and help the needy.

I asked Huiwen to transfer 50 million Hong Kong dollars to you. When I went to the capital, I donated it to the Asian Games preparatory team. I also injected 150 million Hong Kong dollars into the foundation. "

"Okay, I'll do it."

After talking with Fang Mengyin, Nan Yi went to Nan Ruofing's room and told her that he wanted to take Sophie Marceau out and let her stay at home.

Then, amid Nan Ruofing's spurning, Nan Yi took Sophie Marceau out.

First go to a restaurant on the edge of Victoria Harbor to eat, and after eating, wander along Queen's Road Central. When they are tired from shopping, they are pulled by Sophie Marceau, and the two enter a bar on Bonham West Street.

Ordinarily, it was only around six o'clock, and the bar was not yet ready for customers, but as soon as he entered the bar, Nan Yi saw that the booths and the bar were already filled.

Taking another look at a booth, Nanyi also found an acquaintance, Gao Zhilin who has just debuted not long ago, but will be dubbed the "rich harvester" in the future.

In the last life, Nanyi and her met at a banquet. Maybe his leek was too short, and they didn't even bother to cut him off. They cut off a big leek that Nanyi needed to keep low and make it smaller that night. .

Looking away, Nan Yi said to Sophie Marceau, "Where do you sit?"

"Sit at the bar, you can feel the atmosphere of the bar best when sitting at the bar." Sophie Marceau pointed to the bar and said.

"In Paris, do you often go to bars?"

Nanyi is not boring and authoritarian enough to ask Ya Zhenni to count Sophie Marceau's daily itinerary, and he is also blind to the details of Sophie Marceau's life.

"There is a small bar near the apartment. I often go there to sit." Sophie Marceau said, pulling Nanyi to sit on the edge of the bar. "What do you usually drink in Xiangtang?"

"This place is mainly influenced by the Eagle Country. We usually drink whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, cocktails, beer, etc. I rarely come to bars. When I come, I usually drink whiskey and beer."

Said, Nan Yi said to the bartender again: "Liangzi, what brand of whiskey is popular recently?"

"Chivas Regal, taste and price are acceptable."

Nan Yi turned to Sophie Marceau and said, "Whiskey?"

"D'accord [OK]."

When the bartender poured the wine, Nan Yi and the two whispered and answered questions. Nan Yi introduced to Sophie Marceau the customs and customs here.

Googling, suddenly, the bartender added wine to the glasses of the two of them.

Nanyi glanced at the bartender in surprise. How could there be a bartender in a bar who would take the initiative to refill the drinks for the guests? He didn't buy the whole bottle, but only ordered two glasses. How do you pay for the refills?

"Sir, it's a little trouble over there, can you help me." The bartender took Nan Yi's gaze and pointed in the direction of Gao Zhilin's booth.

As soon as Nan Yi and the two entered the bar, the bartender saw a string of bodyguards behind them, so he came to him.

Nan Yi turned his head and looked over, Gao Zhilin had obviously drunk too much, surrounded by a few golden-haired monsters, who seemed to want to take her away.

It's really fashionable. Although hair dye has been around for a long time, it has only been two years since it became popular. This is the first time Nan Yi saw a man with dyed hair in Xiangtang.

Of course, baked black oil does not count.

Nan Yi turned around and said to the bartender, "You guys are watching the scene, why don't they show up?"

The scale of this bar is not small. To open such a large bar in Xiangtang, one must have a high enough status, enough people, and enough influence to cover it.

Or you have to find an association for friendly negotiations, and donate generously to the association's "targeted assistance fund". Social worker station.

This kind of social work station also has a high-end code name - different terminals, but most people are used to kindly asking this group of social workers to watch the situation.

Nanyi's question made the bartender falter.

Looking at the bartender's expression, Nan Yi thought for a while, looked at the bar again, and then looked at Gao Zhilin, "Tiger Cub, go and deal with it."


"Adam, do you know that woman?" Everything happened right under her nose, so it was impossible for Sophie Marceau to be unaware.

"It's considered an acquaintance, an actor from Xiangxi."

"Movie actor?"


The tiger cub took a few people to the side of the golden retriever monster, and stopped the few golden retriever monsters who were really supporting Gao Zhilin and were about to leave.

"Pujie, get out of the way, you're looking for death, get out of the way for Brother Kun." A golden-haired monster walking in front shouted at the tiger cub.

"I'll just say it once, put people down, I'll let you go, don't test my patience."

"Put this woman down, and I'll let you go. Don't test my patience." The tiger cub said forcefully, while pulling away his clothes, revealing the pistol under his arm.

There are many young and Dangerous people in Xiangtang, and there are also many arrogant ones, but there is also an unspoken rule, that is, don't mess with bad guys, let alone rich people who are more difficult to deal with than bad guys, the few in front of you can tell at a glance It's the bodyguard of a wealthy family, with a gun on his body, obviously he can't be provoked.

"Damn you, I finally met a good one, and I was cut off." Several golden-haired monsters cursed and left Gao Zhilin behind, patted their buttocks and left.

The tiger cub helped Gao Zhilin to the side of Nanyi, and put it on the empty seat beside Nanyi.

Seeing that Gao Zhilin was rescued, the bartender quickly said to Nanyi: "Thank you sir, Miss Gao is our regular customer, but we can't afford to mess with those few, if it weren't for you, Miss Gao would have got them That's right."

"It's okay." Nanyi pushed away Gao Zhilin who was leaning on her dishonestly in the raving, and continued to talk to Sophie Marceau: "My plane will fly to the capital tomorrow, and someone will take you to the consulate to apply for a visa. You can fly there after you get your visa."

"Then how long am I going to stay here alone?"

"It won't be long. You can fly the day after tomorrow. You and Rachel will have fun in Xiangtang tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll stay one more day."

Nan Yi picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in one gulp, took out a piece of one hundred Hong Kong dollars and put it on the bar, and was about to leave with Sophie Marceau.

"Sir, Miss Gao?"

Nan Yi looked back at the bartender of Beep, "This grandson is making progress. Didn't you see someone next to him? You really have good eyesight. Wait until you are alone to create this kind of opportunity."

"Do you have a partner hotel?"

Generally speaking, this kind of bar has a cooperative hotel and driver, which is similar to the parking coupons in later CBD entertainment venues. They are all supporting value-added services, but the service of hotel and driver is more important to guests. It is said that there are benefits, and there are also rebates for bars.

"The Langxuan Hotel next to us is our relationship hotel. I'll give you a list. There were discounts in the past."

Nanyi helped Gao Zhilin, the drunk cat, nodded to the bartender, took the order he handed over, stuffed it into his pocket, and carried the person on his shoulders, just like carrying a piece of pork. go outside.

Just two steps away, Gao Zhilin on her shoulder said vaguely: "Put me down, I want to... vomit... puff..."

"Hem home shovel!"

Nanyi grabbed Gao Zhilin's hands, twirled around, and threw the person up. He was about to throw him out, but after thinking about it, he helped him on the waist and helped him to the ground.

Gao Zhilin staggered, and in an instant, she squatted down again and vomited.

"Hahaha, Adam, shall I go back alone and give you a chance?" Looking at the leftover stains on Nanyi's left chest, Sophie Marceau laughed wildly.

"Is it funny?" After glancing at Sophie Marceau, Nan Yi took out the list from his pocket, and said to the school belle next to him, "Take her to the hotel and find a waiter to take care of her."

After finishing speaking, he took off his coat and said bad luck to himself.

Speaking of it, Gao Zhilin was depressed, her marriage was not going well, she got divorced after just over half a year, and she came back to make movies, and her career was also not going well. Today, the little director actually wanted to call her to open a house, saying that she was going to get a role for her .

"It's a beautiful idea. I don't have a net worth of hundreds of millions. It's just a dream to touch my aunt."

Just like that, Gao Zhilin slapped the little director across the face, and also slapped the weak point, and ran out to drink at the bar he often came to to relieve boredom. Unexpectedly, he drank too much while drinking, even Several dwarf mules drugged her without realizing it.

If it wasn't for the bartender not asking Nanyi to help, she might have been in trouble.

No, she is already miserable!

Nanyi looked at the brand product in his hand, Swallowtail Butterfly 1983 Winter Limited Edition...the factory made a little leftover material from the order, and opened a new one. There are too few fabrics, and the fabric may not be popular this year if it is repurchased. Zheng Wenqi simply used the leftovers Men's clothing was made out of the fabric, and the senior and senior executives of Swallowtail Butterfly got one piece, and Nanyi also lost one piece.

"Brand goods, if he gets dirty, how can I not pay for it?"

Nanyi thought that Guan Erfu's Aigome Electric Fan Factory was also listed last year, and the market value was not bad, with more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars, so he should take advantage of some money.

"Why don't you just pull back the pimp?" Nanyi thought fiercely in his heart.

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